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Estimating a Poverty Line for Brazil based on the 2017/18 Household Budget Survey
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This study applies the cost-of-basic-needs approach to estimate food and total poverty lines for the Brazilian case. Using detailed data on expenditures from a 2017/18 household budget survey and caloric information from the Brazilian Table of Food Composition, calorie intake is assigned to more than 1,400 items to estimate the cost per calorie for a representative group of the population. The preferred results estimate the value of the food poverty line at RD 258 (in 2018 urban Southeast prices), and the lower total poverty line (covering also nonfood necessities) at RD 455. Robustness checks show that varying the assumptions leads to qualitatively similar results. The findings are also close in value to lines found in earlier studies and the societal poverty line. Finally, this work provides a data-driven validation of the income threshold used to determine eligibility for Brazil's social registry.

The reduced rates of VAT: does it help the poor? Analysis & country report for Belgium
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Given the long-standing debate around the rationales for VAT rate differentiation, this work aims at assessing the equity one, according to which reduced rates redistribute income from the rich to the poor. To this end, we first set the plot by explaining that a VAT system primarily aims at avoiding the economic distortions and revenue raising inefficiencies of the turnover and sales taxes. Nonetheless, we show that these reappear when the legislators decide to apply reduced rates, zero rates, and exemptions. Then, we explain that the current VAT rate structures in European member states contain many exceptions because of historical and political reasons. This entails significant revenue losses for the governments, as showed by the VRR. This is why, after a review of the theoretical and empirical literature, we present the results from a micro-simulation model for Belgium. From the latter, we want to assess how the benefits of reduced rates for the poor compensate for the revenue loss of the government. The results show that the reduced rates introduce some slight progressivity, while the financing cost for the government on the top income decile is twice greater than on the first one. From this, we say that the reduced rates are an ill-targeted instrument to help the poor, and we simulate the impact of two reforms with rate uniformity. The first considers the application of a budget neutral uniform rate and is regressive, whereas the second one is progressive and involves a 21% uniform rate with a compensation mechanism via the PIT.

Measuring Monetary Poverty in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region : Data Gaps and Different Options to Address Them
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper identifies gaps in availability, access, and quality of household budget surveys in the Middle East and North Africa region used to measure monetary poverty and evaluates ways to fill these information gaps. Despite improving public access to household budget surveys, the availability and timeliness of welfare data in the Middle East and North Africa region is poor compared to the rest of the world. Closing the data gap requires collection of more HBS data in more countries and improving access to data where it exists. However, when collection of consumption data is not possible, a variety of other second-best strategies can be employed. Using imputation methods can help to measure monetary poverty. Constructing non-monetary poverty and asset indexes from less robust surveys, using non-traditional surveys such as phone surveys, and "big data" - administrative records, social networks and communications data, and geospatial data - can help substitute for, or complement data from existing traditional survey data.

Social Transfers and Social Assistance : An Empirical Analysis Using Latvian Household Survey Data
Year: 1999 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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April 2000 - In Latvia, only 1.5 percent of households receive social assistance, which for those households represents 20 percent of income. The allocation of social assistance is unequal. Urban households outside the capital (Riga) and those headed by male adults are systematically discriminated against. Because social assistance is locally financed, poor households in different parts of the country are treated unequally. Milanovic assesses the performance of Latvia's system of social transfers, in three ways: First, he analyzes the incidence (who receives transfers) of pensions, family allowances, unemployment benefits, and social assistance. Per capita analysis shows pensions tending to be pro-rich and families allowances pro-poor (a finding typical in poverty analyses). Introducing an equivalence scale alters the results and shows all individual cash transfers performing about the same: mildly pro-poor. Next, he examines the performance of social assistance, which is, by definition, directed to the poor. He shows that Latvia's current system is concentrated - meaning that social assistance is disbursed to few households (only 1.5 percent of all households receive it) but among those that do receive it, it represents a relatively high share (20 percent) of income. Households that are systematically discriminated against in the allocation of social assistance are urban households living outside the capital (Riga) and those headed by male adults. Third, he looks at the regional allocation of social assistance. The results confirm earlier findings of large horizontal inequalities - that people with the same income from different parts of the country are treated unequally, because the existing system is based on local financing of social assistance. This paper - a product of Poverty and Human Resources, Development Research Group - is part of the Latvia Poverty Assistance Report (February 2000). The author may be contacted at

