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Les progrès de la contraception - désormais assurée - ont permis une distinction définitive entre exercice de la sexualité et procréation. On a bien étudié les aspects de la sexualité libérée de sa finalité reproductrice, et les problèmes qu’elle pose. Aujourd’hui ce sont, au contraire, l’infécondité et la stérilité qui suscitent inquiétudes et recherches nombreuses. On les retrouve dans la première partie de cet ouvrage. Plusieurs techniques biologiques actuellement bien maîtrisées permettent la procréation d’un enfant d’une façon autre que celle qui est naturelle. Les deux membres du couple parental sont associés différemment chacun pour leur part, sur le plan biologique, mais aussi dans ce qui, à partir du désir d’enfant, fonde et institue la parentalité et la filiation. Au moment où chacun se préoccupe de ces questions fondamentales, et parfois croit pouvoir y répondre - mais de façon subjective, et avec toutes les projections liées à sa propre vie et à sa propre filiation - ce livre apporte les études cliniques scientifiques les plus objectives menées par ceux qui - appartenant à diverses disciplines - ont une expérience réelle de l’approche des couples stériles, des procédés médicaux qui leur permettent d’espérer un enfant, et des enfants que finalement ils auront eus. Michel Soulé.
INSEMINATION, ARTIFICIAL --- INFERTILITY --- Infertility. --- Insemination, Artificial. --- Eutelegenesis --- Artificial Insemination --- Artificial Inseminations --- Eutelegeneses --- Inseminations, Artificial --- Reproductive Sterility --- Sterility, Reproductive --- Sub-Fertility --- Subfertility --- Sterility --- Fertility --- Insemination, Artificial --- Infertility
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Insemination, Artificial. --- 241.64*8 --- #GBIB:CBMER --- Eutelegenesis --- Artificial Insemination --- Artificial Inseminations --- Eutelegeneses --- Inseminations, Artificial --- Theologische ethiek: kunstmatige inseminatie; leenmoederschap --- 241.64*8 Theologische ethiek: kunstmatige inseminatie; leenmoederschap --- Insemination, Artificial
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Insemination, Artificial. --- Artificial insemination, Human --- -Human embryo --- -Artificial insemination, Human --- -Donor insemination, Human --- Human artificial insemination --- Human donor insemination --- Human reproductive technology --- Embryo, Human --- Embryology, Human --- Eutelegenesis --- Artificial Insemination --- Artificial Inseminations --- Eutelegeneses --- Inseminations, Artificial --- Congresses --- Transplantation --- -Congresses --- Law and legislation --- Human embryo --- Congresses. --- Insemination, Artificial --- Donor insemination, Human --- Law and legislation&delete& --- Transplantation&delete&
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Als zwanger worden niet van zelf gaat, stort voor vele jonge koppels de wereld in. De maandenlange vruchteloze pogingen wegen zwaar. De stap naar de medische hulpverlening brengt nieuwe hoop. Artsen kunnen vandaag veel, ook op het vlak van vruchtbaarheidsonderzoeken en -behandelingen. Maar vaak wordt het opnieuw een periode van geduld uitoefenen, een opeenvolging van hoop en desillusie, een periode die voor een aantal koppels uiteindelijk wordt beloond, voor sommige ook niet. Ook lesbische vrouwen en vrouwen die Bewust Ongehuwde Moeder (BOM) willen worden, doen vaak beroep op de mogelijkheden die de medische wereld voor hen biedt. Baby?s gevraagd! biedt een helder overzicht van de mogelijkheden en beperkingen van vruchtbaarheidsbehandelingen. Het team van het Fertiliteitcentrum van de Universitaire Ziekenhuizen Leuven, dat al jarenlang expertise en ervaring heeft in dat domein, bekijkt de problematiek van verminderde vruchtbaarheid in al haar facetten. Naast de medische aspecten en de invloeden van lifestyle, belichten de auteurs ook enkele ethische en juridische invalshoeken. Ze wijzen eveneens op de stress en de spanning die deze problematiek vaak met zich brengt.Dit boek wil een wegwijzer zijn, een bron van begrijpbare, correcte informatie voor koppels met vruchtbaarheidsproblemen, lesbische vrouwen of toekomstige BOM?s. Maar ook voor hun omgeving en de bredere bevolking, zodat de kinderwens van deze mensen en de medische realisatie ervan, ook voor hen duidelijk wordt.
