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Messbarkeit musikpraktischer Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern : Entwicklung und empirische Validierung eines Kompetenzmodells
ISBN: 3830982941 9783830982944 Year: 2015 Publisher: Münster Waxmann

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Aktuelle musikdidaktische Ansätze sehen vor, dass ein Großteil der im Musikunterricht zu vermittelnden musikalischen Inhalte durch praktisches Musizieren vertieft werden soll. Im Zuge der allgemeinen Orientierung an Bildungsstandards wurde die Musikpraxis als ein möglicher und relevanter Kompetenzbereich des Schulfachs Musik identifiziert. Daran anknüpfend wird in diesem Band zunächst ein theoriebasiertes Strukturmodell musikpraktischer Kompetenzen erstellt. Dieses Modell wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Musiklehrkräften messbar gemacht, indem überprüfbare Testaufgaben entwickelt und mit Methoden der Item-Response-Theory anhand von Leistungsproben von 420 Schülerinnen und Schülern der Jahrgangsstufe 9 empirisch validiert wurden. Die zusätzlich aus den Daten abgeleiteten Niveaustufen-Beschreibungen bieten eine Grundlage für eine empirisch fundierte Diskussion über Anspruch und Realität des praktischen Musizierens im Unterricht. In einer aufwendigen Studie wurden Bedingungen geschaffen, in denen die Messverfahren den Anforderungen nach Objektivität, Reliabilität und Validität genügten. - Franz Niermann auf schott musikpädagogik Die Dissertationsschrift von Johannes Hasselhorn stellt die Entwicklung und empirische Validierung eines nach Maßstäben der Psychometrie modellbasierten, am Kompetenzbegriff orientierten Testverfahrens zur Messbarkeit musikpraktischer Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern der Jahrgangsstufe 9 auf eine neue Grundlage. Dies liegt zum einen an der überzeugenden Ausarbeitung der theoretischen Hintergründe. Zum anderen aber auch an der umfangreichen Auswertung der aktuellen Forschungslage, wobei mit großer Sorgfalt nicht nur Ergebnisse von verschiedenen musikpädagogischen und -psychologischen Studien, sondern auch die Curricula der verschiedenen deutschen Bundesländer hinsichtlich einer möglichen Operationalisierung musikpraktischer Kompetenzen im Rahmen des regulären Musikunterrichts kritisch diskutiert wurden. [...] Anders ausgedrückt, mit der Entwicklung und empirischen Validierung eines Kompetenzmodells zur Messbarkeit musikpraktischer Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern basierend auf der probabilistischen Testtheorie stellt Hasselhorn ein Testverfahren zur Verfügung, das nicht nur den Personen dienen kann, die im Rahmen schulischen Musikunterrichts Gesang, instrumentales Musizieren und Rhythmusproduktion erlernen oder unterrichten und bewerten müssen, sondern auch der musikpädagogischen Forschung an sich zugutekommt, da aufgrund einer größeren Aufmerksamkeit, die bislang wenig bekannten Entwicklungsverläufe, Zusammenhänge und Wechselwirkungen musikbezogener Kompetenzen erforscht werden können. [...] Gerade in der überzeugenden und prägnanten Ausarbeitung der theoretischen Hintergründe der vorliegenden Arbeit, der umfangreichen Auswertung der aktuellen Forschungslage und der empirischen Validierung des Kompetenzmodells auf der Grundlage der probabilistischen Testtheorie scheint ein Schlüssel zu liegen, der die Relevanz des Themas in Bezug auf die Erfassung musikbezogener Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern aufzeigt. - Daniel Fiedler, in: Beiträge empirischer Musikpädagogik 9 (August 2018).

