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Certain nonlinear optimization problems arising in such disparate areas as the theory of computation, pure and applied probability and mathematical physics, can be solved by linear methods, provided one replaces the usual number system with one in which addition satisfies the idempotent law. This systematic study of the subject has emerged, triggered in part by a workshop organized by Hewlett-Packard's Basic Research Institute in the Mathematical Sciences (BRIMS), which brought together many leading researchers in the area. This volume is a record of that workshop, but it also includes other invited contributions, a broad Introduction to Idempotency, written specially for the book, and a bibliography of the subject. In sum, the articles cover both practical and more theoretical considerations, making it essential reading for all workers in the area.
Idempotents. --- Semirings (Mathematics) --- Mathematical physics.
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The study of idempotent elements in group algebras (or, more generally, the study of classes in the K-theory of such algebras) originates from geometric and analytic considerations. For example, C.T.C. Wall [72] has shown that the problem of deciding whether a ?nitely dominated space with fundamental group? is homotopy equivalent to a ?nite CW-complex leads naturally to the study of a certain class in the reduced K-theoryK (Z?) of the group ringZ?. 0 As another example, consider a discrete groupG which acts freely, properly discontinuously, cocompactly and isometrically on a Riemannian manifold. Then, following A. Connes and H. Moscovici [16], the index of an invariant 0th-order elliptic pseudo-di?erential operator is de?ned as an element in the ? ? K -group of the reduced groupC -algebraCG. 0 r Theidempotentconjecture(alsoknownasthegeneralizedKadisonconjec- ? ? ture) asserts that the reduced groupC -algebraCG of a discrete torsion-free r groupG has no idempotents =0,1; this claim is known to be a consequence of a far-reaching conjecture of P. Baum and A. Connes [6]. Alternatively, one mayapproachtheidempotentconjectureasanassertionabouttheconnect- ness of a non-commutative space;ifG is a discrete torsion-free abelian group ? thenCG is the algebra of continuous complex-valued functions on the dual r
Idempotents. --- Matrices. --- Group algebras. --- Algebras, Group --- Abelian groups --- Locally compact groups --- Algebra, Matrix --- Cracovians (Mathematics) --- Matrix algebra --- Matrixes (Algebra) --- Algebra, Abstract --- Algebra, Universal --- Idempotent elements --- Algebras, Linear --- Mathematical physics --- Algebra. --- K-theory. --- Group theory. --- Functional analysis. --- Associative Rings and Algebras. --- Category Theory, Homological Algebra. --- K-Theory. --- Group Theory and Generalizations. --- Functional Analysis. --- Functional calculus --- Calculus of variations --- Functional equations --- Integral equations --- Groups, Theory of --- Substitutions (Mathematics) --- Algebra --- Algebraic topology --- Homology theory --- Mathematics --- Mathematical analysis --- Associative rings. --- Rings (Algebra). --- Category theory (Mathematics). --- Homological algebra. --- Homological algebra --- Category theory (Mathematics) --- Algebra, Homological --- Group theory --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical --- Topology --- Functor theory --- Algebraic rings --- Ring theory --- Algebraic fields --- Rings (Algebra) --- Categories (Mathematics) --- Algebra, Homological.
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These Lecture Notes contain the material relative to the courses given at the CIME summer school held in Cetraro, Italy from August 29 to September 3, 2011. The topic was "Hamilton-Jacobi Equations: Approximations, Numerical Analysis and Applications". The courses dealt mostly with the following subjects: first order and second order Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations, properties of viscosity solutions, asymptotic behaviors, mean field games, approximation and numerical methods, idempotent analysis. The content of the courses ranged from an introduction to viscosity solutions to quite advanced topics, at the cutting edge of research in the field. We believe that they opened perspectives on new and delicate issues. These lecture notes contain four contributions by Yves Achdou (Finite Difference Methods for Mean Field Games), Guy Barles (An Introduction to the Theory of Viscosity Solutions for First-order Hamilton-Jacobi Equations and Applications), Hitoshi Ishii (A Short Introduction to Viscosity Solutions and the Large Time Behavior of Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations) and Grigory Litvinov (Idempotent/Tropical Analysis, the Hamilton-Jacobi and Bellman Equations).
