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The Journal of financial research.
Authors: ---
ISSN: 14756803 02702592 Year: 1978 Publisher: [Lubbock, Tex.] : [Washington, D.C.] : [Oxford, England] : [Hoboken, NJ] : [College of Business Administration, Texas Tech University], [Georgetown University, School of Business Administration] [Published for the Southern and Southwestern Finance Associations by Wiley-Blackwell] [Wiley]

Pirstoutuvatko työurat? : teollisuusalat talouden ja teknologian murroksissa
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Tampere, Suomi : Tampere University Press,

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Työurien vakaus ja laatu ovat merkittäviä yhteiskunnallisia ja talouspoliittisia kysymyksiä, sillä pohjoismaisen hyvinvointivaltion rahoitus perustuu työikäisten työssäkäyntiin sekä työstä, tuotannosta ja kulutuksesta kerättävään verotuloon. Tässä kokoomateoksessa tarkastellaan, millaisiksi työurat ovat viime vuosikymmeninä muotoutuneet viennin kannalta tärkeillä teollisuusaloilla. Tutkimustulokset perustuvat yritysten ja työntekijöiden kokonaisrekisteriaineistoon, yritystilastoihin ja teollisuustoimialojen asiantuntijoiden haastatteluihin. Työuria tarkastellaan teoksessa useista eri näkökulmista, joita ovat työllisyyden vakaus, työssäolo, työtulojen kehitys, liikkuvuus toimialojen ja toimipaikkojen välillä sekä uudelleenkouluttautuminen. Tulosten perusteella työurat eivät ole Suomessa keskimäärin heikentyneet eikä julkisuudessa usein esitetty käsitys työurien aiempaa suuremmasta epävakaudesta pidä paikkaansa. Kuitenkin naisten ja matalasti koulutettujen työurat ja palkkakehitys jäävät miehistä ja paremmin koulutetuista jälkeen eli työurien tasa-arvo ei ole edistynyt. Tutkimuksen muita keskeisiä johtopäätöksiä on, että aikuiskouluttautuminen eriytyy koulutustason mukaan ja että yritysten investoinnit aineettomaan pääomaan ennakoivat henkilöstölle myönteisiä työuratulemia. The stability and quality of work careers are major social and economic issues, as the funding of the Nordic welfare state is based on the employment of working-age people and the tax revenue collected from work, production and consumption. This edited volume examines how work careers have developed in specific industrial sectors and at different levels of education in recent decades.The research results are based on the linked employer-employee data of Statistics Finland, company statistics and interviews with industry experts. Careers are examined from several different perspectives, including career stability, employment status, income development, mobility between industries and places of work, and on-the-job training.Based on the results, careers have not weakened between cohorts on average in Finland. Instead of the often-expressed perception of greater job instability, there is high stability of employment combined with high mobility within the careers, owing to the high frequency of changing industries and jobs. However, the career development of women and the low-skilled lags behind that of men and the more highly educated, meaning that equality in earnings has not progressed. Other key findings of the study suggest that adult education differs according to the level of education, and that companies' investments in intangible capital anticipate positive career outcomes for employees.

Pirstoutuvatko työurat? : teollisuusalat talouden ja teknologian murroksissa
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Tampere, Suomi : Tampere University Press,

