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Le corps comme un syndrome : une théorie de la matière chez Grégoire de Nysse
ISBN: 9782204120708 2204120707 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris: Cerf,

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D'où vient la matière ? D'où vient ce dont l'ensemble du monde physique est composé ? Le chrétien répond : de Dieu. Mais comment cela est-ce possible, puisque Dieu lui-même est immatériel ? Bien plus, comment le Dieu de bonté peut-il créer une matière qui semble souvent s'opposer à l'esprit, c'est-à-dire au principe le plus noble qui anime les hommes ? Au IVe siècle de notre ère, Grégoire de Nysse s'empare de ces interrogations et développe une théorie originale qui tente de rendre compte de la provenance divine, donc immatérielle, de la matière. Tout corps est constitué d'un rassemblement de propriétés immatérielles : un arbre n'est rien d'autre que le concours, " syndrome ", d'un certain poids, d'une certaine taille, d'une certaine couleur. Cette théorie répond non seulement aux hérésies dualistes manichéennes sur l'origine du monde physique, mais elle ouvre également des perspectives inédites sur la destinée divine de la matière. Création et résurrection sont ici intimement liées. C'est ce qui rend la thèse de Grégoire très actuelle. En s'efforçant de montrer la pérennité et la capacité d'évolution de la matière, elle permet des rapprochements suggestifs avec la pensée de Berkeley et la "théorie du faisceau". En définitive, Grégoire nous offre un plaidoyer pour le monde matériel, une défense efficace contre la gnose, une apologie du corps.

"Areté" : la nobleza de la vida: : La interpretación teológica de "La vida de Moisés" de san Gregorio de Nisa
ISBN: 9788883332821 8883332822 Year: 2012 Volume: 39 Publisher: Roma: Pontificia universitas Sanctae Crucis. Facultas Theologiae,

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Gregory of Nyssa's doctrinal works : a literary study
ISBN: 9780199668977 0199668973 0191846236 019164627X Year: 2018 Publisher: Oxford: Oxford university press,

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Gregory of Nyssa is firmly established in today's theological curriculum and is a major figure in the study of late antiquity. Students encounter him in anthologies of primary sources, in surveys of Christian history and perhaps in specialized courses on the doctrine of the Trinity, eschatology, asceticism, or the like. Gregory of Nyssa's Doctrinal Works presents a reading of the works in Gregory's corpus devoted to the dogmatic controversies of his day. Andrew Radde-Gallwitz focuses as much on Gregory the writer as on Gregory the dogmatic theologian. He sets both elements not only within the context of imperial legislation and church councils of Gregory's day, but also within their proper religious context-that is, within the temporal rhythms of ritual and sacramental practice. Gregory himself roots what we call Trinitarian theology within the church's practice of baptism. In his dogmatic treatises, where textbook accounts might lead one to expect much more on the metaphysics of substance or relation, one finds a great deal on baptismal grace; in his sermons, reflecting on the occasion of baptism tends to prompt Trinitarian questions.

Gregory of Nyssa's mystical eschatology
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789042941380 9042941383 9789042941397 Year: 2021 Volume: 101 Publisher: Leuven: Peeters,

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Studies on Gregory of Nyssa are flourishing. In this highly valuable bibliography, two areas stand out: mysticism and eschatology. The former has also been at the centre of a lively controversy, concerning the possibility that Gregory could be described as the actual initiator of mysticism. Eschatology, on its part, has received particular attention, especially in the areas of epektasis and apokatastasis. But these dimensions are connected, as shown by Gregory’s Commentary on the Song of Songs, a mystical text par excellence, which offers numerous eschatological insights, which this volume tries to present.The issue is all the more interesting in that Gregory’s eschatology is marked by a hermeneutical tension which is reflected in a dichotomy present in the studies devoted to it. Clearly, Gregory has been inspired by the apokatastasis of Origen, but for him, as for the Alexandrian, is it possible to speak of a universal salvation? If the human being is simply a soul which has to be restored to its initial state, what is the value of its history? And the body? And freedom?These questions seem to be linked to the tension between the “circular” dimension of apokatastasis and the “linear” dynamic of epektasis. This is approached through the lens of Christology and ontology, two areas which, in the context of Nyssa studies as a whole, are among the least studied. Therefore, the chapters of the book are aimed at covering the themes in such a way as to reveal the profound relationships between the two foci of theological reflection on the mystery of Christ: on the one hand, the Christological focus proper, on the other, the ontology which emerges from Christological and Trinitarian considerations. Thus, we shall be able to identify the influences and relations, intrinsic and systematic, between the thought about being, the protology and the eschatology, of classical origin, and the thought about Christ in which the divine and the human are united in and through history.This volume, therefore, is arranged in three main parts. The first, most fundamental, approximates to the question of the point of view of eschatology itself, seeking to indicate the importance of mysticism in its development. The second part of the volume is devoted precisely to Gregory’s Commentary on the Song of Songs, where the eschatological dimension is clearly highlighted. The third and last part of the volume is devoted to the apokatastasis. Here the different, even contrasting positions, are presented, providing, simultaneously, some tools which could assist a deeper penetration into the tensions of eschatology through the mystical perspective which is characteristic of the Commentary on the Song of Songs. In particular, the Christological and ontological elements linked to epektasis seem to promise a greater immersion into Gregory’s eschatology and appreciation of its theological significance, not despite its tensions but precisely by means of them.

