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Cet ouvrage, écrit par des physiciens médicaux et des médecins spécialistes expérimentés, a été coordonné par le Dr es Sciences Ginette MARINELLO, ex-Chef de l’Unité de Radiophysique et de Radioprotection du Patient du CHU Henri Mondor de Créteil (France) et le Pr Jianji PAN, Chef du Service de Radiothérapie de l’Institut du Cancer et Directeur du Centre d’Assurance de Qualité de la Province du Fujian (RP de Chine). Il a pour but de faire le point sur les différents systèmes d’imagerie associés aux accélérateurs modernes de radiothérapie : EPID, systèmes d’imagerie embarqués à 2 ou 3 dimensions utilisant des RX de basse ou haute énergie, systèmes d’imagerie fixés au sol et au plafond. et systèmes d’imagerie indépendants irradiants ou non irradiants (systèmes optiques d’imagerie surfacique et à ultra-sons). Outre une description des systèmes, le principe de formation et d’exploitation des images produites est expliqué et illustré par de nombreux exemples pratiques. Les contrôles de qualité à effectuer obligatoirement à leur réception, puis périodiquement, pour assurer une qualité d’image indispensable, sont détaillés ainsi que les matériels et méthodes à utiliser et les tolérances acceptables. Une partie importante de l’ouvrage est consacrée à la pratique clinique avec de nombreux exemples montrant les possibilités et l’intérêt de l’utilisation des appareils d’imagerie pour les irradiations standard (sein), la modulation d’intensité IMRT ou VMAT (ORL), les irradiations stéréotaxiques intracrâniennes ou extracrâniennes (métastases osseuses) ou pendant les différentes stratégies d’irradiation des tumeurs mobiles (poumon et foie), et la protonthérapie (tumeurs de la base du crâne et mélanomes oculaires). L’utilisation de l’EPID comme dosimètre de transit pour le contrôle in vivo et l’enregistrement des doses délivrées aux patients pendant l’irradiation fait l’objet de tout un chapitre contenant, entre autres, la description des méthodes de calcul sur lesquelles sont basés différents logiciels. Enfin, un dernier chapitre est dédié aux méthodes d’évaluation des doses délivrées spécifiquement par les différents types d’imagerie et aux problèmes qu’elles posent. De par son contenu, étayé par une importante liste de références bibliographiques et de nombreuses figures, cet ouvrage s’avère être un outil indispensable pour tous ceux qui pratiquent la radiothérapie et s’intéressent à la radioprotection des patients, qu’ils soient médecins, physiciens médicaux, dosimétristes, manipulateurs d’électroradiologie médicale ou personnel technique et paramédical., et bien sûr pour les étudiants.
Image-guided radiation therapy. --- Cancer --- Radiotherapy. --- IGRT (Image-guided radiation therapy) --- Image-guided radiotherapy --- Diagnostic imaging --- Radiotherapy --- Treatment
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This book provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art computational intelligence research and technologies in computer-assisted radiation therapy based on image engineering. It also traces major technical advancements and research findings in the field of image-based computer-assisted radiation therapy. In high-precision radiation therapies, novel approaches in image engineering including computer graphics, image processing, pattern recognition, and computational anatomy play important roles in improving the accuracy of radiation therapy and assisting decision making by radiation oncology professionals, such as radiation oncologists, radiation technologists, and medical physicists, in each phase of radiation therapy. All the topics presented in this book broaden understanding of the modern medical technologies and systems for image-based computer-assisted radiation therapy. Therefore this volume will greatly benefit not only radiation oncologists and radiologists but also radiation technologists, professors in medical physics or engineering, and engineers involved in the development of products to utilize this advanced therapy.
Medicine. --- Interventional radiology. --- Radiotherapy. --- Oncology. --- Medicine & Public Health. --- Interventional Radiology. --- Image-guided radiation therapy. --- IGRT (Image-guided radiation therapy) --- Image-guided radiotherapy --- Diagnostic imaging --- Radiotherapy --- Oncology . --- Tumors --- Radiology, Interventional --- Medical radiology --- Therapeutics --- Radiation therapy --- Electrotherapeutics --- Hospitals --- Medical electronics --- Therapeutics, Physiological --- Phototherapy --- Radiological services --- Interventional radiology .