Civil & Environmental Engineering --- Mathematics --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Calculus --- Operations Research --- Mathematics. --- Difference equations. --- Functional equations. --- Dynamics. --- Ergodic theory. --- Partial differential equations. --- Game theory. --- Computer mathematics. --- Calculus of variations. --- Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control; Optimization. --- Partial Differential Equations. --- Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis. --- Game Theory, Economics, Social and Behav. Sciences. --- Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory. --- Difference and Functional Equations. --- Viscosity solutions --- Approximation theory --- Idempotents --- Hamilton-Jacobi equations --- Numerical analysis --- Equations, Hamilton-Jacobi --- Equations, Jacobi-Hamilton --- Jacobi-Hamilton equations --- Calculus of variations --- Differential equations, Partial --- Hamiltonian systems --- Mechanics --- Idempotent elements --- Algebras, Linear --- Mathematical physics --- Mathematical optimization. --- Differential equations, partial. --- Computer science --- Differentiable dynamical systems. --- Equations, Functional --- Functional analysis --- Differential dynamical systems --- Dynamical systems, Differentiable --- Dynamics, Differentiable --- Differential equations --- Global analysis (Mathematics) --- Topological dynamics --- Math --- Science --- Computer mathematics --- Discrete mathematics --- Electronic data processing --- Partial differential equations --- Optimization (Mathematics) --- Optimization techniques --- Optimization theory --- Systems optimization --- Mathematical analysis --- Maxima and minima --- Operations research --- Simulation methods --- System analysis --- Calculus of differences --- Differences, Calculus of --- Equations, Difference --- Ergodic transformations --- Continuous groups --- Measure theory --- Transformations (Mathematics) --- Dynamical systems --- Kinetics --- Mechanics, Analytic --- Force and energy --- Physics --- Statics --- Games, Theory of --- Theory of games --- Mathematical models --- Isoperimetrical problems --- Variations, Calculus of --- Differential equations. --- Mathematics—Data processing. --- Dynamical systems. --- Calculus of Variations and Optimization. --- Differential Equations. --- Game Theory. --- Dynamical Systems. --- 517.91 Differential equations
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This book contains 37 papers by 73 renowned experts from 13 countries around the world, on following topics: neutrosophic set; neutrosophic rings; neutrosophic quadruple rings; idempotents; neutrosophic extended triplet group; hypergroup; semihypergroup; neutrosophic extended triplet group; neutrosophic extended triplet semihypergroup and hypergroup; neutrosophic offset; uninorm; neutrosophic offuninorm and offnorm; neutrosophic offconorm; implicator; prospector; n-person cooperative game; ordinary single-valued neutrosophic (co)topology; ordinary single-valued neutrosophic subspace; ?-level; ordinary single-valued neutrosophic neighborhood system; ordinary single-valued neutrosophic base and subbase; fuzzy numbers; neutrosophic numbers; neutrosophic symmetric scenarios; performance indicators; financial assets; neutrosophic extended triplet group; neutrosophic quadruple numbers; refined neutrosophic numbers; refined neutrosophic quadruple numbers; multigranulation neutrosophic rough set; nondual; two universes; multiattribute group decision making; nonstandard analysis; extended nonstandard analysis; monad; binad; left monad closed to the right; right monad closed to the left; pierced binad; unpierced binad; nonstandard neutrosophic mobinad set; neutrosophic topology; nonstandard neutrosophic topology; visual tracking; neutrosophic weight; objectness; weighted multiple instance learning; neutrosophic triangular norms; residuated lattices; representable neutrosophic t-norms; De Morgan neutrosophic triples; neutrosophic residual implications; infinitely ?-distributive; probabilistic neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy set; decision-making; Choquet integral; e-marketing; Internet of Things; neutrosophic set; multicriteria decision making techniques; uncertainty modeling; neutrosophic goal programming approach; shale gas water management system.
