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Bible --- Intertextualité dans la Bible --- Congrès --- Herméneutique --- Intertextualite dans la Bible --- 22.06 --- Bijbel: exegese; hermeneutiek --- Intertextualité dans la Bible --- Congrès --- Herméneutique --- Intertextualite dans la Bible - Congres
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"Studies on the Intersection of Text, Paratext, and Reception brings together thirteen contributions from leading scholars in the fields of textual criticism, manuscript/paratextual research, and reception history. These fields have tended to operate in isolation, but recent years have seen a rise in valuable research being done at their multiple points of intersection. The contributors to this volume show the potential of such crossover work through, for example, exploring how paratextual features of papyri and minuscules give insight into their text; probing how scribal behaviors illumine textual transmission/restoration, and examining how colometry, inner-biblical references, and early church reading cultures may contribute to understanding canon formation. These essays reflect the contours of the scholarship of Dr. Charles E. Hill, to whom the volume is dedicated"--
Intertextuality in the Bible --- Intertextuality in the Bible. --- Intertextualité dans la Bible. --- Bible. --- Criticism, Textual.
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Bible --- Bible as literature. --- Intertextuality in the Bible. --- Intertextuality. --- Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.) --- Literary form. --- Bible (Littérature) --- Intertextualité dans la Bible --- Intertextualité --- Influence littéraire, artistique, etc. --- Genres littéraires --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.). --- Bible (Littérature) --- Intertextualité dans la Bible --- Intertextualité --- Influence littéraire, artistique, etc. --- Genres littéraires
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This study considers the “I am” sayings in the Gospel of John, interpreted in the context of their reception in late antiquity. It takes an intertextual approach, considering both inner-biblical parallels and extra-biblical texts, which have been much neglected in recent Johannine scholarship. A comparative analysis of the “I am” formula is complemented by the consideration of the metaphors of the predicative “I am” words, focussing particularly on the use of "bread", "light" and "vine" and the context of these metaphors in the Gospel of John and elsewhere. This discussion demonstrates that Johannine Christology is profoundly incarnational. *** Gegenstand der vorliegenden Untersuchung sind die Ich-bin-Worte des Johannesevangeliums. Diese werden in ihrem spätantiken Lese- und Rezeptionskontext interpretiert, wobei die Intertextualitätstheorie als methodische Basis dient und auch außerbiblische Schriften zum Vergleich herangezogen werden, die in der Forschung der vergangenen Jahrzehnte kaum berücksichtigt worden sind. Ergänzend zur vergleichenden Untersuchung der Formel "Ich bin..." werden die prädikativen Ich-bin-Worte als Metaphoren näher bestimmt und exemplarisch drei ausgewählte Prädikationen, nämlich "Brot", "Licht" und "Weinstock" in ihrem jeweiligen Kontext analysiert. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die johanneische Christologie primär als Inkarnationchristologie zu verstehen ist.
Incarnation --- Metaphor in the Bible. --- Intertextuality in the Bible. --- Metaphor --- Métaphore dans la Bible --- Intertextualité dans la Bible --- Métaphore --- Biblical teaching. --- Religious aspects --- Comparative studies. --- Enseignement biblique --- Aspect religieux --- Etudes comparatives --- Jesus Christ --- Person and offices --- Bible. --- Language, style. --- Theology. --- Intertextuality in the Bible --- Biblical teaching --- Bible --- Language, style --- 226.5 --- Evangelie volgens Johannes --- Métaphore dans la Bible --- Intertextualité dans la Bible --- Métaphore --- Metaphor in the Bible --- Parabole --- Figures of