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Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Depuis plusieurs années, le digital a pris de plus en plus d’ampleur dans la vie des consommateurs et dans leurs comportements d’achat. Les modèles économiques et marketing traditionnels ont dû être repensés afin de s’y adapter. Dans ce contexte est apparue l’approche « Inbound Marketing », visant à attirer les consommateurs grâce à la diffusion de contenu à la fois qualitatif, éducatif et inspirant. Par cette méthode, les clients potentiels trouvent la marque et sont progressivement convertis en leads puis en clients, au travers de quatre étapes clés : attirer, convertir, vendre et enchanter. &#13;Les consommateurs s’informent et mûrissent leur décision d’achat grâce aux contenus trouvés sur internet. Il est donc indispensable de publier du contenu au bon moment et à l’endroit où ils cherchent l’information. Il faut utiliser un maximum de canaux digitaux et formats différents. De cette façon, la société offre une réponse pertinente aux questions que les prospects se posent durant l’ensemble de leur parcours d’achat. A cette fin, il est nécessaire de se démarquer et définir un plan stratégique afin de déterminer des objectifs clairs et chiffrés, définir ses persona - une représentation fictive du client idéal - et anticiper leurs comportements sur les canaux digitaux. Ce plan sert également à définir ses contenus, thématiques et formats, choisir ses supports et canaux de diffusion et enfin établir un calendrier éditorial. &#13;La première phase est d’attirer les clients potentiels vers le site internet qui est construit afin de répondre aux attentes des cibles et optimisé au niveau du référencement naturel. La deuxième phase consiste à convertir les visiteurs anonymes en leads connus, en leur donnant accès, en échange de leurs données personnelles, à un contenu premium par exemple. L’étape suivante est de transformer les leads en clients grâce à deux techniques : le lead nurturing, permettant de faire avancer les leads dans leur prise de décision et le lead scoring servant à identifier ceux les plus susceptibles de passer à l’acte d’achat. La dernière phase consiste à construire une relation avec les clients afin de les enchanter et les transformer en ambassadeurs. &#13;Notre application de la théorie au cas d’Elfique S.A. nous permet d’auditer sa présence digitale actuelle ainsi que de définir un plan d’action stratégique pour la mise en place de l’Inbound Marketing. Cela nous sert également à établir notre buyer persona, son expérience utilisateur et sur cette base, la sélection des canaux digitaux, des formats de contenus et des thématiques. &#13;Nous avons également déterminé le budget et les ressources humaines et technologiques nécessaires ainsi que l’allocation de celles-ci (internes/externes). Pour finir, un calendrier de diffusion, permettant d’avoir une vision des publications jusque fin décembre 2021, est mis en place.

Build the foundations of an inbound marketing strategy at diagenode to support the company's crowth.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The life sciences industry, and especially the field of epigenetics research, is booming due to different factors, such as the high prevalence of cancer. Biotech companies are pressured to constantly innovate, by continuously investing in research and development activities, to cope with the acceleration of this industry. &#13;&#13;This thesis has been developed with the aim of supporting the development of Diagenode in such context. Diagenode is a biotech company offering innovative products to support epigenetics research. Its success relies on its flagship product, the Bioruptor, which allows the company to grow at a double-digit rate on the instruments market. However, the company is facing a growth slowdown on the second market in which it is active: the kits and reagents market, although the growth forecasts of this market were the most promising. &#13;&#13;This project aims at accompanying the implementation of an Inbound Marketing strategy to support the company’s double-digit growth objective on the kits and reagents market. After conducting the strategic audit of the company, which allowed to identify its source of differentiation and competitive advantage, a clear strategy, based on both the identified problem and the industry attractiveness, was formulated and developed.&#13;&#13;The Inbound marketing strategy was then developed based on the customer journey map, which aims at identifying the channels customers use and the content they consume when interacting with the brand, and evaluate their experience along this journey. By doing so, the company could therefore deliver the right content, to the right target, through the right channel, to deliver a seamless and positive experience. &#13;&#13;This strategy is relevant to a company willing to grow organically, as it can only rely on its own internal resources and capabilities, which should therefore be leveraged in the most optimal way. This strategy allows to optimize the marketing efforts by choosing the most relevant targets to deliver the most appealing content to. Per opposition to an Outbound strategy, which consists in spreading advertisements of various forms to reach out to the broadest audience, the impact of which is highly difficult to measure but often low, the measurement of an Inbound strategy, in terms of impact, profitability, and return on investment is facilitated, and often positive.

Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This thesis looks at the difficulties faced by start-up companies targeting B2B customers in increasing their customer portfolio and implementing a corporate visibility strategy. The aim is to attract customers to the company without having a large budget and without having to go looking for the customer.

Le marketing digital et le jeune consommateur.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Dans la société actuelle, la manière d’utiliser l’évolution numérique et s’adapter à ses utilisateurs constitue un enjeu majeur pour le monde de l’entreprise.&#13;&#13;Depuis quelques années, le monde est en perpétuel changement et l’homme n’y a pas échappé : il a été impacté et influencé par ces avancées numériques. Cette remarque est également valable pour les entreprises. &#13;&#13;Le marketing digital ne cesse de se développer, et d’ailleurs la maîtrise des outils numériques est une des compétences les plus recherchées dans le monde du travail. Les entreprises privées ne cessent depuis quelques années de développer le marketing digital.&#13;&#13;Dès lors, les entreprises doivent parvenir à se démarquer de la concurrence et à capter l’attention des consommateurs de plus en plus connectés. Les entreprises doivent définir de nouvelles stratégies afin d’atteindre leur cible là où elle se trouve et avec du contenu personnalisé et de qualité.&#13;&#13;Ce travail vise à analyser l’influence du jeune consommateur sur le marketing digital et l’influence du marketing digital sur le jeune consommateur.

Mise en place d¿une stratégie de marketing digital pour la partie hôtelière de Naxhelet
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The aim of this thesis is to suggest to Naxhelet a digital marketing strategy that allows the company to communicate with their clients with varied needs and expectations, through a unique message which reflects the company’s values and positioning.&#13;In recent years, the customer journey has completely changed: the customer combine online and offline channels and expects a fluent multi-channel experience. In order to ensure this, companies make a mistake by bombard them with ads by adopting a mass marketing strategy. For the customers, this strategy is considered as bullying. For this reason, the most efficient marketing strategy are based on qualitative content which attract prospects in a natural way to the brand. It refers to an “Inbound Marketing” strategy.&#13;First, it was necessary to redefine the customer segments in order to be more coherent with the company’s activities. Needs and behaviours of each segment have been identified to realise the content strategy.&#13;Then, we had to determine the main objectives in order to set up the strategy in an operational way through various tools.&#13;Finally, once the strategy is elaborated, key performance indicators were&#13;determined in order to measure the strategy’s effectiveness to follow its&#13;progress according to the fixed objectives.

Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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La révolution de l’industrie et l’arrivée d’Internet ont terriblement impacté nos comportements. Le monde dans lequel nous vivons nous pousse à avoir des vies à mille à l’heure, au point de privilégier constamment l’action à la réflexion, n’étant plus habitués à laisser place à l’ennui.&#13;Au même titre que nous passons une bonne partie de notre vie à passer à côté de celle-ci, à vouloir à tout prix atteindre une destination plutôt que d’en apprécier le voyage ; beaucoup d’entreprises passent elles-aussi à côté de l’essentiel. En cherchant à avancer coûte que coûte, trop d’entreprises oublient de faire escale pour observer et se poser les questions qui leur permettront d’avancer.&#13;Pour solutionner son manque de visibilité, la société CISEO a entrepris des d’actions de communication marketing sans obtenir les résultats escomptés car, comme beaucoup d’autres entreprises avant elle, elle a privilégié l’action à la réflexion.&#13;Ainsi, ce mémoire a pour objectif d’aider CISEO et les autres entreprises en manque de visibilité à prendre de la hauteur pour faire les bons choix. Il tentera de répondre à la problématique suivante : comment une entreprise peut-elle améliorer sa visibilité et ainsi obtenir plus de clients ?&#13;Ce travail de recherche proposera premièrement une revue de la littérature scientifique présentant plusieurs concepts liés à la communication marketing tels que le trio visibilité-notoriété-réputation, le marketing-mix, le processus de communication, les huit vecteurs et outils de la communication ou encore l’inbound et l’outbound marketing.&#13;Dans la deuxième partie de ce mémoire, les concepts apportés par la revue de la littérature scientifique sont mis en application et complétés par des analyses internes et externes de l’environnement de CISEO en vue de lui construire une stratégie de communication marketing et un plan d’action sur mesure. Les étapes de préparation à la stratégie comprennent un diagnostic interne de l’entreprise vis- à-vis de la communication, un audit externe regroupant une analyse du marché, une analyse de la concurrence sur base des cinq forces de Porter, un benchmark des bonnes pratiques de communication de la concurrence, une analyse SWOT et une analyse des clients, de leur parcours d’achat et de leur parcours client sur base d’une étude qualitative. La stratégie de communication marketing propose une nouvelle approche de l’identité d’entreprise, définit des objectifs stratégiques, un plan d’action, recommande une composition d’équipe et donne une estimation du budget pour l’année à venir. The revolution in industry and the arrival of the Internet have had a terrible impact on our behaviour. The world we live in has pushed us to live lives at a thousand miles an hour, to the point where we are constantly putting action before reflection and are no longer used to leaving room for boredom.&#13;Just as we spend a good part of our lives missing the point, wanting to reach a destination at all costs rather than enjoying the journey, many companies also miss the point. In their quest to move forward at all costs, too many companies forget to stop and observe and ask themselves the questions that will allow them to move forward.&#13;To solve its lack of visibility, CISEO undertook marketing communication actions without obtaining the expected results because, like many other companies before it, it favoured action over reflection.&#13;Thus, the aim of this thesis is to help CISEO and other companies in need of visibility to take a step back and make the right choices. It will attempt to answer the following question: how can a company improve its visibility and thus obtain more customers?&#13;This research work will first propose a review of the scientific literature presenting several concepts related to marketing communication such as the trio visibility-notoriety-reputation, the marketing mix, the communication process, the eight vectors and tools of communication but also inbound and outbound marketing.&#13;In the second part of this thesis, the concepts brought by the review of the scientific literature are applied and completed by internal and external analyses of CISEO's environment in order to build a marketing communication strategy and a specific action plan. The strategy preparation steps include an internal diagnosis of the company with regard to communication, an external audit including a market analysis, a competitive analysis based on Porter's five forces, a benchmark of the competition's good communication practices, a SWOT analysis and an analysis of the customers, their buying path and their customer journey based on a qualitative study. The marketing communication strategy proposes a new approach to corporate identity, defines strategic objectives, an action plan, recommends a team and gives a budget estimate for the coming year.

Social content marketing for entrepreneurs
ISBN: 163157213X Year: 2015 Publisher: New York, New York (222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017) : Business Expert Press,

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This book will provide a practical overview of how digital content, social media and search engine optimization work together in driving website traffic and sales leads. The goal of the book is to educate readers on the new mindset and social technologies required to drive this traffic in a timely and non-intrusive way. Readers will benefit from a comprehensive but succinct overview of how social networking, search friendly blogging, trustworthy content, contextually-targeted online campaigns and mobile marketing techniques are transforming companies that embrace inbound marketing. Targeted for business professionals and students that are saturated with social technology updates, the book offers a more strategic orientation to these subjects as they relate to sales nurturing and thought leadership. And unlike books that cover social media one platform or technology at a time, this book is organized for readers to master elements of strategy in the order of their implementation. In so doing, it will help order the steps of professionals in the midst of launching new digital marketing initiatives as well as students tasked with completing social media marketing plans.

