Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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De bijen-korf der h. Roomsche Kerk : een duidelijke en grondige uitlegging van den zendbrief van M. Gentianus Hervet uitgegeven voor den van het christelijk geloof afgedwaalden

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The bee hive of the Romish Chvrch : A worke of all good Catholikes to be read, and most necessary to bee understood. Wherein the Catholike religion is substantially confirmed, and the heretikes finely fetcht ouer the coales.

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The bee hiue of the Romishe Churche : A worke of al good Catholikes too bee read and most necessary to bee vnderstood: wherin both the Catholike religion is substantially confirmed, and the heretikes finely fetcht ouer the coales

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The bee hiue of the Romish Church : A worke of all good Catholikes to be read, and most necessary to be vnderstood. Wherein the Catholike religion is substantially confirmed, and the heretikes finely fetcht ouer the coales. Translated into English by George Gilpin the Elder.

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The bee hiue of the Romishe Churche : A worke of al good Catholikes too bee read and most necessary to bee vnderstood: wherin both the Catholike religion is substantially confirmed, and the heretikes finely fetcht ouer the coales. Translated out of Dutch into English by George Gilpin the Elder.

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The bee hiue of the Romish Church : A worke of aIl [sic] good Catholiks too be read and most necessary to bee vnderstoode: wherein both the Catholike religion is substantially confirmed, and the heretikes finely fetcht ouer the coales. Translated out of Dutch into Englishe by George Gllpin [sic] the Elder.

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The bee hiue of the Romishe Churche· : Wherein the authour a zealous Protestant, vnder the person of a superstitious papist, doth so driely refell the grose opinions of popery, and so diuinely defend the articles of Christianitie, that (the sacred Scriptures excepted) there is not a booke to be founde, either more necessarie for thy profite, or sweeter for thy comforte. Translated out of Dutch into English by George Gilpin the Elder.

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The bee hiue of the Romish Church : A worke of all good Catholikes to be read, and most necessary to bee vnderstoode. Wherein the Catholike religion is substantially confirmed, and the heretikes finely fetcht ouer the coales. Translated into Englishe by George Gilpin the Elder.

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The bee hiue of the Romishe Church : a com[m]entarie vpon the sixe principall pointes of Master Gentian Heruet, a Romish Catholike his booke, which is deuided into sixe partes, as in the argument doth appeare. And an epistle made by the authour of this booke vnto Franciscus Sonnius, late Bishop of Antwerpe. Translated out of Dutch into English, by George Gylpen the elder.

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De bijen-korf der h. roomsche kerk : eene duidelijke en grondige uitlegging van den zenbrief van M. Gentianus Hervet. tweede deel

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