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Porträtgalerien auf Papier : Sammeln und Ordnen von druckgrafischen Porträts am Beispiel Kaiser Franz' I. von Österreich und anderer fürstlicher Sammler
Year: 2018 Publisher: Böhlau

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Das Sammeln druckgrafischer Bildnisse erfreute sich im 18. Jahrhundert der zunehmenden Wertschätzung einer gebildeten bürgerlichen Sammlerschicht. Auch aristokratische Sammler legten Porträtsammlungen ihrer Ahnen und Zeitgenossen in Klebebänden oder Kassetten an, die mitunter an die 100.000 Einzelbildnisse umfassen konnten.Während sich etwa Prinz Eugen von Savoyen seine Sammlung von Kunsthändlern arrangieren ließ, verbrachten Kaiser Franz I. von Österreich oder Louis-Philippe I. von Frankreich viel Zeit damit, ihre Porträts selbst in eine ideale Ordnung zu überführen.Man begegnet Gliederungen nach Staaten, nach Berufsstand oder nach historischen Epochen - je nach dem Anspruch, den der Sammler an seine Kollektion stellte. Die Ordnungssystematik wurde so zum Medium fürstlicher Repräsentation.

O processo civilizacional da tourada : Guerreiros, cortesãos, profissionais... e bárbaros?
Year: 2020 Publisher: Lisbon Imprensa de História Contemporânea

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This book challenges conventional wisdom about bullfighting. With an innovative approach, based on the work of Norbert Elias, the author argues bullfight is the result of the interaction between transformations of society and decisions that aim to create bullfighting rules. In the course of history, bullfighting became civilized, that is, pacified, in the sense that the level of self-control in the conduct and emotions of both bullfighters and public increased. This does not mean that violence has disappeared, but that it has acquired new traits. This historical path, from the 15th century to the present, is reconstructed in these pages by analyzing bullfighting in Portugal through the viewpoint of the regulation of violence, its public exposure and its relationship with the population's patterns of behavior and sensitivity. Este livro desafia a sabedoria convencional acerca das corridas de touros. Com uma abordagem inovadora, a partir da obra de Norbert Elias, defende que a tourada é o resultado da interação entre as transformações da sociedade e as decisões que visam criar regras sobre a lide do touro. No decurso da história, a corrida de touros civilizou-se, ou seja, pacificou-se, no sentido em que foi aumentando o nível de autocontrolo na conduta e nas emoções quer dos toureiros quer do público. Tal não significa que a violência tenha desaparecido, mas sim que adquiriu novas faces e contornos. Este percurso histórico, desde o século xv até à atualidade, é reconstruído nestas páginas analisando a corrida de touros em Portugal através do prisma da regulação da violência, da sua exposição pública e da sua relação com os padrões de comportamento e de sensibilidade da população.

Porträtgalerien auf Papier : Sammeln und Ordnen von druckgrafischen Porträts am Beispiel Kaiser Franz' I. von Österreich und anderer fürstlicher Sammler
Year: 2018 Publisher: Böhlau

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Das Sammeln druckgrafischer Bildnisse erfreute sich im 18. Jahrhundert der zunehmenden Wertschätzung einer gebildeten bürgerlichen Sammlerschicht. Auch aristokratische Sammler legten Porträtsammlungen ihrer Ahnen und Zeitgenossen in Klebebänden oder Kassetten an, die mitunter an die 100.000 Einzelbildnisse umfassen konnten.Während sich etwa Prinz Eugen von Savoyen seine Sammlung von Kunsthändlern arrangieren ließ, verbrachten Kaiser Franz I. von Österreich oder Louis-Philippe I. von Frankreich viel Zeit damit, ihre Porträts selbst in eine ideale Ordnung zu überführen.Man begegnet Gliederungen nach Staaten, nach Berufsstand oder nach historischen Epochen - je nach dem Anspruch, den der Sammler an seine Kollektion stellte. Die Ordnungssystematik wurde so zum Medium fürstlicher Repräsentation.