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This handbook provides a clinically relevant, succinct, and comprehensive overview of image-guided brachytherapy. Throughout the last decade, the utility of image guidance in brachytherapy has increased to enhance procedural development, treatment planning, and radiation delivery in an effort to optimize safety and clinical outcomes. Organized into two parts, the book discusses physics and radiobiology principles of brachytherapy as well as clinical applications of image-guided brachytherapy for various disease sites (central nervous system, eye, head and neck, breast, lung, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, gynecologic, sarcoma, and skin). It also describes the incorporation of imaging techniques such as CT, MRI, and ultrasound into brachytherapy procedures and planning. Featuring procedural and anesthesia care, extensive images, contouring examples, treatment planning techniques, and dosimetry for the comprehensive treatment for each disease site, Handbook of Image-Guided Brachytherapy is a valuable resource for practicing radiation oncologists, physicists, dosimetrists, residents, and medical students. .
Medicine. --- Gynecology. --- Radiotherapy. --- Oncology. --- Urology. --- Medicine & Public Health. --- Radioisotope brachytherapy. --- Image-guided radiation therapy. --- Cancer --- IGRT (Image-guided radiation therapy) --- Image-guided radiotherapy --- Afterloading radiotherapy --- Brachyisotope therapy --- Brachytherapy, Radioisotope --- Implant radiotherapy --- Interstitial radiotherapy --- Diagnostic imaging --- Radiotherapy --- Implants, Artificial --- Radioisotopes --- Treatment --- Therapeutic use --- Oncology . --- Medicine --- Genitourinary organs --- Gynaecology --- Generative organs, Female --- Tumors --- Radiation therapy --- Electrotherapeutics --- Hospitals --- Medical electronics --- Medical radiology --- Therapeutics, Physiological --- Phototherapy --- Diseases --- Radiological services --- Gynecology .
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Recent advances in the treatment of gynecologic malignancies led to a new worldwide consensus to introduce image guidance to gynecologic radiation therapy, particularly to brachytherapy. The book summarizes the changed practice of management: treatment planning for cervical cancer, not modified for over 60 years, has been shifted to an image-based approach, endometrial cancer management with an increase in the use of chemotherapy and vaginal brachytherapy, and vaginal cancer therapy including image guidance and high-dose delivery with IMRT.
Cervix uteri -- Cancer -- Radiotherapy. --- Generative organs, Female -- Cancer. --- Generative organs, Female --- Investigative Techniques --- Urogenital Neoplasms --- Therapeutics --- Image Processing, Computer-Assisted --- Diagnostic Imaging --- Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures --- Neoplasms by Site --- Computing Methodologies --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Female Urogenital Diseases --- Brachytherapy --- Genital Neoplasms, Female --- Methods --- Radiotherapy --- Imaging, Three-Dimensional --- Diagnosis --- Information Science --- Female Urogenital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications --- Neoplasms --- Diseases --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Oncology --- Radiology, MRI, Ultrasonography & Medical Physics --- Cancer --- Image-guided radiation therapy. --- Oncology, Experimental. --- Cancer. --- Experimental oncology --- Gynecologic cancer --- IGRT (Image-guided radiation therapy) --- Image-guided radiotherapy --- Medicine. --- Gynecology. --- Radiology. --- Radiotherapy. --- Oncology. --- Urology. --- Medicine & Public Health. --- Imaging / Radiology. --- Cancer in women --- Diagnostic imaging --- Oncology . --- Radiology, Medical. --- Clinical radiology --- Radiology, Medical --- Radiology (Medicine) --- Medical physics --- Genitourinary organs --- Gynaecology --- Tumors --- Radiation therapy --- Electrotherapeutics --- Hospitals --- Medical electronics --- Medical radiology --- Therapeutics, Physiological --- Phototherapy --- Radiological services --- Gynecology . --- Radiological physics --- Physics --- Radiation
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This book, edited by leading experts in radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiation oncology, offers a wide-ranging, state of the art overview of the specifics and the benefits of a multidisciplinary approach to the use of imaging in image-guided radiation treatments for different tumor types. The entire spectrum of the most important cancers treated by radiation are covered, including CNS, head and neck, lung, breast, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and gynecological tumors. The opening sections of the book address background issues and a range of important technical aspects. Detailed information is then provided on the use of different imaging techniques for T staging and target volume delineation, response assessment, and follow-up in various parts of the body. The focus of the book ensures that it will be of interest for a multidisciplinary forum of readers comprising radiation oncologists, nuclear medicine physicians, radiologists and other medical professionals. .
