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Several state owned financial institutions operating under different licenses provide credit as well as other financial services to virtually all market segments. State owned financial institutions (SOFIs) that provide credit in Mexico operate under different licenses including development banks, development agencies and development trusts. The 2013-2018 National Financing Plan (PRONAFIDE) stablishes ambitious lendingtargets for SOFIs with a view to foster financial deepening, resulting in a pro-cyclical creditbehavior.The Financial Reform of early 2014 sought to facilitate risk taking by DBs andimprove their operation to support the achievement of the PRONAFIDE targets.Currently, DBs support a third of all credit granted to the private sector, of whichabout 12 percent is first tier lending. DBs provide 19 percent of credit to the private sector bothdirectly in first-tier (12 percent) and through intermediaries (7 percent). In addition, DBs guarantee 12.6 percent of the credit provided by the banking system.Despite rapid credit growth, DBs have consistently shown sound asset quality and adequate levels of provisions.Profitability has recently declined as DBs have lowered loan rates to meet credit targets.Recent growth portfolio and declined profitability has put pressures in capitalizationratios in some of the largest DBs, however management of the capital with a groupperspective has resulted in capital reallocations among DBs to preserve ratios above 12percent.Currently, DB operations do not appear to pose mayor fiscal or financial stabilityrisks, but there are important concerns regarding the distortions and inefficiencies that thecurrent expansion of their operations could create. In addition to showing overall robustfinancial sector indicators, stress test conducted on the three largest DBs (Banobras, NAFIN andBancomext) showed their resilience to a variety of shocks. Mexican DBs aim at crowding-inprivate sector participation and thus they have substantial tier-II operations as well as guarantees. However, rapid expansion of their first tier lending poses concerns about crowding out while the introduction of several (albeit small in volume) programs with rate well below market levels raises concerns about financial additionally of their operations as well as sustainability of its financial inclusion efforts.
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This technical note (TN) provides a stocktaking of the current state of the implementation of the key recommendations made by the IMF and the World Bank in their 2015 assessment report on the observance of Basel Core Principles (BCPs) for effective banking supervision in Bulgaria. It provides an overview of the most recent initiatives taken by the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) to address the shortcomings found in the domestic supervisory regime. It also reflects the regulatory and supervisory framework in place as of the date of the completion of this review. This note does not provide an exhaustive analysis of each of the 29 BCPs and is not meant to revise the ratings assigned by the BCP assessors in their 2015 report. The focus is on the eight principles that were found to be materially non-compliant in 2015. In addition, there is analysis of the progress achieved on six principles rated as largely compliant in 2015 that have an important bearing on the effectiveness of supervision and where the BNB is working to enhance its supervisory practice.
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The Sistema de Pagos Electranicos Interbancarios (SPEI) is an important pillar of a complex payment and securities settlement infrastructure, through which the payments of various markets are settled with finality. In 2015, SPEI processed transactions for the equivalent of 10 times the country's gross domestic product (GDP). It is supported by well-founded legal basis, and sound governance arrangements. It has developed a comprehensive risk management approach with an emphasis on operational risk management. At the same time, a few areas and opportunities for improvement have been noted in this report in light of enhancing principles for financial market infrastructures (PFMI) observance. This assessment was undertaken in the context of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) - World Bank (WB) financial sector assessment program (FSAP) to Mexico in April and May 2016. The objective of the assessment has been to identify potential risks related to the FMI that may affect financial stability. While safe and efficient FMIs contribute to maintaining and promoting financial stability and economic growth, they may also concentrate risk. If not properly managed, FMIs can be sources of financial shocks, such as liquidity dislocations and credit losses, or a major channel through which these shocks are transmitted across domestic and international financial markets.
