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According to the international literature, numerous studies have been made on the urban process of expansion, several studies on the densification processes in formal settlements and very few ones focused on the densification in informal settlements. Indeed, it seems that the urban process of densification taking place in informal settlements has never been clearly understood and seems to be difficult to analyse. Hence, through different approaches, the following work focuses on the urban densification processes, taking place in informal settlements in Global South. More precisely, it highlights the urbanistic problems and relations between urban densification and its associated factors (population growth, policies…) in the informal settlements of Lima in Peru. Divided into different approaches including some fieldwork, this work will present the theoretical concepts related to the subject of urban densification. It will focus as well on analysis of existing data and, finally it will bring complementary information from personal data collected onsite. It will highlight the urban densification trends in the last decades in informal settlements like Vallecito Alto and at different levels, from the metropolitan level to the settlement level, therefore showing that the urban tissue tends to be denser in the metropolitan region of Lima. It will also reveal that, when looking at different scales, the urban densification trends tend to vary from one place to another, especially for peripheral districts like Villa Maria del Triunfo where urban densification is taking place but is dominated by urban sprawl, mostly characterised by land invasions. Even if this research generally enables a better understanding of the densification process in informal settlements, and that some densification trends could be stressed for the analysed study case, it also brings other questions about the way in which densification takes place in other parts of the world.
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Comparative Approaches to Informal Housing Around the Globe brings together historians, anthropologists, political scientists, sociologists, urban planners and political activists to break new ground in the globalisation of knowledge about informal housing. Providing both methodological reflections and practical examples, they compare informal settlements, unauthorised occupation of flats, illegal housing construction and political squatting in different regions of the world. Subjects covered include squatter settlements in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, squatting activism in Brazil and Spain, right-wing squatting in Germany, planning laws and informality across countries in the Global North, and squatting in post-Second World War UK and Australia.
Squatter settlements. --- Informal settlements (Squatter settlements) --- Irregular settlements --- Settlements, Spontaneous --- Settlements, Squatter --- Shack towns --- Shanty towns --- Shantytowns --- Spontaneous settlements --- Uncontrolled settlements --- Cities and towns --- Slums
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Les marches fonciers urbains et periurbains des villes d'Afrique de l'Ouest en expansion rapide operent dans des contextes ou coexistent des regimes fonciers differents et ou les procedures d'acces aux terrains sont complexes. Un cadre d'analyse faisant defaut jusqu'ici, ce livre propose une approche systemique et l'applique a la zone urbaine et periurbaine de Bamako et a son hinterland rural. La methode repose sur une analyse des differentes filieres d'approvisionnement en terres et identifie, depuis la mise en circulation des terres agricoles pour repondre aux besoins en terrains a usage residentiel, les changements de tenure et types de transactions qui accompagnent le passage aux terrains urbains, ainsi que les interactions entre les differentes filieres. L'analyse montre que l'approvisionnement en terre est a l'origine assuree par la filiere coutumiere, qui predomine dans les zones periurbaines, et par la filiere publique et parapublique ou l'Etat alloue des terrains a usage d'habitation aux individus ou les cede a des societes de promotion fonciere et immobilieres. Ces filieres alimentent la filiere privee formelle qui met ensuite sur le marche, a des prix eleves, des parcelles viabilisees avec titre de propriete. Les parcelles peuvent etre cedees successivement, avec un degre d'informalite qui depend de la tenure, de la legalite de la transaction et de son enregistrement. Alors que le developpement du marche formel est entrave par des facteurs structurels, le marche foncier informel offre peu de securite. Adapte aux revenus moyens et bas, le marche informel attire aussi les acheteurs aises et introduits aupres de l'administration et du pouvoir politique, et qui peuvent plus facilement obtenir une formalisation de la tenure. Prix des terrains et couts de transaction eleves, conflits fonciers, procedures de formalisation longues et complexes, et diversite des acteurs se combinent des lors pour entraver l'acces au foncier des pauvres en milieu urbain."
Access To Land --- French Translation --- Informal Settlements --- Land Administration --- Land Conflicts --- Land Delivery Channels --- Land Governance --- Land Markets --- Land Tenure Formalization --- Land Use Conversion --- Property Rights --- Urban Expansion
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This paper examines living conditions-mainly access to infrastructure and basic services-in Kinshasa, by focusing on how they vary within the city and how they are related to household characteristics. First, drawing on a household survey conducted in the capital province in 2018, the paper shows that many Kinshasa residents live with substandard housing and inadequate levels of access to infrastructure and basic services. Second, the level and quality of access to basic services are highly correlated with residents' consumption and education levels, as well as their neighborhood characteristics. Third, despite the presence of negative externalities from the high population density, poor households benefit from living in dense neighborhoods by gaining a minimum level of access. The paper argues that it is imperative to increase the supply of affordable housing to lessen the inequality of access to services in Kinshasa.
