Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Speculum finalis retributionis

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An almanack but for one day. Or, The Son of man reckoning with man upon an high account-day : The last day. Latter day. Lords day. the Day of Judgment. Day of Doom. Licensed and entred according to order.

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The trumpet of the soule, sounding to Iudgement. By Henry Smith
Smith, Henry
Year: 1593
Publisher: At London : Printed [by J. Charlewood] for the widdow Perrin, and are to be solde at her shop in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the Angell,

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As Iheronimus, sheweth in this begynnynge, so wyll I wryte of the .iiij. tokens : the whiche shall be shewed afore the dredefull daye of dome, of our lorde Ihesu Christe. For there shall we shewe ourself yonge and olde, [and]c.

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Doomes-Day, or, the great day of the Lords iudgement. By Sr. William Alexander Knight
Stirling, William Alexander
Year: 1614
Publisher: [Edinburgh] : Printed by Andro Hart, and are to be solde at his shop on the north-side of the high street, a little beneath the crosse,

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Christ in the clouds, or Gods comming to iudgement : A short treatise, very necessary in these euill and dangerous times, for all those which desire that the day of the Lord, may be their day of ioy.
Warner, John
Year: 1635
Publisher: London : Printed for F. Coles, at the vpper end of the Old-Baily, neere Newgate,

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The iust reckenyng or accompt of the whole nomber of the yeares, from the beginnyng of the world vnto this present yere of. 1547 : A certaine and sure declaracion that the world is at an ende. Of the last day of iudgement, or day of dome, and howe it shal come to passe. Translated out of the Germaine tonge into Englishe by Anthony Scoloker the .6. daye of July. Anno D[omi]ni. 1547.

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Rome's downfal : wherein is shewed that the beginnings thereof call for praise and thanksgiving.
Year: 1688
Publisher: London : printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns at the lower end of Cheapside near Mercers Chapel,

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Dooms-day: or, The great day of the Lord drawing nigh; by certain signs and tokens thereof foretold by our Lord Jesus Christ : wherein is declared, that there shall be an end of the world; and that all men shall appear before the judgement seat of Christ, there to be made partakers, either of everlasting life in the kingdom of Heaven, or of everlasting woe and miserable torments in Hell, to all eternity. The 30th edition, with additions. Very useful for all those that desire to be saved. By Andrew Jones M.A. Licensed, and entered according to order.
Jones, Andrew
Year: 1682
Publisher: London : printed for J. Wright, J. Clarke, W. Thackeray, and T. Passenger,

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God's dreadful judgement upon an eminent person in the Upper Lorain : who was wonderfully transformed into a dog. Attested in a letter to a friend, by one Richard Mare, who was an eye-witness thereof; and is a present a lodger in the house of Mr Lyncol a grocer in St. Alban-street. With permission.
Mare, Richard.
Year: 1675
Publisher: London : printed for D.M.,

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