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L'analyse, l'archive
ISBN: 2717721525 2717726306 9782717721522 Year: 2001 Publisher: Éditions de la Bibliothèque nationale de France

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J'ai choisi pour thème « L'analyse, l'archive », évoquant ainsi en un même mot l'analyse des textes et le processus de la cure psychanalytique. L'analyse, l'archive, et non pas « psychanalyse de l'archive » ou « archive de la psychanalyse ». Le lien entre les trois conférences n'est pas apparent au premier abord ; pourtant, entre « Le pouvoir de l'archive », « Le stade du miroir » et « Le culte de soi et les nouvelles formes de souffrances psychiques », un fil rouge existe. Si, comme on le verra, le pouvoir de l'archive est d'autant plus fort que l'archive est absente, il existe bien un lien entre la première et la deuxième conférence. En effet, la théorie lacanienne du stade du miroir s'est développée depuis 1936 en se fondant sur une conférence dont le contenu a disparu : une conférence introuvable, retirée par son auteur des actes d'un congrès international qui se tenait à Marienbad. Par la suite, ce texte a dû sa place aux traces qu'il a laissées dans l'ensemble du corpus lacanien, c'est-à-dire à des fragments déposés par Lacan çà et là, puis reconstitués par l'historien, par moi en l'occurrence, à partir de témoignages et de notes. Quant à la question du culte de soi, elle a trait à la fois à l'archive et à la psychanalyse et, plus précisément, à l'émergence, durant le dernier quart du XXe siècle, d'une « archive de soi », d'un culte du narcissisme mettant au premier plan, contre et au-delà de la cure psychanalytique, une pratique de l'autoanalyse ou de l'autothérapie, fondée sur une valorisation de l'image de soi. Or, Lacan en avait saisi la dialectique dans sa fameuse conférence de 1936 sur « le stade du miroir ». Voilà donc le fil rouge qui unit ces trois interventions.

CMOK to YOu To: A Correspondence
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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CMOK to YOu To presents the 2015 email correspondence of the Serbian-born poet, art critic and playwright Nina Zivancevic and Canadian cultural theorist Marc James Leger. In December of 2014 Leger invited Zivancevic to contribute a text to the second volume of the book he was editing, The Idea of the Avant Garde -- And What It Means Today. Taken with each other's idiosyncrasies, their correspondence gradually shifted from amiable professional exchanges and the eventual failure to organize a scholarly event to that of collaborating on some kind of writing project. Several titles were attempted for the eventual book -- Marshmallow Muse: The Exact and Irreverent Letters of MJL and NZ, The Orange Jelly Bean, or, I Already Am Eating from the Trash Can All the Time: The Name of This Trash Can Is Ideology, The Secreted Correspondence of Mme Chatelet and Voltaire, and I'm Taken: The E-Pistolary Poetry of Kit le Minx and Cad -- but none of these proved to be more telling than CMOK, the Serbian word for kiss, which sums up the authors' quest for "harmony" in an altogether imperfect world and literary medium. In this book, names of real people were changed in order to protect those who might otherwise be offended by the unguarded and absurdist commentary of its authors. Despite this fact, it is the fragility and elasticity of the writers' superegos that is tested as they vacillate from personal registers to intellectual strata. At once a cis-avant-gardist's exploration of anti-art and a poet's claim to some weak form of autonomy, CMOK delights in both the pleasures of casual email and the sublime realizations of Jacques Lacan's theory of sexuation. CMOK is a hybrid genre and a quest into the real of virtuality that defies the literary standards. Its authors, who never met, answer one another's basic needs and questions, separated as they are by time zones and the ocean, but not culturally or spiritually.

CMOK to YOu To: A Correspondence
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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CMOK to YOu To presents the 2015 email correspondence of the Serbian-born poet, art critic and playwright Nina Zivancevic and Canadian cultural theorist Marc James Leger. In December of 2014 Leger invited Zivancevic to contribute a text to the second volume of the book he was editing, The Idea of the Avant Garde -- And What It Means Today. Taken with each other's idiosyncrasies, their correspondence gradually shifted from amiable professional exchanges and the eventual failure to organize a scholarly event to that of collaborating on some kind of writing project. Several titles were attempted for the eventual book -- Marshmallow Muse: The Exact and Irreverent Letters of MJL and NZ, The Orange Jelly Bean, or, I Already Am Eating from the Trash Can All the Time: The Name of This Trash Can Is Ideology, The Secreted Correspondence of Mme Chatelet and Voltaire, and I'm Taken: The E-Pistolary Poetry of Kit le Minx and Cad -- but none of these proved to be more telling than CMOK, the Serbian word for kiss, which sums up the authors' quest for "harmony" in an altogether imperfect world and literary medium. In this book, names of real people were changed in order to protect those who might otherwise be offended by the unguarded and absurdist commentary of its authors. Despite this fact, it is the fragility and elasticity of the writers' superegos that is tested as they vacillate from personal registers to intellectual strata. At once a cis-avant-gardist's exploration of anti-art and a poet's claim to some weak form of autonomy, CMOK delights in both the pleasures of casual email and the sublime realizations of Jacques Lacan's theory of sexuation. CMOK is a hybrid genre and a quest into the real of virtuality that defies the literary standards. Its authors, who never met, answer one another's basic needs and questions, separated as they are by time zones and the ocean, but not culturally or spiritually.