Social Transfers and Social Assistance : An Empirical Analysis Using Latvian Household Survey Data
Year: 1999 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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April 2000 - In Latvia, only 1.5 percent of households receive social assistance, which for those households represents 20 percent of income. The allocation of social assistance is unequal. Urban households outside the capital (Riga) and those headed by male adults are systematically discriminated against. Because social assistance is locally financed, poor households in different parts of the country are treated unequally. Milanovic assesses the performance of Latvia's system of social transfers, in three ways: First, he analyzes the incidence (who receives transfers) of pensions, family allowances, unemployment benefits, and social assistance. Per capita analysis shows pensions tending to be pro-rich and families allowances pro-poor (a finding typical in poverty analyses). Introducing an equivalence scale alters the results and shows all individual cash transfers performing about the same: mildly pro-poor. Next, he examines the performance of social assistance, which is, by definition, directed to the poor. He shows that Latvia's current system is concentrated - meaning that social assistance is disbursed to few households (only 1.5 percent of all households receive it) but among those that do receive it, it represents a relatively high share (20 percent) of income. Households that are systematically discriminated against in the allocation of social assistance are urban households living outside the capital (Riga) and those headed by male adults. Third, he looks at the regional allocation of social assistance. The results confirm earlier findings of large horizontal inequalities - that people with the same income from different parts of the country are treated unequally, because the existing system is based on local financing of social assistance. This paper - a product of Poverty and Human Resources, Development Research Group - is part of the Latvia Poverty Assistance Report (February 2000). The author may be contacted at

Who Avoids and Who Escapes from Poverty during the Transition? : Evidence from Polish Panel Data, 1993 96
Year: 1999 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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November 1999 - There is a tendency toward chronic, long-term poverty in Poland. Most at risk: larger households, farm households, and households dependent on social welfare. Least at risk: households of employees or the self-employed, educated households, households headed by pensioners, households that are part of kinship networks, and households with liquid assets, durables, or access to financial resources. Among those who missed out on the benefits of the first phase of economic prosperity, children are overrepresented. Okrasa uses four-year panel data from Poland's Household Budget Survey to explore the distinction between transitory and long-term poverty, a crucial distinction in designing and evaluating poverty reduction strategies. Okrasa analyzes household welfare trajectories during the period 1993-96, to identify the long-term poor and to determine how relevant household asset endowments are as determinants of household poverty and vulnerability over time. He concludes that the chronically poor constitute a distinct and separate segment of the population, with low turnover. Among specific observations about factors that affect Poland's long-term poverty: Variables in human capital significantly affected the pattern of repeated poverty and vulnerability. Larger households tended to experience poverty and vulnerability, mostly because they contained more children or other dependents. Households with elderly members and those headed by older people, by women rather than men, and by educated people of either gender were least likely to be poor. Poverty was unaffected by the presence of a disabled person in the household; Households with liquid assets or durables, or with access to financial resources, were less likely to be poor and vulnerable. Households appeared to take advantage of credit and loans to maintain their current level of consumption rather than to augment their stock of assets; Households that were part of kinship networks were less at risk of falling into chronic poverty or vulnerability; Households headed by pensioners were least in danger of impoverishment. Those most in danger were farm households (including mixed households headed by workers with an agricultural holding) and households heavily dependent on social welfare; Households of employees were better off than self-employed households when income-based measures of poverty were used but not when consumption-based measures were used. Neither group was significantly vulnerable. This paper - a product of Poverty and Human Resources, Development Research Group - is part of a larger effort in the group to study the dynamics of poverty and the effectiveness of the safety net. The author may be contacted at

The Dynamics of Poverty and the Effectiveness of Poland's Safety Net (1993 96)
Year: 1999 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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November 1999 - Changes in Poland's family allowances and unemployment benefits have significant but different effects on different groups of households. In deciding on strategies to address long-term poverty, policymakers must take such differences into account. Okrasa analyzes how the incidence of household endowments and the allocation of social benefits affect families' transitions into and out of poverty. Using panel data for 1993-96 from Poland's Household Budget Survey, and a framework based on sample survival analysis techniques, Okrasa evaluates how various policies will affect households with specific characteristics that make them likely to become poor or to move out of poverty under different scenarios (including whether or not they receive a given amount of a particular type of social transfer). He also discusses how nonincome sources of welfare, such as savings, credits, and loans, affect the likelihood that families will become or stop being poor. He concludes that family allowances and unemployment benefits, the two major social programs analyzed, have significant but different effects on different groups of households (characterized in terms of the age, gender, marital status, and educational attainment of the head of household; the size, type, location, and sector of employment of the family or household; and the year in which the household fell into poverty). If the share of family allowances in total household income were reduced by 1 percent, for example, the average length of poverty would be increased by roughly 2 percent. But a 1 percent change in unemployment benefits would yield a 3 percent change in the average duration of poverty. Differences in hazard rates for various subgroups would be even greater. Households in villages were much more likely to fall into poverty than households in cities and large towns, but the poor in towns and cities had more difficulty exiting poverty. There was generally less poverty mobility among households headed by public sector employees than among those headed by employees in the private sector. Families with three or more children and one-parent families (and grandparents with children) faced the greatest risk of being poor; single-person households and childless married couples were the least endangered. Small nuclear families with one or two children and families without children fell between these two extremes. This paper - a product of Poverty and Human Resources, Development Research Group - is part of a larger effort in the group to analyze the dynamics of poverty and the effectiveness of the safety net. The study was funded by the Bank's Research Support Budget under the research project Household Welfare Change during the Transition (RPO 681-21). The author may be contacted at