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Työurien vakaus ja laatu ovat merkittäviä yhteiskunnallisia ja talouspoliittisia kysymyksiä, sillä pohjoismaisen hyvinvointivaltion rahoitus perustuu työikäisten työssäkäyntiin sekä työstä, tuotannosta ja kulutuksesta kerättävään verotuloon. Tässä kokoomateoksessa tarkastellaan, millaisiksi työurat ovat viime vuosikymmeninä muotoutuneet viennin kannalta tärkeillä teollisuusaloilla. Tutkimustulokset perustuvat yritysten ja työntekijöiden kokonaisrekisteriaineistoon, yritystilastoihin ja teollisuustoimialojen asiantuntijoiden haastatteluihin. Työuria tarkastellaan teoksessa useista eri näkökulmista, joita ovat työllisyyden vakaus, työssäolo, työtulojen kehitys, liikkuvuus toimialojen ja toimipaikkojen välillä sekä uudelleenkouluttautuminen. Tulosten perusteella työurat eivät ole Suomessa keskimäärin heikentyneet eikä julkisuudessa usein esitetty käsitys työurien aiempaa suuremmasta epävakaudesta pidä paikkaansa. Kuitenkin naisten ja matalasti koulutettujen työurat ja palkkakehitys jäävät miehistä ja paremmin koulutetuista jälkeen eli työurien tasa-arvo ei ole edistynyt. Tutkimuksen muita keskeisiä johtopäätöksiä on, että aikuiskouluttautuminen eriytyy koulutustason mukaan ja että yritysten investoinnit aineettomaan pääomaan ennakoivat henkilöstölle myönteisiä työuratulemia. The stability and quality of work careers are major social and economic issues, as the funding of the Nordic welfare state is based on the employment of working-age people and the tax revenue collected from work, production and consumption. This edited volume examines how work careers have developed in specific industrial sectors and at different levels of education in recent decades.The research results are based on the linked employer-employee data of Statistics Finland, company statistics and interviews with industry experts. Careers are examined from several different perspectives, including career stability, employment status, income development, mobility between industries and places of work, and on-the-job training.Based on the results, careers have not weakened between cohorts on average in Finland. Instead of the often-expressed perception of greater job instability, there is high stability of employment combined with high mobility within the careers, owing to the high frequency of changing industries and jobs. However, the career development of women and the low-skilled lags behind that of men and the more highly educated, meaning that equality in earnings has not progressed. Other key findings of the study suggest that adult education differs according to the level of education, and that companies' investments in intangible capital anticipate positive career outcomes for employees.

Portée et définitions : une suite
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789212123936 Year: 2011 Volume: *2 Publisher: New York et Genève Nations Unies

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Aide internationale --- Aide à l'étranger --- Collaboration internationale --- Cooperation [international ] --- Coopération bilatérale --- Coopération internationale --- Coopération interrégionale --- Coopération multilatérale --- Coopération régionale --- Global governance --- Institutions [international ] --- Institutions internationales --- Interdependence of nations --- International cooperation --- International institutions --- Internationale samenwerking --- Investeringen --- Investeringsmanagement --- Investing --- Investissements --- Investment management --- Investments --- Placements --- Portefeuilles --- Portfolio --- World government --- World order --- Politique d'investissement --- Réglementation des investissements --- Investissement étranger --- BPB1110 --- Investeringsbeleid --- Investeringsvoorschriften --- Buitenlandse investering --- buitenlandse investering --- välisinvesteering --- investiții străine --- foreign investment --- ξένη επένδυση --- страно улагање --- чуждестранна инвестиция --- inversión extranjera --- inwestycja zagraniczna --- investiment barrani --- zahraničná investícia --- külföldi befektetés --- ārvalstu ieguldījumi --- užsienio investicija --- udenlandsk investering --- investimento estrangeiro --- zahraniční investice --- investimento estero --- Auslandsinvestition oder Direktinvestition --- investim i huaj --- utländsk investering --- ulkomainen sijoitus --- странска инвестиција --- tuja naložba --- strano ulaganje --- investering fra udlandet --- ausländische Investition --- inozemno ulaganje --- strana investicija --- inozemna investicija --- külföldi beruházás --- regolamentazione degli investimenti --- predpisi o naložbah --- Investitionsvorschrift --- reglering av investeringar --- befektetési szabályok --- регулисање улагања --- investicijų reguliavimas --- regulácia investícií --- ieguldījumu regulēšana --- investeringsvoorschriften --- регулация на инвестициите --- regulamentação do investimento --- reglamentación de inversiones --- investointeja koskevat säännökset --- regulation of investments --- regolamentazzjoni tal-investimenti --- retsforskrifter om investeringer --- reglementarea investițiilor --- prawo o inwestycjach --- regulace investic --- κανόνες επενδύσεων --- rregullim i investimeve --- reguliranje ulaganja --- investeerimiseeskirjad --- регулирање инвестиции --- declaración de inversión --- avizarea investițiilor --- правно нормирање на инвестициите --- Investitionsmeldung --- reguliranje investicija --- beruházás bejelentése --- investeeringuteade --- declaração de investimento --- објавување инвестиции --- njoftim i investimit --- pranešimas apie investiciją --- předpisy pro investování --- aangifte van investering --- dichiarazione d'investimento --- прописи за инвестирање --- anmeldelse af investering --- инвестициски правила --- paziņojums par ieguldījumu --- déclaration d'investissement --- δήλωση επένδυσης --- ohlášení investic --- notification of investment --- beruházási szabályok --- investointeja koskeva ilmoitus --- oznámenie investície --- política de inversión --- investičná politika --- política de investimento --- επενδυτική πολιτική --- investeringsbeleid --- politica d'investimento --- politika tal-investiment --- naložbena politika --- investicijų politika --- investeringspolitik --- ieguldījumu politika --- polityka inwestycyjna --- politika ulaganja --- investiční politika --- Investitionspolitik --- политика улагања --- investeerimispoliitika --- инвестициска политика --- befektetési politika --- инвестиционна политика --- investment policy --- politikë për investimet --- politică de investiții --- investointipolitiikka --- политика на вложување --- beruházási politika --- investicijska politika --- Auslandsinvestition --- Direktinvestition --- infheistíocht choigríche --- rialáil infheistíochtaí --- beartas infheistíochta --- Investissement étranger --- Réglementation des investissements

