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In the Victorian period, the British novel reached a wide readership and played a major role in the shaping of national and individual identity. As we come to understand the ways the novel contributed to public opinion on religion, gender, sexuality and race, we continue to be entertained and enlightened by the works of Dickens, George Eliot, Thackeray, Trollope and many others. This second edition of the Companion to the Victorian Novel has been updated fully, taking account of new research and critical methodologies. There are four new chapters and the others have been thoroughly updated, as has the guide to further reading. Designed to appeal to students, teachers and readers, these essays reflect the latest approaches to reading and understanding Victorian fiction.
English fiction --- History and criticism. --- Novel·la anglesa --- Història de la literatura --- Segle XIX
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A lively and comprehensive account of the whole tradition of European fiction for students and teachers of comparative literature, this volume covers twenty-five of the most significant and influential novelists in Europe from Cervantes to Kundera. Each essay examines an author's use of, and contributions to, the genre and also engages an important aspect of the form, such as its relation to romance or one of its sub-genres, such as the Bildungsroman. Larger theoretical questions are introduced through specific readings of exemplary novels. Taking a broad historical and geographic view, the essays keep in mind the role the novel itself has played in the development of European national identities and in cultural history over the last four centuries. While conveying essential introductory information for new readers, these authoritative essays reflect up-to-date scholarship and also review, and sometimes challenge, conventional accounts.
European fiction --- History and criticism. --- Novel·la europea --- Història de la literatura
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The Cambridge Companion to American Poets brings together thirty-one essays on some fifty-four American poets, spanning nearly 400 years, from Anne Bradstreet to contemporary performance poetry. This book also examines such movements in American poetry as modernism, the Harlem (or New Negro) Renaissance, 'confessional' poetry, the Black Mountain School, the New York School, the Beats, and L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poetry. Its reputable host of contributors approach American poetry from perspectives as diverse as the poetry itself. The result is a Companion concise enough to be read with pleasure yet expansive enough to do justice to the many traditions American poets have modified, inaugurated, and made their own.
American poetry --- History and criticism. --- Poesia nord-americana --- Història de la literatura
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"Science fiction is at the intersection of numerous fields. It is a literature which draws on popular culture, and which engages in speculation about science, history, and all types of social relations. This volume brings together essays by scholars and practitioners of science fiction, which look at the genre from these different angles. After an introduction to the nature of science fiction, historical chapters trace science fiction from Thomas More to more recent years, including a chapter on film and television. The second section introduces four important critical approaches to science fiction drawing their theoretical inspiration from Marxism, postmodernism, feminism and queer theory. The final and largest section of the book looks at various themes and sub-genres of science fiction. A number of well-known science fiction writers contribute to this volume, including Gwyneth Jones, Ken MacLeod, Brian Stableford Andy Duncan, James Gunn, Joan Slonczewski, and Damien Broderick."--
Science fiction --- History and criticism. --- Ciència-ficció --- Història de la literatura
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The Spanish novel in a turbulent century. This collection of studies by eighteen prominent theorists and critics offers a diverse panorama of the modern Spanish novel seen through the prism of Spain's recent political, cultural and ideological history. It considers the development of the novel as a social mirror and as a changing literary form, torn between the tradition of stern realism and the aesthetics of rupture affecting all Western literature from the Avant-Garde to the Postmodern age. While some essays emphasise the Spanish cultural context and canonical writers, others are of a broader nature, grouping lesser-known writers under certain literary tendencies: the metaphysical novel, the urban novel, recuperative accounts of the Civil War, feminine first-person narrations, and the rise of the popular detective, historical, and erotic novels. Three studies address the resurgence of the Catalan, Basque and Galician novel and their departure from a poetics of identity to one of global concerns. Interdisciplinary approaches address the reciprocal impacts of literature and cinema, and the effects of the marketplace on the consumption of fiction are not forgotten. The Companion provides ample bibliographies and a valuable chronology, while all titles and quotations are translated into English. Contributors: Marta E. Altisent, Katarzyna Olga Beilin, Ramón Buckley, José F. Colmeiro, Stacey Dolgin Casado, Sebastiaan Faber, David K. Herzberger, Carlos Alex Longhurst, Kathleen N. March, Cristina Martínez-Carazo, Alfredo Martínez Expósito, Nina L. Molinaro, Gonzalo Navajas, Mari Jose Olaziregi, Janet D. Pérez, Randolph D. Pope, Josep Miquel Sobrer, H. Rosi Song.
Spanish fiction --- History and criticism. --- Novel·la castellana --- Novel·la espanyola --- Història de la literatura --- Segle XX
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Science fiction is at the intersection of numerous fields. It is a literature which draws on popular culture, and which engages in speculation about science, history, and all types of social relations. This volume brings together essays by scholars and practitioners of science fiction, which look at the genre from these different angles. After an introduction to the nature of science fiction, historical chapters trace science fiction from Thomas More to more recent years, including a chapter on film and television. The second section introduces four important critical approaches to science fiction drawing their theoretical inspiration from Marxism, postmodernism, feminism and queer theory. The final and largest section of the book looks at various themes and sub-genres of science fiction. A number of well-known science fiction writers contribute to this volume, including Gwyneth Jones, Ken MacLeod, Brian Stableford Andy Duncan, James Gunn, Joan Slonczewski, and Damien Broderick.