Budget & recht
ISSN: 07729391 Year: 1984 Publisher: Brussel Test-Aankoop

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Aangifte, Belastingvoordelen, Beroepskosten, Elementaire fiscale kennis, Belastingverminderingen, Fiscale amnestie


Tax law --- Private law --- consumentenvoorlichting --- recht --- Belgium --- Consommateurs --- Consumenten --- Périodiques --- Tijdschriften --- E-journals --- 05 <493> --- 439 Fiscaal recht --- aangifte --- impot des personnes physiques --- belastingplichtige --- 336.212.4 --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 336.22 --- 346.3 --- Belastingen --- Belastingsaangifte --- Belastingshervorming --- belastingen --- inkomensbelastingen --- tewerkstelling --- 346.2 --- 336.2 )* BELASTINGEN --- belastingberekening --- fiscaliteit --- personenbelasting --- 336.2 --- Tijdschriften. Periodieken. Serials--België --- declaration --- contribuable --- belastingen op de totale inkomsten (Income Tax). --- Belastingen- fiscaliteit - heffingen --- Inkomensbelastingen --- Belastingwezen ; algemeen --- fiscaliteit - belastingen - retributies - belastinghervorming --- Yearbooks --- #A50272 --- #BA00554 --- #BA02077 --- #ETEW:TSCAT --- #RBIB:TSCAT --- 05 --- Budget familial --- Current periodicals --- Protection du consommateur --- Revue périodique --- 100 Recht --- 430 Financien --- #KVHA:Tijdschriften; Algemeen --- bedrijfsbeheer --- rechtspraktijk --- T --- bedrijfsethiek --- financiën --- 33 --- 34 --- Budgetbeheer --- Consumentenorganisaties --- Consumentenzorg --- Economie --- Recht --- Tijdschriften SAW --- abonnementen --- bedrijfseconomie --- beleggingen --- budget --- consumenten --- economie --- recht (wetgeving) --- sparen --- testaankoop --- 396.1 --- 336.221 --- 336.762 --- 368 --- Beleggen --- Personenbelasting --- Recht (wetten) --- Verzekeringen --- $a339.379.8 --- Bedrijfsmanagement --- Burgerlijk recht --- Fiscaal recht --- Office management --- gezinsinkomen --- handelsrecht --- kredietwezen --- sociale zekerheid --- verzekeringswezen --- periodieken - tijdschriften --- Gezinsbudget --- Bescherming van de consument --- Tijdschrift --- recht.jurisprudentie --- Economisch recht --- 35 --- 339 --- 347 --- 336 --- Periodicals --- Budgettering --- Management --- tijdschriften --- Budgettering. --- Recht. --- tijdschriften. --- 05 <493> Tijdschriften. Periodieken. Serials--België --- Tijdschriften. --- belastingen op de totale inkomsten (Income Tax) --- België --- perioodiline väljaanne --- periodická publikácia --- сериски публикации --- tidskrift --- периодично издание --- periodinis leidinys --- periodikum --- rivista periodica --- kausijulkaisu --- serial publication --- periodische Veröffentlichung --- publicații periodice --- περιοδική επιθεώρηση --- publicação periódica --- publicación seriada --- periodična publikacija --- periodika --- folyóirat --- publikim periodik --- periodisks izdevums --- wydawnictwo periodyczne --- tidsskrift --- периодично издање --- tijdschrift --- pubblikazzjoni perjodika --- periodicum --- periodiek --- revue périodique --- publicación periódica --- επιθεώρηση --- издание во продолженија --- периодична објава --- periodical publication --- serijska publikacija --- botim periodik --- сериско издание --- seriāls izdevums --- périodique --- periodico --- publikim në seri --- rivista mensile --- serijinis leidinys --- mensile --- pubblicazione periodica --- publicații seriale --- периодично списание --- periodisk tidskrift --- měsíčník --- perioodikaväljaanne --- revista --- series --- časopis --- periódico --- publicación en serie --- serie --- periodice --- periodical --- týdeník --- nepravé periodikum --- jadaväljaanne --- občasník --- Periodikum --- aikakauslehti --- serials --- периодична публикација --- фељтон --- περιοδικό --- fogyasztóvédelem --- заштита на потрошувачите --- ochrona konsumenta --- mbrojtja e konsumatorit --- protezzjoni tal-konsumatur --- consumer protection --- ochrana spotřebitele --- vartotojų apsauga --- varstvo potrošnikov --- zaštita potrošača --- kuluttajansuoja --- ochrana spotrebiteľa --- защита на