Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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The divels legend. or: a learned cachephochysme containing the confession of the leaguers fayth : : wherein doctour Pantaloun, and Zanie his pupill, doo teach that all hope ought to be grounded on the puissant King Phillip of Spaine, and vpon all the happie apostles of the holy league, and that they ought not to doo as the Brytans, English-men, and Protestants doo; which beleeue in God onely, harkening rather to the voyce of Iesus Christ, than vnto their holy Father the Pope. Composed in Rome by the reuerend Father Iuuenall Borget, and sent vnto the gentlemen of England by Charles Cyprian. Translated according to the French coppie.
Borget, Juvenall.
Year: 1595
Publisher: Printed at London : [By J. Danter for] Thomas Gosson, and are to be sold at his shop by London Bridge gate,,
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The birth, purpose, and mortall vvound of the Romish holie League : Describing in a mappe the enuie of Sathans shauelings, and the follie of their wisedome, through the Almighties prouidence. By I.L.
I. L.
Lea, James
Year: 1589
Publisher: Imprinted at London : [By T. Orwin] for Thomas Cadman,
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A letter written by the King of Nauarre vnto the French King concerning his innocencie : against the sclaunders of his aduersaries. Truely translated out of French. Anno 1585.
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De la démocratie chez les prédicateurs de la Ligue
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Dialogue du François et du Savoysien (1593)
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Lettres sur les débuts de la Ligue (1585)
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A declaration and protestation, published by the King of Nauarre, the L. Prince of Conde, and the L. Duke of Montmorency, concerning the peace concluded with the house of Lorrayn, the captaines and chiefe aucthors of the league, to the preiudice of the house of Fraunce. Also two letters written by the sayd King of Nauarre. The one to the Parliament, the other to the maisters of Sorbonne. More an epistle written by Phillipp de Morney to the French King: hereunto, for the playner declaration of the innocencie of the sayd princes, are inserted the articles agreed vpon betweene the King and the Lordes of Guyze. All faithfully translated out of French
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An abstract of the proceedings of the French King : The defeating of the Duke of Parmas forces. The preparation of his Maiestie for the reducing of his townes in Normandie. The request of the Leaguers of Roane to the Gouernor of Diep. And the wofull estate of the citie of Paris. VVwritten by a French gentleman to his friend.
French gentleman
Year: 1590
Publisher: London : Printed [by T. Scarlet?] for VV. Wright,
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Monumens inédits de l'histoire de France, 1400-1600 : mémoires originaux concernant principalement lesvilles d'Amiens, de Beauvais, de Clermont-Oise, de Compiègne, de Crépy, de Noyon, de Senlis et leurs environs
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Dialogue du François et du Savoysien (1593)
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