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Geriatrics. --- Medicine --- Gerontology --- Older people --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene --- Geriatria --- Medicina --- Anestèsia en geriatria --- Cura de les persones grans --- Infermeria geriàtrica --- Malalties de les persones grans --- Neurologia geriàtrica --- Odontologia geriàtrica --- Ortopèdia geriàtrica --- Psiquiatria geriàtrica --- Gerontologia
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Geriatric gastroenterology. --- Gastroenterology --- Gastroenterologia --- Geriatria --- Medicina --- Anestèsia en geriatria --- Cura de les persones grans --- Infermeria geriàtrica --- Malalties de les persones grans --- Neurologia geriàtrica --- Odontologia geriàtrica --- Ortopèdia geriàtrica --- Psiquiatria geriàtrica --- Gerontologia --- Medicina interna --- Aparell digestiu --- Gastroenterologia pediàtrica --- Proctologia --- Tracte gastrointestinal --- Hepatologia --- Malalties de l'aparell digestiu
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The global burden of geriatric hip fractures is enormous. From both the patient's and physician’s perspective, the injury is complex. A hip fracture often changes a patient’s life and/or the life of the patient’s family permanently. From the physician’s perspective, care of geriatric hip fracture patients requires a multidisciplinary team, which is led by the surgeon and which includes internists and other subspecialists within internal medicine, anesthesiologists, nurses, operating room technicians, social workers, physical therapists, and rehabilitation center coordinators and staff. Nowhere in the orthopedic literature is there a text that guides care for these complex patients from injury through recovery. This text is the first to do so by organizing and synthesizing a large body of literature. Its main themes include pre-operative, operative, and post-operative care of the patient who sustains a geriatric hip fracture. Its main objective is to organize the current body of literature into a cohesive whole so that the busy orthopedic surgeon does not have to undertake a literature search each time he or she wants an answer to the myriad questions that characterize a patient’s injury, treatment, and recovery course. With regard to pedagogy, because orthopedic surgeons in training will utilize this book, and because the case study is the central pedagogical tool in the field of orthopedic surgery, this book includes case studies within each chapter, with the author’s preferred treatment and decision-making rationale for each case. Selected video supplements reinforce real-world application of knowledge. Practicing orthopedic surgeons, as well as orthopedic residents and fellows in training, will find Geriatric Hip Fractures: A Practical Approach a highly useful and informative resource.
Orthopedics. --- Geriatrics. --- Geriatrics/Gerontology. --- Medicine --- Gerontology --- Older people --- Orthopaedics --- Orthopedia --- Surgery --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene --- Hip joint --- Fractures in old age. --- Fractures. --- Coxa --- Joints --- Wounds and injuries --- Fractures --- Articulació coxofemoral --- Geriatria --- Medicina --- Anestèsia en geriatria --- Cura de les persones grans --- Infermeria geriàtrica --- Malalties de les persones grans --- Neurologia geriàtrica --- Odontologia geriàtrica --- Ortopèdia geriàtrica --- Psiquiatria geriàtrica --- Gerontologia --- Articulació de l'anca --- Articulació del maluc --- Maluc --- Malucs --- Articulacions --- Cama --- Fèmur --- Fractures d'ossos --- Call ossi --- Cirurgia --- Fixació de fractures --- Pseudoartrosi