Babyverzorging --- Maternité --- Moederschap --- Soins aux bébés --- Infertility --- Insemination, Artificial. --- Academic collection --- 610 --- 615.56 --- aangeboren afwijkingen --- adoptie --- eiceldonatie --- embryodonatie --- ethiek --- fertiliteit --- in-vitrofertilisatie --- kunstmatige inseminatie --- meerlingzwangerschap --- onderzoeken --- recht --- spermadonatie --- stress --- zwangerschap --- Bevruchting --- Fertiliteit (infertiliteit, vruchtbaarheid) --- Fertiliteitsstoornissen (onvruchtbaarheid) --- In-vitrofertilisatie --- Kunstmatige inseminatie --- 605.5 --- fertiliteit (gez) --- geneesmiddelen (gez) --- ICSI --- aangeboren afwijkingen (congenitale afwijkingen, hartafwijkingen) --- embryo --- fertiliteit (fertiliteitsstoornissen, infertiliteit, vruchtbaarheid) --- in-vitrofertilisatie (IVF, proefbuisbaby) --- kinderwens --- meerlingzwangerschap (tweelingzwangerschap) --- Vruchtbaarheidsproblemen --- vruchtbaarheidsbehandelingen --- zwangerschapscomplicaties --- Eutelegenesis --- Artificial Insemination --- Artificial Inseminations --- Eutelegeneses --- Inseminations, Artificial --- therapy. --- Vroedkunde --- (zie ook: orthopedie, seksuele ontwikkelingsstoornissen, vaatziekten) --- Gynaecology. Obstetrics --- Belgium --- Netherlands --- Insemination, Artificial --- therapy --- Gynaecologie. Obstetrica --- Nederland --- België --- Fertiliteit --- Vruchtbaarheid --- Ethics --- Artificial insemination --- Medical sciences --- Sperm donors --- Reproductive technology --- Fertility --- Legislation --- Book --- Egg cell donor
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Insemination, Artificial --- Infertility --- Fertility, Human --- Human reproductive technology --- Social aspects --- Insemination, Artificial. --- -Human reproductive technology --- -Infertility --- -#GBIB:CBMER --- 241.64*8 --- Involuntary childlessness --- Sterility --- Sterility in humans --- Childlessness --- Generative organs --- Sterilization (Birth control) --- Assisted human reproduction --- Assisted conception --- Conception --- Human assisted reproduction --- Human reproduction --- Medical technology --- Reproductive technology --- Human fertility --- Natality --- Demography --- Eutelegenesis --- Artificial Insemination --- Artificial Inseminations --- Eutelegeneses --- Inseminations, Artificial --- Theologische ethiek: kunstmatige inseminatie; leenmoederschap --- Diseases --- Technological innovations --- 241.64*8 Theologische ethiek: kunstmatige inseminatie; leenmoederschap --- #GBIB:CBMER --- Infertility - Social aspects --- Fertility, Human - Social aspects --- Human reproductive technology - Social aspects
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Cattle --- INSEMINATION, ARTIFICIAL --- Reproduction --- Artificial insemination --- Reproduction. --- Insemination, Artificial. --- Cattle. --- -Cattle --- -#ABIB:aeco --- Bos taurus --- Bos --- Livestock --- Bos grunniens --- Bos indicus --- Cow, Domestic --- Yak --- Zebu --- Cows, Domestic --- Domestic Cow --- Domestic Cows --- Yaks --- Zebus --- Eutelegenesis --- Artificial Insemination --- Artificial Inseminations --- Eutelegeneses --- Inseminations, Artificial --- Human Reproductive Index --- Human Reproductive Indexes --- Reproductive Period --- Human Reproductive Indices --- Index, Human Reproductive --- Indexes, Human Reproductive --- Indices, Human Reproductive --- Period, Reproductive --- Periods, Reproductive --- Reproductive Index, Human --- Reproductive Indices, Human --- Reproductive Periods --- Artificial insemination. --- Insemination, Artificial --- #ABIB:aeco --- Animal husbandry --- Beef Cow --- Cow --- Dairy Cow --- Holstein Cow --- Beef Cows --- Cow, Beef --- Cow, Dairy --- Cow, Holstein --- Cows --- Dairy Cows --- Cattle - Reproduction --- Cattle - Artificial insemination