speech --- Reification --- Kenosis (Theology) --- Christ --- Cristo --- Jezus Chrystus --- Jesus Cristo --- Jesus, --- Jezus --- Christ, Jesus --- Yeh-su --- Masīḥ --- Khristos --- Gesù --- Christo --- Yeshua --- Chrystus --- Gesú Cristo --- Ježíš --- Isa, --- Nabi Isa --- Isa Al-Masih --- Al-Masih, Isa --- Masih, Isa Al --- -Jesus, --- Jesucristo --- Yesu --- Yeh-su Chi-tu --- Iēsous --- Iēsous Christos --- Iēsous, --- Kʻristos --- Hisus Kʻristos --- Christos --- Jesuo --- Yeshuʻa ben Yosef --- Yeshua ben Yoseph --- Iisus --- Iisus Khristos --- Jeschua ben Joseph --- Ieso Kriʻste --- Yesus --- Kristus --- ישו --- ישו הנוצרי --- ישו הנצרי --- ישוע --- ישוע בן יוסף --- المسيح --- مسيح --- يسوع المسيح --- 耶稣 --- 耶稣基督 --- 예수그리스도 --- Jíizis --- Yéshoua --- Iėsu̇s --- Khrist Iėsu̇s --- عيسىٰ --- Jean (Book of the New Testament) --- Johanisi (Book of the New Testament) --- Johannesevangelium --- John (Book of the New Testament) --- Yohan pogŭm --- Yohane den (Book of the New Testament) --- Yūḥannā (Book of the New Testament) --- عيسىٰ --- Exegese. --- Intertextualität. --- Ich-bin-Wort. --- Johannesevangelium. --- Ioganaĭ (Book of the New Testament) --- Иоганай (Book of the New Testament) --- Incarnation - Biblical teaching --- Jesus Christ - Person and offices - Biblical teaching
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Gospel scholarship has long recognized that Matthean Christology is a rich, multifaceted tapestry weaving multifold Old Testment figures together in the person of Jesus. It is somewhat strange, therefore, that scholarship has found little role for the figure of Isaac in the Gospel of Matthew. Employing Umberto Eco's theory of the Model Reader as a theoretical basis to ground the phenomenon of Matthean intertextuality, this work contends that when read rightly as a coherent narrative in its first-century setting, with proper attention to both biblical texts and extrabiblical traditions about Isaac, the Gospel of Matthew evinces a significant Isaac typology in service of presenting Jesus as new temple and decisive sacrifice.
Intertextuality in the Bible. --- Intertextualité dans la Bible --- Isaac --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Intertextuality in the Bible --- Sacrifice --- Bible --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- 226.2 --- Evangelie volgens Matteüs --- Jesus Christ --- Christ --- Cristo --- Jezus Chrystus --- Jesus Cristo --- Jesus, --- Jezus --- Christ, Jesus --- Yeh-su --- Masīḥ --- Khristos --- Gesù --- Christo --- Yeshua --- Chrystus --- Gesú Cristo --- Ježíš --- Isa, --- Nabi Isa --- Isa Al-Masih --- Al-Masih, Isa --- Masih, Isa Al --- -Jesus, --- Jesucristo --- Yesu --- Yeh-su Chi-tu --- Iēsous --- Iēsous Christos --- Iēsous, --- Kʻristos --- Hisus Kʻristos --- Christos --- Jesuo --- Yeshuʻa ben Yosef --- Yeshua ben Yoseph --- Iisus --- Iisus Khristos --- Jeschua ben Joseph --- Ieso Kriʻste --- Yesus --- Kristus --- ישו --- ישו הנוצרי --- ישו הנצרי --- ישוע --- ישוע בן יוסף --- المسيح --- مسيح --- يسوع المسيح --- 耶稣 --- 耶稣基督 --- 예수그리스도 --- Jíizis --- Yéshoua --- Iėsu̇s --- Khrist Iėsu̇s --- عيسىٰ --- Isaac, --- Isaak --- Isacco --- Yitsḥaḳ --- יצחק --- יצחק אבינו --- Sacrifice. --- History of doctrines --- Antico Testamento --- Hebrew Bible --- Hebrew Scriptures --- Kitve-ḳodesh --- Miḳra --- Old Testament --- Palaia Diathēkē --- Pentateuch, Prophets, and Hagiographa --- Sean-Tiomna --- Stary Testament --- Tanakh --- Tawrāt --- Torah, Neviʼim, Ketuvim --- Torah, Neviʼim u-Khetuvim --- Velho Testamento --- Evangelie volgens Matteus --- Evangelie volgens Matthéüs --- Matʻae pogŭm --- Matai den --- Matai ni yoru fukuinsho --- Matius (Book of the New Testament) --- Mattá --- Matteo (Book of the New Testament) --- Matteus --- Matthäusevangelium --- Matthéüs --- Matthew (Book of the New Testament) --- Matthieu (Book of the New Testament) --- Relation to Genesis. --- Intertextualité dans la Bible --- عيسىٰ --- Isaac - (Biblical patriarch) --- Isaac - (Biblical patriarch) - Sacrifice
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