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Problèmes énergétiques et transports urbains et suburbains
ISBN: 9264217606 9789264217607 Year: 1977 Publisher: Paris: OCDE,

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Urbain-interurbain : la problématique est devenue globale

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Développer le réseau des citoyens : l'importance de bons transports locaux et régionaux de passagers et le rôle de la Commission européenne dans leur mise en place
Publisher: Luxembourg : Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes,

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Rapport de synthèse : structure, financement, compte d'exploitation prévisionnel
Year: 1998 Publisher: Bruxekkes : Société fédérale d'investissement,

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Deregulation and the future of intercity passenger travel
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0262132257 Year: 1987 Publisher: Cambridge, Mass.

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Future transport in cities
ISBN: 0415261422 0415261414 Year: 2001 Publisher: London Spon Press

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Thema mobiliteit
Authors: ---
ISSN: 20302711 ISBN: 9782509000729 Year: 2008 Publisher: Brussel Politeia

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Crime prevention --- Criminalité --- Periodicals --- Prévention --- Périodiques --- Criminology. Victimology --- Transport. Traffic --- Traffic safety --- Belgium --- 122 Criminaliteit --- Comité P --- stadsvervoer --- Stadtverkehr --- mestni prevoz --- městská doprava --- bytransport --- kaupunkiliikenne --- gradski prijevoz --- pilsētas transports --- trasporti urbani --- trasport urban --- transport urbain --- градски транспорт --- transport urban --- mestská doprava --- miesto transportas --- transporte urbano --- linnatransport --- urban transport --- városi közlekedés --- αστικές συγκοινωνίες --- transport miejski --- stadstransport --- градски превоз --- mobilità urbana --- medzimestská doprava --- kaupunkien välinen liikenne --- transport interurbain --- mobiliteit in de stad --- kommunaler Nahverkehr --- trasporti interurbani --- rörlighet i städer --- městský provoz --- Mobilität im Ortsverkehr --- transport ndërqytetas --- υπεραστικές συγκοινωνίες --- transporte intraurbano --- ortsverbindender Verkehr --- intercity transport --- Personennahverkehr --- transport mellan städer --- mobilitet i byen --- helyközi járat --- меѓуградски транспорт --- tarpmiestinis transportas --- transport mellem byer --- starppilsētu transports --- städtische Verkehrsmittel --- transporte interurbano --- mobilidade urbana --- mobilité urbaine --- меѓуградски превоз --- interstedelijk vervoer --- međugradski prijevoz --- linnadevaheline transport --- transport interurban --- movilidad urbana --- helyközi közlekedés --- helyközi szállítás --- doprava ve městech --- liikkuminen kaupungeissa --- αστική κινητικότητα --- iompar uirbeach

BDSM in de/jouw praktijk : kennis en handelingsalternatieven voor behandelaren
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789044137101 Year: 2020 Publisher: Antwerpen Apeldoorn Garant

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Plannen om rekeningrijden in te voeren doen heel wat stof opwaaien. Experten zien rekeningrijden als een rationele oplossing voor het fileprobleem en de slechte luchtkwaliteit. Tegenstanders zijn volgens hen emotioneel, niet objectief of denken enkel aan hun eigen belang. Maar hebben critici altijd ongelijk?Dit boek legt uit waar het idee van rekeningrijden vandaan komt, wie het promoot en hoe het op de beleidsagenda kwam. Een kritische analyse toont aan dat zowel voor- als tegenstanders zinvolle en minder zinvolle argumenten gebruiken.