Porträtgalerien auf Papier : Sammeln und Ordnen von druckgrafischen Porträts am Beispiel Kaiser Franz' I. von Österreich und anderer fürstlicher Sammler
Year: 2018 Publisher: Böhlau

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Das Sammeln druckgrafischer Bildnisse erfreute sich im 18. Jahrhundert der zunehmenden Wertschätzung einer gebildeten bürgerlichen Sammlerschicht. Auch aristokratische Sammler legten Porträtsammlungen ihrer Ahnen und Zeitgenossen in Klebebänden oder Kassetten an, die mitunter an die 100.000 Einzelbildnisse umfassen konnten.Während sich etwa Prinz Eugen von Savoyen seine Sammlung von Kunsthändlern arrangieren ließ, verbrachten Kaiser Franz I. von Österreich oder Louis-Philippe I. von Frankreich viel Zeit damit, ihre Porträts selbst in eine ideale Ordnung zu überführen.Man begegnet Gliederungen nach Staaten, nach Berufsstand oder nach historischen Epochen - je nach dem Anspruch, den der Sammler an seine Kollektion stellte. Die Ordnungssystematik wurde so zum Medium fürstlicher Repräsentation.

O processo civilizacional da tourada : Guerreiros, cortesãos, profissionais... e bárbaros?
Year: 2020 Publisher: Lisbon Imprensa de História Contemporânea

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This book challenges conventional wisdom about bullfighting. With an innovative approach, based on the work of Norbert Elias, the author argues bullfight is the result of the interaction between transformations of society and decisions that aim to create bullfighting rules. In the course of history, bullfighting became civilized, that is, pacified, in the sense that the level of self-control in the conduct and emotions of both bullfighters and public increased. This does not mean that violence has disappeared, but that it has acquired new traits. This historical path, from the 15th century to the present, is reconstructed in these pages by analyzing bullfighting in Portugal through the viewpoint of the regulation of violence, its public exposure and its relationship with the population's patterns of behavior and sensitivity. Este livro desafia a sabedoria convencional acerca das corridas de touros. Com uma abordagem inovadora, a partir da obra de Norbert Elias, defende que a tourada é o resultado da interação entre as transformações da sociedade e as decisões que visam criar regras sobre a lide do touro. No decurso da história, a corrida de touros civilizou-se, ou seja, pacificou-se, no sentido em que foi aumentando o nível de autocontrolo na conduta e nas emoções quer dos toureiros quer do público. Tal não significa que a violência tenha desaparecido, mas sim que adquiriu novas faces e contornos. Este percurso histórico, desde o século xv até à atualidade, é reconstruído nestas páginas analisando a corrida de touros em Portugal através do prisma da regulação da violência, da sua exposição pública e da sua relação com os padrões de comportamento e de sensibilidade da população.

O processo civilizacional da tourada : Guerreiros, cortesãos, profissionais... e bárbaros?
Year: 2020 Publisher: Lisbon Imprensa de História Contemporânea

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This book challenges conventional wisdom about bullfighting. With an innovative approach, based on the work of Norbert Elias, the author argues bullfight is the result of the interaction between transformations of society and decisions that aim to create bullfighting rules. In the course of history, bullfighting became civilized, that is, pacified, in the sense that the level of self-control in the conduct and emotions of both bullfighters and public increased. This does not mean that violence has disappeared, but that it has acquired new traits. This historical path, from the 15th century to the present, is reconstructed in these pages by analyzing bullfighting in Portugal through the viewpoint of the regulation of violence, its public exposure and its relationship with the population's patterns of behavior and sensitivity. Este livro desafia a sabedoria convencional acerca das corridas de touros. Com uma abordagem inovadora, a partir da obra de Norbert Elias, defende que a tourada é o resultado da interação entre as transformações da sociedade e as decisões que visam criar regras sobre a lide do touro. No decurso da história, a corrida de touros civilizou-se, ou seja, pacificou-se, no sentido em que foi aumentando o nível de autocontrolo na conduta e nas emoções quer dos toureiros quer do público. Tal não significa que a violência tenha desaparecido, mas sim que adquiriu novas faces e contornos. Este percurso histórico, desde o século xv até à atualidade, é reconstruído nestas páginas analisando a corrida de touros em Portugal através do prisma da regulação da violência, da sua exposição pública e da sua relação com os padrões de comportamento e de sensibilidade da população.