Radiology. --- Radiotherapy. --- Oncology . --- Nuclear medicine. --- Diagnostic Radiology. --- Oncology. --- Nuclear Medicine. --- Atomic medicine --- Radioisotopes in medicine --- Medical radiology --- Radioactive tracers --- Radioactivity --- Tumors --- Radiation therapy --- Electrotherapeutics --- Hospitals --- Medical electronics --- Therapeutics, Physiological --- Phototherapy --- Radiological physics --- Physics --- Radiation --- Physiological effect --- Radiological services --- Cancer --- Image-guided radiation therapy. --- IGRT (Image-guided radiation therapy) --- Image-guided radiotherapy --- Diagnostic imaging --- Radiotherapy --- Treatment --- Radiologia mèdica --- Radiologia intervencionista --- Medicina nuclear --- Radioteràpia --- Oncologia --- Medicina --- Oncologia geriàtrica --- Oncologia pediàtrica --- Oncologia veterinària --- Càncer --- Infermeria oncològica --- Electrònica mèdica --- Electroteràpia --- Radioactivitat --- Terapèutica fisiològica --- Braquiteràpia --- Radiocirurgia --- Fototeràpia --- Radi (Metall) --- Raigs X --- Isòtops radioactius en medicina --- Medicina atòmica --- Cobaltoteràpia --- Isòtops radioactius en diagnòstic mèdic --- Isòtops radioactius en farmacologia --- Terapèutica --- Radiologia clínica --- Radiologia (Medicina) --- Física mèdica --- Radiofàrmacs --- Radiografia mèdica --- Radiologia dental --- Radiologia pediàtrica --- Radiologia veterinària --- Diagnòstic radiològic
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Prostatic adenocarcinoma (CAP) is the second most common malignancy with an estimated 190,000 new cases in the USA in 2010 (Source: American Cancer Society), and is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among men. If CAP is caught early, men have a high, five-year survival rate. Unfortunately there is no standardized ima- based screening protocol for early detection of CAP (unlike for breast cancers). In the USA high levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) warrant a trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS) biopsy to enable histologic confirmation of presence or absence of CAP. With recent rapid developments in multi-parametric radiological imaging te- niques (spectroscopy, dynamic contrast enhanced MR imaging, PET, RF ultrasound), some of these functional and metabolic imaging modalities are allowing for definition of high resolution, multi-modal signatures for prostate cancer in vivo. Distinct com- tational and technological challenges for multi-modal data registration and classifi- tion still remain in leveraging this multi-parametric data for directing therapy and optimizing biopsy. Additionally, with the recent advent of whole slide digital sc- ners, digitized histopathology has become amenable to computerized image analysis. While it is known that outcome of prostate cancer (prognosis) is highly correlated with Gleason grade, pathologists often have difficulty in distinguishing between interme- ate Gleason grades from histopathology. Development of computerized image analysis methods for automated Gleason grading and predicting outcome on histopathology have to confront the significant computational challenges associated with working these very large digitized images.
