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The 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic have made the authorities to increasingly turn inward and use ethnocentrism, protectionism, and top-down approaches to guide policy on trade, competition, and industrial development. The continuing aftereffects of such policies range from the rise and seeming success of authoritarian states, rise of populist and protectionist trends, and evolving academic agendas inspiring the reemergence of top-down industrial policies across the world. This open access edited volume contains contributions from over 30 scholars with expertise in economics, innovation, management, and economic history. The chapters offer unique theoretical and empirical contributions discussing topics such as how industrial policies affect risk, incentives, and information for investments. They also address the policy perspectives on new technologies such as AI and its implications for market entry, the role for independent entrepreneurship in increasingly regulated markets, and whether governments should focus on market interventions or institutional capacity-building. Questioning the Entrepreneurial State initiates a much sought-after debate on the notion of an Entrepreneurial State. It discusses the dangers of top-down approaches to industrial policy, examines lessons from such approaches for future policy design, and calls attention to the progress of open and contestable markets in a sound economy and society. “Creative destruction, innovation and entrepreneurship are at the core of economic growth. The government has a clear role, to provide the basic fabric of a dynamic society, but industrial policy and state-owned companies are the boulevard of broken dreams and unrealized visions. This important message is convincingly stated in Questioning the Entrepreneurial State.” Anders Borg, former Minister of Finance, Sweden “Misreading the dynamism of American entrepreneurship, European intellectuals and policy makers have embraced a dangerous fantasy: catching up requires constructing an entrepreneurial state. This book provides a vital antidote: The entrepreneur comes first: The state may support. It cannot lead.” Amar Bhidé, Thomas Schmidheiny Professor of International Business, Tufts University “This important new book subjects the emergence of the entrepreneurial state, which reflects a shift in the locus of entrepreneurship from the individual to the public sector, to the scrutiny of rigorous analysis. The resulting concerns, flaws and biases inherent in the entrepreneurial state exposed are both alarming and sobering. The skill and scholarly craftsmanship brought to bear in this crucial analysis is evident throughout the book, along with the even, but ultimately consequential thinking of the authors. A must read for researchers and thought leaders in business and policy." David Audtretsch, Distinguished Professor, Ameritech Chair of Economic Development, Indiana University
Entrepreneurship --- Political economy --- Economics --- Business & management --- Economics of industrial organisation --- Market failure --- Innovation policy --- Protectionism --- Competition policy --- EU Green Deal
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This paper analyses membership data from 39 hydrogen associations to understand which economic sectors support the hydrogen transition in Europe, and why. It finds support from manufacturers of motor vehicles, chemicals, (electronic and electrical) machinery, electricity and gas companies, companies working in transport and storage (including ports), oil and gas companies, and many professional, scientific, and technical companies. Chemicals manufacturers and natural gas utilities stand out in their interest, as well as SMEs working in the value chain of hydrogen and fuel cell products. Registrations are clustered in the North Sea Region and the Iberian Peninsula, with many fewer registrations in Italy and Eastern Europe (including Russia). Motives for supporting the hydrogen transition include sales and market growth, rising CO2 emissions costs, regulatory and public pressure to decarbonise, avoiding stranded assets, diversification, investor concerns about the long-term profitability of carbon-intensive sectors, and sector-specific concerns. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Vahabzadeh Foundation for financially supporting the publication of best works by young researchers of the Graduate Institute, giving a priority to those who have been awarded academic prizes for their master’s dissertations.