202106 --- transport urbain --- automobile --- pollution automobile --- znečistenie z motorových vozidiel --- ndotje nga automjetet --- ρύπανση από τα αυτοκίνητα --- automobilių tarša --- poluare produsă de autovehicule --- gépjárművek okozta szennyezés --- znečišťování motorovými vozidly --- contaminación por vehículos automotores --- verontreiniging door auto's --- загадување од моторни возила --- moottoriajoneuvojen aiheuttama saastuminen --- motor vehicle pollution --- загађење од моторних возила --- forurening fra motorkøretøjer --- inquinamento automobilistico --- tniġġis mill-vetturi motorizzati --- onesnaževanje z motornimi vozili --- mootorsõidukite põhjustatud reostus --- zanieczyszczenie spalinami --- förorening från motorfordon --- poluição automóvel --- автомобилно замърсяване --- transportlīdzekļu piesārņojums --- Verschmutzung durch das Auto --- onečišćenje motornim vozilima --- onečišćenje emisijama iz motora --- inquinamento da autoveicoli --- výfukové emise --- variklinių transporto priemonių tarša --- zagađenje motornim vozilima --- издувни гасови --- automóvel --- automóvil --- autó --- samochód --- automobiel --- lengvasis automobilis --- avtomobil --- аутомобил --- karozza --- Automobil --- automobil --- motor car --- bil --- αυτοκίνητο --- auto --- автомобил --- automobilis --- патничко возило --- silniční vozidlo --- Personenkraftwagen --- επιβατηγό αυτοκίνητο ιδιωτικής χρήσεως --- automóvel particular --- vieglais automobilis --- autoturism --- automjet --- sõiduauto --- dvoustopé vozidlo --- személygépkocsi --- osobný automobil --- voiture --- automjet privat --- mașină --- reisiauto --- automobile da turismo --- personiskais automobilis --- voiture particulière --- mootorveok --- automobil privat --- osobní vůz --- private car --- turistické vozidlo --- obytný vůz --- osobni automobil --- coche --- hyrbil --- tourist vehicle --- tūristu transportlīdzeklis --- Pkw --- моторни возила --- personbil --- voiture automobile --- súkromný automobil --- privatbil --- Wohnmobil --- privatvogn --- car --- vehículo automóvil --- personenwagen --- utilitaria --- Auto --- nuosavas automobilis --- veículo automóvel --- επιβατικό αυτοκίνητο --- automobile pubblica --- приватно возило --- viatura --- Privatwagen --- fuoristrada --- henkilöauto --- Ι.Χ. --- coche de turismo --- wagen --- turistinė transporto priemonė --- personal automobile --- automobile privata --- asmeninis automobilis --- motovozidlo --- αυτοκίνητο ιδιωτικής χρήσεως --- autovettura --- viatura automóvel --- automjet turistik --- personvogn --- autoveicolo --- osobno vozilo --- personenauto --- véhicule automobile --- voiture de tourisme --- turistiajoneuvo --- Stadtverkehr --- mestni prevoz --- městská doprava --- bytransport --- kaupunkiliikenne --- gradski prijevoz --- pilsētas transports --- trasporti urbani --- trasport urban --- градски транспорт --- transport urban --- stadsvervoer --- mestská doprava --- miesto transportas --- transporte urbano --- linnatransport --- urban transport --- városi közlekedés --- αστικές συγκοινωνίες --- transport miejski --- stadstransport --- градски превоз --- mobilità urbana --- medzimestská doprava --- kaupunkien välinen liikenne --- transport interurbain --- mobiliteit in de stad --- kommunaler Nahverkehr --- trasporti interurbani --- rörlighet i städer --- městský provoz --- Mobilität im Ortsverkehr --- transport ndërqytetas --- υπεραστικές συγκοινωνίες --- transporte intraurbano --- ortsverbindender Verkehr --- intercity transport --- Personennahverkehr --- transport mellan städer --- mobilitet i byen --- helyközi járat --- меѓуградски транспорт --- tarpmiestinis transportas --- transport mellem byer --- starppilsētu transports --- städtische Verkehrsmittel --- transporte interurbano --- mobilidade urbana --- mobilité urbaine --- меѓуградски превоз --- interstedelijk vervoer --- međugradski prijevoz --- linnadevaheline transport --- transport interurban --- movilidad urbana --- helyközi közlekedés --- helyközi szállítás --- doprava ve městech --- liikkuminen kaupungeissa --- αστική κινητικότητα --- truailliú mótarfheithiclí --- gluaisteán --- iompar uirbeach