Kompetenzmodellierung und Kompetenzmessung in den Fachdidaktiken
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3830982364 9783830982364 Year: 2015 Publisher: Münster Waxmann

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Dieser Band, der auf die Tagung "Kompetenzmodellierung und -messung in den Fachdidaktiken" vom März 2013 an der Universität Siegen zurückgeht, zieht eine Zwischenbilanz zur Kompetenzforschung in den Fachdidaktiken. Dabei wird aufgezeigt, wie Kompetenz in den unterschiedlichen Domänen modelliert wird und mit welchen Mitteln und Ansätzen diese Kompetenzmodelle empirisch erfasst werden. Diese Zwischenbilanz erstreckt sich über die gesamte Breite der Fachdidaktiken. Neben den gut ausgestatteten Didaktiken der Mathematik, der Sprachen und der Naturwissenschaften erhalten auch die Didaktiken der sogenannten kleinen Fächer eine Plattform für ihre einschlägige Forschung, um den interdisziplinären Austausch zu ermöglichen. Zudem bietet der Band Nachwuchsforscherinnen und -forschern ein Forum, ihre Projekte vorzustellen und zu diskutieren. Diese Publikation stellt damit eine repräsentative Zwischenbilanz zum aktuellen Stand kompetenzorientierter Forschung in den verschiedenen Fachdidaktiken dar. Beachtenswert [...] ist einerseits die Berücksichtigung quantitativer und qualitativer Modellierungskonzepte, andererseits lässt sich feststellen, dass einige Projekte deutlich von der oben skizzierten Ausrichtung abweichen. [...] dem Band [gelingt es] allemal und überzeugend, Einblick in die Fachdidaktische Kompetenzmodellierung und -messung zu geben. - Armin Rempfler, Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Gesellschaftswissenschaften, 1/2016

Travail de fin d'études / Projet de fin d'études : Characterization of Envelopes Thermal Transmittance based on a mixed approach
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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In Wallonia, there are many buildings and houses built in the 1960s, after World War II, that have envelopes and facades with many heat losses. Due to the poverty of the envelopes of these buildings, they are very energetically inefficient buildings (Attia et al., 2021) that need to be overheated in cold seasons to be comfortable inside.&#13;For this matter, it has been developed a methodology through infrared thermography in order to detect the poorest elements of the envelopes of these buildings for a possible renovation. This study takes as a reference a building of the University of Liege residence built in 1968. The first stage of the work consists of making a 3D model of the building. This model has been made from images obtained by drone and printing it with a 3D printer to evaluate the accuracy of the method. The second part of the work consists of estimating the thermal transmittance (U-value) of the facade of the residence through infrared thermography. This method will be compared with real monitoring of the U-value using measurement sensors and the calculation of the U-value following the ISO 9869 standard. The study aims to compare the three methods in terms of accuracy, speed, usability, and cost.&#13;The main results of this study have been to obtain the U-value by the three developed methods and the detailed comparison of these. A 3D modelling method has also been developed through images captured with the drone where good accuracy is achieved.&#13;This study provides an interesting basis for future research using drones equipped with thermal cameras to develop 3D thermal models of buildings.

Technology and testing : improving educational and psychological measurement
ISBN: 1317975898 1315871491 131797588X 0415717159 0415717167 Year: 2016 Publisher: New York ; London : Routledge,

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From early answer sheets filled in with number 2 pencils, to tests administered by mainframe computers, to assessments wholly constructed by computers, it is clear that technology is changing the field of educational and psychological measurement. The numerous and rapid advances have immediate impact on test creators, assessment professionals, and those who implement and analyze assessments. This comprehensive new volume brings together leading experts on the issues posed by technological applications in testing, with chapters on game-based assessment, testing with simulations, video assessment, computerized test development, large-scale test delivery, model choice, validity, and error issues. Including an overview of existing literature and ground-breaking research, each chapter considers the technological, practical, and ethical considerations of this rapidly-changing area. Ideal for researchers and professionals in testing and assessment, Technology and Testing provides a critical and in-depth look at one of the most pressing topics in educational testing today.

Analysis of an Intelligence Dataset
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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In this issue, psychometrics researchers were invited to make reanalyses or extensions of a previously published dataset from a recent paper by Myszkowski and Storme (2018). The dataset analyzed consisted of responses to a multiple-choice logical reasoning nonverbal test, comprising the last series of Raven’s (1941) Standard Progressive Matrices. Although the original paper already proposed several modeling strategies, this issue presents new or improved procedures to study the psychometrics properties of tests of this type.