Economics (General) --- GHG emissions --- transport of hydrocarbons --- offshore gas and oil industry --- hydrogen --- energy transition --- European Green Deal --- Economics
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Tijdens de coronacrisis kwam de vraag op waarom de Europese Unie (EU) niet actiever ingrijpt. In dit boek wordt dit uit de doeken gedaan. Jammerkreten over ‘te veel EU’ en ‘te weinig EU’ wisselen elkaar af sinds de start van de Europese eenwording. De auteurs nemen duidelijk stelling: de kracht van de EU wordt bepaald door de kracht van de samenstellende delen, dus van de 27 lidstaten, zelfstandig opererende natiestaten, met hun eigen geschiedenis, tradities, taal en cultuur. Tegen die achtergrond worden actuele ontwikkelingen binnen de EU bekritiseerd, met meteen daarop aansluitend een tegengeluid van een andere auteur om de lezer zelf zijn conclusies te laten trekken. Daarvoor is het noodzakelijk op de hoogte te zijn van de activiteiten die de EU tot een succes maken. Het gaat hierbij vooral om de interne markt en om de euro. De schaduwkanten worden niet weggemoffeld, zoals het profijt dat de maffia heeft van de Europese landbouwsubsidies en de niet ingeloste belofte van welvaartsstijging voor iedereen. Vervolgens wordt het Europees beleid omtrent klimaatverandering besproken, uitmondend in de Green Deal, nu een beetje op de achtergrond zo lijkt het, maar na de coronapandemie zeker niet meer. Aan de inspanningen van de EU om de lidstaten te ondersteunen bij het bestrijden van deze pandemie is een volgend hoofdstuk gewijd. Onder meer door vaccinontwikkeling in een hogere versnelling te brengen. Dit boek is een bron van inspiratie voor iedereen met interesse in de relatie tussen de EU en de lidstaten. Voor primair, voortgezet en hoger onderwijs biedt het een uitgelezen kans tot verdieping te komen bij het vormgeven aan Europese en Internationale Oriëntatie (EIO). Het aansprekende, concreet uitgewerkte project waarmee dit boek afsluit, biedt daarvoor alle mogelijkheden. In de bijbehorende online bijlage staan concrete opdrachten en suggesties bij de hoofdstukken die regelmatig worden aangevuld, ideaal voor onderwijs en debatbijeenkomsten.
260 Europese Unie --- 262 Europese economische en monetaire politiek --- 739 Onderwijs en Europa --- Coronabeleid --- EU-milieubeleid --- Green Deal --- Relatie lidstaat-Europese Unie
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Long description: Der Erdüberlastungstag, der Tag, an dem alle nutzbaren Ressourcen für das Jahr erschöpft sind, verlagert sich jedes Jahr nach vorn. Energie, Wasser, Rohstoffe – wir verbrauchen zu viel. Mit dem Green Deal hat Europa den Ressourcenschutz neben dem Klimaschutz auf die Agenda gehoben. Der ambitionierte Aktionsplan will die Transformation zur Kreislaufwirtschaft und Klimaneutralität erreichen. Packen wir es an! Das Jahrbuch Nachhaltigkeit 2021 bietet aktuelle Informationen, Orientierung und wertvolle Impulse für den Einstieg in das betriebliche CSR-Management. Beiträge über neue Entwicklungen wie Kreislaufwirtschaft, Circular Economy, Green Deal, Recycling, unternehmerische Sorgfaltspflicht, Lieferkettengesetz, Biodiversität und Artenschutz, EMAS u.v.m. Best-Practice-Beispiele aus Unternehmen: AfB gGmbH, ASSMANN Büromöbel, BSR, edding, Dibella und Werner & Mertz hilfreiche Initiativen, Organisationen und Netzwerke wichtige Awards & Zertifikate Glossar relevanter Begriffe
CSR --- Umweltschutz --- Umweltmanagement --- Recycling --- Best Practice --- Biodiversität --- Artenschutz --- nachhaltiges Wirtschaften --- Kreislaufwirtschaft --- Circular Economy --- Lieferkettengesetz --- unternehmerische Sorgfaltspflicht --- Green Deal --- Leuchtturmprojekte --- Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte --- grüne Wirtschaft
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Long description: Nachhaltigkeit ist heutzutage ein ausschlaggebender Faktor für gesundes Wachstum, Wettbewerbsstärke und Resilienz. Unternehmen stehen aktuell mehr denn je vor der Herausforderung, Nachhaltigkeit ins Zentrum ihres Tuns zu stellen. Welche Schlüsselrolle das Controlling dabei spielt, erläutern Experten in diesem Buch. Sie zeigen, wie Sie die Transformation von der Strategie bis zum Berichtswesen begleiten, geben Ihnen einen fundierten Einblick über Werkzeuge und Konzepte und bieten damit sofort umsetzbare Empfehlungen für Ihr Controlling.Inhalt:Nachhaltigkeit: Richtlinien, Vorschriften, Standards und Frameworks im ÜberblickErfolgsfaktoren bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung nachhaltiger UnternehmensstrategienNachhaltigkeitskennzahlen als zentrales Instrument für eine ganzheitliche UnternehmenssteuerungSustainable Supply Chain Management und Carbon AccountingMit ganzheitlichem ESG-Management zum nachhaltigen Geschäftsmodell Biographical note: Andreas Klein Professor Dr. Andreas Klein lehrt seit 2003 Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Controlling & International Accounting an der SRH Hochschule Heidelberg und verfügt über mehrjährige Erfahrung in einer internationalen Beratungsgesellschaft. Er ist Mitherausgeber der Schriftenreihe Der Controlling-Berater und als Unternehmensberater und Referent in der Industrie- und Dienstleistungsbranche tätig. Andrea Kämmler-Burrak Andrea Kämmler-Burrak ist Expertin im Bereich Performance Management & Corporate Sustainability bei der Managementberatung Horváth.