Prostate --- Image-guided radiation therapy --- Diagnostic Imaging --- Genital Neoplasms, Male --- Publication Formats --- Decision Making, Computer-Assisted --- Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted --- Therapeutics --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Prostatic Diseases --- Genital Diseases, Male --- Urogenital Neoplasms --- Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures --- Publication Characteristics --- Medical Informatics Applications --- Male Urogenital Diseases --- Neoplasms by Site --- Medical Informatics --- Diseases --- Neoplasms --- Information Science --- Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted --- Prostatic Neoplasms --- Congresses --- Prognosis --- Therapy, Computer-Assisted --- Diagnosis --- Medicine --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Oncology --- Applied Physics --- Cancer --- Radiotherapy --- IGRT (Image-guided radiation therapy) --- Image-guided radiotherapy --- Computer science. --- User interfaces (Computer systems). --- Computer simulation. --- Computer graphics. --- Image processing. --- Pattern recognition. --- Computer Science. --- User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction. --- Image Processing and Computer Vision. --- Pattern Recognition. --- Computer Graphics. --- Computer Imaging, Vision, Pattern Recognition and Graphics. --- Simulation and Modeling. --- Design perception --- Pattern recognition --- Form perception --- Perception --- Figure-ground perception --- Pictorial data processing --- Picture processing --- Processing, Image --- Imaging systems --- Optical data processing --- Automatic drafting --- Graphic data processing --- Graphics, Computer --- Computer art --- Graphic arts --- Electronic data processing --- Engineering graphics --- Image processing --- Computer modeling --- Computer models --- Modeling, Computer --- Models, Computer --- Simulation, Computer --- Electromechanical analogies --- Mathematical models --- Simulation methods --- Model-integrated computing --- Interfaces, User (Computer systems) --- Human-machine systems --- Human-computer interaction --- Informatics --- Science --- Digital techniques --- Diagnostic imaging --- Computer vision. --- Optical pattern recognition. --- Pattern perception --- Perceptrons --- Visual discrimination --- Machine vision --- Vision, Computer --- Artificial intelligence --- Pattern recognition systems --- Optical data processing. --- Optical computing --- Visual data processing --- Bionics --- Integrated optics --- Photonics --- Computers --- Optical equipment --- Peking <2010>
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Image-Guided Cancer Therapy: A Multidisciplinary Approach provides clinicians with in-depth coverage of the growing, dynamic field of interventional oncology. Combining the knowledge of expert editors and authors into one powerhouse reference, this book looks at tumor ablation, HIFU, embolic therapies, emerging technologies, and radiation therapy throughout the body (liver, bone, breast, gynecologic and prostate cancers, to name just a few) , and includes discussion of different imaging modalities. In the words of Peter Mueller, MD, author of the book’s Foreword: “… The senior authors are all world renowned experts in interventional oncology, which is another example of the high quality authorship and experience that is brought to this book. The later chapters discuss therapies that are simply not covered in any other source. Everyone who is doing or wants to do ablation therapies and interventional oncology will face a time when they will be asked to use their expertise in less used and less investigated areas. There is nowhere else where the reader can get information on the prostate, breast, and gynecologic areas, and especially pediatrics….This book is an outstanding contribution to the literature and will become a ‘must read’ for all physicians who are interested in Interventional Oncology.”.
