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Italian crime fiction
ISBN: 0708324339 1299201059 9780708324332 9781783164813 1783164816 9780708324318 0708324312 9780708324325 0708324320 9781299201057 Year: 2011 Publisher: Cardiff University of Wales Press

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The present volume is the first study in the English language to focus specifically on Italian crime fiction, weaving together a historical perspective and a thematic approach, with a particular focus on the representation of space, especially city space, gender, and the tradition of impegno, the social and political engagement which characterised the Italian cultural and literary scene in the postwar period. The chapters, by leading British and North-American scholars, track the history and development of Italian detective and noir fiction from the 1930's to the present with a particular focus

The intellectual as a detective : from Leonardo Sciascia to Roberto Saviano
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781433125188 Year: 2014 Publisher: New York Bern Brussels [etc.] Peter Lang

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The Intellectual as a Detective: From Leonardo Sciascia to Roberto Saviano offers a fresh perspective on both Italian crime fiction and the role of the intellectual in Italian society. By analyzing the characterization of men of culture as investigators, this book addresses their social commitment in a period that goes from the Sixties to today. The connection it establishes between fiction and real life makes this book an interesting addition to the debate on crime literature and its social function in Italy. The detectives created by Sciascia, Eco, Pasolini, Saviano and other novelists foster a reflection on how the narrative aspect of characterization has been used in connection with a historical perspective. Thanks to its broad scope, not limited to a single author, this book can be studied in undergraduate and graduate classes on the Italian detective novel, and it can be a helpful resource for scholars interested in characterization and the transforming figure of the intellectual in Italian society.

Politics and society in italian crime fiction : an historical overview
ISBN: 9780786476527 Year: 2014 Publisher: Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers,

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"This first English work comprehensively spans the history of Italian crime fiction genre from its origins to the most recent writers. The author examines ways in which Italian crime fiction has articulated the social and political changes of the country and ways in which individual authors exploit the genre to reflect the social transformations and dysfunctions of Italy"

The importance of place in contemporary Italian crime fiction
ISBN: 1611475538 1283624621 9786613937070 9781611475531 9781283624626 661393707X 9781611475524 161147552X 9781611477344 1611477344 Year: 2012 Publisher: Madison [N.J.] Lanham, Md. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Rowman & Littlefield

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This book is the most wide-ranging examination of the way in which Italian detective fiction in the last 20 years has become a means to articulate the changes in the social landscape of the country. While the relation between detective fiction and its setting has been extensively analysed in the Anglo-American critical tradition of the genre, no comparable study of the Italian giallo [the name used for crime fiction in Italy] exists to date. ]]>

Tutti i colori del giallo : il giallo italiano da De Marchi a Scerbanenco a Camilleri
ISBN: 8831779133 9788831779135 Year: 2002 Publisher: Venezia Marsilio

The importance of place in contemporary Italian crime fiction : a bloody journey
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781611475524 Year: 2012 Volume: *1 Publisher: Teaneck ; Madison Fairleigh Dickinson University

L'Italie en jaune et noir : La littérature policière de 1990 à nos jours

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Depuis 1990, le genre policier connaît un large succès aussi bien dans le monde de l'édition qu'auprès du public italien. Cette date marque un renouveau de ses formes, auquel a contribué, entre autres, la création du Gruppo 13 à Bologne. À côté du giallo s'est affirmée progressivement la catégorie plus hybride du noir. Le genre policier entend sonder le mystère, démasquer l'opacité du réel en pénétrant les non-dits de l'histoire pour en proposer une lecture dérangeante ; surgissent alors d'autres questionnements relevant, quant à eux, de pulsions plus subtiles, voire inconscientes. La perspective historique et herméneutique a élevé le roman au statut de nouveau roman social, capable, sous le couvert de situations vraisemblables, de simuler la réalité pour la comprendre autrement. L'écriture d'enquête se présente de plus en plus en Italie comme le champ de toutes les expérimentations grâce à l'utilisation de canaux de communication favorisant une réception plus large, mais aussi à l'hybridation avec d'autres formes d'expression (cinéma, théâtre, musique, télévision, BD). Cet ouvrage vise à comprendre les nouveaux enjeux du giallo/noir à l'origine de son succès. On y voit comment, à travers l'écriture de l'énigme, le giallo explore les côtés obscurs et complexes de l'Italie contemporaine. Since 1990, the crime genre is experiencing a great success both in the publishing world as with the Italian readership. This date is marked by a renewal of its forms, to which contributed among others the creation of the Gruppo 13 in Bologna. Next to the giallo has progressively affirmed itself the most hybrid category of the noir. The crime genre aims to probe mysteries, to unmask the real’s opacity by entering history’s unspoken resentments and proposing a disturbing reading of them. Other questions then arise from within more subtle, even unconscious impulses. Historical and hermeneutic perspectives have raised the novel to the status of a new social novel. It is now seen as…

The novel as investigation : Leonardo Sciascia, Dacia Maraini, and Antonio Tabucchi
ISBN: 1281992038 9786611992033 1442681918 9781442681910 9781281992031 9780802091147 0802091148 6611992030 0802034764 Year: 2006 Publisher: Toronto, [Ontario] ; Buffalo, [New York] ; London, [England] : University of Toronto Press,

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"Detective fiction is a universally popular genre: stories about crime investigation are published all over the world and in hundreds of languages. However, detective fiction provides more than entertainment; it often has a great deal to say about important social issues such as crime and punishment, justice and injustice, testimony and judgment. The Novel as Investigation examines a group of detective novels published from the mid-1980s to the end of the century by three Italian writers - Leonardo Sciascia, Dacia Maraini, and Antonio Tabucchi - whose commitment to ethical responsibility informs much of their work."--Jacket.

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