Neurodiversity studies : a new critical paradigm
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1000073807 0429322291 9780429322297 9781000073768 1000073769 9781000073782 1000073785 9781000073805 9780367338312 9780367503253 0367338319 Year: 2020 Publisher: Abingdon Taylor & Francis

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"Building on work in feminist studies, queer studies and critical race theory, this volume challenges the universality of propositions about human nature, by questioning the boundaries between predominant neurotypes and 'others', including dyslexics, autistics and ADHDers. This is the first work of its kind to bring cutting-edge research across disciplines to the concept of neurodiversity. It offers in-depth explorations of the themes of cure/prevention/eugenics; neurodivergent wellbeing; cross-neurotype communication; neurodiversity at work; and challenging brain-bound cognition. It analyses the role of neuro-normativity in theorising agency, and a proposal for a new alliance between the Hearing Voices Movement and neurodiversity. In doing so, we contribute to a cultural imperative to redefine what it means to be human. To this end, we propose a new field of enquiry that finds ways to support the inclusion of neurodivergent perspectives in knowledge production, and which questions the theoretical and mythological assumptions that produce the idea of the neurotypical. Working at the crossroads between sociology, critical psychology, medical humanities, critical disability studies, and critical autism studies, and sharing theoretical ground with critical race studies and critical queer studies, the proposed new field - neurodiversity studies - will be of interest to people working in all these areas"--

Inklusion-Exklusion : Funktion und Formen des Rechts in der spätmittelalterlichen Stadt. Das Beispiel Köln
ISBN: 3412504394 341251165X 9783412504397 9783412511654 Year: 2019 Publisher: Köln Böhlau

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Das Gerichtswesen der spätmittelalterlichen Stadt erscheint in vieler Hinsicht rätselhaft: Trotz reger Bautätigkeit tagten die Gerichte zumeist im Freien; wenngleich die Kommunen schon früh eine elaborierte Schriftlichkeit nutzten, fand das Prozessgeschehen meist mündlich statt, und obwohl der Rat nicht selten promovierte Juristen als Schreiber in Dienst nahm, urteilten an seinen Gerichten ausschließlich Laien. Das Buch unternimmt den Versuch, diese und andere Phänomene zu plausibilisieren, indem es sie auf die Leitunterscheidung von Zugehörigkeit und Nicht-Zugehörigkeit zurückführt. Als empirische Grundlage dient das umfangreiche Quellenmaterial der Stadt Köln, dass zur Zeit der Abfassung der Studie noch verfügbar war.

Testes veritatis : Studien zur transformativen Entwicklung des Wahrheitszeugenkonzeptes in der Wittenberger Reformation
ISBN: 9783161615405 3161615409 3161615921 9783161615924 Year: 2022 Publisher: Tübingen Mohr Siebeck

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"Das Konzept der evangelischen Wahrheitszeugen gehört zu den zentralen Legitimationsstrategien der Wittenberger Reformation in ihrer theologiegeschichtlichen Herleitung. Stefan Michels zeigt, dass es sich als historiographisches Konzept mit ekklesiologischem Ursprung erweist und die Reihen der Wahrheitslehrer Wittenbergs über die gesamte Kirchengeschichte erweitert, bis auf die Anfänge der Zeit der Apostel um Jesus Christus, dem Lehrer der Wahrheit und einzigem Haupt der Kirche."

