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Putting a Face on It drøfter hvordan eksponering av individer og subjektive erfaringer i dag kan prege de fleste journalistiske temaer og områder, fra politikk til sport og fra forskningsjournalistikk til reportasjer om terrorisme. Vi undersøker hvordan individer og subjektivitet blir eksponert i nyheter og featureartikler, og i journalistikkens bilder, enten det er i fotografier eller karikaturtegninger. Vi analyserer dessuten hvordan subjektive synspunkter kommer til uttrykk i journalistenes dialog med digitale mediebrukere.Et mål med boken er å vise fram noe av den variasjonen som finnes. I tillegg ønsker forfatterne å bidra til debatten om hvilken retning dagens journalistikk går. Denne vitenskapelige antologien springer ut av forskergruppen Individeksponering i journalistikken ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (Index) og har bidragsytere fra flere europeiske land.
Journalism --- TV & society --- subjectivity --- journalism --- individualitet --- subjektivitet --- individuality --- journalistikk --- Norway
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Civil drones are about to become a billion industry in Norway, and they are often touted as Norway´s new oil. But what exactly do we mean by civil drones, and how can we best ensure that they are used responsibly in society? That is the main question to be discussed in this book.Drones in Civil Society elucidates the topic from many different perspectives. Who are the various actors involved, and how do they work together? What are the differences between civil and military uses of drones? How do we differentiate between the hobby pilot and the professional drone operator, and how can students be trained in responsible, experimental investigation of drone technology? And not least: What happens to the privacy protection of the individual citizen in the midst of all this?The escalating pace of development suggests that drones will soon be an integral part of our everyday lives. What are the implications of this new reality on transportation, business, nature, surveillance, privacy, crime, warfare, and communication? Sivile droner er i ferd med å bli milliardindustri i Norge, og i mange fora omtales de som Norges nye olje. Men hva er sivile droner, og hvordan kan vi best sikre at droner brukes på ansvarlig vis i samfunnet vårt? Det er hovedspørsmålet som diskuteres i denne boka.Droner i sivilsamfunnet belyser temaet fra mange ulike vinkler. Hvem er aktørene, og hvordan samhandler de? Hva er egentlig forskjellen på sivil og militær dronebruk? Hva skiller hobbypiloter fra profesjonelle operatører, og hvordan kan studenter trenes i ansvarlig, eksperimentell utforskning av droneteknologi? Og ikke minst: Hva skjer med personvernet og enkeltmenneskene midt oppi alt dette?Den raske utviklingen på feltet tyder på at droner om kort tid vil være en integrert del av vår nye hverdag. Hvordan vil det påvirke transport, næringsliv, natur, overvåkning, personvern, kriminalitet, krigføring og kommunikasjon?
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Science. --- Knowledge. --- Education. --- Journalism. --- Communications Media. --- Viden. --- Vidensamfund. --- Informationssamfund. --- Vidensociologi. --- Videnskabsfilosofi. --- Naturvidenskab. --- Uddannelse. --- Norge. --- Biologi. --- Kunnskap. --- Journalistikk. --- Naturvitenskap. --- Kunnskapsteori. --- Kunnskapssosiologi. --- Utdanning --- Kunnskap --- og --- samfunn. --- kunnskapskrisen --- vitenskap --- naturvitenskap --- kunnskapsteori --- vitskap --- kunnskapssosiologi --- sosiologi --- teori --- filosofi.
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Civil drones are about to become a billion industry in Norway, and they are often touted as Norway´s new oil. But what exactly do we mean by civil drones, and how can we best ensure that they are used responsibly in society? That is the main question to be discussed in this book.Drones in Civil Society elucidates the topic from many different perspectives. Who are the various actors involved, and how do they work together? What are the differences between civil and military uses of drones? How do we differentiate between the hobby pilot and the professional drone operator, and how can students be trained in responsible, experimental investigation of drone technology? And not least: What happens to the privacy protection of the individual citizen in the midst of all this?The escalating pace of development suggests that drones will soon be an integral part of our everyday lives. What are the implications of this new reality on transportation, business, nature, surveillance, privacy, crime, warfare, and communication? Sivile droner er i ferd med å bli milliardindustri i Norge, og i mange fora omtales de som Norges nye olje. Men hva er sivile droner, og hvordan kan vi best sikre at droner brukes på ansvarlig vis i samfunnet vårt? Det er hovedspørsmålet som diskuteres i denne boka.Droner i sivilsamfunnet belyser temaet fra mange ulike vinkler. Hvem er aktørene, og hvordan samhandler de? Hva er egentlig forskjellen på sivil og militær dronebruk? Hva skiller hobbypiloter fra profesjonelle operatører, og hvordan kan studenter trenes i ansvarlig, eksperimentell utforskning av droneteknologi? Og ikke minst: Hva skjer med personvernet og enkeltmenneskene midt oppi alt dette?Den raske utviklingen på feltet tyder på at droner om kort tid vil være en integrert del av vår nye hverdag. Hvordan vil det påvirke transport, næringsliv, natur, overvåkning, personvern, kriminalitet, krigføring og kommunikasjon?