Faster, smarter, greener : the future of the car and urban mobility
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780262341875 0262341875 9780262036665 0262036665 9780262341882 0262341883 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The MIT Press,

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A call to redefine mobility so that it is connected, heterogeneous, intelligent, and personalized, as well as sustainable, adaptable, and city-friendly. The twentieth century was the century of the automobile; the twenty-first will see mobility dramatically re-envisioned. Automobiles altered cityscapes, boosted economies, and made personal mobility efficient and convenient for many. We had a century-long love affair with the car. But today, people are more attached to their smartphones than their cars. Cars are not always the quickest mode of travel in cities; and emissions from the rapidly growing number of cars threaten the planet. This book, by three experts from industry and academia, envisions a new world of mobility that is connected, heterogeneous, intelligent, and personalized (the CHIP architecture). The authors describe the changes that are coming. City administrators are shifting from designing cities for cars to designing cities for people. Nations and cities will increasingly employ targeted user fees and offer subsidies to nudge consumers toward more sustainable modes. The sharing economy is coaxing many consumers to shift from being owners of assets to being users of services. The auto industry is responding with connected cars that double as virtual travel assistants and by introducing autonomous driving. The CHIP architecture embodies an integrated, multimode mobility system that builds on ubiquitous connectivity, electrified and autonomous vehicles, and a marketplace open to innovation and entrepreneurship. Consumers will exercise choice on the basis of user experience and efficiency, aided by "intelligent advisors," accessible through their mobile devices. An innovative mobility architecture reconfigured for this century is a social and economic necessity; this book charts a course for achieving it. [Publisher]