CMOK to YOu To: A Correspondence
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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CMOK to YOu To presents the 2015 email correspondence of the Serbian-born poet, art critic and playwright Nina Zivancevic and Canadian cultural theorist Marc James Leger. In December of 2014 Leger invited Zivancevic to contribute a text to the second volume of the book he was editing, The Idea of the Avant Garde -- And What It Means Today. Taken with each other's idiosyncrasies, their correspondence gradually shifted from amiable professional exchanges and the eventual failure to organize a scholarly event to that of collaborating on some kind of writing project. Several titles were attempted for the eventual book -- Marshmallow Muse: The Exact and Irreverent Letters of MJL and NZ, The Orange Jelly Bean, or, I Already Am Eating from the Trash Can All the Time: The Name of This Trash Can Is Ideology, The Secreted Correspondence of Mme Chatelet and Voltaire, and I'm Taken: The E-Pistolary Poetry of Kit le Minx and Cad -- but none of these proved to be more telling than CMOK, the Serbian word for kiss, which sums up the authors' quest for "harmony" in an altogether imperfect world and literary medium. In this book, names of real people were changed in order to protect those who might otherwise be offended by the unguarded and absurdist commentary of its authors. Despite this fact, it is the fragility and elasticity of the writers' superegos that is tested as they vacillate from personal registers to intellectual strata. At once a cis-avant-gardist's exploration of anti-art and a poet's claim to some weak form of autonomy, CMOK delights in both the pleasures of casual email and the sublime realizations of Jacques Lacan's theory of sexuation. CMOK is a hybrid genre and a quest into the real of virtuality that defies the literary standards. Its authors, who never met, answer one another's basic needs and questions, separated as they are by time zones and the ocean, but not culturally or spiritually.

Women's writing in contemporary France : new writers, new literatures in the 1990s
Authors: ---
Year: 2003 Publisher: Manchester University Press

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The 1990s witnessed a veritable explosion in women's writing in France, with a particularly exciting new generation of writers coming to the fore, names like Christine Angot, Marie Darrieussecq and Régine Detambel. Other authors such as Paule Constant, Sylvie Germain, Marie Redonnet and Leïla Sebbar, who had begun publishing in the 1980s, claimed their mainstream status in the 1990s with new texts. This book provides an up-to-date introduction to and analysis of new women's writing in contemporary France including both new writers of the 1990s and their more established counterparts. The editors' incisive introduction situates these authors and their texts at the centre of the current trends and issues concerning French literary production today, whilst fifteen original essays focus on individual writers. The volume includes specialist bibliographies on each writer, incorporating English translations, major interviews, and key critical studies. Quotations are given in both French and English throughout. An invaluable study resource, its clear and accessible style makes this book of interest to the general reader as well as to students of all levels, to teachers of a wide range of courses on French culture, and to specialist researchers of French and Francophone literature.

Kosmos und Subjektivität in der Frühromantik
ISBN: 3846759082 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paderborn Brill | Fink

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Etwa um 1800 kommt es zu einem konstitutiven und irreduziblen Bruch mit der Vorstellung des Kosmos. Hieraus folgt ein signifikantes und kritisches Ineinanderwirken von wissenschaftlichen, philosophischen und ästhetischen Diskursen. Der Kollaps kosmologischer Vorstellungen veranlasst das Ich, das sich nunmehr selbst begreift, zu grundlegend veränderten Darstellungsweisen. Diesen Zusammenhang, so die These der Untersuchung, entdeckt zuerst die Frühromantik. Sie zieht damit zum einen die Konsequenzen aus der Verunmöglichung des Kosmos und erkennt hierin die Möglichkeitsbedingung moderner Subjektivität. Zum anderen macht sie die Erfahrung des Akosmismus zur Voraussetzung ihrer eigenen Poetik.