Analysis of an Intelligence Dataset
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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In this issue, psychometrics researchers were invited to make reanalyses or extensions of a previously published dataset from a recent paper by Myszkowski and Storme (2018). The dataset analyzed consisted of responses to a multiple-choice logical reasoning nonverbal test, comprising the last series of Raven’s (1941) Standard Progressive Matrices. Although the original paper already proposed several modeling strategies, this issue presents new or improved procedures to study the psychometrics properties of tests of this type.

Analysis of an Intelligence Dataset
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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In this issue, psychometrics researchers were invited to make reanalyses or extensions of a previously published dataset from a recent paper by Myszkowski and Storme (2018). The dataset analyzed consisted of responses to a multiple-choice logical reasoning nonverbal test, comprising the last series of Raven’s (1941) Standard Progressive Matrices. Although the original paper already proposed several modeling strategies, this issue presents new or improved procedures to study the psychometrics properties of tests of this type.


Psychology --- Raven matrices --- Standard Progressive Matrices test --- dimensionality --- bi-factor --- parallel analysis --- target rotation --- exploratory graph analysis --- E-assessment --- general mental ability --- nested logit models --- item-response theory --- ability-based guessing --- Standard Progressive Matrices --- Item Response Theory --- Bayesian statistics --- brms --- Stan --- R --- Raven's progressive matrices --- intelligence --- distractors --- item analysis --- intelligence tests --- classical test theory --- IRT --- interaction model --- test-item regression --- Mokken scale analysis --- non-parametric item response theory --- psychometrics --- invariant item ordering --- regularized latent class analysis --- regularization --- fused regularization --- fused grouped regularization --- distractor analysis --- Raven matrices --- Standard Progressive Matrices test --- dimensionality --- bi-factor --- parallel analysis --- target rotation --- exploratory graph analysis --- E-assessment --- general mental ability --- nested logit models --- item-response theory --- ability-based guessing --- Standard Progressive Matrices --- Item Response Theory --- Bayesian statistics --- brms --- Stan --- R --- Raven's progressive matrices --- intelligence --- distractors --- item analysis --- intelligence tests --- classical test theory --- IRT --- interaction model --- test-item regression --- Mokken scale analysis --- non-parametric item response theory --- psychometrics --- invariant item ordering --- regularized latent class analysis --- regularization --- fused regularization --- fused grouped regularization --- distractor analysis

Advances in Evaporation and Evaporative Demand
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The importance of evapotranspiration is well-established in different disciplines such as hydrology, agronomy, climatology, and other geosciences. Reliable estimates of evapotranspiration are also vital to develop criteria for in-season irrigation management, water resource allocation, long-term estimates of water supply, demand and use, design and management of water resources infrastructure, and evaluation of the effect of land use and management changes on the water balance. The objective of this Special Issue is to define and discuss several ET terms, including potential, reference, and actual (crop) ET, and present a wide spectrum of innovative research papers and case studies.


