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Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Automatisierung der CAD/CAM-Kette in der Einzelfertigung am Beispiel von Mauerwerksteinen
ISBN: 1000005775 3866441142 Year: 2007 Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing

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Das Buch stellt ein Verfahren zur Automatisierung der CAD/CAM-Kette von der individuellen Hausplanung bis zur Fertigung vor. Ausgehend von einem IFC-Hausmodell werden Robotersteuerungsdaten automatisch generiert. Algorithmen und Programme zur Bearbeitung des IFC-Modells und Generierung des neu spezifizierten BauXML-Modells für die Fertigung werden entwickelt. Darüber hinaus wird eine automatisierte Fabrik konzipiert und realisiert, um damit die Funktion des Gesamtsystems zu verifizieren.

Robotics and autonomous systems.
Year: 1988 Publisher: Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Pub.,

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Robotics and autonomous systems.
Year: 1988 Publisher: Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Pub.,

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The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology
ISSN: 14333015 02683768 Year: 1985 Publisher: London : Springer-Verlag

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International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
ISSN: 02683768 14333015

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The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology aims to bridge the gap between pure research journals and the more practical publications on factory automation systems. It therefore provides an outstanding forum for international papers covering applications-based research topics spanning the entire manufacturing spectrum.

Humanisierung oder Rationalisierung? : Arbeiter als Akteure im Bundesprogramm "Humanisierung des Arbeitslebens" bei der VW AG
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783515128506 Year: 2020 Publisher: Stuttgart Franz Steiner Verlag

Introduction to embedded system design using field programmable gate arrays
ISBN: 1281913693 9786611913694 184882016X 1848820151 9781848820159 9781848820166 1849968152 Year: 2009 Publisher: London : Springer,

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As the uses of digital systems continue to proliferate in quantity and variety, field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are taking centre-stage in their design. Introduction to Embedded System Design Using Field Programmable Gate Arrays provides a starting point for the use of FPGAs in the design of embedded systems. The text considers a hypothetical robot controller as an embedded application and weaves around it related concepts of FPGA-based digital design. The book details: • use of FPGA vis-à-vis general purpose processor and microcontroller; • design using Verilog hardware description language; • digital design synthesis using Verilog and Xilinx® SpartanTM 3 FPGA; • FPGA-based embedded processors and peripherals; • overview of serial data communications and signal conditioning using FPGA; • FPGA-based motor drive controllers; and • prototyping digital systems using FPGA. The book is a good introductory text for FPGA-based design. It will be useful for both students and designers who have worked with microprocessors and microcontrollers and now wish to move to design using FPGA. Its end-of-chapter exercises and frequent use of example can be used for teaching or for self-study.


Field programmable gate arrays. --- Digital electronics --- Robots --- Embedded computer systems --- Computer-aided design. --- Control systems --- Design and construction. --- Design. --- Embedded systems (Computer systems) --- Computer systems --- Architecture Analysis and Design Language --- Automata --- Automatons --- Manipulators (Mechanism) --- Robotics --- Mecha (Vehicles) --- Digital circuits --- Digital techniques (Electronics) --- Electronic systems --- Electronics --- Field programmable logic arrays --- FPGAs --- Gate array circuits --- Programmable logic devices --- Eingebettetes System. --- Field programmable gate array. --- Industrieroboter. --- Programmierbare Steuerung. --- Reglerentwurf. --- Systemsynthese. --- VERILOG. --- Electronics. --- Information theory. --- Systems engineering. --- Computer aided design. --- Logic design. --- Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation. --- Control and Systems Theory. --- Theory of Computation. --- Circuits and Systems. --- Computer-Aided Engineering (CAD, CAE) and Design. --- Logic Design. --- Design, Logic --- Design of logic systems --- Electronic circuit design --- Logic circuits --- Machine theory --- Switching theory --- CAD (Computer-aided design) --- Computer-assisted design --- Computer-aided engineering --- Design --- Engineering systems --- System engineering --- Engineering --- Industrial engineering --- System analysis --- Communication theory --- Communication --- Cybernetics --- Electrical engineering --- Physical sciences --- Design and construction --- Microelectronics. --- Control engineering. --- Computers. --- Electronic circuits. --- Computer-aided engineering. --- CAE --- Electron-tube circuits --- Electric circuits --- Electron tubes --- Automatic computers --- Automatic data processors --- Computer hardware --- Computing machines (Computers) --- Electronic brains --- Electronic calculating-machines --- Electronic computers --- Hardware, Computer --- Calculators --- Cyberspace --- Control engineering --- Control equipment --- Control theory --- Engineering instruments --- Automation --- Programmable controllers --- Microminiature electronic equipment --- Microminiaturization (Electronics) --- Microtechnology --- Semiconductors --- Miniature electronic equipment --- Data processing