Différends entre investisseurs et état : prévention et modes de réglement autres que l'arbitrage
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789212123752 Year: 2010 Volume: *5 Publisher: New York et Genève Nations Unies

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ADR (Dispute resolution) --- Alternative dispute resolution --- Arbitrage [Internationale ] --- Arbitrage international --- Arbitration [International ] --- Collaborative law --- Conflict resolution --- Conflicten (Recht) -- Regeling --- Conflits [Règlement de ] --- Dispute processing --- Dispute resolution (Law) --- Dispute settlement --- Litiges [Règlement de ] --- Mécanismes de règlements des conflits --- Pratiques infrajudiciaires --- Rechtsconflicten -- Regeling --- Regeling van conflicten (Recht) --- Règlement alternatif des conflits --- Règlement de conflits (Droit) --- Règlement de litiges --- Règlement des conflits --- Règlement des litiges --- Résolution de conflits (Droit) --- Solution des conflits --- Politique d'investissement --- Réglementation des investissements --- Investissement étranger --- Pays en développement --- BPB1104 --- Investeringsbeleid --- Investeringsvoorschriften --- Buitenlandse investering --- Ontwikkelingsland --- Investments [Foreign ] --- Law and legislation --- pajjiżi fil-fażi tal-iżvilupp --- αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες --- zemlje u razvoju --- развиващи се държави --- kraje rozwijające się --- arengumaad --- земји во развој --- fejlődő országok --- attīstības valstis --- țări în curs de dezvoltare --- developing countries --- rozvojové země --- države v razvoju --- país en desarrollo --- kehitysmaat --- utvecklingsland --- vende në zhvillim --- Entwicklungsland --- paese in via di sviluppo --- besivystančios šalys --- земље у развоју --- país em desenvolvimento --- rozvojové krajiny --- udviklingsland --- ontwikkelingsland --- Tredje Verden --- země s nízkou životní úrovní --- Lumea a Treia --- jaunattīstības valstis --- paese arretrato --- Α.Χ. --- Derde-Wereldland --- Трет свет --- país do Terceiro Mundo --- szegény országok --- Third World --- harmadik világ országai --- zemlje Trećega svijeta --- tredje världen --- vendet e Botës së Tretë --- tiers monde --- tretí svet --- armes Land --- Τρίτος Κόσμος --- PVD --- pays du tiers monde --- Terceiro Mundo --- trešās pasaules valstis --- land i tredje världen --- Land der Dritten Welt --- kolmannen maailman maat --- kolmas maailma --- Treći svijet --- PVS --- harmadik világ --- país em vias de desenvolvimento --- terzo mondo-paesi --- país en vías de desarrollo --- kolmas maailm --- krajiny tretieho sveta --- земји со низок животен стандард --- pays en voie de développement --- země třetího světa --- chudé země --- kolmanda maailma riigid --- trečiasis pasaulis --- paese sottosviluppato --- terzo mondo --- Bota e Tretë --- χώρες του τρίτου κόσμου --- χώρες υπό ανάπτυξη --- país del Tercer Mundo --- třetí svět --- Derde Wereld --- trešā pasaule --- uland --- Third World countries --- земји од Третиот свет --- trečiojo pasaulio šalys --- u-land --- țările Lumii a Treia --- dritte Welt --- buitenlandse investering --- välisinvesteering --- investiții străine --- foreign investment --- ξένη επένδυση --- страно улагање --- чуждестранна инвестиция --- inversión extranjera --- inwestycja zagraniczna --- investiment barrani --- zahraničná investícia --- külföldi befektetés --- ārvalstu ieguldījumi --- užsienio investicija --- udenlandsk investering --- investimento estrangeiro --- zahraniční investice --- investimento estero --- Auslandsinvestition oder Direktinvestition --- investim i huaj --- utländsk investering --- ulkomainen sijoitus --- странска инвестиција --- tuja naložba --- strano ulaganje --- investering fra udlandet --- ausländische Investition --- inozemno ulaganje --- strana investicija --- inozemna investicija --- külföldi beruházás --- regolamentazione degli investimenti --- predpisi o naložbah --- Investitionsvorschrift --- reglering av investeringar --- befektetési szabályok --- регулисање улагања --- investicijų reguliavimas --- regulácia investícií --- ieguldījumu regulēšana --- investeringsvoorschriften --- регулация на инвестициите --- regulamentação do investimento --- reglamentación de inversiones --- investointeja koskevat säännökset --- regulation of investments --- regolamentazzjoni tal-investimenti --- retsforskrifter om investeringer --- reglementarea investițiilor --- prawo o inwestycjach --- regulace investic --- κανόνες επενδύσεων --- rregullim i investimeve --- reguliranje ulaganja --- investeerimiseeskirjad --- регулирање инвестиции --- declaración de inversión --- avizarea investițiilor --- правно нормирање на инвестициите --- Investitionsmeldung --- reguliranje investicija --- beruházás bejelentése --- investeeringuteade --- declaração de investimento --- објавување инвестиции --- njoftim i investimit --- pranešimas apie investiciją --- předpisy pro investování --- aangifte van investering --- dichiarazione d'investimento --- прописи за инвестирање --- anmeldelse af investering --- инвестициски правила --- paziņojums par ieguldījumu --- déclaration d'investissement --- δήλωση επένδυσης --- ohlášení investic --- notification of investment --- beruházási szabályok --- investointeja koskeva ilmoitus --- oznámenie investície --- política de inversión --- investičná politika --- política de investimento --- επενδυτική πολιτική --- investeringsbeleid --- politica d'investimento --- politika tal-investiment --- naložbena politika --- investicijų politika --- investeringspolitik --- ieguldījumu politika --- polityka inwestycyjna --- politika ulaganja --- investiční politika --- Investitionspolitik --- политика улагања --- investeerimispoliitika --- инвестициска политика --- befektetési politika --- инвестиционна политика --- investment policy --- politikë për investimet --- politică de investiții --- investointipolitiikka --- политика на вложување --- beruházási politika --- investicijska politika --- Auslandsinvestition --- Direktinvestition --- tíortha i mbéal forbartha --- infheistíocht choigríche --- rialáil infheistíochtaí --- beartas infheistíochta --- Pays en développement --- Réglementation des investissements --- Investissement étranger

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