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Groundwater --- Hydrogeology --- Geohydrology --- Ground water --- Subterranean water --- Underground water --- Water, Underground --- Groundwater. --- Hydrogeology. --- Geology --- Hydrology --- Water --- Environmental Sciences --- Hidrologia d'aigües subterrànies --- Hidrogeologia
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Geology --- Geologie. --- Geowissenschaften. --- Mittelamerika. --- Zentralamerika. --- Geology. --- Central America. --- Geognosy --- Geoscience --- Mercado Común Centroamericano countries --- Earth sciences --- Natural history --- Geologie --- Geowissenschaften --- Mittelamerika --- Zentralamerika --- Geowissenschaft --- Erdwissenschaften --- Naturwissenschaften --- Geowissenschaftler --- Allgemeine Geologie --- Geognosie --- Dynamische Geologie --- Amerika --- Zentralamerikaner --- Central America --- Géologie --- Geología --- Geognosia --- Ciencias de la tierra --- Cartografía geológica --- Estratigrafía --- Geoarqueología --- Geodinámica --- Geología económica --- Geología histórica --- Geología médica --- Geología militar --- Geología submarina --- Glaciología --- Hidrogeología --- Sedimentología --- Tectónica --- Edafología --- Geodiversidad --- Geofísica --- Geólogos --- Geoquímica --- Geotecnia --- Naturaleza --- Tecnología minera --- Yacimientos minerales --- Geología --- Earth Sciences --- Life Sciences --- General and Others --- Zoology
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Geology --- Aardwetenschappen. --- Geognosy --- Geoscience --- Geology. --- Spain. --- Earth sciences --- Natural history --- Espanja --- Spanien --- Hiszpania --- Spanish State --- España --- Estado Español --- Espagne --- Hispania --- Sefarad --- Sepharad --- Shpanye --- Shpanie --- Reino de España --- Kingdom of Spain --- Earth sciences. --- Espainiako Erresuma --- Espanha --- Espanya --- Isupania --- Regne d'Espanya --- Reiaume d'Espanha --- Reino d'Espanya --- Reinu d'España --- Supein --- Geologia. --- Península Ibèrica. --- Fisiografia --- Geologia física --- Ciències de la Terra --- Ciències naturals --- Cartografia geològica --- Continents --- Diagènesi --- Excursions geològiques --- Estratigrafia --- Geoarqueologia --- Geobiologia --- Geoestadística --- Geologia del gas natural --- Geologia del petroli --- Geologia econòmica --- Geologia històrica --- Geologia planetària --- Geologia submarina --- Geologia urbana --- Geomicrobiologia --- Geomorfologia --- Hidrogeologia --- Mineralogia --- Paleogeografia --- Patrimoni geològic --- Petrologia --- Tectònica --- Vulcanologia --- Creació --- Fotografia aèria en geologia --- Geòlegs --- Història de la geologia --- Roques --- Europa del Sud --- Europa occidental --- Portugal --- Serralada Central --- Geologia forense --- Geologia --- Geology. Earth sciences --- Earth Sciences
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This book deals with topics of current interest, such as climate change, floods, drought, and hydrological extremes. The impact of climate change on water resources is drawing worldwide attention these days, for water resources in many countries are already stressed and climate change along with burgeoning population, rising standard of living, and increasing demand are adding to the stress. Further, river basins are becoming less resilient to climatic vagaries. Fundamental to addressing these issues is hydrological modelling which is covered in these books. Further, integrated water resources management is vital to ensure water and food security. Integral to the management is groundwater and solute transport. The books encompass tools that will be useful to mitigate the adverse consequences of natural disasters. This book provides many new and innovative methods to assess groundwater and estimate water pollution. Groundwater recharge, solute transport, ground water modelling are some of the important variable used to estimate the groundwater movement, hydraulic gradient and pollution movement. The water quality is another important variable of river Ganga and its tributaries in India and other rivers over the globe. .