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Status of persons --- Human genetics --- Sexology --- Medical law --- Artificial insemination, Human --- Fertilization in vitro, Human --- Law and legislation --- Congresses --- Ethics, Medical. --- Insemination, Artificial. --- Legislation, Medical. --- 351.84*7 --- -#GBIB:CBMER --- Babies, Test tube --- Human fertilization in vitro --- Human in vitro fertilization --- Test tube babies --- Conception --- Human reproductive technology --- Medical Legislation --- Medicine --- Eutelegenesis --- Artificial Insemination --- Artificial Inseminations --- Eutelegeneses --- Inseminations, Artificial --- Medical Ethics --- Professionalism --- Bioethics --- Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen --- -Congresses --- legislation & jurisprudence --- ethics --- 351.84*7 Medisch recht. Gezondheidsrecht. Wetgeving i.v.m. ziekenhuizen --- Ethics, Medical --- Insemination, Artificial --- Legislation, Medical --- #GBIB:CBMER --- Donor insemination, Human --- Human artificial insemination --- Human donor insemination --- Law and legislation&delete& --- Procréation médicalement assistée. --- Génétique humaine --- Droit. --- Procréation médicalement assistée. --- Génétique humaine --- Artificial insemination, Human - Law and legislation - Congresses --- Fertilization in vitro, Human - Law and legislation - Congresses
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Artificial insemination, Human. --- Frozen semen. --- Family Planning Services --- Insemination, Artificial --- Semen Preservation --- Artificial insemination, Human --- Frozen semen --- Insémination artificielle humaine --- Sperme congelé --- Great Britain --- Insemination, Artificial. --- Semen Preservation. --- Family Planning Services. --- Family Planning Programs --- Planned Pregnancy --- Pregnancy, Planned --- Family Planning --- Family Planning Program --- Family Planning Service --- Planned Pregnancies --- Planning Service, Family --- Planning Services, Family --- Pregnancies, Planned --- Program, Family Planning --- Programs, Family Planning --- Service, Family Planning --- Services, Family Planning --- Contraception --- Population Control --- Frozen Semen --- Sperm Preservation --- Preservation, Semen --- Preservation, Sperm --- Semen, Frozen --- Tissue and Organ Harvesting --- Eutelegenesis --- Artificial Insemination --- Artificial Inseminations --- Eutelegeneses --- Inseminations, Artificial --- Great Britain. --- Isle of Man --- United Kingdom --- United Kingdom. --- Insémination artificielle humaine --- Sperme congelé --- Artificial insemination --- Freezing of semen --- Frozen spermatozoa --- Spermatozoa, Frozen --- Semen --- AI (Artificial insemination) --- Artificial impregnation --- Domestic animals --- Impregnation, Artificial --- Instrumental insemination --- Livestock --- Animal breeding --- Reproductive technology --- Donor insemination, Human --- Human artificial insemination --- Human donor insemination --- Human reproductive technology --- Congresses
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Artificial insemination --- Fertilization in vitro, Human --- Frozen human embryos --- Surrogate motherhood --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Fertilization in Vitro. --- Insemination, Artificial. --- Mothers. --- -Fertilization in vitro, Human --- -Surrogate motherhood --- -Frozen human embryos --- Human embryo, Frozen --- Cryobiology --- Human embryo --- Motherhood --- Babies, Test tube --- Human fertilization in vitro --- Human in vitro fertilization --- Test tube babies --- AI (Artificial insemination) --- Artificial impregnation --- Impregnation, Artificial --- Instrumental