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The monograph realigns political culture and countermeasures against slave raids, which increased during the breakup of the Golden Horde. By physical defense of the open steppe border and by embracing the New Israel symbolism in which the exodus from slavery in Egypt prefigures the exodus of Russian captives from Tatar captivity, Muscovites found a defensive model to expand empire. Recent scholarly debates on slaving are innovatively applied to Russian and imperial history, challenging entrenched perceptions of Muscovy.
HISTORY / Modern / 17th Century. --- Muscovite. --- Russian history. --- imperial history. --- slavery.
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Karten sind Instrumente zur Vermessung der Welt. Die von ihnen erzeugten Raumbilder dokumentieren geschichtliche Entwicklungen in all ihrer Kontinuität und Dynamik. Sie spiegeln die Dauerhaftigkeit von Naturverhältnissen ebenso wider wie die Verschiebung von Machtverhältnissen und Grenzen. Es sind besonders Kriegszeiten, in denen Räume neu vermessen, Karten neu gezeichnet und für die Information der Öffentlichkeit genutzt werden. Dieses Buch handelt von der Vermessung und Kartographie des Zarenreiches im langen 19. Jahrhundert und trägt damit zur vergleichenden Imperiengeschichte bei. Die topographische und kartographische Erschließung des größten Landes der Erde wird als Aspekt der Territorialisierung Russlands verstanden und hinsichtlich der Bedeutung von Kulturtransfers aus dem westlichen Europa untersucht. Die topographische Karte als zeitgebundene Repräsentation von geographischem Raum wird dabei als eine besondere Form imperialer Selbstbeschreibung verstanden. In der Studie wird untersucht, welche Institutionen mit welchen Motiven an der Vermessung und kartographischen Erschließung des Zarenreiches mitwirkten, welche Regionen in das Blickfeld der Vermesser gerieten, welcher »Sprache« sich die Kartographen bei der Darstellung des vermessenen Raumes bedienten und welche Rolle dabei ausländischen Vorbildern zukam. Die Analyse kommt zum Ergebnis, dass es der Zarenregierung letztlich nicht gelang, ein umfassendes, auf Vermessungsdaten basierendes topographisches Kartenbild des ganzen Reiches zu erstellen. Denn ihr Hauptinteresse lag in der Sicherung der Peripherien Russlands. Maps are instruments for measuring the world. The spatial images they produce document historical developments in all their continuity and dynamism. They reflect the permanence of natural conditions as well as the shifting of power relations and borders. It is especially in times of war that spaces are remeasured and maps are redrawn to be used for public information. This book is about the surveying and mapping cartography of the Tsarist Empire in the nineteenth century and thus contributes to comparative empire history. The topographical and cartographic development of the largest country on earth is understood as an aspect of Russia's territorialisation and examined in terms of the significance of cultural transfers from Western Europe. The topographical map as a time-bound representation of geographical space is understood as a special form of imperial self-description. The study examines which institutions and with which motives were involved in the surveying and cartographic development of the Tsarist empire, which regions came into the surveyors' focus, which "language" the cartographers used in the representation of the surveyed space and which role was played by foreign models. The analysis concludes that the tsarist government ultimately did not succeed in creating a comprehensive topographic map of the entire empire based on survey data because their main interest lay in securing Russia's peripheries.
HISTORY / Europe / Eastern. --- Russian Empire. --- Tsarist Russia. --- cartography. --- expansion. --- imperial history. --- territorialisation. --- topography.
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K.B.E.E. Eimeleus was ahead of his time with his advocacy of ski training in the Russian armed forces. Employing terminology never before used in Russian to describe movements with which few were familiar, Skis in the Art of War gives a breakdown of the latest techniques at the time from Scandinavia and Finland. Eimeleus's work is an early and brilliant example of knowledge transfer from Scandinavia to Russia within the context of sport. Nearly three decades after he published his book, the Finnish army, employing many of the ideas first proposed by Eimeleus, used mobile ski troops to hold the Soviet Union at bay during the Winter War of 1939-40, and in response, the Soviet government organized a massive ski mobilization effort prior to the German invasion in 1941. The Soviet counteroffensive against Nazi Germany during the winter of 1941-42 owed much of its success to the Red Army ski battalions that had formed as a result of the ski mobilization. In this lucid translation that includes most of the original illustrations, scholar and former biathlon competitor William D. Frank collaborates with E. John B. Allen, known world-wide for his work on ski history.
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No detailed description available for "The Problem of Piracy in the Early Modern World".
Piracy --- Pirates --- Shipping law --- World history --- anno 1500-1799 --- Piracy. --- Pirates. --- HISTORY / Modern / 17th Century. --- Piracy, Empire, Legal History, Imperial History, Global History.
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Imperial spaces takes two of the most influential minority groups of white settlers in the British Empire - the Irish and the Scots - and explores how they imagined themselves within the landscapes of its farthest reaches, the Australian colonies of Victoria and New South Wales. Using letters and diaries as well as records of collective activities such as committee meetings, parades and dinners, the book examines how the Irish and Scots built new identities as settlers in the unknown spaces of Empire. Utilizing critical geographical theories of 'place' as the site of memory and agency, it cons
Scots --- Irish --- Colonists --- Group identity --- Cultural fusion --- Imperialism --- Geschichte. --- Victoria --- New South Wales --- Australia --- Ethnic relations. --- History --- Australian colonies. --- British Empire. --- New South Wales. --- Victoria. --- colonial identity formation. --- diaspora. --- diasporic consciousness. --- imperial history. --- south-east Australia. --- white settlers.
