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La phénoménologie
ISBN: 2130446795 9782130446798 Year: 1992 Volume: 625 Publisher: Paris: PUF,

Het postmoderne weten : een verslag
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 902427561X 9789024275618 Year: 1988 Publisher: Kampen: Kok Agora,

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Kritische beschouwing, met name vanuit kennistheoretisch oogpunt, van de idealen van de Verlichting zoals die het moderne leven beheersen.

Het postmoderne weten: een verslag
ISBN: 9039100551 Year: 1992 Publisher: Kampen Kok Agora

Adorno versus Lyotard : moderne und postmoderne Ästhetik
ISBN: 9783495802076 Year: 2014 Publisher: Freiburg Verlag Karl Alber

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It is well known that Theodor W. Adorno’s aesthetic theory is grounded in his profound musical knowledge. The importance of music for Jean-François Lyotard, however, has not been adequately recognized until today; neither has the fact that Lyotard was strongly influenced by Adorno. Tracing back the development of Lyotard’s thought from his “pagan” beginnings to his late conception of an informal art, the book intends to initiate an adequate reception of Lyotard’s œuvre from a musicological viewpoint. Moreover, as a first comprehensive comparison of Lyotard‘s and Adorno’s theories on art, the study contributes to the exploration of Critical Theory’s reception in France. Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass Theodor W. Adorno seine ästhetische Theorie auf Basis profunder Musikkenntnisse entwickelte. Dass die Musik auch für Jean-François Lyotard von besonderer Wichtigkeit war und er stark von Adorno beeinflusst wurde, wurde bis heute allerdings kaum entsprechend wahrgenommen. Durch den Vergleich mit der Musikphilosophie Adornos intendiert dieses Buch eine adäquate Rezeption des Werkes von Lyotard aus musikwissenschaftlicher Sicht zu initiieren, wobei es dessen Entwicklung von den "heidnischen" Anfängen bis zur späten Konzeption einer "informellen" Kunst nachzeichnet. Als erster umfassender Vergleich der Ästhetik beider Denker leistet es auch einen Beitrag zur Erforschung der Rezeption der Kritischen Theorie in Frankreich.

Augustine's Confessions : a biography
ISBN: 9780691143576 0691143579 9786612976377 1782685553 1400838029 1282976370 9781400838028 0691217645 9781782685555 9781282976375 Year: 2011 Publisher: Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press,

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In this brief and incisive book, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Garry Wills tells the story of the Confessions--what motivated Augustine to dictate it, how it asks to be read, and the many ways it has been misread in the one-and-a-half millennia since it was composed. Following Wills's biography of Augustine and his translation of the Confessions, this is an unparalleled introduction to one of the most important books in the Christian and Western traditions. Understandably fascinated by the story of Augustine's life, modern readers have largely succumbed to the temptation to read the Confessions as autobiography. But, Wills argues, this is a mistake. The book is not autobiography but rather a long prayer, suffused with the language of Scripture and addressed to God, not man. Augustine tells the story of his life not for its own significance but in order to discern how, as a drama of sin and salvation leading to God, it fits into sacred history. "We have to read Augustine as we do Dante," Wills writes, "alert to rich layer upon layer of Scriptural and theological symbolism." Wills also addresses the long afterlife of the book, from controversy in its own time and relative neglect during the Middle Ages to a renewed prominence beginning in the fourteenth century and persisting to today, when the Confessions has become an object of interest not just for Christians but also historians, philosophers, psychiatrists, and literary critics. With unmatched clarity and skill, Wills strips away the centuries of misunderstanding that have accumulated around Augustine's spiritual classic.


Augustine of Hippo --- Christian saints --- Biography --- History and criticism. --- Augustine, --- Augustine. --- Augustine, --Saint, Bishop of Hippo. --Confessiones. --- Christian saints - Algeria - Hippo (Extinct city) - Biography - History and criticism. --- Christian saints - Algeria - Hippo (Extinct city) - History and criticism. --- Christian saints --Algeria --Hippo (Extinct city) --Biography --History and criticism. --- Religion --- Philosophy & Religion --- Christianity --- Saints --- Canonization --- RELIGION / Christianity / History. --- Academic skepticism. --- Adolf von Harnack. --- Ageless Wisdom. --- Anguish. --- Asceticism. --- Astrology. --- Augustine of Hippo. --- Autobiography. --- Being and Time. --- Bible. --- Bildungsroman. --- Book of Confessions. --- Book. --- Celibacy. --- Christian. --- Christianity. --- Church Fathers. --- Confessions (Augustine). --- Consciousness. --- Consecration. --- Creation myth. --- Criticism. --- Dasein. --- Donatism. --- Ecclesiology. --- Edmund Husserl. --- Examination of conscience. --- Existentialism. --- Explanation. --- Facsimile. --- False prophet. --- Forgetting. --- Gervasius and Protasius. --- Gifford Lectures. --- God. --- Goethe's Faust. --- Hannah Arendt. --- Hedonism. --- Henri Bergson. --- Hierius. --- His Family. --- Historicity. --- Historiography. --- Jacques Derrida. --- Jean-François Lyotard. --- Jean-Jacques Rousseau. --- John Colet. --- Late Antiquity. --- Lecture. --- Ludwig Wittgenstein. --- Manichaeism. --- Marian devotions. --- Martin Heidegger. --- Narrative. --- Neoplatonism. --- Noam Chomsky. --- On Memory. --- On the Trinity. --- Oral tradition. --- Parchment. --- Paulinus of Nola. --- Pelagianism. --- Pelagius. --- Perversion. --- Phenomenon. --- Philosopher. --- Philosophy. --- Plotinus. --- Postmodernism. --- Predestination. --- Psalms. --- Psychobiography. --- Rebecca West. --- Rebuke. --- Religion. --- Religious text. --- Renunciation. --- Rhetoric. --- Romanticism. --- Rundown (Scientology). --- Saint Monica. --- Scholasticism. --- Septuagint. --- Sermon. --- Shorthand. --- Simplician. --- Specific gravity. --- Superstition. --- Søren Kierkegaard. --- Tanakh. --- The Christian Community. --- The First Man. --- Theft. --- Theology. --- Thomas Aquinas. --- Thought. --- Thérèse of Lisieux. --- Treatise. --- Valentinian (play). --- Writing.

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