Communities and Human Settlements --- Housing --- Inequality --- Informal Settlements --- Multidimensional Poverty --- Poverty Lines --- Poverty Reduction --- Spatial Inequality --- Urban Development --- Urban Housing --- Urban Housing and Land Settlements --- Urban Poverty
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Building on a two-dimensional discrete version of the standard urban economics land-use model, this paper presents a tractable urban land-use simulation model that is adapted to developing country cities, where formal and informal housing submarkets coexist. The dynamic closed-city framework simulates developers' construction decisions and heterogeneous households' housing and location choices at a distance from various employment subcenters, while accounting at the same time for land-use regulations, natural constraints, exogenous amenities, and dynamic scenarios of urban population growth and of State-driven subsidized housing. Designed and calibrated for Cape Town, the model is used to assess the impact of an urban growth boundary and of changes in the scale of subsidized housing schemes, informing a discussion of the potential trade-offs in policy objectives and of policy effectiveness.
Backyarding --- Housing --- Informal Settlements --- Land Use --- LUTI Model --- Subsidies --- Urban Development --- Urban Economic Development --- Urban Economics --- Urban Housing --- Urban Planning --- Urban Services to the Poor
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Shantytowns once occupied a central place in America’s urban landscape. Lisa Goff shows how these resourceful dwellings were not merely the byproducts of hardship but potent assertions of self-reliance. Their legacy is felt in sites of political activism, from campus shanties protesting apartheid to the tent cities of Occupy Wall Street.
Squatter settlements --- Slums --- Slum clearance --- Housing --- Informal settlements (Squatter settlements) --- Irregular settlements --- Settlements, Spontaneous --- Settlements, Squatter --- Shack towns --- Shanty towns --- Shantytowns --- Spontaneous settlements --- Uncontrolled settlements --- Cities and towns --- History
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This book focuses on the implementation of slum upgrading projects and the last generation of citywide programmes that define the future urban configuration of informal settlements, from a citywide perspective, in the Earth’s tropical region. The book presents a study on regeneration experiences in Asia and Latin America and it identifies important points of connection and similarities between the two cases, while also determining that, compared to Asia, informality in Latin America is in its ‘second generation.’.
Squatter settlements --- Sustainability. --- Informal settlements (Squatter settlements) --- Irregular settlements --- Settlements, Spontaneous --- Settlements, Squatter --- Shack towns --- Shanty towns --- Shantytowns --- Spontaneous settlements --- Uncontrolled settlements --- Cities and towns --- Slums --- Sustainability science --- Human ecology --- Social ecology
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Sociology, Urban --- Squatter settlements --- Informal settlements (Squatter settlements) --- Irregular settlements --- Settlements, Spontaneous --- Settlements, Squatter --- Shack towns --- Shanty towns --- Shantytowns --- Spontaneous settlements --- Uncontrolled settlements --- Cities and towns --- Slums --- Urban sociology
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Empowering the poor remains an essential part of the Christian Gospel. The way in which the absolute poor in informal settlements in Africa can be empowered by the message of the Bible, needs to be researched. During research completed in informal settlements near Bloemfontein, Free State Province, South Africa, it has been established that the churches present in the situation are best equipped to relate to the poor and interpret the message of the Bible to them.
Christian Churches & denominations --- Christianity --- church --- informal settlements in Africa --- poverty --- disempowerment --- churche's role in poverty --- HIV/AIDS --- empirical --- informal housing areas --- Bloemfontein --- Mangaung --- Biblical messages --- self-empowerment --- Christian-ethical approach
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Informal settlements are a permanent feature of South Africa's cities. Estimates from the General Household Survey by Statistics South Africa show that more than 26 percent of all households in the country's six metropolitan areas live in informal dwellings. The government's policy efforts have focused on provision of subsidized housing, first introduced as part of the Reconstruction and Development Program. Through the lens of new urbanism and coordination in planning this paper explores the possible impact of the program using data from the General Household Survey. The analysis of the program's beneficiaries relative to non-beneficiaries does not show that public housing provision has multiplier effects in terms of complementary private investments in housing maintenance or in upgrading. This is likely because Reconstruction and Development Program housing is often far from employment centers, with the houses built in the "old" apartheid locations that are disconnected from employment centers. In addition, households do not receive title deeds and are not allowed to rent out these dwelling. On the demand side, the authors carried out a small sample survey in Cape Town and find that, on a per hectare basis, shack dwellers are paying around the same for access to land as can be found in the up-scale market for undeveloped land. However, land zoning regulations and subdivision laws do not allow supply of small plots that are compatible with the affordability of poor households.
Backyard dwellings --- Communities & Human Settlements --- Finance and Financial Sector Development --- Household mobility --- Housing & Human Habitats --- Housing Cost --- Informal settlements --- Land and Real Estate Development --- Municipal Housing and Land --- Real Estate Development --- Subsidized housing --- Urban Development --- Urban Housing
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