insemination --- Animal breeding --- Mothers' Clubs --- Club, Mothers' --- Clubs, Mothers' --- Mother --- Mother Clubs --- Mother's Clubs --- Mothers Clubs --- Mothers' Club --- Eutelegenesis --- Artificial Insemination --- Artificial Inseminations --- Eutelegeneses --- Inseminations, Artificial --- Fertilizations in Vitro --- In Vitro Fertilization --- Test-Tube Babies --- Test-Tube Fertilization --- Babies, Test-Tube --- Baby, Test-Tube --- Fertilization, Test-Tube --- Fertilizations, Test-Tube --- In Vitro Fertilizations --- Test Tube Babies --- Test Tube Fertilization --- Test-Tube Baby --- Test-Tube Fertilizations --- Ectogenesis --- Ethics, Medical --- Fertilization in Vitro --- Insemination, Artificial --- Mothers --- #GBIB:CBMER --- #gsdb5 --- Genetic Engineering --- Medical Ethics --- Medicine --- Professionalism --- Bioethics --- Human reproductive technology --- Domestic animals --- Livestock --- Reproductive technology --- Moral and ethical aspects --- ethics --- Preservation --- Ethics of family. Ethics of sexuality --- Gynaecology. Obstetrics --- Great Britain --- Embryo (Menselijk) (Diepvries). Moraal. --- Kunsmatige inseminatie / bij de mens. Moraal. --- Embryo (Menselijk). Transfert. Moraal. --- Fécondation humaine in vitro. Morale. --- Insémination artificielle humaine. Morale. --- Embryon humain surgelé. Morale. --- Embryon humain. Transfert. Morale. --- Bevruchting (Menselijke) in vitro. Moraal. --- Gezinsethiek. Seksuele ethiek --- Gynaecologie. Obstetrica --- Groot-Brittannië --- Medical ethics --- Government policy --- Fertility --- Book
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Christian ethics --- Ethics, Jewish --- Fertilization in vitro, Human --- -Sex change --- -#GBIB:CBMER --- Change of sex --- Reassignment, Sex --- Sex change surgery --- Sex reassignment --- Transsexual surgery --- Generative organs --- Hormone therapy --- Babies, Test tube --- Human fertilization in vitro --- Human in vitro fertilization --- Test tube babies --- Conception --- Human reproductive technology --- Jews --- Religious ethics --- Ethical theology --- Moral theology --- Theology, Ethical --- Theology, Moral --- Christian life --- Christian philosophy --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Surgery --- Ethics --- Artificial insemination, Human --- Sex change --- Jewish ethics --- Insémination artificielle humaine --- Fécondation in vitro (Gynécologie) --- Morale chrétienne --- Morale juive --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Aspect moral --- Ethics, Medical --- Fertilization in Vitro --- Insemination, Artificial --- #GBIB:CBMER --- 241.64*8 --- 241.64*8 Theologische ethiek: kunstmatige inseminatie; leenmoederschap --- Theologische ethiek: kunstmatige inseminatie; leenmoederschap --- Donor insemination, Human --- Human artificial insemination --- Human donor insemination --- Eutelegenesis --- Artificial Insemination --- Artificial Inseminations --- Eutelegeneses --- Inseminations, Artificial --- Fertilizations in Vitro --- In Vitro Fertilization --- Test-Tube Babies --- Test-Tube Fertilization --- Babies, Test-Tube --- Baby, Test-Tube --- Fertilization, Test-Tube --- Fertilizations, Test-Tube --- In Vitro Fertilizations --- Test Tube Babies --- Test Tube Fertilization --- Test-Tube Baby --- Test-Tube Fertilizations --- Ectogenesis --- Genetic Engineering --- Medical Ethics --- Medicine --- Professionalism --- Bioethics --- Gender-affirming surgery --- ethics --- Christian religion --- Gynaecology. Obstetrics --- Christian ethics. --- Jewish ethics. --- Christelijke godsdienst --- Gynaecologie. Obstetrica --- Gender transition --- Artificial insemination --- Points of view --- Book --- Christianity
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