Women's writing in contemporary France : new writers, new literatures in the 1990s
Authors: ---
Year: 2003 Publisher: Manchester University Press

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The 1990s witnessed a veritable explosion in women's writing in France, with a particularly exciting new generation of writers coming to the fore, names like Christine Angot, Marie Darrieussecq and Régine Detambel. Other authors such as Paule Constant, Sylvie Germain, Marie Redonnet and Leïla Sebbar, who had begun publishing in the 1980s, claimed their mainstream status in the 1990s with new texts. This book provides an up-to-date introduction to and analysis of new women's writing in contemporary France including both new writers of the 1990s and their more established counterparts. The editors' incisive introduction situates these authors and their texts at the centre of the current trends and issues concerning French literary production today, whilst fifteen original essays focus on individual writers. The volume includes specialist bibliographies on each writer, incorporating English translations, major interviews, and key critical studies. Quotations are given in both French and English throughout. An invaluable study resource, its clear and accessible style makes this book of interest to the general reader as well as to students of all levels, to teachers of a wide range of courses on French culture, and to specialist researchers of French and Francophone literature.

Das Lacan’sche Tier : Eine psychoanalytische Perspektive auf den Anthropozentrismus und die Ambivalenzen in der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung
Year: 2022 Publisher: Baden-Baden Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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Anthropocentrism and the fact that some animals are just considered a means to an end while others are loved are often subject to criticism in animal ethics. Drawing on the psychoanalytic theories of Jacques Lacan, the author examines how the apparent ambivalence in human–animal relationships is based on different forms of enjoyment. Referring to the Real, the Symbolic and the Imaginary, which according to Lacan define human reality, the author shows how enjoyment and its limits shape, for example, how we think about pets, farm animals or wild animals. This alternative perspective will contribute to a better understanding of the challenges in human–animal relationships. Der Anthropozentrismus und die Tatsache, dass manche Tiere nur als Mittel zum Zweck gelten, während andere geliebt werden, sind häufig Ziel tierethischer Kritik. Auf der Grundlage der psychoanalytischen Theorien von Jacques Lacan untersucht der Autor, inwiefern die augenscheinlichen Ambivalenzen in der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung auf unterschiedlichen Formen des Genießens beruhen. Unter Bezugnahme auf das Reale, das Symbolische und das Imaginäre, die nach Lacan die menschliche Wirklichkeit definieren, wird gezeigt, wie das Genießen und dessen Grenzen z. B. unser Denken über Heimtiere, Nutztiere oder Wildtiere prägen. Diese alternative Perspektive soll zu einem besseren Verständnis der Herausforderungen in der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung beitragen.

Das Lacan’sche Tier : Eine psychoanalytische Perspektive auf den Anthropozentrismus und die Ambivalenzen in der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung
Year: 2022 Publisher: Baden-Baden Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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Anthropocentrism and the fact that some animals are just considered a means to an end while others are loved are often subject to criticism in animal ethics. Drawing on the psychoanalytic theories of Jacques Lacan, the author examines how the apparent ambivalence in human–animal relationships is based on different forms of enjoyment. Referring to the Real, the Symbolic and the Imaginary, which according to Lacan define human reality, the author shows how enjoyment and its limits shape, for example, how we think about pets, farm animals or wild animals. This alternative perspective will contribute to a better understanding of the challenges in human–animal relationships. Der Anthropozentrismus und die Tatsache, dass manche Tiere nur als Mittel zum Zweck gelten, während andere geliebt werden, sind häufig Ziel tierethischer Kritik. Auf der Grundlage der psychoanalytischen Theorien von Jacques Lacan untersucht der Autor, inwiefern die augenscheinlichen Ambivalenzen in der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung auf unterschiedlichen Formen des Genießens beruhen. Unter Bezugnahme auf das Reale, das Symbolische und das Imaginäre, die nach Lacan die menschliche Wirklichkeit definieren, wird gezeigt, wie das Genießen und dessen Grenzen z. B. unser Denken über Heimtiere, Nutztiere oder Wildtiere prägen. Diese alternative Perspektive soll zu einem besseren Verständnis der Herausforderungen in der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung beitragen.

Women's writing in contemporary France : new writers, new literatures in the 1990s
Authors: ---
Year: 2003 Publisher: Manchester University Press

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The 1990s witnessed a veritable explosion in women's writing in France, with a particularly exciting new generation of writers coming to the fore, names like Christine Angot, Marie Darrieussecq and Régine Detambel. Other authors such as Paule Constant, Sylvie Germain, Marie Redonnet and Leïla Sebbar, who had begun publishing in the 1980s, claimed their mainstream status in the 1990s with new texts. This book provides an up-to-date introduction to and analysis of new women's writing in contemporary France including both new writers of the 1990s and their more established counterparts. The editors' incisive introduction situates these authors and their texts at the centre of the current trends and issues concerning French literary production today, whilst fifteen original essays focus on individual writers. The volume includes specialist bibliographies on each writer, incorporating English translations, major interviews, and key critical studies. Quotations are given in both French and English throughout. An invaluable study resource, its clear and accessible style makes this book of interest to the general reader as well as to students of all levels, to teachers of a wide range of courses on French culture, and to specialist researchers of French and Francophone literature.

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