Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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The life of Henry, prince of Wales, eldest son of King James I.
Birch, Thomas
Year: 1760
Publisher: London : Printed for A. Millar [...],
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The laudable life and deplorable death, of our late peerlesse Prince Henry. briefly represented : Together, with some other poemes, in honor both of our most gracious soueraigne King Iames his auspicious entrie to this crowne, and also of his hopefull children, Prince Charles and Princesse Elizabeths happy entrie into this world. By I.M. Master of Artes.
Maxwell, James
Year: 1612
Publisher: London : Printed by Edw: Allde, for Thomas Pauier, dwelling neere the Royall Exchange, at the signe of the Cats and parrat,
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Neptunus britannicus Corydonis : De luctuoso Serenissimi Henrici (æternæ memoriæ) magnæ Britanniæ Principis, &c. obitu. Et felicibus Serenissimi successoris Caroli. F. Ducis Eboracensis, &c. auspicijs: queis intermixtus Serenissimi Friderici, Rhenani Principis Electoris, &c. & Serenissimæ Elizabethæ magnæ Britanniæ, &c. Infantis Hymenæus.
Gordon, Patrick
Year: 1613
Publisher: London : Printed [by W. Stansby] for Iohn Budge, and are to bee solde at Britans-bursse,
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Tvvo elegies : consecrated to the neuer-dying memorie of the most worthily admyred; most hartily loued; and generally bewayled prince; Henry Prince of Wales.
Brooke, Christopher
Browne, William
Year: 1613
Publisher: London : Printed by T[homas] S[nodham] for Richard More, and are to be sould at his shoppe in Saint Dunstones Church-yard,
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Ad serenissimum Britanniarum Principem Henricum, è Scotia discendentem propempticon
Craig, Thomas
Year: 1603
Publisher: Edinburgi : Excudebat Robertus Charteris typographus,
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Mausoleum or, The choisest flowres of the epitaphs, written on the death of the neuer-too-much lamented Prince Henrie
Year: 1613
Publisher: Edinburgh : Printed by Andro Hart,
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The muses-teares for the losse of their hope; heroick and ne're-too-much praised, Henry, Prince of Wales. &c. : Together with times sobs for the vntimely death of his glory in that his darling: and, lastly, his epitaphs. Consecrated to the high and mighty prince, Frederick the fift, Count-palatine of Rheyn. &c. Where-vnto is added, consolatory straines to wrest nature from her bent in immoderate mourning; most loyally, and humbly wisht to the King and Queenes most exeellent [sic] Maiesties.
Davies, John
Year: 1613
Publisher: At London : Printed by G. Eld, for Iohn Wright; and are to be sold at his shop neere Christ-Church dore,
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The true picture and relation of Prince Henry his noble and vertuous disposition : containing certaine observations and proofes of his towardly and notable inclination to vertue, of the pregnancie of his wit, farre above his age, comprehended in sundry of his witty and pleasant speaches. By W.H. With the true relation of the sicknesse and death of the same most illustrious prince, vvith the opening of his body. Written by a famous doctor of physick in French, and newly translated into English.
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A true reportarie of the most triumphant, and royal accomplishment of the babtisme [sic] of the most excellent, right high, and mightie prince, Frederik Henry, by the grace of God, prince of Scotland. : Solemnized the 30. day of August 1594.
Fowler, William
Year: 1594
Publisher: [London] : Printed by Peter Short, for the Widdow Butter, and are to be sold at her shop vnder Saint Austines Church.,
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Funerall elegies vpon the most lamentable and vntimely death of the thrice illustrious Prince Henry, Prince of VVales, &c. By R.A.
Allyne, Robert.
Year: 1613
Publisher: At London : Printed by T[homas] P[urfoot] for Iohn Budge, and are to be sold at his shop at Brittaines Burse,
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