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Srbi u Temišvaru
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Year: 2012 Publisher: Belgrade [Serbia] : Etnografski institut SANU

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This book is dedicated to the customs, culture and way of life of Serbs in Timisoara. The emphasis is on the strategies of constructing and achieving community and layered identities (national/ethnic, dual, regional, local) within a historic discourse. The data presented in this book has been gathered through various means. Aside from archival material and statistical data on the life of the community, as well as relevant theoretical approaches in the study of ethnicity, the most important data was acquired through fieldwork. The research began in 2002, and took place over a series of short-term visits to the city in 2002, 2003 and 2005. The method of participant observation was applied to many everyday as well as festive situations in the family and social lives of Serbs in Timisoara. I have attended numerous liturgies, weddings, christenings, choir and folklore association rehearsals and performances, family and social celebrations and sporting events. Interviews, surveys and informal conversations were conducted with members of the community encompassing both sexes, all ages and varying social status, political and religious affiliations. Among my informants there were people whose connections to the church weren’t strong, as well as people from mixed marriages. Aside from this, I had tried to gather data on the lives of Serbs between the World wars or earlier indirectly – through the narratives of their descendants.

Cross-Regional Ethnopolitics in Central and Eastern Europe
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783030999513 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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Wohnungsnot, Geschlecht und Gesundheit : Eine Analyse Von Teilhabe und Stigmatisierung
ISBN: 3658411457 3658411449 Year: 2023 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH,

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HELSINŠKE SVESKE №14, Vlasi ili Rumuni iz istočne Srbije i “Vlaško pitanje”
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2002 Publisher: Belgrade [Serbia] : Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji

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(Serbian and Romanian edition) Uoči popisa stanovništva u Saveznoj republici Jugoslaviji, odnosno u Republici Srbiji, neophodno je detabuizirati tzv. “vlaško pitanje”. Naime, postoji neodrživo nasleđe u tumačenju forme i sadržaja ovoga pitanja. U ovoj brošuri Forum za kulturu Vlaha (na vlaškom: Forumu' pėntru Cultura a Rumâńilor) govori o Vlasima u istočnoj Srbiji, tačnije rečeno između Morave, Dunava i Timoka, kao produktu romanizacije, a ne o nekoj kategoriji “vlaha” koji nemaju takav etnički predznak. Nekih drugih “vlaha” i nema na pomenutom prostoru, sem ako se ne izmisle. Romanizacija kao fenomen započeo je sa rimskim zaposedanjem Ilirika, na istočnoj obali Jadrana, u III veku pre nove ere, a na prostorima gde i danas žive na jezicima nepripadnika tzv. Vlasi, posle 168. godine p.n.e. Tada je nestala antička Makedonija da bi se na jugu Balkanskog poluostrva instaliralo Rimsko carstvo. Ovo carstvo se u prvom veku nove ere proširilo do Dunava, a sa Trajanovim osvajanjima, od 101. do 105. godine nove ere, i preko Dunava. Tako je nastala Trajanova Dakija koja opstaje do 271. godine n.e. Te godine, iz strateških razloga, po odluci imperatora Aurelijana, Rimljani i deo romanizovane populacije napuštaju prostore severno od Dunava, pa se južno od Dunava uspostavlja Aurelijanova Dakija. Ovde se nastavlja proces romanizacije autohtone populacije Tračana, kao i onih koji su iz različitih motiva došli ili su dovedeni sa raznih drugih strana Rimske imperije. Verovatno je taj proces osnažen i promenom u rimskoj legislaciji kroz unifikaciju statusa rimskih građana Ediktom imperatora Karakale 212. godine. Tako su se u jugoistočnoj Evropi rodili “Vlasi”. Zbog intenzivnosti tog procesa na karpatsko-podunavskom prostoru, istorijski gledano ovo šire područje se može označiti prostorom gde su se pojavili “Vlasi”, tj. to je “vlaški matični prostor”. U današnje vreme, imajući u vidu istorijske i antropološko-kulturološke promene koje su se dogodile u proteklih dva milenijuma, tako se može kvalifikovati samo današnja Rumunija. U etnogenetskim procesima, za koje se smatra da su se okončali od VII-X veka, ovaj balkanski element je dobio novo ruho. Njegovom uobličavanju u novi etnički entitet doprinos su dali i Sloveni u svom pomeranju na Balkanskom poluostrvu. U toku ili pri kraju takvog procesa došlo je do razdvajanja severnog i južnog ogranka ove populacije, koja se pod imenom Vlaha pominje u istoriji 976. godine, povodom pogibije Davida, brata cara Samuila. Još iz najranijih vremena Germani su susedne Kelte i Rimljane nazivali WALHOS. Kasnije se ova etnička odrednica suzila na romanizovane populacije koje su dobile svoju latinsku identifikaciju ROMANUS. Od ova dva naziva nastale su hipostaze koje poznajemo i u današnje vreme, uključujući i slovenski naziv “Vlah, Vlasi”, odnosno “vlaški”, na rumunskom književnom jeziku “Român, Români”, na rumunskom narodnom govoru “Rumân, Rumâni” (kao npr. u Dosoftejevom Psaltiru u stihovima na rumunskom iz 1673., te u Šerbanovoj Bibliji na rumunskom iz 1688., itd.), naime na muntenskom, krišanskom, maramureškom, moldavskom i banatskom narečju rumunskog jezika.