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Civil drones are about to become a billion industry in Norway, and they are often touted as Norway´s new oil. But what exactly do we mean by civil drones, and how can we best ensure that they are used responsibly in society? That is the main question to be discussed in this book.Drones in Civil Society elucidates the topic from many different perspectives. Who are the various actors involved, and how do they work together? What are the differences between civil and military uses of drones? How do we differentiate between the hobby pilot and the professional drone operator, and how can students be trained in responsible, experimental investigation of drone technology? And not least: What happens to the privacy protection of the individual citizen in the midst of all this?The escalating pace of development suggests that drones will soon be an integral part of our everyday lives. What are the implications of this new reality on transportation, business, nature, surveillance, privacy, crime, warfare, and communication? Sivile droner er i ferd med å bli milliardindustri i Norge, og i mange fora omtales de som Norges nye olje. Men hva er sivile droner, og hvordan kan vi best sikre at droner brukes på ansvarlig vis i samfunnet vårt? Det er hovedspørsmålet som diskuteres i denne boka.Droner i sivilsamfunnet belyser temaet fra mange ulike vinkler. Hvem er aktørene, og hvordan samhandler de? Hva er egentlig forskjellen på sivil og militær dronebruk? Hva skiller hobbypiloter fra profesjonelle operatører, og hvordan kan studenter trenes i ansvarlig, eksperimentell utforskning av droneteknologi? Og ikke minst: Hva skjer med personvernet og enkeltmenneskene midt oppi alt dette?Den raske utviklingen på feltet tyder på at droner om kort tid vil være en integrert del av vår nye hverdag. Hvordan vil det påvirke transport, næringsliv, natur, overvåkning, personvern, kriminalitet, krigføring og kommunikasjon?
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The production and consumption of news in the digital era is blurring the boundaries between professionals, citizens and activists. Actors producing information are multiplying, but still media companies hold central position. Journalism research faces important challenges to capture, examine, and understand the current news environment. The SAGE Handbook of Digital Journalism starts from the pressing need for a thorough and bold debate to redefine the assumptions of research in the changing field of journalism. The 38 chapters, written by a team of global experts, are organised into four key areas: Section A: Changing Contexts Section B: News Practices in the Digital Era Section C: Conceptualizations of Journalism Section D: Research Strategies By addressing both institutional and non-institutional news production and providing ample attention to the question ?who is a journalist?? and the changing practices of news audiences in the digital era, this Handbook shapes the field and defines the roadmap for the research challenges that scholars will face in the coming decades.
Online journalism. --- Citizen journalism. --- Journalisme en ligne --- Journalisme participatif --- Online journalism --- Digital media --- Internet publishing --- Mass media --- Journalism --- Technological innovations --- Périodiques électroniques --- Sites Web d'information --- Journalistikk --- Digital journalistikk --- Internett --- Digitale medier --- internettjournalistikk --- webjournalistikk --- nettjournalistikk --- digitale medier --- Journalistik --- Utbildning --- Digitala medier --- Education --- Journalistik. --- Utbildning. --- Digitala medier. --- Digital media. --- Journalism. --- Education. --- Mass media. --- Citizen journalism --- Périodiques électroniques. --- Sites Web d'information. --- Journalisme participatif. --- Journalism - Technological innovations --- Participatory journalism --- Public journalism --- Amateur journalism --- Blogs --- Electronic journalism --- Internet journalism --- Périodiques électroniques.
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This volume presents original, 'big picture' perspectives on news framing. Each chapter in this volume will feature an individual or team of framing analysts who take a reflective look at their own empirical work. The editors' goals are to identify the influences that determine the use of different theoretical and methodological approaches, and to provide interpretive guides to news framing scholars regarding what news frames are, how they can be observed in news texts, and how framing effects are uncovered and substantiated in cultural, group, and individual sites. Doing News Framing Analysis II will continue the work of its predecessor by giving talented framing scholars the space to write about their work and bring readers closer to the framing research project.