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Nursing --- verpleegkunde --- Nursing. --- Soins infirmiers --- Démarche --- Nursings --- Clinical nursing --- Nurses and nursing --- Nursing process --- Care of the sick --- Medicine --- Démarche --- Soins infirmiers. --- nursing (health science) --- Infermeria. --- Revistes electròniques. --- Revistes digitals --- Revistes en línia --- Revistes on line --- Revistes per Internet --- Publicacions electròniques --- Revistes --- Medicina --- Comunicació en infermeria --- Diagnòstic d'infermeria --- Infermeria a domicili --- Infermeria cardiovascular --- Infermeria d'urgència --- Infermeria de salut comunitària --- Infermeria de salut pública --- Infermeria dermatològica --- Infermeria en l'atenció primària --- Infermeria en cures intensives --- Infermeria geriàtrica --- Infermeria ginecològica --- Infermeria maternoinfantil --- Infermeria neurològica --- Infermeria oncològica --- Infermeria pediàtrica --- Infermeria psiquiàtrica --- Infermeria quirúrgica --- Infermeria transcultural --- Infermeria traumatològica --- Infermeria urològica --- Sociologia de la infermeria --- Tècniques d'infermeria --- Escoles d'infermeria --- Història de la infermeria
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Geriatrics --- Gerontology --- Geriatrics. --- Health Services for the Aged. --- Gerontology. --- Health Services for Aged --- Health Services for the Elderly --- Health Services, Geriatric --- Geriatric Health Services --- Geriatric Health Service --- Health Service, Geriatric --- Service, Geriatric Health --- Services, Geriatric Health --- Social sciences --- Older people --- Medicine --- Aged --- Frail Elderly --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene --- Health Sciences --- Clinical Medicine --- gerontologie --- Gerontologia. --- Geriatria. --- Revistes electròniques. --- Revistes digitals --- Revistes en línia --- Revistes on line --- Revistes per Internet --- Publicacions electròniques --- Revistes --- Medicina --- Anestèsia en geriatria --- Cura de les persones grans --- Infermeria geriàtrica --- Malalties de les persones grans --- Neurologia geriàtrica --- Odontologia geriàtrica --- Ortopèdia geriàtrica --- Psiquiatria geriàtrica --- Gerontologia --- Gerontologia clínica --- Sociologia --- Envelliment --- Gerontologia educativa --- Gerontologia social --- Cura dels malalts --- Geriatria --- Psicologia de la vellesa
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Aging --- Older people --- Aging. --- Older people. --- Aged. --- Elderly --- Aging, Biological --- Biological Aging --- Senescence --- Aged --- Aging people --- Elderly people --- Old people --- Older adults --- Older persons --- Senior citizens --- Seniors (Older people) --- Age --- Ageing --- Physiological effect --- Geriatrics --- Longevity --- Mutation Accumulation --- Age groups --- Persons --- Gerontocracy --- Gerontology --- Old age --- Developmental biology --- Age factors in disease --- Gerontologia. --- Geriatria. --- Medicina --- Anestèsia en geriatria --- Cura de les persones grans --- Infermeria geriàtrica --- Malalties de les persones grans --- Neurologia geriàtrica --- Odontologia geriàtrica --- Ortopèdia geriàtrica --- Psiquiatria geriàtrica --- Gerontologia --- Gerontologia clínica --- Sociologia --- Envelliment --- Gerontologia educativa --- Gerontologia social --- Cura dels malalts --- Geriatria --- Psicologia de la vellesa
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This book is designed to guide all physicians in long-term care, in-, and outpatient settings who work with elders with co-current dementia and medical comorbidities. Chapters cover a wide range of challenging topics, including epidemiological data, evaluation and management techniques to optimize physical and cognitive function in patients with dementia, safety measures, and nonpharmacologic measures to support cognition. Chapters also discuss the unique aspects of managing the most common chronic diseases and the management of musculoskeletal pain in elders with dementia. Except for the introductory chapter, each chapter will include a case vignette to highlight some of the primary challenges of management of the particular chronic disease/condition in elders with dementia, making this an accessible and highly practical tool for medical professionals of all backgrounds. Written by experts in the field, Dementia and Chronic Disease is an excellent resource for all medical professionals treating patients with dementia, including geriatricians, family medicine physicians, social workers, nurses, hospitalists, and all others.