Mise en place d'une stratégie B2B de marketing digital au sein d'une entreprise active dans le secteur de l'e-santé - Le cas d'Andaman7
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The health sector is undergoing an incredible transformation due to the growing and ageing population. Public and private health systems are facing pressure and declining profit margins. eHealth and mHealth appear as solutions to improve care and to facilitate treatments thanks to new technologies and mobile technologies.&#13;This project-thesis takes place within the start-up named Andaman7. On one hand, the company has created a mobile application for patients. They can have access to their electronical health record whenever they want. On the other hand, it offers a platform for health care professionals, such as hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. The latter can collect anonymised medical data from patients to improve care and clinical trials.&#13;This work proposes a digital marketing strategy intended for the Business to Business (B2B) market.&#13;There are different obstacles. The professional market is complex with a multitude of people involved in the buying process. Legal constraints are important in the health sector and have a great impact on marketing campaigns too.&#13;The health market is analysed, and different solutions are considered to communicate at best with the potential targets.&#13;Nowadays, the customer journey almost systematically begins online. Therefore, a digital strategy is essential. Outbound marketing and inbound marketing are two main strategies in the marketing field. This second technique is based on the consent of the internet user. It respects laws, regulations and privacy.&#13;Inbound marketing gives better results than push advertising in identifying prospects and leads. The “strategy of the Sherpa” explains how to appeal to internet user in order to transform them into a client or an ambassador. The content is the key and “baits” are a good solution to tempt people.&#13;Inbound marketing is the future, in which people ask to be informed and are not bombarded with unwanted adverts.

Mise en place d'une stratégie digitale d'inbound marketing en vue de promouvoir un nouveau site internet commercial et d'aider les commerciaux dans leurs méthodes de prospection.
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Vedia is a local television in the area of Verviers since 1988. In addition of informing people, the company also offers services such as video production, studio rental, broadcast of advertising and communication trainings. However, no one or few people only knows about it. This problem is caused by the lack of online presence. Indeed, Vedia has no website or social network pages to display its services. Vedia is currently developing a commercial website to reach its customers easier but it is not operational yet. As a result, the sales representatives encounter problems in finding new customers and Vedia sees its turnover fall dramatically. It is therefore necessary to improve its online presence as soon as possible. This essay will focus on this problem and will try to develop a solution to help Vedia grow its sales. &#13;&#13;First of all, this document will help Vedia develop an online presence by implementing an Inbound Marketing Strategy. This strategy is based on the publishing of content on the website to increase the visibility of the company and also to attract people. In other words, one section of the website should look like a blog with high-quality articles inside. You will find in this essay all stages to set up this strategy successfully: the Personas, the social networks, the SMART objectives, the main steps of the strategy, the key performance indicators, the workflows and a comparison of marketing automation tools. Moreover, you will find in the appendix of this document some advices to create the new website. &#13;&#13;Finally, the second part of this essay aims to help the sales representatives with the social networks. The goal is to use them in their sales prospection to find new customers easier, to maintain relationship with them and to improve the company’s online awareness. The sales representatives should also integrate a solution of CRM to have a better monitoring of the customers and therefore a better relationship with them.

How does social media help local businesses to retain customers ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Customer loyalty is based on many elements like the quality of the work done by the employees, customer satisfaction and customer retention.&#13;Online loyalty also has a significant impact on company’s profitability. In recent years, social media added an additional dimension to this phenomenon.&#13;In order to compare the theory with the reality, a case study supplements the detailed literature review. This case study is done about local businesses and the way they build customer loyalty.&#13;In this context, I could understand how social media help local businesses to retain their customers.

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