#SBIB:309H1015 --- #SBIB:309H1010 --- Media: politieke, juridische, ethische, ideologische aspecten (incl. privacy) --- Organisatorische aspecten van de media: algemene werken (incl. journalistiek) --- #SBIB:309H1025 --- Mediaboodschappen met een informatieve functie --- Journalism --- Social aspects --- Objectivity --- Social aspects. --- Objectivity. --- nyhetsrammer --- nyheter --- journalistikk --- rammeanalyse --- nyhetsanalyse --- begrepsrammer --- nyhetsvinkling --- dagsnytt --- rammeforståelse --- objektivitet --- Press --- Bias in journalism --- Slanted news --- Journalistic ethics --- Press and propaganda --- Journalism - Social aspects --- Journalism - Objectivity
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What does it feel like to be featured, quoted, or just named in a news story? A refugee family, the survivor of a shooting, a primary voter in Iowa-the views and experiences of ordinary people are an important component of journalism. While much has been written about how journalists work and gather stories, what do we discover about the practice of journalism and attitudes about the media by focusing on the experiences of the subjects themselves? In Becoming the News, Ruth Palmer argues that understanding the motivations and experiences of those who have been featured in news stories-voluntarily or not-sheds new light on the practice of journalism and the importance many continue to place on the role of the mainstream media.Based on dozens of interviews with news subjects, Becoming the News studies how ordinary people make sense of their experience as media subjects. Palmer charts the arc of the experience of "making" the news, from the events that brought an ordinary person to journalists' attention through the decision to cooperate with reporters, interactions with journalists, and reactions to the news coverage and its aftermath. She explores what motivates someone to talk to the press; whether they consider the potential risks; the power dynamics between a journalist and their subject; their expectations about the motivations of journalists; and the influence of social media on their decisions and reception.
Reporters and reporting. --- Reporters. --- Attribution of news. --- Journalists --- Journalistes --- Interviews. --- Entretiens. --- Journalism --- Bias in journalism --- Slanted news --- Journalistic ethics --- Objectivity --- Press and propaganda --- Columnists --- Commentators --- Authors --- Authority in the news, Citation of --- Citation of authority in the news --- News, Attribution of --- News source identification --- Sources, News --- Confidential communications --- Reporters and reporting --- Newspaper reporting --- Newspapers --- Objectivity. --- Press --- journalistikk --- journalister --- intervjuer --- objektivitet
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Doing News Framing Analysis provides an interpretive guide to news frames - what they are, how they can be observed in news texts, and how framing effects are uncovered and substantiated in cultural, group, and individual sites. Chapters feature framing analysts reflecting on their own empirical work in research, classroom, and public settings to address specific aspects of framing analysis. Taken together, the collection covers the full range of ways in which framing has been theorized and applied-across topics, sources, mechanisms, and effects. This volume fosters understa
Journalism --- Presse --- Social aspects. --- Objectivity. --- Aspect social --- Objectivité --- Social aspects --- Objectivity --- #SBIB:309H1015 --- #SBIB:309H1010 --- #KVHA:Media --- #KVHA:Journalistiek --- #KVHA:Nieuws --- #KVHA:Antropologie; Media --- Bias in journalism --- Slanted news --- Journalistic ethics --- Press and propaganda --- Press --- Media: politieke, juridische, ethische, ideologische aspecten (incl. privacy) --- Organisatorische aspecten van de media: algemene werken (incl. journalistiek) --- Objectivité --- Pragmatics --- Mass communications --- nyhetsrammer --- nyheter --- journalistikk --- rammeanalyse --- nyhetsanalyse --- nyhetsvinkling --- dagsnytt --- objektivitet --- Journalism - Social aspects --- Journalism - Objectivity
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When we encounter a news story, why do we accept its version of events? A complicated set of cultural, structural, and technological relationships inform this interaction, and Journalistic Authority provides a relational theory for explaining how journalists attain authority. The book argues that authority is not a thing to be possessed or lost, but a quality of the connections between those laying claim to being an authority and those who assent to it. Matt Carlson examines the practices journalists use to legitimate their work: professional orientation, development of specific news forms, and the personal narratives they circulate to support a privileged social place. He then considers journalists' relationships with the audiences, sources, technologies, and critics that shape journalistic authority in the contemporary media environment. Carlson argues that journalistic authority is always the product of complex and variable relationships. By creating a schema to account for this complexity, he presents a new model for critiquing journalism while advocating for the norms and practices we want to be authoritative.
Journalism --- Journalistic ethics --- Digital media --- Electronic media --- New media (Digital media) --- Mass media --- Digital communications --- Online journalism --- Writing (Authorship) --- Literature --- Publicity --- Fake news --- History --- Objectivity --- journalistikk --- nyhetsjournalistikk --- digitale medier --- digital media --- etikk --- autoritet --- objektivitet --- Journalism - Objectivity - United States --- Journalistic ethics - United States --- Journalism - United States - History - 21st century --- Digital media - United States --- Presse --- Journalistes --- Journalisme --- Médias numériques --- Objectivité --- Déontologie --- Histoire --- Médias numériques --- Objectivité --- Déontologie
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