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Housing needs are high in Mexico despite quantitative progress in the last 10 years.Global data hide mismatches between housing demand and supply. First, urban growth relied for a long time on a pattern of urban sprawl, with mass-scale developments of individual units were built outside cities where land is affordable, but far from jobs and services and with related high transportation cost.Second, the housing shortage affects some household categories more than others.The housing finance system has been contributing to these mismatches.The way the two housing provident funds that dominate the mortgage market used to function was an inducement to the urban sprawl pattern. On the supply side, they were acting as demand aggregators for developers, warrantying that projects would meet the effective demand of purchasers qualified to borrow mortgage loans, and would thus avoid market risk largely irrespective of the location of the projects. On the demand side, households were incentivized to take out loans at below market conditions to which they were entitled once in their lifetime.The new policy was outlined in February 2013, and two national 2014-2018 Programs for Urban development and Housing were approved in 2014.Housing finance has a critical role to play to support a more balanced urban development and to help improve living conditions.The growth of the market size despite the stability of the number of loans suggests that better, higher priced housing has become affordable to more households.The improvement of lending conditions also increased the affordability of finance.The macro-economic context allowed the desindexation of housing finance, a major change relatively to the 20-year period delimited by two financial crises. The mortgage Sofoles /Sofomes sector largely disappeared following the 2008-2009 financial crisis.An amendment to the General Law of Credit and Auxiliary Organizations and Activities removed the category of Sofol.SHF reoriented its activities following the demise of the Sofoles/Sofomes, without a totally clear systemic justification in some cases.On the primary market, since the disappearance of most of the sector, SHF only refinanced new mortgages for only MXN 5.3 billion in 2015 (out of about MXN 300 billion total originations).This growth has been partially driven by changes in the market structure. Two factors have played a special role in this growth: (i) the demise of Sofoles/Sofomes, since several of them were bought by banks and are now consolidated with them; (ii) the success of the lending in partnership with the Institutes. In addition, several new comers entered the mortgage market in the last 10 years, including Inmobiliaro Mexicano or ABC Capital. Still, the overall market development is largely due to the growth strategy of three lenders. These entities face several obstacles: (i) gaps that still exist in the property rights (persisting ejido land tenure for instance) and registration systems in the geographic areas - small cities, rural areas- where these institutions are active, which prevent them from securing loans as would be required by long term credit; (ii) regulatory maturity restrictions: up to 5 and 8 years for SOCAPS and Sofipos of categories I and II respectively. These limits are however lifted if housing loans are funded by SHF, the case for only a minority of institutions; (iv) insufficient operational capacities to lend medium or long term loans for housing; and (v) long term funding.
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Major reforms and public sector efforts in recent years have focused on improving conditions for increased private sector financing. However, and despite numerous financial institutions operating in the market, financial services penetration remains low. While much progress has been made, challenges remain in terms of affordability and ease of access to finance. Banks are a major source of funding to the private sector and small and medium enterprise (SMEs) in particular, with highly standardized credit products. Other Financial Institutions (OFIs) face a number of growth and market development challenges to effectively serve the lower end of the SME segment, including funding difficulties and institutional capacity. The government plays a critical role through the development banks in promoting credit to SMEs through guarantees and second tier finance programs. The legal framework for immovable collateral (real estate) is affected by high origination costs and lengthy enforcement procedures. The legal framework for movable collateral (equipment, inventory, accounts receivables, and cash) has been modernized. Challenges remain to unify the legal framework and address enforcement delays.