Dementia --- Treatment. --- Geriatrics. --- General practice (Medicine). --- Public health. --- Geriatrics/Gerontology. --- General Practice / Family Medicine. --- Public Health. --- Community health --- Health services --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Social hygiene --- Health --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- Medicine --- Gerontology --- Older people --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene --- Demència --- Malalties cròniques --- Geriatria --- Medicina --- Anestèsia en geriatria --- Cura de les persones grans --- Infermeria geriàtrica --- Malalties de les persones grans --- Neurologia geriàtrica --- Odontologia geriàtrica --- Ortopèdia geriàtrica --- Psiquiatria geriàtrica --- Gerontologia --- Dolor crònic --- Insuficiència renal crònica --- Leucèmia limfocítica crònica --- Síndrome de fatiga crònica --- Malalts crònics --- Malalties cerebrals --- Corea de Huntington --- Demència amb cossos de Lewy --- Demència senil --- Alienació mental (Dret)
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Nursing --- Holistic nursing --- Research. --- Nursing research --- Holisme --- Infermeria --- Investigació en infermeria --- Investigació --- Medicina --- Comunicació en infermeria --- Diagnòstic d'infermeria --- Infermeria a domicili --- Infermeria cardiovascular --- Infermeria d'urgència --- Infermeria de salut comunitària --- Infermeria de salut pública --- Infermeria dermatològica --- Infermeria en l'atenció primària --- Infermeria en cures intensives --- Infermeria geriàtrica --- Infermeria ginecològica --- Infermeria maternoinfantil --- Infermeria neurològica --- Infermeria oncològica --- Infermeria pediàtrica --- Infermeria psiquiàtrica --- Infermeria quirúrgica --- Infermeria transcultural --- Infermeria traumatològica --- Infermeria urològica --- Sociologia de la infermeria --- Tècniques d'infermeria --- Escoles d'infermeria --- Història de la infermeria --- Evolució --- Tot i les parts (Filosofia) --- Medicina holística
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The number of Americans 65 years of age or older is projected to more than double to over 98 million by 2060, making them 24% of the overall population. Women constitute more than 50% of this group. Most clinicians who provide primary care for older women receive minimal training about their unique health issues and needs during residency however, and few resources exist to guide them regarding these issues in practice. This book provides user-friendly, evidence-based guidance to manage common challenges in healthcare for women during menopause and beyond, filling a huge and growing unmet need for primary care clinicians. Edited by a multidisciplinary team with content expert authors from family medicine, oncology, urogynecology, obstetrics and gynecology, psychology, and more, this text provides clinically relevant information about important conditions impacting the health of older women, including suggested guidelines for management and helpful resources for patient counselling and care. The first half of the book covers general topics such as menopause, bone health, depression and grief, cancer survivorship, and obesity. The second half focuses on issues below the belt that are difficult to talk about, such as incontinence, vulvar pathology, and sexual health after menopause. While there is copious literature about the menopausal transition, few resources for clinicians exist about caring for women beyond the 6th decade. Challenges in Older Women’s Health: A primer for clinicians provides focused, evidence-based information about high-yield topics for a too often neglected group of patients. .
Primary care (Medicine). --- Geriatrics. --- Primary Care Medicine. --- Geriatrics/Gerontology. --- Medicine --- Gerontology --- Older people --- Primary medical care --- Medical care --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene --- Older women --- Aged. --- Women’s Health. --- Diseases. --- Health and hygiene. --- Elderly --- Geriatrics --- Longevity --- Women's Health. --- Woman's Health --- Womens Health --- Health, Woman's --- Health, Women's --- Health, Womens --- Dones grans --- Geriatria --- Medicina --- Anestèsia en geriatria --- Cura de les persones grans --- Infermeria geriàtrica --- Malalties de les persones grans --- Neurologia geriàtrica --- Odontologia geriàtrica --- Ortopèdia geriàtrica --- Psiquiatria geriàtrica --- Gerontologia --- Dones d'edat avançada --- Dones velles --- Dones --- Persones grans
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Muscles --- Geriatrics --- Diseases. --- Diagnosis. --- Diagnosis --- Myopathy --- Malalties musculars --- Geriatria --- Diagnòstic --- Diagnosi --- Diagnòstic físic --- Examen mèdic (Diagnòstic) --- Exploració médica (Diagnòstic) --- Exploració clínica (Diagnòstic) --- Medicina clínica --- Cateterisme --- Cribratge --- Diagnòstic d'infermeria --- Diagnòstic diferencial --- Diagnòstic dual --- Diagnòstic molecular --- Diagnòstic prenatal --- Diagnòstic quirúrgic --- Diagnòstic per la imatge --- Electrodiagnòstic --- Entrevista clínica --- Examen físic --- Isòtops radioactius en diagnòstic mèdic --- Monitoratge de pacients --- Proves funcionals (Medicina) --- Patologia --- Pronòstic mèdic --- Símptomes --- Medicina --- Anestèsia en geriatria --- Cura de les persones grans --- Infermeria geriàtrica --- Malalties de les persones grans --- Neurologia geriàtrica --- Odontologia geriàtrica --- Ortopèdia geriàtrica --- Psiquiatria geriàtrica --- Gerontologia --- Miopaties --- Malalties de l'aparell locomotor --- Malalties de la llengua --- Malalties neuromusculars --- Miàlgia
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