Robot aan het stuur : over de ethiek van techniek
ISBN: 9789401440998 Year: 2017 Publisher: Tielt LannooCampus

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Big data, slimme software, zelfrijdende wagens... De doorbraak van slimme technologie verandert onze leefwereld drastisch en beïnvloedt zelfs onze manier van denken. Maar ons gebruik van technologie is niet neutraal. Meer dan ooit moeten we nadenken over hoe we met de morele kanten van techniek willen omgaan.Robot aan het stuur analyseert de verwevenheid tussen techniek en ethiek en draagt bouwstenen aan voor waardengedreven innovatie. Het boek toont aan dat we het potentieel van artificiële intelligentie en slimme robots alleen kunnen benutten door het beste van de mens en de technologie te verenigen.Bron :


007.5 --- 007.52 --- 67.002 --- informatica - cybernetica - Internet (zie ook 681.3) --- robots --- nieuwe technologieën - technologische vernieuwing --- ethiek --- Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- KI (kunstmatige intelligentie) --- C5 --- technologie --- Maatschappelijke organisaties en maatschappelijk leven --- wetenschapsfilosofie --- kunstmatige intelligentie (artificiële intelligentie) --- robotica --- (zie ook: automatisering) --- Techniek --- Ethiek --- Artificiële intelligentie --- 174 --- Verband tussen de ethiek en de economie. Ethiek en bedrijf. --- BPB9999 --- Verband tussen de ethiek en de economie. Ethiek en bedrijf --- BPB1802 --- Robot industriel --- Robotisation --- Éthique --- Cybernétique --- Intelligence artificielle --- Robotique --- Industriële robot --- Toepassen van robots --- Cybernetica --- Kunstmatige intelligentie --- Robottechnologie --- change, innovation --- Technologie en maatschappij --- Technologie en ethiek --- αυτοματοποίηση της παραγωγής --- robotizavimas --- robotointi --- robotización --- robotizzazione --- robotizácia --- Robotereinsatz --- robotizare --- robotyzacja --- robotizacija --- robotizzazzjoni --- robotiseerimine --- robotisering --- toepassen van robots --- robotisation --- роботизация --- robotizācija --- robotização --- robotizace --- роботизација --- robotizim --- robotizálás --- ρομποτοποίηση --- impiego di robot --- χρήση ρομπότ στην παραγωγή --- používání robotů --- användning av robotar --- robottien käyttö --- gamybos robotizavimas --- utilização de robots --- utilisation de robots --- robotization --- utilizarea roboților --- use of robots --- robotite kasutamine --- gebruik van robots --- robotų naudojimas --- robotų naudojimas gamyboje --- користење роботи --- robotu izmantošana --- využitie robotov --- përdorim i robotëve --- utilización de robots --- priemyselný robot --- průmyslový robot --- tööstusrobot --- индустриски робот --- ipari robot --- индустријски робот --- robot industrijali --- industrial robot --- industriële robot --- robot industrial --- robot industriali --- industrijski robot --- промишлен робот --- rūpniecības robots --- pramoninis robotas --- robot przemysłowy --- industrirobot --- Industrieroboter --- róbat tionsclaíoch --- βιομηχανικά ρομπότ --- teollisuusrobotti --- robotti --- ρομπότ --- robot di verniciatura --- automatické zařízení --- robot di saldatura --- materiale robotico --- robot --- produttività dei robot --- Roboter --- robotas --- роботика --- robotteknologi --- robotika --- robotikë --- robotiikka --- robotics --- robotteknik --- robottechnologie --- robótica --- róbataic --- robotyka --- robootika --- Robotertechnik --- robotică --- robottechnológia --- ρομποτική --- робот --- Robotik --- inteligência artificial --- kunstmatige intelligentie --- mesterséges intelligencia --- inteligencia artificial --- tekoäly --- sztuczna inteligencja --- вештачка интелигенција --- umetna inteligenca --- mākslīgais intelekts --- artificial intelligence --- umělá inteligence --- künstliche Intelligenz --- inteligență artificială --- tehisintellekt --- изкуствен интелект --- artificiell intelligens --- intleacht shaorga --- intelligenza artificiale --- intelliġenza artifiċjali --- umelá inteligencia --- dirbtinis intelektas --- τεχνητή νοημοσύνη --- umjetna inteligencija --- inteligjencë artificiale --- kunstig intelligens --- calcolatore di quinta generazione --- συστήματα λήψης αποφάσεων --- sistema inteligente --- ayuda a la decisión --- sistem expert --- ajuda à decisão --- ekspertinė sistema --- expert system --- szakértői rendszer --- συστήματα εμπειρογνώμονες --- expertsystem --- strumento di aiuto alla decisione --- wissensbasierendes System --- IA --- Expertensystem --- KI --- konstgjord intelligens --- expertný systém --- sistem ekspert --- asiantuntijajärjestelmä --- sistema experto --- systeemexpert --- ekspertsistēma --- ekspertsüsteem --- système expert --- sistema esperto --- Entscheidungshilfe --- aide à la décision --- sistema di supporto alle decisioni --- τεχνητή ευφυΐα --- expertní systém --- Ethik --- ethics --- etyka --- ética --- etikë --- etica --- ētika --- етика --- etika --- etică --- moral --- ηθική δεοντολογία --- eetika --- etik --- etiikka --- moralės mokslas --- dorovės mokslas --- veda o morálke --- moral science --- mravnost --- morale --- Moral --- morálka --- moraal --- erkölcsfilozófia --- moraali --- ethica --- morāles mācība --- filosofía moral --- erkölcstan --- morală --- shkencë morale --- dorotyra --- ηθική --- zedenleer --- cybernetics --- kybernetiikka --- кибернетика --- Kybernetik --- kibernetikë --- κυβερνητική --- cibernetică --- kybernetika --- kibernetika --- cibernética --- kibernētika --- cibernetica --- ċibernetika --- kybernetik --- cybernetica --- küberneetika --- cybernetyka --- cybernetik --- Informatiemaatschappij 002:304 --- Robot --- ethiek 17 --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Godsdienst --- Sport --- Duurzaamheid --- Filosofie --- Psychologie --- Sociologie --- Man --- Cultuur --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Technologie --- Voeding --- Maatschappij --- Verpleegkunde --- Drank --- Gezondheid --- Volwassene --- cibirnitic --- eitic --- róbatú --- Éthique --- Cybernétique

Alles wordt anders : hoe robots, 3D-printers, kunstmatige intelligentie en nog vier technologieën ons leven zullen veranderen
ISBN: 9789461261809 Year: 2016 Publisher: Zaltbommel Haystack

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Een golf van nieuwe technologieën staat op het punt onze maatschappij te overspoelen. Ons werk en leven zullen ingrijpend veranderen. Robots en kunstmatige intelligentie nemen een groot deel van de bestaande banen over. Dankzij genetische technologie leven we langer en gezonder. Bent u er klaar voor ?In 'Alles wordt anders' beschrijft Dik Bijl zeven van de belangrijkste technologische ontwikkelingen van dit moment: robots, zelfrijdende auto's, kunstmatige intelligentie, 3D-printen, synthetische biologie, nanotechnologie en genomische geneeskunde. Ontwikkelingen die even spectaculair zijn als onafwendbaar. De gevolgen voor onze maatschappij, ons werk en ons leven zullen enorm zijn. Krijgen de optimisten gelijk en scheppen we een duurzaam Athene met een overvloed aan middelen, zinvolle bezigheden en een lang en gelukkig leven ? Of wordt onze wereld een Oude Pekela met lethargie, uitzichtloosheid, armoede, criminaliteit en (virtuele) drugs ? Volgens Bijl hebben we maar een optie: accepteer de nieuwe technologie en pas je aan zodat je maximaal profiteert van de voordelen.Bron :


Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- KI (kunstmatige intelligentie) --- Electronics --- Génétique --- Robot industriel --- Robotisation --- Cybernétique --- Intelligence artificielle --- Robotique --- Technologie en maatschappij --- Toekomstvisies --- BPB1802 --- Genetica --- Industriële robot --- Toepassen van robots --- Cybernetica --- Kunstmatige intelligentie --- Robottechnologie --- PXL-Central Office 2018 --- maatschappelijke veranderingen --- technologische verandering --- kunstmatige intelligentie --- technische hulpmiddelen --- Technologie --- Trends --- Trendwatching --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen --- Artificiële intelligentie --- Robots --- inteligência artificial --- mesterséges intelligencia --- inteligencia artificial --- tekoäly --- sztuczna inteligencja --- вештачка интелигенција --- umetna inteligenca --- mākslīgais intelekts --- artificial intelligence --- umělá inteligence --- künstliche Intelligenz --- inteligență artificială --- tehisintellekt --- изкуствен интелект --- artificiell intelligens --- intleacht shaorga --- intelligenza artificiale --- intelliġenza artifiċjali --- umelá inteligencia --- dirbtinis intelektas --- τεχνητή νοημοσύνη --- umjetna inteligencija --- inteligjencë artificiale --- kunstig intelligens --- calcolatore di quinta generazione --- συστήματα λήψης αποφάσεων --- sistema inteligente --- ayuda a la decisión --- sistem expert --- ajuda à decisão --- ekspertinė sistema --- expert system --- szakértői rendszer --- συστήματα εμπειρογνώμονες --- expertsystem --- strumento di aiuto alla decisione --- wissensbasierendes System --- IA --- Expertensystem --- KI --- konstgjord intelligens --- expertný systém --- sistem ekspert --- asiantuntijajärjestelmä --- sistema experto --- systeemexpert --- ekspertsistēma --- ekspertsüsteem --- système expert --- sistema esperto --- Entscheidungshilfe --- aide à la décision --- sistema di supporto alle decisioni --- τεχνητή ευφυΐα --- expertní systém --- intelligence artificielle --- роботика --- robotteknologi --- robotika --- robotikë --- robotiikka --- robotics --- robotteknik --- robottechnologie --- robótica --- róbataic --- robotica --- robotyka --- robootika --- Robotertechnik --- robotică --- robottechnológia --- ρομποτική --- робот --- robot --- Robotik --- cybernetics --- kybernetiikka --- кибернетика --- Kybernetik --- kibernetikë --- κυβερνητική --- cibernetică --- kybernetika --- kibernetika --- cibernética --- kibernētika --- cibernetica --- ċibernetika --- kybernetik --- cybernetica --- küberneetika --- cybernetyka --- cybernetik --- αυτοματοποίηση της παραγωγής --- robotizavimas --- robotointi --- robotización --- robotizzazione --- robotizácia --- Robotereinsatz --- robotizare --- robotyzacja --- robotizacija --- robotizzazzjoni --- robotiseerimine --- robotisering --- toepassen van robots --- robotisation --- роботизация --- robotizācija --- robotização --- robotizace --- роботизација --- robotizim --- robotizálás --- ρομποτοποίηση --- impiego di robot --- χρήση ρομπότ στην παραγωγή --- používání robotů --- användning av robotar --- robottien käyttö --- gamybos robotizavimas --- utilização de robots --- utilisation de robots --- robotization --- utilizarea roboților --- use of robots --- robotite kasutamine --- gebruik van robots --- robotų naudojimas --- robotų naudojimas gamyboje --- користење роботи --- robotu izmantošana --- využitie robotov --- përdorim i robotëve --- utilización de robots --- priemyselný robot --- průmyslový robot --- tööstusrobot --- индустриски робот --- ipari robot --- индустријски робот --- robot industrijali --- industrial robot --- industriële robot --- robot industrial --- robot industriali --- industrijski robot --- промишлен робот --- rūpniecības robots --- pramoninis robotas --- robot przemysłowy --- industrirobot --- Industrieroboter --- róbat tionsclaíoch --- βιομηχανικά ρομπότ --- teollisuusrobotti --- robotti --- robots --- ρομπότ --- robot di verniciatura --- automatické zařízení --- robot di saldatura --- materiale robotico --- produttività dei robot --- Roboter --- robotas --- perinnöllisyystiede --- ģenētika --- genetică --- genetics --- genetik --- genética --- geneetika --- генетика --- genetica --- géineolaíocht --- genetika --- gjenetikë --- ġenetika --- genetyka --- Genetik --- γενετική --- наследност --- genski vir --- heredity --- hérédité --- genetické zdroje --- arvelig faktor --- Gene --- génkészlet --- ereditarietà --- genetiska resurser --- patrimoine génétique --- risorsa genetica --- recurso genético --- genetische rijkdom --- iedzimtība --- burim gjenetik --- arvsmassa --- dziedzictwo genetyczne --- geenivarat --- genų fondas --- ereditate --- genofonds --- genotip --- arveanlæg --- Genbestand --- perintöaines --- ген --- genotyp --- ģenētiskie resursi --- genetikai forrás --- γενετικοί πόροι --- génállomány --- gén --- genotype --- генотип --- genetikai örökség --- genotips --- genetic resource --- ärftlighetslära --- herencia genética --- genotipas --- Vererbung --- genetiskt arv --- material gjenetik --- ģenētiskais materiāls --- genski sklad --- genetika populace --- γενετική κληρονομιά --- genetische Ressource --- hereditariedade --- paveldimumas --- património genético --- genetisch erfgoed --- genetisches Erbgut --- génové zdroje --- genų ištekliai --- perinnöllisyys --- genofond --- geneetiline ressurss --- genressourcer --- genetisk resurs --- gene pool --- genetsko nasljedstvo --- genetiniai ištekliai --- geeniperimä --- gjenotip --- erfelijkheid --- örökléstan --- κληρονομικότητα --- genotípus --- gjene --- patrimonio genetico --- pärilikkus --- genressource --- genetisch materiaal --- genotüüp --- ressource génétique --- genetic stock --- patrimonio genético --- genetinis paveldas --- Trend --- Maatschappelijke ontwikkeling --- Robot --- Maatschappij --- cibirnitic --- róbatú --- Génétique --- Cybernétique