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This book is open access and available on It is funded by the European Research Council. Asking what does foreign occupation look like and how does occupation shape visual expression and cultures, this edited collection explores how the occupied and occupiers have responded to their circumstances through visual culture. Contributors study specific cases of foreign occupation from around the world and across the 20th century, discussing the similarities, links and points of contact which bring disparate examples of occupation into dialogue with one another. The intention is to illustrate how an emphasis on ‘the visual’ can help inform our understanding of occupation more broadly. Comprised of 12 core chapters and structured around 4 methodological and conceptual themes, this book adopts a consciously transcultural approach through which contributors examine the influence of specific cases, memories and legacies of occupation. Spanning Europe, Asia, the Middle East and elsewhere, the chapters also engage in a wider dialogue to reveal commonalities and points of comparison across political and temporal boundaries.
Social & cultural history --- General & world history --- Military history --- 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000 --- history --- modern history --- 20th century --- 20th century history --- military history --- world history --- social history --- cultural history --- imperial history --- imperialism --- colonial history --- colonialism --- history of occupation --- european history --- asian history --- the middle east --- visual history --- visual culture --- anthropology --- film studies --- heritage --- heritage studies --- art history --- history of cinema
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This book is open access and available on It is funded by the European Research Council. Asking what does foreign occupation look like and how does occupation shape visual expression and cultures, this edited collection explores how the occupied and occupiers have responded to their circumstances through visual culture. Contributors study specific cases of foreign occupation from around the world and across the 20th century, discussing the similarities, links and points of contact which bring disparate examples of occupation into dialogue with one another. The intention is to illustrate how an emphasis on ‘the visual’ can help inform our understanding of occupation more broadly. Comprised of 12 core chapters and structured around 4 methodological and conceptual themes, this book adopts a consciously transcultural approach through which contributors examine the influence of specific cases, memories and legacies of occupation. Spanning Europe, Asia, the Middle East and elsewhere, the chapters also engage in a wider dialogue to reveal commonalities and points of comparison across political and temporal boundaries.
history --- modern history --- 20th century --- 20th century history --- military history --- world history --- social history --- cultural history --- imperial history --- imperialism --- colonial history --- colonialism --- history of occupation --- european history --- asian history --- the middle east --- visual history --- visual culture --- anthropology --- film studies --- heritage --- heritage studies --- art history --- history of cinema
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The history of mass-market diamonds goes back to German imperialism in Southwest Africa. Corporate power and state violence combined in the genocide of the Herero and Nama peoples, whose mineral-rich land supplied budding consumer demand in the United States. Steven Press makes clear that mass luxury has always come at a huge price.
Conflict diamonds --- Herero (African people) --- Nama (African people) --- Diamond industry and trade --- History. --- Germany --- Colonies --- Politics and government. --- African History. --- Blood Diamonds. --- Business History. --- Colonial History. --- Conflict Diamonds. --- De Beers. --- Diamond Engagement Rings. --- Diamonds are Forever. --- Diamonds. --- European History. --- German Colonial History. --- German History. --- Imperial History. --- E-books
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This book is open access and available on It is funded by the European Research Council. Asking what does foreign occupation look like and how does occupation shape visual expression and cultures, this edited collection explores how the occupied and occupiers have responded to their circumstances through visual culture. Contributors study specific cases of foreign occupation from around the world and across the 20th century, discussing the similarities, links and points of contact which bring disparate examples of occupation into dialogue with one another. The intention is to illustrate how an emphasis on ‘the visual’ can help inform our understanding of occupation more broadly. Comprised of 12 core chapters and structured around 4 methodological and conceptual themes, this book adopts a consciously transcultural approach through which contributors examine the influence of specific cases, memories and legacies of occupation. Spanning Europe, Asia, the Middle East and elsewhere, the chapters also engage in a wider dialogue to reveal commonalities and points of comparison across political and temporal boundaries.
Social & cultural history --- General & world history --- Military history --- 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000 --- history --- modern history --- 20th century --- 20th century history --- military history --- world history --- social history --- cultural history --- imperial history --- imperialism --- colonial history --- colonialism --- history of occupation --- european history --- asian history --- the middle east --- visual history --- visual culture --- anthropology --- film studies --- heritage --- heritage studies --- art history --- history of cinema
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Fruits of the most recent research on the worlds of the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
Middle Ages. --- Civilization, Medieval. --- Civilization, Medieval --- Medieval civilization --- Middle Ages --- Civilization --- Chivalry --- Renaissance --- Dark Ages --- History, Medieval --- Medieval history --- Medieval period --- World history, Medieval --- World history --- Medievalism --- History --- Europe --- Great Britain --- Angevin. --- Anglo-Norman. --- Anglo-Saxon. --- Byzantine imperial history. --- Canterbury primacy controversy. --- Italian sources. --- Medieval History. --- Norman administration. --- biblical figure of David. --- divinitas. --- fabliaux. --- female lords of Braine. --- legal activities of King Henry I. --- legal classifications of adultery. --- masculinity. --- natura. --- relics of St Ouen. --- source criticism.
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