потребителя --- Verbraucherschutz --- bescherming van de consument --- konsumentskydd --- tarbijakaitse --- protezione del consumatore --- patērētāju tiesību aizsardzība --- forbrugerbeskyttelse --- protecția consumatorului --- protección del consumidor --- proteção do consumidor --- προστασία του καταναλωτή --- заштита потрошача --- konzumerizmus --- tutela del consumatore --- consommatisme --- consumerism --- EBCU --- vartotojų interesų gynimas --- kuluttajan oikeudet --- consumatorismo --- Maßnahmen zugunsten der Verbraucher --- consumentisme --- plan veprimi i politikave për konsumatorin --- défense du consommateur --- konsumerismi --- prava potrošača --- δικαιώματα του καταναλωτή --- diritti del consumatore --- derechos del consumidor --- defesa do consumidor --- consumismo --- tarbijapoliitika tegevuskava --- права на потрошувачите --- forbrugerrettigheder --- consumentenbescherming --- recht van de consument --- plan d'action en faveur des consommateurs --- Handlingsplan för främjande av konsumenternas intressen --- práva spotřebitele --- fogyasztók joga --- plan de acțiune în favoarea consumatorului --- difesa del consumatore --- plan de acción en favor de los consumidores --- consumer policy action plan --- vartotojų teisės --- práva spotrebiteľov --- handlingsplan på forbrugerområdet --- forbrugerinteresser --- fogyasztóvédelmi cselekvési terv --- konsumentens rättigheter --- patērētāju aizsardzības politikas rīcības plāns --- droits du consommateur --- drepturile consumatorului --- φορέας προστασίας του καταναλωτή --- kuluttajien etua ajava toimintasuunnitelma --- plano de ação a favor dos consumidores --- piano d'azione a favore dei consumatori --- protecção do consumidor --- defensa del consumidor --- konsumerism --- consumerismo --- konzumerizam --- konsumerizëm --- actieplan ten behoeve van de consumenten --- të drejtat e konsumatorëve --- vartojimo politikos veiksmų planas --- σχέδιο δράσης υπέρ των καταναλωτών --- consumeurisme --- direitos do consumidor --- tarbija õigused --- consumers' rights --- tillvaratagande av konsumenternas intressen --- mājsaimniecības budžets --- perheen tulo- ja menoarvio --- кућни буџет --- Familienbudget --- namų ūkio biudžetas --- familjebudget --- семеен буџет --- семеен бюджет --- bilancio familiare --- družinski proračun --- buget casnic --- presupuesto familiar --- budżet rodzinny --- gezinsbudget --- leibkonna eelarve --- baġit ta’ unità domestika --- familiebudget --- családi költségvetés --- orçamento familiar --- obiteljski proračun --- οικογενειακός προϋπολογισμός --- buxhet i familjes --- rodinný rozpočet --- household budget --- pere-eelarve --- family budget --- kućanski proračun --- ģimenes budžets --- буџет на домаќинството --- háztartási költségvetés --- šeimos biudžetas --- obiteljski budžet --- kućni proračun --- buget de familie --- háztartás költségvetése --- Consumentenvoorlichting --- Belastingplichtigen --- Fiscaliteit --- Fiscaliteit, aanslag --- Inkomstenbelastingen --- Personenbelastingen --- Budget --- Consumentengedrag --- Recht, financieel --- Economie & Recht --- sraitheachán --- cosaint tomhaltóirí --- buiséad teaghlaigh --- Economie &#38; Recht --- Revue périodique --- belastingaangifte --- даночна пријава --- nodokļu deklarācija --- daňové přiznání --- porezna prijava --- declaración fiscal --- φορολογική δήλωση --- declaração de impostos --- mokesčių deklaravimas --- veroilmoitus --- adóbevallás --- tax return --- пореска пријава --- maksudeklaratsioon --- Steuererklärung --- dichiarazione d'imposta --- davčna napoved --- tuairisceán cánach --- deklaracja podatkowa --- declarație fiscală --- självdeklaration --- selvangivelse --- deklaratë tatimore --- daňové priznanie --- данъчна декларация --- dikjarazzjoni tat-taxxa --- déclaration d'impôt --- declaración de la renta --- годишна даночна пријава --- allmän självdeklaration --- годишна даночна пријава за утврдување на персоналниот данок на доход --- declaración de impuestos --- összesített adóbevallás --- declaración del patrimonio

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