Homo roboticus : 30 vragen en antwoorden over mens, robot & artificiële intelligentie
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789057188503 Year: 2019 Publisher: Brussel VUBPRESS

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Zijn robots slimmer dan mensen? Krijg je een robot als collega? Word jij halsoverkop verliefd op een robot? Krijgt de robot een license to kill? Is de robot wel een goede chirurg? Wat als atleten robots worden? Laat je een robot jouw grootmoeder in bed stoppen? Zullen huishoudrobots je vuile was niet buiten hangen?Spitstechnologie doet onze leefwereld in sneltempo evolueren. De combinatie van robotica en artificiële intelligentie boort een schijnbaar eindeloos aanbod van nieuwe mogelijkheden aan, van zelfrijdende auto’s tot en met seksrobots en killerbots. Net zoals de Industriële Revolutie meer dan 250 jaar geleden zal ook deze technologische revolutie onze samenleving drastisch veranderen.Hoe past de mens in deze technologische revolutie? Meer dan vijftig professoren en onderzoekers zijn met die vraag aan de slag gegaan en hebben bestudeerd hoe technologie verder ten dienste van de mens kan evolueren. Het boek Homo Roboticus bundelt hun antwoorden en brengt een inclusieve robotagenda met aanbevelingen voor heden en toekomst.Homo Roboticus is het werk van VUB-denktank POINcaré en kwam tot stand onder leiding van An Jacobs (SMIT - imec VUB), Michel Maus (VUB – Bloomlaw), Romain Meeusen (VUB), Lynn Tytgat (weKONEKT.Brussels) en Bram Vanderborght (Brubotics VUB). (Info website uitgever)