Cancer --- Image-guided radiation therapy --- Decision Making, Computer-Assisted --- Medicine --- Therapeutics --- Diseases --- Health Occupations --- Medical Informatics Applications --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Medical Informatics --- Disciplines and Occupations --- Information Science --- Therapy, Computer-Assisted --- Neoplasms --- Pathology --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Oncology --- Radiotherapy --- Pathologies --- Disease --- Benign Neoplasms --- Malignancy --- Neoplasia --- Neoplasm --- Neoplasms, Benign --- Tumors --- Benign Neoplasm --- Cancers --- Malignancies --- Neoplasias --- Neoplasm, Benign --- Tumor --- Computer-Assisted Protocol-Directed Therapy --- Therapy, Computer-Assisted Protocol-Directed --- Computer-Assisted Therapy --- Protocol-Directed Therapy, Computer-Assisted --- Computer Assisted Protocol Directed Therapy --- Computer Assisted Therapy --- Computer-Assisted Protocol-Directed Therapies --- Computer-Assisted Therapies --- Protocol Directed Therapy, Computer Assisted --- Protocol-Directed Therapies, Computer-Assisted --- Therapies, Computer-Assisted --- Therapies, Computer-Assisted Protocol-Directed --- Therapy, Computer Assisted --- Therapy, Computer Assisted Protocol Directed --- Information Sciences --- Science, Information --- Sciences, Information --- Application, Medical Informatics --- Applications, Medical Informatics --- Informatics Applications, Medical --- Informatics Application, Medical --- Medical Informatics Application --- Health Professions --- Health Occupation --- Health Profession --- Occupation, Health --- Occupations, Health --- Profession, Health --- Professions, Health --- Computer Science, Medical --- Health Information Technology --- Informatics, Clinical --- Informatics, Medical --- Information Science, Medical --- Clinical Informatics --- Medical Computer Science --- Medical Information Science --- Health Information Technologies --- Information Technologies, Health --- Information Technology, Health --- Medical Computer Sciences --- Medical Information Sciences --- Science, Medical Computer --- Technologies, Health Information --- Technology, Health Information --- Therapy --- Treatment --- Therapeutic --- Therapies --- Treatments --- Medical Specialities --- Medical Specialties --- Medical Specialty --- Specialities, Medical --- Specialties, Medical --- Specialty, Medical --- Medical Speciality --- Speciality, Medical --- Computer-Assisted Decision Making --- Medical Decision Making, Computer-Assisted --- Computer Assisted Decision Making --- Decision Making, Computer Assisted --- Medical Decision Making, Computer Assisted --- IGRT (Image-guided radiation therapy) --- Image-guided radiotherapy --- pathology --- therapy --- Medicine. --- Radiology. --- Interventional radiology. --- Oncology. --- Surgery. --- Minimally invasive surgery. --- Surgical oncology. --- Medicine & Public Health. --- Interventional Radiology. --- Imaging / Radiology. --- Surgical Oncology. --- Minimally Invasive Surgery. --- Oncologic surgery --- Oncological surgery --- Surgical oncology --- Surgery, Primitive --- Radiology, Interventional --- Medical radiology --- Radiological physics --- Physics --- Radiation --- Clinical sciences --- Medical profession --- Human biology --- Life sciences --- Medical sciences --- Physicians --- Excision --- Endoscopic surgery. --- Oncology . --- Radiology, Medical. --- Endosurgery --- Minimal access surgery --- Minimally invasive surgery --- MIS (Minimally invasive surgery) --- Operative endoscopy --- Surgical endoscopy --- Endoscopy --- Microsurgery --- Surgery, Operative --- Clinical radiology --- Radiology, Medical --- Radiology (Medicine) --- Medical physics --- Interventional radiology .
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This book summarizes the recent advancements for visualized medicine in terms of fundamental principles, rapidly emerging techniques (artificial intelligence (AI), surgical robots, etc.), revolutionary impacts on disease diagnosis, treatments and prognosis and developing frontiers. Especially with the combination of artificial intelligence (AI), medical imaging agents and medical robots, smart medical technologies have been innovated and applied to the clinical uses to serve the fatal human diseases diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and data analysis. This philosophy comprehensively revolutionizes the treatment strategy of human healthcare, and will enable precision medicine and precision surgery further intuitively detectable, smartly analyzable and accurately operational. This book will discuss and conclude: 1) state-of-the-art definition of visualized medicine; 2) advanced techniques and clinical applications of visualized medicine in the past decade; 3) novel frontiers and brand-new technologies, e.g. artificial intelligence (AI), surgical robots, etc. 4) revolutionary impacts on disease diagnosis, treatments and prognosis; 5) future challenges and perspectives.
