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This latest book in the Clinical Cases in Dermatology series presents a variety of cases of pruritus. A clear easy-to-follow chapter structure throughout the work enables the reader to develop a thorough understanding of the content covered in each case. An emphasis is placed on key features that distinguish pruritus from other conditions to ensure the reader develops their diagnostic skills. Practically applicable guidance on how to appropriately manage the disorder to assist the reader in the clinical decision-making is also provided. Clinical Cases in Pruritus is a concise practically applicable resource detailing how to diagnose and manage pruritus in a variety of scenarios. Therefore, it is of interest to practicing and trainee dermatologists seeking a concise up-to-date resource on the topic.
Dermatology. --- Medicine --- Skin --- Diseases --- Itching. --- Itch --- Itches --- Pruritus --- Cutaneous manifestations of general diseases --- Senses and sensation --- Pruïja --- Històries clíniques --- Casos --- Casos clínics --- Historials clínics --- Informes mèdics --- Protocols clínics --- Registres d'infermeria --- Manifestacions cutànies de les malalties
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Cardiovascular system --- Cancer --- Diseases. --- Treatment --- Complications. --- Cardiovascular diseases --- Complications and sequelae --- Malalties cardiovasculars --- Oncologia --- Històries clíniques --- Casos --- Casos clínics --- Historials clínics --- Informes mèdics --- Protocols clínics --- Registres d'infermeria --- Medicina --- Oncologia geriàtrica --- Oncologia pediàtrica --- Oncologia veterinària --- Càncer --- Infermeria oncològica --- Tumors --- Malalties de l'aparell cardiovascular --- Malalties del sistema cardiovascular --- Malalties --- Hipotensió arterial --- Malalties coronàries --- Malalties del cor --- Trombosi --- Cardiologia
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Hysterosalpingography. --- HSG (Gynecology) --- Hysterotubography --- Metrosalpingography --- Metrotubography --- Uterosalpingography --- Uterotubography --- Fallopian tubes --- Uterus --- Radiography --- Diagnòstic radiològic --- Esterilitat femenina --- Històries clíniques --- Casos --- Casos clínics --- Historials clínics --- Informes mèdics --- Protocols clínics --- Registres d'infermeria --- Esterilitat --- Diagnòstic per raigs X --- Diagnòstic roentgenològic --- Radiodiagnosi --- Radiodiagnòstic --- Radiologia clínica --- Radiologia per al diagnòstic --- Diagnòstic per la imatge --- Angiografia --- Gammagrafia --- Radiologia pediàtrica --- Radiologia mèdica --- Radiografia mèdica --- Raigs X
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This book presents and analyzes clinical cases of brain tumors and follows the classification provided by the WHO in 2016. After introductory chapters reviewing the international literature on the topic, the advances made in all imaging modalities (especially Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography) are examined. All radiological findings are supplemented with a wealth of images and brief explanations. The clinical information is given as part of the case discussion, as are the characteristics and differential diagnosis of the tumors. Radiologic-pathologic correlations round out the description of each clinical case. Intended as a quick and illustrative reference guide for radiology residents and medical students, this atlas represents the most up-to-date, practice-oriented reference book in the field of Brain Tumor Imaging.