BPB9999 --- Artificiële intelligentie. Robotica. Simulatie. Graphics --- robots --- KI (kunstmatige intelligentie) --- Filosofische antropologie --- BPB1903 --- Robotisation --- Robot industriel --- Robotique --- Intelligence artificielle --- Toepassen van robots --- Industriële robot --- Robottechnologie --- Kunstmatige intelligentie --- 468 Innovatie --- #SBIB:39A9 --- #SBIB:309H1730 --- Medische antropologie / gezondheid / handicaps --- Artificiële Intelligentie, knowledge engineering, .. --- Philosophical anthropology --- Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- fiscaliteit --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- fiscalité --- développement durable --- Artificiële Intelligentie, knowledge engineering, --- Robotics --- Artificial intelligence --- Robots --- Robotica --- Artificiële intelligentie --- davčni sistem --- fiscalidade --- skattesystem --- adórendszer --- porezni sustav --- φορολογία --- skatteforhold --- verojärjestelmä --- nodokļu sistēma --- данъчна система --- maksusüsteem --- sistem tatimor --- cáinchóras --- fiscalidad --- fiscalità --- fiscalitate --- system podatkowy --- порески систем --- Steuerwesen --- daňový systém --- tax system --- даночен систем --- daňová sústava --- mokesčių sistema --- sistema ta' tassazzjoni --- regime fiscale --- verotus --- maksustamine --- beskattning --- taxatie --- onere fiscale --- tassazione --- skatteuttag --- фискален режим --- фискална давачка --- Steuerlast --- système fiscal --- taxation --- tassazzjoni --- dichiarazione fiscale --- tributação --- фискален систем --- adóztatás --- regime fiscal --- régimen fiscal --- régimen tributario --- φορολόγηση --- imposizione --- adószabályozás --- apmokestinimas --- φορολογικά βάρη --- sistema tributario --- фискален третман --- daňová soustava --- Besteuerung --- imposición --- adóteher --- tributación --- belastingheffing --- Steuerbelastung --- trattamento fiscale --- charge fiscale --- zdanění --- fiscaal systeem --- oporezivanje --- imposition --- fiscale last --- skattetryck --- fiscaal regime --- prelievo fiscale --- skattebörda --- Steuerregelung --- pressione fiscale --- skattebyrde --- skattebehandling --- cánachas --- steuerliche Behandlung --- sistema fiscal --- fiskální soustava --- régime fiscal --- drenaggio fiscale --- taxering --- imposição fiscal --- sistema fiscale --- φορολογικό σύστημα --- skatter og afgifter --- carga fiscal --- skatteordning --- beskatning --- darnus vystymasis --- fenntartható fejlődés --- održivi razvoj --- дълготрайно развитие --- varig udvikling --- одржлив развој --- żvilupp sostenibbli --- trvalo udržateľný rozvoj --- säästev areng --- hållbar utveckling --- zhvillim i qëndrueshëm --- одрживи развој --- sustainable development --- kestävä kehitys --- desenvolvimento sustentável --- trvale udržitelný rozvoj --- αειφόρος ανάπτυξη --- dauerhafte Entwicklung --- dezvoltare durabilă --- sviluppo sostenibile --- ekorozwój --- ilgtspējīga attīstība --- desarrollo sostenible --- trajnostni razvoj --- bioekonomie --- bioekonómia --- développement soutenable --- bioenergetyka --- ekorazvoj --- développement viable --- trvalý rozvoj --- tvarioji plėtra --- bæredygtig udvikling --- ekološko utemeljeni razvoj --- økologisk udvikling --- οικοανάπτυξη --- udržateľný rozvoj --- bioøkonomi --- bioeconomía --- sviluppo praticabile --- desenvolvimento sustentado --- desenvolvimento durável --- bioéconomie --- ecodesenvolvimento --- ecodesarrollo --- bioekonomija --- bio-economie --- eco-ontwikkeling --- ökológiai fejlődés --- βιοοικονομία --- биоекономија --- rozvoj udržitelný --- nachhaltige Entwicklung --- eco-development --- umweltgerechte Entwicklung --- βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη --- jätkusuutlik areng --- ekologicky uvědomělý rozvoj --- sviluppo durevole --- ökologische Entwicklung --- ecosviluppo --- bio-ekonomiska attīstība --- ekologinė plėtra --- bio-economy --- bioeconomia --- bioökonoomia --- ekozhvillim --- bioekonomia --- écodéveloppement --- bioekonomi --- bioekonomika --- uthållig utveckling --- Biowirtschaft --- еколошки развој --- zrównoważony rozwój --- biogazdaság --- bioeconomy --- σταθερή και διαρκής ανάπτυξη --- desenvolvimento viável --- zukunftsfähige Entwicklung --- desarrollo duradero --- inteligência artificial --- kunstmatige intelligentie --- mesterséges intelligencia --- inteligencia artificial --- tekoäly --- sztuczna inteligencja --- вештачка интелигенција --- umetna inteligenca --- mākslīgais intelekts --- artificial intelligence --- umělá inteligence --- künstliche Intelligenz --- inteligență artificială --- tehisintellekt --- изкуствен интелект --- artificiell intelligens --- intleacht shaorga --- intelligenza artificiale --- intelliġenza artifiċjali --- umelá inteligencia --- dirbtinis intelektas --- τεχνητή νοημοσύνη --- umjetna inteligencija --- inteligjencë artificiale --- kunstig intelligens --- calcolatore di quinta generazione --- συστήματα λήψης αποφάσεων --- sistema inteligente --- ayuda a la decisión --- sistem expert --- ajuda à decisão --- ekspertinė sistema --- expert system --- szakértői rendszer --- συστήματα εμπειρογνώμονες --- expertsystem --- strumento di aiuto alla decisione --- wissensbasierendes System --- IA --- Expertensystem --- KI --- konstgjord intelligens --- expertný systém --- sistem ekspert --- asiantuntijajärjestelmä --- sistema experto --- systeemexpert --- ekspertsistēma --- ekspertsüsteem --- système expert --- sistema esperto --- Entscheidungshilfe --- aide à la décision --- sistema di supporto alle decisioni --- τεχνητή ευφυΐα --- expertní systém --- роботика --- robotteknologi --- robotika --- robotikë --- robotiikka --- robotics --- robotteknik --- robottechnologie --- robótica --- róbataic --- robotica --- robotyka --- robootika --- Robotertechnik --- robotică --- robottechnológia --- ρομποτική --- робот --- robot --- Robotik --- priemyselný robot --- průmyslový robot --- tööstusrobot --- индустриски робот --- ipari robot --- индустријски робот --- robot industrijali --- industrial robot --- industriële robot --- robot industrial --- robot industriali --- industrijski robot --- промишлен робот --- rūpniecības robots --- pramoninis robotas --- robot przemysłowy --- industrirobot --- Industrieroboter --- róbat tionsclaíoch --- βιομηχανικά ρομπότ --- teollisuusrobotti --- robotti --- ρομπότ --- robot di verniciatura --- automatické zařízení --- robot di saldatura --- materiale robotico --- produttività dei robot --- Roboter --- robotas --- αυτοματοποίηση της παραγωγής --- robotizavimas --- robotointi --- robotización --- robotizzazione --- robotizácia --- Robotereinsatz --- robotizare --- robotyzacja --- robotizacija --- robotizzazzjoni --- robotiseerimine --- robotisering --- toepassen van robots --- robotisation --- роботизация --- robotizācija --- robotização --- robotizace --- роботизација --- robotizim --- robotizálás --- ρομποτοποίηση --- impiego di robot --- χρήση ρομπότ στην παραγωγή --- používání robotů --- användning av robotar --- robottien käyttö --- gamybos robotizavimas --- utilização de robots --- utilisation de robots --- robotization --- utilizarea roboților --- use of robots --- robotite kasutamine --- gebruik van robots --- robotų naudojimas --- robotų naudojimas gamyboje --- користење роботи --- robotu izmantošana --- využitie robotov --- përdorim i robotëve --- utilización de robots --- Robot --- #SBIB:309H103 --- #SBIB:316.7C170 --- Mediatechnologie / ICT / digitale media: sociale en culturele aspecten --- Cultuursociologie: culturele groei, vooruitgang, stagnatie, technologische verandering, cultuurbewegingen --- forbairt inbhuanaithe --- róbatú

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