Diagnostic Imaging. --- Image Processing, Computer-Assisted. --- Multimodal Imaging. --- Surgery, Computer-Assisted. --- Robotic Surgical Procedures. --- Brain-Computer Interfaces. --- Contrast Media. --- Endoscopes. --- Radiotherapy, Image-Guided. --- Drug Therapy. --- Therapy, Drug --- Chemotherapy --- Pharmacotherapy --- Chemotherapies --- Drug Therapies --- Pharmacotherapies --- Therapies, Drug --- Disease --- Pharmaceutical Preparations --- Pharmacologic Actions --- Image-Guided Radiation Therapy --- Radiotherapy Target Organ Alignment --- Target Organ Alignment, Radiotherapy --- Image Guided Radiation Therapy --- Image-Guided Radiation Therapies --- Image-Guided Radiotherapies --- Image-Guided Radiotherapy --- Radiation Therapies, Image-Guided --- Radiation Therapy, Image-Guided --- Radiotherapies, Image-Guided --- Radiotherapy, Image Guided --- Therapies, Image-Guided Radiation --- Therapy, Image-Guided Radiation --- Endoscope --- Endoscopy --- Contrast Agent --- Contrast Agents --- Contrast Material --- Contrast Materials --- Radiocontrast Agent --- Radiocontrast Agents --- Radiocontrast Media --- Radiopaque Media --- Agent, Contrast --- Agent, Radiocontrast --- Agents, Contrast --- Agents, Radiocontrast --- Material, Contrast --- Materials, Contrast --- Media, Contrast --- Media, Radiocontrast --- Media, Radiopaque --- Radiography --- Brain-Computer Interface --- Brain-Machine Interfaces --- Brain Machine Interface --- Brain Computer Interface --- Brain Computer Interfaces --- Brain Machine Interfaces --- Brain-Machine Interface --- Interface, Brain Machine --- Interface, Brain-Computer --- Interface, Brain-Machine --- Interfaces, Brain Machine --- Interfaces, Brain-Computer --- Interfaces, Brain-Machine --- Machine Interface, Brain --- Machine Interfaces, Brain --- Robot Surgery --- Robot-Assisted Surgery --- Robot-Enhanced Procedures --- Robot-Enhanced Surgery --- Robotic-Assisted Surgery --- Surgical Procedures, Robotic --- Procedure, Robot-Enhanced --- Procedure, Robotic Surgical --- Procedures, Robotic Surgical --- Robot Assisted Surgery --- Robot Enhanced Procedures --- Robot Enhanced Surgery --- Robot Surgeries --- Robot-Assisted Surgeries --- Robot-Enhanced Procedure --- Robot-Enhanced Surgeries --- Robotic Assisted Surgery --- Robotic Surgical Procedure --- Robotic-Assisted Surgeries --- Surgery, Robot --- Surgery, Robot-Assisted --- Surgery, Robot-Enhanced --- Surgery, Robotic-Assisted --- Surgical Procedure, Robotic --- Robotics --- Computer-Aided Surgery --- Computer-Assisted Surgery --- Image-Guided Surgery --- Surgery, Image-Guided --- Surgical Navigation --- Computer Aided Surgery --- Computer Assisted Surgery --- Computer-Aided Surgeries --- Computer-Assisted Surgeries --- Image Guided Surgery --- Image-Guided Surgeries --- Navigation, Surgical --- Surgeries, Computer-Aided --- Surgeries, Computer-Assisted --- Surgeries, Image-Guided --- Surgery, Computer Assisted --- Surgery, Computer-Aided --- Surgery, Image Guided --- Augmented Reality --- Image-Guided Biopsy --- Hybrid Imaging --- Imaging, Hybrid --- Imaging, Multimodal --- Image Processing, Computer-Assisted --- Analysis, Computer-Assisted Image --- Computer-Assisted Image Analysis --- Biomedical Image Processing --- Computer-Assisted Image Processing --- Digital Image Processing --- Image Analysis, Computer-Assisted --- Image Reconstruction --- Medical Image Processing --- Computer Assisted Image Analysis --- Computer Assisted Image Processing --- Computer-Assisted Image Analyses --- Image Analyses, Computer-Assisted --- Image Analysis, Computer Assisted --- Image Processing, Biomedical --- Image Processing, Computer Assisted --- Image Processing, Digital --- Image Processing, Medical --- Image Processings, Medical --- Image Reconstructions --- Medical Image Processings --- Processing, Biomedical Image --- Processing, Digital Image --- Processing, Medical Image --- Processings, Digital Image --- Processings, Medical Image --- Reconstruction, Image --- Reconstructions, Image --- Diagnostic Imaging --- Data Compression --- Multimodal Imaging --- Imaging, Diagnostic --- Imaging, Medical --- Medical Imaging --- Radiologic and Imaging Nursing --- drug therapy --- therapeutic use --- Radiology. --- Biotechnology. --- Artificial intelligence. --- Artificial Intelligence. --- AI (Artificial intelligence) --- Artificial thinking --- Electronic brains --- Intellectronics --- Intelligence, Artificial --- Intelligent machines --- Machine intelligence --- Thinking, Artificial --- Bionics --- Cognitive science --- Digital computer simulation --- Electronic data processing --- Logic machines --- Machine theory --- Self-organizing systems --- Simulation methods --- Fifth generation computers --- Neural computers --- Chemical engineering --- Genetic engineering --- Radiological physics --- Physics --- Radiation
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