Brain --- Tumors. --- Radiology. --- Neurology . --- Oncology . --- Imaging / Radiology. --- Neurology. --- Oncology. --- Radiological physics --- Physics --- Radiation --- Tumors --- Medicine --- Nervous system --- Neuropsychiatry --- Diseases --- Tumors cerebrals --- Diagnòstic radiològic --- Neurologia --- Històries clíniques --- Casos --- Casos clínics --- Historials clínics --- Informes mèdics --- Protocols clínics --- Registres d'infermeria --- Medicina --- Electrofisiologia --- Inhibició --- Neurocirurgia --- Neurooftalmologia --- Neuroimmunologia --- Neurologia pediàtrica --- Neurologia geriàtrica --- Neurologia veterinària --- Psicofisiologia --- Psicopatologia --- Urgències en neurologia --- Neuròlegs --- Diagnòstic per raigs X --- Diagnòstic roentgenològic --- Radiodiagnosi --- Radiodiagnòstic --- Radiologia clínica --- Radiologia per al diagnòstic --- Diagnòstic per la imatge --- Angiografia --- Gammagrafia --- Radiologia pediàtrica --- Radiologia mèdica --- Radiografia mèdica --- Raigs X --- Malalties cerebrals --- Meningioma
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While there are many outstanding resources providing in-depth review of electrophysiology topics, this extensively updated book is one of the few case-based books that comprehensively cover clinical electrophysiology, devices and ablation. Case review offers a simple, yet effective way in teaching important concepts, offering insight into both the basic pathophysiology of a problem as well as the clinical reasoning that leads to a solution. As the field of cardiac electrophysiology evolves, the challenge remains to educate new generations of cardiac electrophysiologists with the basics as well as the latest advances in the field. Cardiac Electrophysiology: Clinical Case Review collates the most comprehensive case-based reviews of electrophysiology designed to appeal to all students of the field whether they are fellows, allied professionals or practicing electrophysiologists. The Editors have recruited some of the true experts in the field to contribute cases that they have encountered and summarizing the important learning objectives in a succinct way. Covering clinical electrophysiology, device troubleshooting and analysis as well as intracardiac electrogram analysis and ablation, readers will find the cases useful as a review of electrophysiology or in their day to day interactions with patients. .
Electrocardiography. --- ECG --- EKG --- Electrocardiograms --- Electrodiagnosis --- Heart --- Diseases --- Diagnosis --- Electric properties --- Cardiology. --- Cardiac surgery. --- Cardiac Surgery. --- Cardiac surgery --- Open-heart surgery --- Internal medicine --- Surgery --- Malalties del cor --- Electrofisiologia --- Cardiologia --- Històries clíniques --- Casos --- Casos clínics --- Historials clínics --- Informes mèdics --- Protocols clínics --- Registres d'infermeria --- Medicina interna --- Anestèsia en cardiologia --- Cardiologia geriàtrica --- Cardiologia pediàtrica --- Cardiologia veterinària --- Medicina intensiva en cardiologia --- Malalties cardiovasculars --- Malalties vasculars --- Electricitat animal --- Electrobiologia --- Fisiologia --- Neurologia --- Anestèsia elèctrica --- Circuit neuronal --- Electrocardiografia --- Electroencefalografia --- Músculs --- Potencials evocats (Electrofisiologia) --- Atac de cor --- Cardiopaties --- Malalties cardíaques --- Arrítmia --- Aturada cardíaca --- Dilatació del cor --- Endocarditis --- Insuficiència cardíaca --- Malalties del pericardi --- Malformacions del cor --- Malalts cardíacs
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This book presents the main cardiac pathologies, providing a helpful guide featuring clinical cases and electronic supplementary material. There are several systematic books on cardiac magnetic resonance, which approach the different pathologies and related pathophysiology in a general manner, and these are useful for readers at an early stage in their medical careers. However, when it comes to individual patients (during the acquisition of images and reporting activities) there is no book providing operative protocols or systematic descriptions of details to look for. In the eight chapters (Cardiomyopathies, Myocarditis, Ischemic Heart Disease, Valvular Heart Diseases, Cardiac Masses, Pericardial Diseases, Congenital Heart Disease, and Miscellanea), the individual pathology is illustrated with a clinical case. The cases are divided into four sections: An introduction with a short medical history and the purpose of the diagnostic CMR A detailed CMR acquisition protocol CMR images, indicating purpose, method, analysis and meaning of the image, as well as videos. Concluding paragraph with the final diagnosis reached on the basis of the findings obtained in each image This book, collecting one hundred one clinical cases covering a broad spectrum of cardiac diseases, is an invaluable tool for radiologists and cardiologists.