E-books --- Transportation, Automotive --- Automobiles --- Automobile industry and trade --- Urban transportation --- Transports routiers --- Transports urbains --- Technological innovations. --- Innovations technologiques --- Industrie et commerce --- City transportation --- Metropolitan transportation --- Municipal transportation --- Transportation, Urban --- City planning --- Transportation --- Urban policy --- Automotive industry --- Motor vehicle industry --- Automotive transportation --- Highway transportation --- Motor carriers --- Motor transportation --- Road transportation --- Social aspects --- Innovations technologiques. --- ARCHITECTURE/Urban Design --- URBANISM/Transportation --- BUSINESS/Business Technology --- urban transport --- vehicle --- innovation --- motor vehicle industry --- gépjárműipar --- аутомобилска индустрија --- avtomobilska industrija --- indústria automóvel --- industria automobilistica --- αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία --- autotööstus --- przemysł samochodowy --- Kraftfahrzeugindustrie --- industrija tal-vetturi motorizzati --- industrie automobile --- industria del automóvil --- automobielindustrie --- automobilska industrija --- автомобилна промишленост --- industri e automobilave --- automobilindustri --- automobilový priemysel --- mehānisko transportlīdzekļu rūpniecība --- motorinių transporto priemonių pramonė --- automobilový průmysl --- autoteollisuus --- автомобилска индустрија --- bilindustri --- industria de automobile --- automobilka --- uzină de automobile --- industrija awtomobilistika --- autóipar --- prodhim i automobilave --- bilfabrikation --- biltillverkning --- autógyártás --- автоиндустрија --- Kraftfahrzeugbau --- auto industrija --- construção automóvel --- proizvodnja automobila --- autorūpniecība --- fabbricazione di automobili --- variklinių transporto priemonių pramonė --- settore automobilistico --- construction automobile --- autode tootmine --- construcción de automóviles --- Automobilindustrie --- automobilių pramonė --- gépjárműgyártás --- montagem de automóveis --- industri motorash --- motor industry --- autoconstructie --- autoražošana --- производство на автомобили --- autojen valmistus --- automobilių gamyba --- κατασκευή αυτοκινήτων --- automobile manufacture --- produzione automobilistica --- producție de automobile --- innovaatio --- innovazione --- novinka --- inovație --- innovazzjoni --- иновация --- innovatsioon --- innowacja --- jaunievedums --- innovación --- vernieuwing --- καινοτομία --- inovácia --- inovação --- иновација --- nuálaíocht --- Innovation --- innováció --- risi --- inovacija --- τεχνολογική καινοτομία --- teknologisk fornyelse --- industrielle Innovation --- technologische Innovation --- technológiai innováció --- inovação tecnológica --- innovación industrial --- innovación tecnológica --- risi industriale --- naujovė --- βιομηχανική καινοτομία --- technologische vernieuwing --- industrijska inovacija --- innovazione industriale --- tehnoloogiline innovatsioon --- priemyselná inovácia --- technologijos naujovė --- technologická inovácia --- innovation technologique --- teollinen innovaatio --- tehnoloģisks jauninājums --- fornyelse --- risi teknologjike --- inovație industrială --- teknisk innovation --- innovation industrielle --- teknologinen innovaatio --- teknologisk innovation --- industriell innovation --- technological innovation --- pramoninė naujovė --- industrial innovation --- технолошка иновација --- innovazione tecnologica --- průmyslová novinka --- tööstusinnovatsioon --- technická novinka --- tehnološka inovacija --- industriel innovation --- ipari innováció --- inovação industrial --- rūpniecisks jauninājums --- innovazione scientifica --- inovație tehnologică --- veikolu --- vehículo --- mjet --- vozilo --- voertuig --- vozidlo --- veículo --- ajoneuvo --- véhicule --- Fahrzeug --- befordringsmiddel --- jármű --- transporto priemonė --- όχημα --- fordon --- превозно средство --- возило --- transportlīdzeklis --- feithicil --- pojazd --- veicolo --- vehicul --- sõiduk --- impiante transporti --- сообраќајно средство --- dopravné vybavenie --- rullande materiel --- dopravné zariadenie --- køretøj --- transporta aprīkojums --- materiale di trasporto --- közlekedési eszköz --- transport facilities --- rollendes Material --- kuljetuslaitteet --- transporto įranga --- transport equipment --- veovahendid --- rullende materiel --- liiklusvahendid --- prijevozno sredstvo --- vůz --- transportmateriel --- material de transporte --- material circulante --- μεταφορικό υλικό --- pajisje transporti --- material rodante --- transportmaterieel --- transporta infrastruktūra --- echipament de transport --- matériel de transport --- matériel roulant --- τροχαίο υλικό --- Stadtverkehr --- mestni prevoz --- městská doprava --- bytransport --- kaupunkiliikenne --- gradski prijevoz --- pilsētas transports --- trasporti urbani --- trasport urban --- transport urbain --- градски транспорт --- transport urban --- stadsvervoer --- mestská doprava --- miesto transportas --- transporte urbano --- linnatransport --- városi közlekedés --- αστικές συγκοινωνίες --- transport miejski --- stadstransport --- градски превоз --- mobilità urbana --- medzimestská doprava --- kaupunkien välinen liikenne --- transport interurbain --- mobiliteit in de stad --- kommunaler Nahverkehr --- trasporti interurbani --- rörlighet i städer --- městský provoz --- Mobilität im Ortsverkehr --- transport ndërqytetas --- υπεραστικές συγκοινωνίες --- transporte intraurbano --- ortsverbindender Verkehr --- intercity transport --- Personennahverkehr --- transport mellan städer --- mobilitet i byen --- helyközi járat --- меѓуградски транспорт --- tarpmiestinis transportas --- transport mellem byer --- starppilsētu transports --- städtische Verkehrsmittel --- transporte interurbano --- mobilidade urbana --- mobilité urbaine --- меѓуградски превоз --- interstedelijk vervoer --- međugradski prijevoz --- linnadevaheline transport --- transport interurban --- movilidad urbana --- helyközi közlekedés --- helyközi szállítás --- doprava ve městech --- liikkuminen kaupungeissa --- αστική κινητικότητα --- iompar uirbeach --- an tionscal mótarfheithiclí

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