Research & information: general --- evapotranspiration --- machine learning --- local --- spatial --- subhumid climate --- agricultural drought --- drought characteristics --- evapotranspiration deficit index --- parameter sensitivity --- temporal scale sensitivity --- water stress anomaly --- interception --- linear storage model --- evaporation --- cover crop --- water balance --- faba bean --- GK2A/AMI --- artificial neural network --- Korean Peninsula --- CWSI --- UAV --- remote sensing --- micrometeorological data --- spatial IRT measurements --- crop irrigation scheduling and management --- infrared radiometer sensors --- real-time data analysis --- water reservoir --- regression --- observed data --- ERA5-Land data --- R language --- precipitation --- drought --- Mann-Kendall --- trend analysis --- actual evapotranspiration --- potential evapotranspiration --- reference evapotranspiration --- evaporation paradox --- global dimming --- wind stilling --- forest fires --- groundwater --- stochastic simulation --- marginal structure --- long-range dependence --- Hurst-Kolmogorov dynamics --- RASPOTION --- parametric model --- hydrological calibration --- evapotranspiration estimation --- urban rain gardens --- lysimeters --- evapotranspiration models --- evapotranspiration --- machine learning --- local --- spatial --- subhumid climate --- agricultural drought --- drought characteristics --- evapotranspiration deficit index --- parameter sensitivity --- temporal scale sensitivity --- water stress anomaly --- interception --- linear storage model --- evaporation --- cover crop --- water balance --- faba bean --- GK2A/AMI --- artificial neural network --- Korean Peninsula --- CWSI --- UAV --- remote sensing --- micrometeorological data --- spatial IRT measurements --- crop irrigation scheduling and management --- infrared radiometer sensors --- real-time data analysis --- water reservoir --- regression --- observed data --- ERA5-Land data --- R language --- precipitation --- drought --- Mann-Kendall --- trend analysis --- actual evapotranspiration --- potential evapotranspiration --- reference evapotranspiration --- evaporation paradox --- global dimming --- wind stilling --- forest fires --- groundwater --- stochastic simulation --- marginal structure --- long-range dependence --- Hurst-Kolmogorov dynamics --- RASPOTION --- parametric model --- hydrological calibration --- evapotranspiration estimation --- urban rain gardens --- lysimeters --- evapotranspiration models

Advances in Evaporation and Evaporative Demand
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The importance of evapotranspiration is well-established in different disciplines such as hydrology, agronomy, climatology, and other geosciences. Reliable estimates of evapotranspiration are also vital to develop criteria for in-season irrigation management, water resource allocation, long-term estimates of water supply, demand and use, design and management of water resources infrastructure, and evaluation of the effect of land use and management changes on the water balance. The objective of this Special Issue is to define and discuss several ET terms, including potential, reference, and actual (crop) ET, and present a wide spectrum of innovative research papers and case studies.

Sensors Application in Agriculture
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Novel technologies are playing an important role in the development of crop and livestock farming and have the potential to be the key drivers of sustainable intensification of agricultural systems. In particular, new sensors are now available with reduced dimensions, reduced costs, and increased performances, which can be implemented and integrated in production systems, providing more data and eventually an increase in information. It is of great importance to support the digital transformation, precision agriculture, and smart farming, and to eventually allow a revolution in the way food is produced. In order to exploit these results, authoritative studies from the research world are still needed to support the development and implementation of new solutions and best practices. This Special Issue is aimed at bringing together recent developments related to novel sensors and their proved or potential applications in agriculture.


precision farming --- sensor fusion --- remote sensing --- fluorescence --- reflectance --- spectrometry --- nitrogen fertilisation --- wheat --- yield --- Drainage Pipe Mapping --- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) --- Real-Time Kinematic Global Navigation Satellite System (RTK/GNSS) --- dynamic vapor sorption --- high-precision dryer --- modeling --- water vapor pressure deficit --- autonomous robot --- agriculture --- viticulture --- electric weeder --- sonar --- intra-row --- under-vine --- row following --- date palms --- precision agriculture --- plantation management --- thermal --- hyperspectral --- Data-driven agriculture --- ISOBUS --- Rear hitch position --- Wheel-based machine speed --- IR imaging --- canopy temperature --- maximum temperature difference --- fungal infection --- wheat genotypes --- calibration function --- capacitive soil moisture sensor --- internet-based data acquisition --- soil moisture content --- infrared thermography --- IRT --- tree inspection --- inspection techniques --- tree monitoring --- food security --- food system --- digitalization --- human security --- Internet of things --- sustainable --- Barents region --- trees inspection --- trees monitoring --- VTA --- sustainability --- drift risk assessment tool --- sedimenting spray drift --- airborne spray drift --- weather conditions --- spray drift reduction --- rotary harrow --- secondary tillage --- soil erosion --- RFID --- CRNS --- neutron --- cosmic-ray --- soil moisture --- water --- agricultural sensors --- agricultural engineering --- digital farming --- embedded sensors --- ISO 11783

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