Radiology. --- Cardiology. --- Imaging / Radiology. --- Heart --- Internal medicine --- Radiological physics --- Physics --- Radiation --- Diseases --- Cardiovascular medicine. --- Magnetic resonance imaging --- Cardiopulmonary system --- Cardiovascular system --- Chest --- Malalties del cor --- Ressonància magnètica --- Cardiologia --- Històries clíniques --- Casos --- Casos clínics --- Historials clínics --- Informes mèdics --- Protocols clínics --- Registres d'infermeria --- Medicina interna --- Anestèsia en cardiologia --- Cardiologia geriàtrica --- Cardiologia pediàtrica --- Cardiologia veterinària --- Medicina intensiva en cardiologia --- Malalties cardiovasculars --- Malalties vasculars --- Àtoms --- Spin (Física nuclear) --- Ressonància magnètica nuclear --- Ressonància paramagnètica electrònica --- Relaxació magnètica --- Atac de cor --- Cardiopaties --- Malalties cardíaques --- Arrítmia --- Aturada cardíaca --- Dilatació del cor --- Endocarditis --- Insuficiència cardíaca --- Malalties del pericardi --- Malformacions del cor --- Malalts cardíacs
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This open access book is the first published guide about how to analyse data produced by the EQ-5D, one of the most widely used Patient Reported Outcomes questionnaires world wide. The authors provide practical, clear and comprehensive guidance in five concise chapters. Following an overview of the EQ-5D and its analysis, we describe how the questionnaire data – the EQ-5D profile and EQ VAS – can be analysed in different ways to generate important insights into peoples’ health. We then show how the value sets which accompany the EQ-5D can be applied to summarise patients’ data. The final chapter deals with advanced topics, including the use of Minimally Important Differences, case-mix adjustment, mapping, and more. This book is essential for those new to analyzing EQ-5D data and will be also be valuable for those with more experience. The methods can be applied to any EQ-5D instrument (for example, the three- and five-level and Youth versions) and many of the methods described will be equally relevant to other Patient Reported Outcomes instruments. .
Medicine. --- Public health. --- Medical research. --- Biomedicine, general. --- Public Health. --- Quality of Life Research. --- Biomedical research --- Medical research --- Community health --- Health services --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Social hygiene --- Health --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- Health Workforce --- Salut --- Històries clíniques --- Satisfacció dels pacients --- Informàtica mèdica --- Informàtica clínica --- Ciències de la informació --- Intel·ligència artificial en medicina --- Salut en línia --- Telemàtica mèdica --- Qualitat de vida dels pacients --- Satisfacció dels malalts --- Avaluació de l'assistència mèdica --- Satisfacció --- Casos --- Casos clínics --- Historials clínics --- Informes mèdics --- Protocols clínics --- Registres d'infermeria --- Fisiologia --- Medicina --- Condició física --- Descans --- Dieta --- Educació sanitària --- Exercici --- Hàbits sanitaris --- Longevitat --- Nutrició --- Salut pública --- Tècnica Alexander --- Medicina holística --- Biomedicine, general --- Public Health --- Quality of Life Research --- Biomedical Research --- EQ-5D --- Open Access --- patient reported outcomes (PROs) --- health related quality of life (HRQoL) --- quality of life --- QALYs --- Public health & preventive medicine --- Personal & public health
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Over the past few decades there have been major advances in computed tomography (CT) to improve the performance of cardiac imaging. Thanks to the improved scanning speed, power boost tubes, and increased-width detectors, the latest CT technology delivers greater coverage, better spatial and temporal resolution, and functional information on cardiac diseases. Focusing on cardiac CT imaging, this book offers case-based information on cardiac diseases, presents the current technical status, and highlights applications, helping readers systematically understand how cardiac CTs are performed and interpreted in clinical practice. Divided into six chapters, it broadly discusses the characteristics of CT imaging and its applications to coronary artery disease (CAD); non-atherosclerotic coronary artery disease; congenital heart disease; cardiac neoplasms; cardiomyopathy and aortic diseases.