nonstandard neutrosophic supremum --- classical statistics --- complex neutrosophic set --- neutrosophic offnorm --- neutrosophic extended triplet group --- multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) --- neutrosophic time series --- refined neutrosophic quadruple numbers --- BNHHA aggregation operator --- neutrosophic offconorm --- monad --- matrix representation --- left monad closed to the right --- implicator --- neutrsophic set --- neutrosophic correlation --- neutrosophic cubic sets --- decision-making --- MoBiNad set --- open and closed monads to the left/right --- distance measure --- De Morgan neutrosophic triples --- group decision making --- financial assets --- soft expert set --- uninorm --- multi-attribute group decision making --- sampling plan --- cubic sets --- neutrosophic cubic ordered weighted geometric operator (NCOWG) --- shale gas water management system --- weighted average operator --- aggregation operations --- quality function deployment --- Einstein t-norm --- neutrosophic rings --- non-standard neutrosophic topology --- BNHWA aggregation operator --- hypergroup --- triangular neutrosophic cubic fuzzy number --- pierced and unpierced binads --- numerical application --- neutrosophic cubic weighted geometric operator (NCWG) --- relations --- extended nonstandard analysis --- arithmetic averaging operator --- nonstandard reals --- Choquet integral --- Function approximation --- neutrosophic triangular norms --- weighted geometric operator --- neutrosophic regression --- optimization solution --- ordinary single valued neutrosophic neighborhood system --- smart port --- neutrosophic topology --- multi-criteria decision making techniques --- low-carbon supplier selection --- producer’s risk --- quasi-completely regular semigroup --- score function --- MAGDM --- multicriteria decision-making --- neutrosophic soft rough --- NET-hypergroup --- refined neutrosophic numbers --- neutrosophic logical relationship groups --- combined weighted average --- TOPSIS --- neutrosophic logical relationship --- logarithmic aggregation operators --- non-standard analysis --- multi-attribute decision-making --- neutrosophic extended triplet semihypergroup (NET-semihypergroup) --- aggregation --- nonstandard neutrosophic logic --- symmetric relation --- uncertainty modeling --- single valued neutrosophic sets --- BNHOWA aggregation operator --- ordinary single valued neutrosophic subspace --- generalized neutrosophic extended triplet group --- multi-attribute decision making --- ordinary single valued neutrosophic base --- nonstandard arithmetic operations --- pierced binad --- MCGDM problems --- simplified neutrosophic set --- residuated lattices --- Neutrosophic compound orthogonal neural network --- rough set approximation --- single-valued neutrosophic linguistic set --- binad --- multi-granulation neutrosophic rough set --- single valued neutrosophic set --- infinitesimals --- standard reals --- soft set --- non-standard neutrosophic mobinad set --- certainty function --- neutrosophic weight --- two universes --- sample size --- n-person cooperative game --- paper defect diagnosis --- performance indicators --- semihypergroup --- logarithmic operational laws --- right monad closed to the left --- idempotents --- unpierced binad --- neutrosophic cubic hybrid weighted arithmetic and geometric aggregation operator (NCHWAGA) --- neutrosophic symmetric scenarios --- extended nonstandard neutrosophic logic --- neutrosophic statistics --- neutrosophic goal programming approach --- neutrosophic offset --- neutrosophic statistical interval method --- weighted multiple instance learning --- neutrosophic cubic Einstein ordered weighted geometric operator (NCEOWG) --- fuzzy parameterized single valued neutrosophic soft expert set --- single-valued neutrosophic soft number and its operations --- Internet of Things --- extended non-standard analysis --- dietary fat level --- soft sets --- visual tracking --- neutrosophic offuninorm --- neutrosophic cubic Einstein weighted geometric operator (NCEWG) --- ordinary single valued neutrosophic subbase --- membership function --- non-dual --- SVN soft weighted arithmetic averaging operator --- Q-neutrosophic set --- neutrosophic sets --- fuzzy numbers --- intuitionistic fuzzy parameters --- producer’s risk’ --- graph representation --- exponential similarity measure --- infinities --- maximizing deviation --- Multi-attribute decision making --- SVN soft weighted geometric averaging operator --- objectness --- Q-neutrosophic soft set --- accuracy function --- consumer’s risk --- decision making --- Neutrosophic number --- clifford semigroup --- neutrosophic numbers --- neutrosophic residual implications --- nonstandard neutrosophic lattices of first type (as poset) and second type (as algebraic structure) --- covering --- e-marketing --- nonstandard analysis --- neutrosophic quadruple rings --- complex neutrosophic soft expert set --- single-valued neutrosophic set --- neutrosophic cubic soft expert system --- neutrosophic cubic soft sets --- triangular neutrosophic number --- supply chain sustainability metrics --- neutrosophic quadruple numbers --- ?-level --- nonstandard neutrosophic infimum --- infinitely ?-distributive --- plithogeny --- neutrosophic set --- fuzzy logic --- prospector --- Neutrosophic function --- representable neutrosophic t-norms --- probabilistic neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy set (PNHFS) --- prostate cancer --- nonstandard unit interval --- port evaluation --- simplified neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy set --- ordinary single valued neutrosophic (co)topology
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