Fiction --- Literary semiotics --- Science fiction --- Science-fiction --- History and criticism. --- Histoire et critique --- 82-311.9 --- 82-311.9 Science fiction --- History and criticism --- English literature --- American literature --- Ciència-ficció --- Història de la literatura --- SCIENCE-FICTION --- HISTOIRE ET CRITIQUE
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Nuestro trabajo se interesa a la construcción historiográfica de la "poesía de la experiencia", corriente poética de los años ochenta. Después de un repaso teórico en cuanto a la periodización y a las categorías que sirven para describir un fenómeno literario, procedemos a la comparación de los discursos que participan en la construcción de la corriente literaria. Identificamos que algunos rasgos definitorios son objeto de consenso y otros, de disenso. Eso nos hace pensar en el significado de la etiqueta "experiencia" que plantea problema.Tras el análisis de discursos críticos, nos interesamos en la figura de Joaquín Sabina, cantautor y poeta, y nos preguntamos si puede encajar con la "poesía de la experiencia". Por eso, estudiamos criterios extratextuales e intratextuales. Concluimos relativizando la idea de "frontera clara y impermeable". Notre travail s'intéresse à la construction historiographique de la "poésie de l'expérience", courant poétique des années quatre-vingt. Après un chapitre théorique concernant la périodisation et les catégories qui servent à décrire un phénomène littéraire, nous procédons à la comparaison des discours qui participent à la construction du courant littéraire. Nous identifions que certains traits définitoires font l'objet d'un consensus et que d'autres font l'objet d'un dissensus. Ceci nous fait réfléchir à l'étiquette "expérience" qui est problématique. Après l'analyse des discours critiques, nous nous intéressons à la figure de Joaquín Sabina, auteur-compositeur-interprète et poète, et nous nous demandons s'il peut s'inscrire dans la ligne de la "poésie de l'expérience". Pour cela, nous nous intéressons autant au éléments extratextuels qu'intratextuels. Nous concluons en relativisant l'idée de "frontière claire et imperméable".
poesía de la experiencia --- historiografía --- periodización --- Luis García Montero --- Joaquín Sabina --- generación --- corriente --- manifiesto --- tradición --- Generación de los cincuenta --- Generación de los ochenta --- otra sentimentalidad --- Historia de la literatura --- Antología --- Editorial --- poésie de l'expérience --- historiographie --- périodisation --- génération --- courant littéraire --- histoire littéraire --- anthologie --- maison d'édition --- Arts & sciences humaines > Littérature
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Spanish literature --- anno 500-1499 --- Spaanse letterkunde --- medieval literature --- medieval poetic --- Literature, Medieval --- Classical period --- Arts and Humanities --- Literature --- Letterkunde. --- Spaans. --- History and criticism. --- Literature, Medieval. --- Spanish literature. --- Classical period. --- To 1700 --- Medieval literature --- Literatura medieval. --- Història de la literatura --- Lapidaris (Literatura medieval) --- Literatura galaicoportuguesa --- Novel·la de cavalleries --- Qüestió de la dona --- Novel·la medieval --- Teatre medieval --- Romanços --- Filologia medieval --- Littérature espagnole --- Littérature médiévale --- Histoire et critique.
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Poetry and Work offers a timely and much-needed re-examination of the relationship between work and poetry. The volume questions how lines are drawn between work and non-work, how social, political, and technological upheavals transform the nature of work, how work appears or hides within poetry, and asks if poetry is work, or play, or something else completely. The book interrogates whether poetry and avant-garde and experimental writing can provide models for work that is less alienated and more free. In this major new collection, sixteen scholars and poets draw on a lively array of theory and philosophy, archival research, fresh readings, and personal reflection in order to consider work and poetry: the work in poetry and the work of poetry. Individual chapters address issues such as the many professions, occupations, and tasks of poets beyond and around writing; poetry’s special relationship with ‘craft’; work's relationship with gender, class, race, disability, and sexuality; how work gets recognised or rendered invisible in aesthetic production and beyond; the work of poetry and the work of political activism and organising; and the notion of poetry itself as a space where work and play can blur, and where postwork imaginaries can be nurtured and explored.
Work in literature. --- Poetry. --- Literature—Philosophy. --- Literature, Modern—20th century. --- Literature, Modern—21st century. --- Poetry and Poetics. --- Literary Theory. --- Contemporary Literature. --- Poems --- Poetry --- Verses (Poetry) --- Literature --- Philosophy --- Poesia anglesa --- Teoria de la literatura --- Literatura contemporània --- Literature, Modern --- Literature and philosophy --- Philosophy and literature --- Philosophy. --- Theory --- Història de la literatura --- Poesia contemporània --- Postmodernisme (Literatura) --- Filosofia de la literatura --- Teoria literària (Filosofia) --- Literatura --- Estètica literària --- Literatura anglesa --- Poesia europea --- Poesia anglesa antiga, 450-1100 --- 20th century. --- 21st century.
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