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Wie interagieren Menschen mit ihren Umwelten? Wie beeinflussen sie den Verlust und Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt, den Klimawandel, die Umweltverschmutzung und den Umweltschutz? Das Buch führt Studierende in die Forschung und Praxis der Umweltanthropologie ein, stellt aktuelle Schlüsselkonzepte, Anwendungsbereiche und Debatten vor und beleuchtet zentrale sozial-ökologische Themen.
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"This reissue of Charles Bowden's third book-length work includes a new foreword by Francisco Cantú"--Provided by publisher. Presents a view of the Southwest that seeks to measure how rapid growth has taken its toll on the land.
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We live in unprecedented times - the Anthropocene - defined by far-reaching human impacts on the natural systems that underpin civilisation. Planetary Health explores the many environmental changes that threaten to undermine progress in human health, and explains how these changes affect health outcomes, from pandemics to infectious diseases to mental health, from chronic diseases to injuries. It shows how people can adapt to those changes that are now unavoidable, through actions that both improve health and safeguard the environment. But humanity must do more than just adapt: we need transformative changes across many sectors - energy, housing, transport, food, and health care. The book discusses specific policies, technologies, and interventions to achieve the change required, and explains how these can be implemented. It presents the evidence, builds hope in our common future, and aims to motivate action by everyone, from the general public to policymakers to health practitioners
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Après avoir travaillé en Alaska avec le peuple Gwich'in, Nastassja Martin a franchi le détroit de Béring pour entamer une recherche comparative au Kamtchatka. Pendant l'époque soviétique, les Even, peuple nomade d'éleveurs de rennes, ont été sédentarisés dans des fermes collectives. Après la chute du régime, beaucoup ont continué d'être les bergers des rennes qui ne leur appartenaient plus, les troupeaux étant aux mains d'entreprises privées. Depuis l'ouverture de la région en 1991, les anciens kolkhozes du Kamtchatka se transforment en plateformes touristiques. En 1989, juste avant la chute de l'Union soviétique, une famille even aurait décidé de repartir en forêt, recréer un mode de vie autonome fondé sur la chasse, la pêche et la cueillette. Était-ce une légende ? Comment un petit collectif violenté, spolié, asservi par les colons avant d'être oublié de la grande histoire s'est-il saisi de la crise systémique pour regagner son autonomie ? Comment a-t-il fait pour renouer les fils ténus du dialogue quotidien qui le liait aux animaux et éléments, sans le secours des chamanes éliminés par le processus colonial ? Quelles manières de vivre les Even d'Icha ont-ils réinventées, pour continuer d'exister dans un monde rapidement transformé sous les coups de boutoir de l'extractivisme et du changement climatique ? Dans ce livre, où les rêves performatifs et les histoires mythiques répondent aux politiques d'assimilation comme au dérèglement des écosystèmes, l'autrice fait dialoguer histoire coloniale et cosmologies autochtones en restituant leurs puissances aux voix multiples qui confèrent au monde sa vitalité.
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Rivers have always been a formative component of spaces. They serve as natural borders, mold the character of a landscape, shape how entire regions look, and often mark politically contested border areas. At the same time, river landscapes constitute spaces of contact and exchange, thereby helping spatial cultures and cultural spaces to grow. The aim of this volume is to outline the diversity of river landscapes.
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"In the Pacific, as elsewhere, Indigenous communities live with the consequences of environmental mismanagement and over-exploitation but rarely benefit from the short-term economic profits such actions may generate within the global system. National and international policy frameworks ultimately rely on local community assent. Without effective local participation and partnership, these extremely imposed frameworks miss out on millennia of local observation and understanding and seldom deliver viable and sustained environmental, cultural and economic benefits at the local level. This collection argues that environmental sustainability, indigenous political empowerment and economic viability will succeed only by taking account of distinct local contexts and cultures. In this regard, these Pacific Indigenous case studies offer 'islands of hope' for all communities marginalised by increasingly intrusive--and increasingly rapid--technological changes and by global dietary, economic, political and military forces with whom they have no direct contact or influence." - taken from publisher website.
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The publication Bulgarian text for Translation Seminar part 3 is mainly for students, studying Bulgarian as a foreign language on Masaryk university at masters degree. It contains texts from different spheres - insurance, finance, family law, sports, home appliances, ecology, culture, media, agriculture, etc. Each text ends with exercises to use certain phrases in an appropriate context, ie. the authors pay attention to learning the phrases and constructions needed in the practice of future translators.
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