Scala Christus est : reassessing the historical context of Martin Luther's theology of the cross
ISBN: 9783161614729 3161614720 9783161617201 Year: 2023 Publisher: Tübingen Mohr Siebeck

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"Since the nineteenth century, scholars have debated the controversial relationships between humanism, the Renaissance and the Reformation. Challenging the dominant narrative on the subject, Giovanni Tortoriello reconstructs the debates that characterized the early Reformation movements. He shows that Martin Luther's theology of the cross developed in reaction to the irenic tendencies of the Renaissance. With the spread of Platonism, Hermeticism, and Kabbalah in the fifteenth century, the identity of Christianity shifted and the boundaries between the different religions thinned. In response to this attempt to minimize the differences among the various religions, Luther reiterated the centrality and uniqueness of the salvific event of the cross. Confessional biases and theological prejudices have obliterated the role that Platonism, Hermeticism, and Christian Kabbalah played in the early Reformation debates. The author reconstructs these controversies and situates Luther's theology of the cross in this historical context." --


(Produktform)Hardback --- (Produktform (spezifisch))Cloth over boards --- (BISAC Subject Heading)HIS010000 --- (BISAC Subject Heading)REL000000 --- (BISAC Subject Heading)REL007010 --- (BISAC Subject Heading)REL015000 --- (BISAC Subject Heading)REL032010 --- (BISAC Subject Heading)REL037010 --- (BISAC Subject Heading)REL067000 --- (BISAC Subject Heading)REL102000 --- (BISAC Subject Heading)REL108020 --- (BISAC Subject Heading)REL114000 --- (BIC subject category)HBJD --- (BIC subject category)HRAX --- (BIC subject category)HRCC2 --- (BIC subject category)HRCM --- (BIC subject category)QRM --- (BIC subject category)QRMB --- (BIC subject category)QRVS --- (BIC time period qualifier)3H --- (BIC time period qualifier)3J --- (BIC time period qualifier)3JJ --- Reformation --- Renaissance --- Platonism --- Kabbalah --- (VLB-WN)1542: Hardcover, Softcover / Religion, Theologie/Christentum --- 2 LUTHER, MARTIN --- Theology of the cross --- Theological anthropology --- 230.241 "15" --- 232.32 --- 232.32 Priesterschap, offer van Jezus Christus. Theologie van het kruis --- Priesterschap, offer van Jezus Christus. Theologie van het kruis --- 230.241 "15" Lutheraans-evangelisch systematische theologie--?"15" --- Lutheraans-evangelisch systematische theologie--?"15" --- Kreuzestheologie --- Theologia crucis --- Theology, Doctrinal --- Anthropology, Doctrinal --- Anthropology, Theological --- Body and soul (Theology) --- Doctrinal anthropology --- Humanity, Doctrine of --- Man, Doctrine of --- Man (Theology) --- Mankind, Doctrine of --- Religion --- 2 LUTHER, MARTIN Godsdienst. Theologie--LUTHER, MARTIN --- Godsdienst. Theologie--LUTHER, MARTIN --- History of doctrines --- Luther, Martin --- Luther, Maarten --- Lutherus, Martinus --- Lutero, Martin --- Luter, Martinos, --- Lutr, Martin, --- Лютер, Мартін, --- Li︠u︡ter, Martin, --- Luter, Marcin, --- Luther, Maarten, --- Lutero, Martín, --- Luther, Martinus, --- Luther, Márton, --- Luther, Martti, --- Luther, Martí, --- Lutʻŏ, --- Lūtœ̄, Mātīn, --- D. M. L. A., --- Luters, Mārtiņš, --- Luter, Marṭin, --- Luther, Marczin, --- Rutā, Marutin, --- Joerg, Junker, --- לוטהער, מארטין --- לוטהער, מארטין, --- לותר --- 路德马丁, --- Luttar Cāstiriyār, --- Cāstiriyār, Luttar, --- ルター マルティン, --- Лютэр, Марцін, --- Li︠u︡tėr, Martsin, --- Лутер, Мартин, --- Liuteris, Martynas, --- Lutawm, Matees, --- Lu-toe, Ma-ti, --- Lotera, Martin, --- Lusā, Mātaṅʻ, --- Lūthœ̄, Mātin, --- Luta, Martin, --- Lute̳e̳r, Martẽ, --- Lūthar, Mārṭin,

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