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Hirondelle de fenetre --- Hirondelle de rivage --- Hirondelles --- House-martin --- Huiszwaluw --- Oeverzwaluw --- Sand martin --- Swallows --- Zwaluwen --- Hirondelles. --- Andorinha-dos-beirais --- Andorinho-dos-beirais --- Common house martin --- Delichon urbica --- Delichon urbicum --- Hirondelle de fenêtre --- Hirondelle domestique --- Hirundo urbica --- House martin --- Mehlschwalbe --- Northern house martin --- Birds --- Identification
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European hedgehog --- Black woodpecker --- Cepaea nemoralis --- Ermine --- House martin --- Loaches --- European rabbit --- Speckled wood --- Skylark --- Bombina variegata --- Common pipistrelle --- Wood warbler --- Osmie rousse --- Banded demoiselle --- Scarce large blue --- Wood pigeon --- Oecanthus pellucens --- Larus argentatus --- Atlantic salmon --- Eurasian spoonbill --- Hazel mouse --- Sturnus vulgaris --- Araneus diadematus --- European golden plover --- Old World badger --- Astacus astacus --- Microtus arvalis --- Short-eared owl --- Stone marten --- Aeolidia papillosa --- Gray heron --- European wildcat --- Typhaeus typhoeus --- White-fronted goose --- Winter moth --- European hare --- Barn owl --- Harbor porpoise --- Blue tit --- Red fox --- Alcedo atthis --- Formica polyctena --- Buteo buteo --- Rana arvalis --- Bubo bubo --- Corvus corax --- Adalia bipunctata --- Lutra lutra --- Greylag goose --- Roe deer --- Northern wheatear --- Vipera berus --- Anthocharis cardamines --- Eurasian oystercatcher --- Pike --- European cuckoo --- Culex pipiens --- Emberiza citrinella --- Vespula vulgaris --- Honey buzzards --- Sympetrum depressiusculum --- Eurasian hobby
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