Groundwater --- Water-supply --- Quality. --- Effect of global warming on. --- Global warming --- Water quality --- Hidrologia d'aigües subterrànies --- Qualitat de l'aigua --- Canvi climàtic --- Canvis climàtics --- Canvi climàtic global --- Cicles climàtics --- Fluctuacions climàtiques --- Oscil·lacions climàtiques --- Variacions climàtiques --- Climatologia --- Degradació ambiental --- Desertització --- Canvi mediambiental global --- Dendroclimatologia --- Escalfament global --- Paleoclimatologia --- Temperatura atmosfèrica --- Qualitat ambiental --- Control de la qualitat de l'aigua --- Aigües del subsòl --- Aigües freàtiques --- Aigües subterrànies --- Hidrologia subterrània --- Hidrologia --- Circulació d'aigües subterrànies --- Humitat dels sòls --- Aigües superficials --- Aqüífers --- Fonts --- Fonts (Hidrografia) --- Hidrogeologia --- Pous --- Earth sciences. --- Physical geography. --- Water. --- Hydrology. --- Natural disasters. --- Earth Sciences. --- Earth System Sciences. --- Natural Hazards. --- Natural calamities --- Disasters --- Aquatic sciences --- Earth sciences --- Hydrography --- Water --- Hydrology --- Geography --- Geosciences --- Environmental sciences --- Physical sciences
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This book gathers the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 1st congress on Geoethics & Groundwater Management (GEOETH&GWM'20), held in Porto, Portugal, in an online format on 18-22 May 2020. Hosted in School of Engineering (ISEP), Polytechnic of Porto based on Porto city (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), the international conference focused on what has now been dubbed “hydrogeoethics”, a novel transdisciplinary, scientific field integrating all dimensions of geoethics in groundwater science and practice. Given its scope, the book is of interest to all researchers and practitioners in the geosciences, hydrology, water resources, hydrogeology, natural resources management, environment, engineering, law, sociology, education, philosophy, culture, among others. This joint congress is the result of a collaborative agreement between the IAH (International Association of Hydrogeologists) and IAPG (International Association for Promoting Geoethics) and reflects the need for concerted actions to achieve sustainable development. The diversity, scale, significance and increasing magnitude of anthropogenic interactions with aquifers and groundwater, which often involve conflicting values or interests, call for analysis, discussions and decisions on the part of the agents involved, e.g. groundwater scientists, policymakers, managers, organisations, professionals and citizens. This approach calls for a responsible, sustainable and human approach to groundwater use and management. The groundwater community involved in the exploration and exploitation, use and management of this increasingly vital natural resource is becoming more and more aware that ethical issues pervade all our attitudes from concept to action and need to be addressed. Diverse values and cultures, science and education, law and policies, human and natural environments and the public and the economic sectors view groundwater and its value and/or role differently. The authors believe that in a globalised and interconnected world, common ground must be found in the interest of peace, human development and sustainability. The main topics covered here include: 1. Fundamentals of hydrogeoethics: cultures, principles and geoethical values on groundwater science and engineering 2. Lessons for a resilient and sustainable future with hydrogeoethics: case studies of geoethics in groundwater science-engineering, profession, and management 3. Scientific and humanistic components of hydrogeoethics in groundwater education and professional training 4. Socio-hydrogeology and ethical groundwater management 5. Geoethics of decision making under uncertainty and ethical issues in neglecting groundwater functioning 6. Groundwater: geological, legal, social, and ethical challenges of a unique natural resource .
Groundwater --- Management --- Ground water --- Subterranean water --- Underground water --- Water, Underground --- Water --- Hydrogeology --- Hidrologia d'aigües subterrànies --- Explotació de recursos hidràulics --- Desenvolupament sostenible --- Creixement sostenible --- Desenvolupament ecologicament sostenible --- Economia sostenible --- Sostenibilitat --- Creixement negatiu (Economia) --- Ciutats sostenibles --- Edificis sostenibles --- Agricultura sostenible --- Consum responsable --- Desenvolupament econòmic --- Economia circular --- Energia exosomàtica --- Pesca sostenible --- Petjada ecològica --- Reivindicacions socials --- Explotació de recursos hídrics --- Explotació de recursos hidrològics --- Gestió de l'aigua --- Gestió de recursos hidràulics --- Gestió de recursos hídrics --- Gestió hidrològica --- Recursos hidràulics --- Recursos naturals --- Centrals hidroelèctriques --- Energia hidràulica --- Hidrologia urbana --- Abastament d'aigua --- Aigües del subsòl --- Aigües freàtiques --- Aigües subterrànies --- Hidrologia subterrània --- Hidrologia --- Circulació d'aigües subterrànies --- Humitat dels sòls --- Aigües superficials --- Aqüífers --- Fonts --- Fonts (Hidrografia) --- Hidrogeologia --- Pous --- Earth sciences. --- Water. --- Hydrology. --- Sustainability. --- Ethics. --- Education. --- Earth Sciences. --- Moral Philosophy and Applied Ethics. --- Children --- Education, Primitive --- Education of children --- Human resource development --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- Schooling --- Students --- Youth --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Mental discipline --- Schools --- Teaching --- Training --- Deontology --- Ethics, Primitive --- Ethology --- Moral philosophy --- Morality --- Morals --- Philosophy, Moral --- Science, Moral --- Philosophy --- Values --- Sustainability science --- Human ecology --- Social ecology --- Aquatic sciences --- Earth sciences --- Hydrography --- Hydrology --- Geosciences --- Environmental sciences --- Physical sciences --- Education
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