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Nell'ambito delle ricerche promosse dalla Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino (S.I.S.M.E.L.) riguardo allo studio della fortuna dei Padri nel Medioevo, è stato sviluppato, a partire dal 2001, un progetto già formulato da Claudio Leonardi a Chantilly nel 1982, concernente la ricezione e la diffusione delle opere e del pensiero di papa Gregorio. La ricerca, finalizzata alla realizzazione di un censimento di codici su larga scala, si basa sull'individuazione di tutti i testimoni che tramandano opere del pontefice e scritti relativi alla sua fortuna. Ad oggi sono stati censiti oltre 8.400 manoscritti, reperiti nei cataloghi pubblicati a stampa e on-line entro il 2010; essi non esauriscono sicuramente il patrimonio gregoriano ancora esistente, ma permettono di valutarne l'importanza e l'influsso nell'elaborazione intellettuale dalle origini del Medioevo al secolo XV. Le opere sono distinte secondo le seguenti modalità: opere gregoriane autentiche; opere dubbie ovvero sulla cui attribuzione a Gregorio la critica odierna non è concorde (Gregorius I papa?); le opere pseudoepigrafe ovvero tradizionalmente attribuite a Gregorio ma riconosciute spurie dalla critica odierna (Gregorius I papa ps.); opere attribuite ovvero opere e testi spurii, identificati e non, occasionalmente attribuiti a Gregorio in alcuni testimoni (attr. Gregorio); epitomi e florilegi delle opere gregoriane; agiografie in prosa o versi e testi di varia natura su Gregorio; estratti gregoriani individuati mediante le segnalazioni catalografiche ma non più precisamente identificabili; tabulae et accessus ovvero testi di accompagnamento alle opere gregoriane con circolazione anche autonoma. Questo primo fascicolo comprende i codici gregoriani conservati nelle sedi alfabeticamente comprese tra Aachen e Chur/Coira, per un totale di 1.400 schede circa.
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091 <45 FIRENZE> --- 091 <064> --- 091.33 --- 091 GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- 091.33 Palimpsesten --- Palimpsesten --- 091 GREGORIUS I MAGNUS Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- 091 <064> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Tentoonstellingscatalogi. Museumcatalogi --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Tentoonstellingscatalogi. Museumcatalogi --- 091 <45 FIRENZE> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Italië--FIRENZE --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Italië--FIRENZE --- Exhibitions
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Christian literature, Early --- Littérature chrétienne primitive --- History and criticism --- Congresses. --- Histoire et critique --- Congrès --- Gregory --- Congresses --- 091 GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- 091 GREGORIUS I MAGNUS Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- Littérature chrétienne primitive --- Congrès --- Early Christian literature --- Patristic literature --- Grégoire, --- Gregor, --- Gregorio, --- Grēgorios --- Gregorius, --- Gregorius --- Gregory, --- Grégoire --- Christian literature, Early - History and criticism - Congresses --- Gregorius Magnus p. --- Gregory - I, - Pope, - approximately 540-604 - Congresses --- Gregory - I, - Pope, - approximately 540-604
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Pastoral theology --- Pastorale --- Catholic Church --- Early works to 1800 --- Eglise catholique --- Ouvrages avant 1800 --- Gregory --- Manuscripts --- Facsimiles. --- Bibliothèque de Troyes. --- Regula pastoralis (Gregory I, Pope) --- 091 <44 TROYES> --- 091 GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- 091:264 --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frankrijk--TROYES --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- Handschriften i.v.m. liturgie --- 091:264 Handschriften i.v.m. liturgie --- 091 GREGORIUS I MAGNUS Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- 091 <44 TROYES> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frankrijk--TROYES --- Bibliothèque de Troyes. --- Pastoral theology - Catholic Church - Early works to 1800. --- Gregorius Magnus p. --- Regula Pastoralis --- Troyes --- Bibliothèque municipale
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Illumination of books and manuscripts, Carolingian --- Enluminure carolingienne --- Gregory --- Biblioteca capitolare (Vercelli, Italy). --- Illustrations --- Biblioteca capitolare di Vercelli. --- 091.31 <45> --- 091 GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- 091 <45 VERCELLI> --- 091:252 --- Verluchte handschriften--Duitsland voor 1945 en na 1989 --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Italië--VERCELLI --- Homiliaria--(handschriften) --- Illustrations. --- 091:252 Homiliaria--(handschriften) --- 091 <45 VERCELLI> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Italië--VERCELLI --- 091 GREGORIUS I MAGNUS Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- Illumination of books and manuscripts, Carolingian - Italy - Vercelli --- Gregorius Magnus p. --- Homiliae in Evangelia --- Gregory - I, - Pope, - ca. 540-604. - Homeliae quadraginta in Evangelia - Illustrations --- Gregory - I, - Pope, - ca. 540-604. - Homeliae quadraginta in Evangelia
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Papacy --- Church history --- Manuscripts, Latin --- Papauté --- Eglise --- Manuscrits latins --- History --- Exhibitions --- Sources --- Histoire --- Expositions --- Gregory --- Exhibitions. --- 091 GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- 091 <45 FIRENZE> --- 091 <064> --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Italië--FIRENZE --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Tentoonstellingscatalogi. Museumcatalogi --- 091 <064> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Tentoonstellingscatalogi. Museumcatalogi --- 091 <45 FIRENZE> Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Italië--FIRENZE --- 091 GREGORIUS I MAGNUS Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- Papauté --- Holy See --- See, Holy --- Popes --- Latin manuscripts --- Latin language --- Latin philology --- Grégoire, --- Gregor, --- Gregorio, --- Grēgorios --- Gregorius, --- Gregorius --- Gregory, --- Grégoire --- Papacy - History - To 1309 - Exhibitions. --- Papacy - History - To 1309 - Sources - Exhibitions. --- Manuscripts, Latin - Exhibitions. --- Manuscrits --- Gregorius Magnus p.
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Christian saints --- Miracles --- Immortality --- Saints chrétiens --- Immortalité --- Biography --- Congresses. --- Biographie --- Congrès --- Gregory --- Benedict, --- 091 GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- Conferences - Meetings --- 091 GREGORIUS I MAGNUS Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--GREGORIUS I MAGNUS --- Saints chrétiens --- Immortalité --- Congrès --- God --- Marvelous, The --- Miracle workers --- Spiritual healing --- Supernatural --- Life after death --- Eschatology --- Future life --- Immortalism --- Saints --- Canonization --- Gregorius --- Benedek, --- Benedetto, --- Benedictus Nursinus, --- Benedictus, --- Benedikt, --- Benet, --- Benito, --- Benoît, --- Bento, --- Christian saints - Italy - Biography - Congresses --- Miracles - Congresses --- Immortality - Congresses --- Gregorius Magnus p. --- Dialogi --- Gregory - I, - Pope, - ca. 540-604. - Dialogi - Congresses --- Benedict, - Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino - Congresses --- Gregory - I, - Pope, - ca. 540-604. - Dialogi --- Benedict, - Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino
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