Paradoxes of stabilisation. Bosnia and Herzegovina from the perspective of Central Europe
Authors: ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Warszawa [Poland] : OSW Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia

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On 15 February 2016 Bosnia and Herzegovina applied for membership of the European Union. This was the result of the new policy strategy which the EU introduced in 2014, aimed at unblocking BiH’s integration process and encouraging local elites to accelerate the reform process. Despite a formal application to the EU, the main internal problems of BiH remain the same - local politicians focus more on the power struggle and enhancing ethnic division than on reform and this is hampering the economic development of one of the poorest countries in Europe. For these reasons this report is devoted to analysing the internal challenges to the stability, coherence and unity of the country. Special attention was also placed on examining the interest and strategies of the various international actors since they can hinder or support the reform process. // The Western Balkans, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, is playing a prominent role in the framework of V4 cooperation. The stability of this region and its integration with the EU is of vital interest to the V4 countries. It was for this reason that the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), alongside partner institutions from the V4 countries – the Research Centre of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (RC SFPA), the Institute of International Relations (IIR) from the Czech Republic, and GEO Research from Hungary – and supported by the International Visegrad Fund, decided to develop a joint research project focused on BiH.

Race and ethnicity
ISBN: 0335153852 0335153860 9780335153862 9780335153855 Year: 1986 Publisher: Milton Keynes: Open university press,

Identity processes and dynamics in multi-ethnic Europe
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9089640460 904850631X 9789048506316 9789089640468 Year: 2010 Publisher: Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press,

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A study of identity processes and identity dynamics in a post-colonial, multiethnic European context

Irish and Scottish Encounters with Indigenous Peoples
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0773588809 9780773588806 9780773588813 0773588817 9780773541511 0773541519 9780773541504 0773541500 Year: 2013 Publisher: Montréal [Qué.] McGill-Queen's University Press

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The expansion of the British Empire during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries created the greatest mass migration in human history, in which the Irish and Scots played a central, complex, and controversial role. The essays in this volume explore the diverse encounters Irish and Scottish migrants had with Indigenous peoples in North America and Australasia. The Irish and Scots were among the most active and enthusiastic participants in what one contributor describes as "the greatest single period of land theft, cultural pillage, and casual genocide in world history." At the same time, some settlers attempted to understand Indigenous society rather than destroy it, while others incorporated a romanticized view of Natives into a radical critique of European society, and others still empathized with Natives as fellow victims of imperialism. These essays investigate the extent to which the condition of being Irish and Scottish affected settlers' attitudes to Indigenous peoples, and examine the political, social, religious, cultural, and economic dimensions of their interactions. Presenting a variety of viewpoints, the editors reach the provocative conclusion that the Scottish and Irish origins of settlers were less important in determining attitudes and behaviour than were the specific circumstances in which those settlers found themselves at different times and places in North America, Australia and New Zealand. Contributors include Donald Harman Akenson (Queen's), John Eastlake (College Cork), Marjory Harper (Aberdeen), Andrew Hinson (Toronto), Michele Holmgren (Mount Royal), Kevin Hutchings (Northern British Columbia), Anne Lederman (Royal Conservatory of Music), Patricia A. McCormack (Alberta), Mark G. McGowan (Toronto), Ann McGrath (Australian National), Cian T. McMahon (Nevada), Graeme Morton (Guelph), Michael Newton (Xavier), Pádraig Ó Siadhail (Saint Mary's), Brad Patterson (Victoria University of Wellington), Beverly Soloway (Lakehead), and David A. Wilson (Toronto).

Hating the Jews
ISBN: 1618110403 9781618110404 9781936235254 1936235250 Year: 2012 Publisher: Boston, MA

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With attacks by Muslims against Jews in Western Europe reaching all-time highs, Jews are now facing levels of genocidal anti-Semitism not seen since WWII. Muslims committing attacks on Jews seek to substitute their own claims of victimhood for the Jews' plight, defining themselves as the "new Jews." Their demands for recognition are accompanied by acts of public disobedience, violent street protests, and petty crime. The Arab-Israeli struggle has been brought to Europe and extended to cover a hatred of Europe's Jews as well as those resident in Israel. Gregg Rickman, the United States' first Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, provides this first-person account and in-depth examination of the rise of anti-Semitism in the twenty-first century.

Unsettling settler societies : articulations of gender, race, ethnicity and class
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1446266222 1446237028 1446222225 1283879867 9781446266229 9780803986930 0803986939 9781446222225 9781446237021 9781283879866 9780803986947 0803986939 0803986947 Year: 1995 Publisher: London ; Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage,

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This book considers the relation between indigenous and settler/immigrant populations, focusing in particular on women's conditions and politics. It examines how the process of development of settler societies and the positions of indigenous and migrant peoples within them, reflects the place of these societies (New Zealand, Australia, Canada, the United States, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Algeria and Israel) within a global economy.

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