Cardiac imaging. --- Cardiology. --- Cardiac Imaging. --- Heart --- Internal medicine --- Cardiac diagnostic imaging --- Cardiac imaging --- Diagnostic cardiac imaging --- Imaging of the heart --- Diseases --- Imaging --- Tomography. --- Malalties cardiovasculars --- Tomografia --- Cardiologia --- Diagnòstic per la imatge --- Històries clíniques --- Malalties de l'aparell cardiovascular --- Malalties del sistema cardiovascular --- Malalties --- Hipotensió arterial --- Malalties coronàries --- Malalties del cor --- Trombosi --- Casos --- Casos clínics --- Historials clínics --- Informes mèdics --- Protocols clínics --- Registres d'infermeria --- Diagnòstic per imatge --- Diagnòstic per imatgeria --- Imatgeria per al diagnòstic --- Imatges diagnòstiques --- Imatges per al diagnòstic --- Diagnòstic --- Imatges mèdiques --- Diagnòstic radiològic --- Ecografia --- Endoscòpia --- Gammagrafia --- Imatges per ressonància magnètica --- Termografia mèdica --- Tomografia per emissió de positrons --- Substàncies de contrast --- Medicina interna --- Anestèsia en cardiologia --- Cardiologia geriàtrica --- Cardiologia pediàtrica --- Cardiologia veterinària --- Medicina intensiva en cardiologia --- Malalties vasculars --- CAT --- CT (Tomografia computada) --- Estratigrafia radiològica --- Laminografía --- Planigrafia --- Radiografia per seccions --- TAC --- Tomodensitometria --- Tomografia axial computada --- Tomografia axial computada de raigs X --- Tomografia computeritzada --- TC (Tomografia computada) --- Zonografia --- Radiografia mèdica --- Tomografia de coherència òptica --- Tomografia sísmica
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This open access volume is the first academic book on the controversial issue of including spiritual care in integrated electronic medical records (EMR). Based on an international study group comprising researchers from Europe (The Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland), the United States, Canada, and Australia, this edited collection provides an overview of different charting practices and experiences in various countries and healthcare contexts. Encompassing case studies and analyses of theological, ethical, legal, healthcare policy, and practical issues, the volume is a groundbreaking reference for future discussion, research, and strategic planning for inter- or multi-faith healthcare chaplains and other spiritual care providers involved in the new field of documenting spiritual care in EMR. Topics explored among the chapters include: Spiritual Care Charting/Documenting/Recording/Assessment Charting Spiritual Care: Psychiatric and Psychotherapeutic Aspects Palliative Chaplain Spiritual Assessment Progress Notes Charting Spiritual Care: Ethical Perspectives Charting Spiritual Care in Digital Health: Analyses and Perspectives Charting Spiritual Care: The Emerging Role of Chaplaincy Records in Global Health Care is an essential resource for researchers in interprofessional spiritual care and healthcare chaplaincy, healthcare chaplains and other spiritual caregivers (nurses, physicians, psychologists, etc.), practical theologians and health ethicists, and church and denominational representatives.
Medical care. --- Public health. --- Health --- Psychology and religion. --- Medical ethics. --- Health Services Research. --- Religion and Health. --- Religion and Psychology. --- Theory of Medicine/Bioethics. --- Religious aspects. --- Health—Religious aspects. --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Medicine --- Bioethics --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Community health --- Health services --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Social hygiene --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- Religion and psychology --- Religion --- Delivery of health care --- Delivery of medical care --- Health care --- Health care delivery --- Healthcare --- Medical and health care industry --- Medical services --- Personal health services --- Public health --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Assistència religiosa --- Històries clíniques --- Ètica mèdica --- Salut --- Aspectes religiosos --- Religió --- Fisiologia --- Medicina --- Condició física --- Descans --- Dieta --- Educació sanitària --- Exercici --- Hàbits sanitaris --- Longevitat --- Nutrició --- Salut pública --- Tècnica Alexander --- Medicina holística --- Bioètica --- Ètica professional --- Consentiment informat (Dret mèdic) --- Ètica farmacèutica --- Eutanàsia --- Experimentació humana en medicina --- Ètica en infermeria --- Ètica en odontologia --- Casos --- Casos clínics --- Historials clínics --- Informes mèdics --- Protocols clínics --- Registres d'infermeria --- Assistència espiritual --- Assistència religiosa en centres docents --- Assistència religiosa en centres militars --- Assistència religiosa en centres penitenciaris --- Assistència religiosa en tanatoris --- Health Services Research --- Religion and Health --- Religion and Psychology --- Theory of Medicine/Bioethics --- Health Sciences --- Sociology of Religion --- Psychology of Religion and Spirituality --- healthcare chaplaincy --- spiritual care --- spirituality and health --- professionalization of spiritual care --- integration of spirituality in health care --- electronic medical records (EMR) --- pastoral confidentiality --- models of recording spiritual care --- outcome-oriented chapliancy --- digital health --- health ethics --- religion and health --- interprofessional spiritual care --- legal and theoretical perspectives --- open access --- Health systems & services --- Religious issues & debates --- Psychology --- Religion: general --- Medicine: general issues
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