Gregor von Nyssa: Oratio consolatoria in Pulcheriam
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3796511015 9783796511011 Year: 1999 Volume: 6 Publisher: Basel: Schwabe,

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Les homélies de Grégoire de Nysse sur le Cantique
ISBN: 9782204122832 2204122831 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris: Cerf,

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Achevées en 394, les Quinze homélies de saint Grégoire de Nysse sur le Cantique culminent dans une contemplation du Mystère pascal de Jésus. S'Il monte encore plus haut, s'Il manifeste davantage la bonté du Père quand Il descend vers notre nuit et traverse notre mort, c'est en allant "de commencement en commencement", en acceptant de n'être "rien" sans l'Esprit de leur Seigneur, que ses amis montent, eux aussi, comme l'Epouse du Cantique, de plus en plus haut vers et dans l'abîme sans terme de "la Nature bienheureuse". Ils sont "tendus vers ce qui est en avant" (Ph 3, 13) et leur élan ne se sépare pas de leur vie fraternelle, puisque chacun peut et doit apparaître à chacun comme un visage de plus pour le Christ, pour Celui qui se "façonne un Corps" (He 10, 5) dans l'humanité entière à dessein de rassembler en Lui tout l'univers pour la gloire plus grande de Dieu son Père.

Le omelie sul cantico dei cantici di Gregorio di Nissa : proposta di un itinerario di vita battesimale
ISBN: 8879610244 9788879610247 Year: 2000 Volume: 70 Publisher: Roma: Institutum patristicum Augustinianum,

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L'écriture de la controverse chez Grégoire de Nysse : polémique littéraire et exégèse dans le Contre Eunome
ISSN: 11587032 ISBN: 9782851212559 2851212559 Year: 2012 Volume: 193 Publisher: Paris : Inst. d'Études Augustiniennes,

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Gregory of Nyssa, Homilies on the Beatitudes
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9004116214 9004313184 9789004116214 9789004313187 Year: 2000 Volume: 52 Publisher: Leiden ;Boston Brill

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These proceedings present the first English translation of Gregory's Homilies on the Beatitudes by Stuart Hall, accompanied by a thorough commentary by Anthony Meredith, Andreas Spira, Françoise Vinel, Lucas Mateo-Seco, Thomas Böhm, Karl-Heinz Uthemann, Claudio Moreschini, and Robert Wilken. Eight more contributions by Monique Alexandre, Peter Bruns, Judith Kovacs, Salvatore Lilla, Friedhelm Mann, Alden Mosshammer, Elias Moutsoulas, and Lucian Turcescu focus on further general and particular topics of the homilies as their eschatology, the meaning of the word makarios in all of Gregory's works, the notion of justice, and Gregory's Theology of Adoption, as well as their relationship to Syriac theology, Clement of Alexandria, Neoplatonism, and Gregory's Homilies on the Song of Songs . The third and fourth part add ten studies reflecting the present overall state of Gregorian research.

Exploring Gregory of Nyssa : philosophical, theological, and historical studies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780198826422 0198826427 Year: 2018 Publisher: Oxford: Oxford university press,

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Exploring Gregory of Nyssa: Philosophical, Theological, and Historical Studies brings together an interdisciplinary team of historians, classicists, philosophers, and theologians to offer a holistic exploration of the thought of Gregory of Nyssa. The volume considers Gregory's role in the main philosophical and religious controversies of his era, such as his ecclesiastical involvement in the Neo-Nicene apologetical movement. It looks at his complex relationships-for example with his brother Basil of Caesarea and with Gregory of Nazianzus. Contributors highlight Gregory's debt to Origen, but also the divergence between the two thinkers, and their relationships to Platonism. They also examine Gregory of Nyssa's wider philosophy and metaphysics; deep questions in philosophy of language such as the nature of predication and singular terms that inform our understanding of Gregory's thought; and the role of metaphysical concepts such as the nature of powers and identity.The study paints a picture of Gregory as a ground-breaking philosopher-theologian. It analyses the nature of the soul, and connection to theological issues such as resurrection; questions that are still of interest in the philosophy of religion today, such as divine impassibility and the nature of the Trinity; and returning to more immediately humane concerns, Gregory also has profound thoughts on topics such as vulnerability and self-direction. The volume will be of primary interest to researchers, lecturers, and postgraduate students in philosophy, classics, history, and theology, and can be recommended as secondary reading for undergraduates, especially those studying classics and theology.

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