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Mexico's challenges in infrastructure finance can be framed along similar lines as other Advanced Economies (AEs) and large Emerging Market Economies (EMEs). Mexico is particularly well placed to make capital markets a reliable financing source complementing bank financing. Its capital markets are relatively mature, there is sufficient critical mass of long-term domestic institutional investors, and there is a relevant track record of innovative solutions for infrastructure financing from which to build. Section B of this Technical Note assesses the degree of maturity of the Mexican capital markets in those aspects that are most relevant for infrastructure financing. Section C discusses the different elements of the infrastructure financing ecosystem taking stock of the PPP framework and financial innovations that have been developed, with emphasis on impact, expected developments and potential improvements. Section D, discusses the role of development financial institutions in mobilizing private sector financing with emphasis on Banobras and Fonadin. Finally, section E concludes and provides a set of recommendations
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Financial infrastructure is the underlying foundation of a country's financial system. It comprises all institutions, the rules, and standards of all the systems which enable financial intermediation. The quality of a country's financial infrastructure determines the efficiency of intermediation, the ability of lenders to evaluate risk and of borrowers to obtain credit, insurance, and other financial products at competitive terms. For instance, the efficient and smooth functioning of the payment, and securities settlement systems facilitates the discharge of financial obligations and the safe transfer of funds across distances and institutions and retail customers, supporting the stability of the financial system. This technical note contains the assessment of the national payment and settlement systems (NPS) infrastructure in Russia using the framework of international standards6 and the experience and previous work of the World Bank on payment systems development7 in several countries around the world. The assessment was undertaken in the context of the IMF and World Bank (WB) joint Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) mission to Russia during March 15-30, 2016. The assessor was Gynedi Srinivas of the World Bank's Payment Systems Development Group. The assessor will like to thank the counterparts in Russia for their excellent cooperation and hospitality during the mission. The technical note assesses the NPS infrastructure in Russia under four broad themes. These are: (i) Legal and regulatory framework; (ii) Payment system landscape; (iii) Systems for post-trade clearing and settlement - Central Securities Depository and settlement depository and Central counterparty; and (iv) Oversight. It does not provide a detailed assessment of individual payment and settlement systems in the form of a Report on Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC).
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The Central Bank of Chile (Banco Central de Chile, BCCh) and Chile's Ministry of Finance, in their letter of January 9th, 2015, requested the World Bank to undertake a stand-alone Review of Standards and Codes (ROSC) module of the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI) of the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) and the International Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO). The main tool used by the assessment was the CPSS-IOSCO Assessment Methodology for the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructure and the Responsibilities of Authorities. Each of the FMIs and Chilean authorities - the Banco Central de Chile (BCCh), the Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros (SVS) and the Superintendencia de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras (SBIF) - completed a self-assessment for the PFMI and the Responsibilities of Authorities, respectively. On this basis, the WBG team and the local team conducted detailed interviews with senior and mid-level managers of all the respective institutions, and prepared the assessment reports. In addition to the self-assessments, other sources of information included the applicable laws and regulations, as well as each FMI's main policies and internal documents (e.g. detailed policies, and processes and procedures for certain key areas) which were shared by the FMIs with the assessors, and other information available at each FMI's website (e.g. statistics). The WBG and local teams also met with a number of users of these FMIs, including two large commercial banks and two brokers-dealers that are not part of local bank-lead conglomerates.
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Morocco has made important progress in economic development and financial inclusion since the 2007 Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). Sustained economic growth has contributed to reducing poverty and greater sharing of economic prosperity. The financial sector has emerged as one of the most developed and inclusive in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This technical note covers a large spectrum of financial inclusion topics in Morocco, mostly from the vantage point of banks, microcredit associations and finance companies. However, limits to the FSAP budget prevented extending the analysis to important policy initiatives or subjects, including low-income housing finance, rural finance, financing start-ups, promoting long-term saving, facilitating Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) listings, the role of the National Initiative for Human Development or tax incentives to formalize economic activity. The analysis relies on benchmarking Morocco to the averages of (i) Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries and (ii) its income group as defined by the World Bank. In addition, Peru, South Africa and Turkey were selected as emerging market peers based on income level, financial depth and degree of financial inclusion in specific areas: Peru (microfinance), South Africa (low-income household access), and Turkey (SME finance).
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This Financial Sector Assessment (FSA) summarizes the developmental aspects of the 2016 FSAP report for the Republic of El Salvador. A World Bank mission visited San Salvador from March 6 to 16, 2016 to review the developmental aspects of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) conducted in 2010.1 As previously agreed with the authorities, this FSAP Development Module focused on (i) financial systems issues, including competition and efficiency; (ii) financial inclusion and non-bank financial institution issues, (iii) public sector banks, (iv) financial system infrastructure, including payments, remittances transfers, and credit information systems; (v) capital market and private pensions development issues; and (vi) insurance. The report summarizes the diagnostic findings, progress made since the last FSAP, and recommendations for further regulatory, institutional and market development actions. The executive summary, following next, lists the main highlights and conclusions of this FSAP mission.
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