Nachhaltigkeit --- CSR --- Purpose --- Kreislaufwirtschaft --- Nachhaltigkeitscontrolling --- Green Controlling --- Life Cycle --- Circular Economy --- Green Deal --- Carbon Accounting --- Energiebesteuerung --- nachhaltige Supply Chain --- TOC --- nachhaltiges Wachstum --- Nachhaltigkeitsreporting
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Environmental Citizenship is a key factor for sustainability, green transition, and cycle economy, as well as a low-carbon society. Environmental Citizenship has been an influential concept in many different arenas, including education. Education for Environmental Citizenship (EEC) has a lot to contribute to this direction. The European Network for Environmental Citizenship (ENEC), which is active in 39 countries, established the biennial International Conference iREEC of “International Researchers on the Education for Environmental Citizenship”. The 2nd iREEC 2022 includes original research papers, theoretical papers, and reports from around the world dealing with Education for Environmental Citizenship in all levels and settings.
European Green Deal --- environmental citizenship --- citizen competences --- capabilities --- human capabilities approach --- education for environmental citizenship engagement --- Education for Environmental Citizenship (EEC) --- climate education --- action competences --- digital storytelling --- place-based educationcycling culture --- green urbanism --- spatial sustainability transition --- cultural ecosystem of traffic
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This master thesis investigates whether the systemic approach of the European Green Deal (EGD) is beneficial to address the different challenges for the further integration of renewable energies (RE) into the European energy system. To prepare the terrain, the thesis gives an overview of the situation of RE in the EU and the development of European RE policies. The analysis is based on two steps: firstly, the thesis identifies the most important challenges for an increase in RE based on an academic literature review, on 12 interviews with officials of the European Commission, and on the attendance of six webinars, where Commission members, interest groups as well as experts discussed the energy transition. This working methodology has allowed identifying 22 challenges for the increase of RE in the European energy system. In a second step, the EGD and all its sub-initiatives adopted by the European Commission up to 31st of July 2020, and the proposed recovery instrument addressing the Covid-19 crisis are evaluated with respect to the question whether the identified challenges are addressed. Information gathered during the interviews have a supportive function. In both steps of the analysis, ‘energy system integration’ and ‘renewable hydrogen’ are treated in more detail, because the integration of the energy system and the deployment of renewable hydrogen are generally considered crucial for the increase of RE, and because the European Commission adopted an ‘energy system integration strategy’ and a ‘hydrogen strategy’ in July 2020. As a result of this analysis, it appears that most challenges are addressed by the EGD, or if not addressed by initiatives the European Commission is conscious of possible risks. Nevertheless, land use competition and the supply of critical raw materials might become limiting factors for RE in the future, if not tackled more thoroughly. Nonetheless, the systemic approach of the EGD has demonstrated to be beneficial to address challenges that would be difficult to overcome through mere RE policies and the recovery measures are designed to support the energy transition.
European Green Deal --- Renewable energies --- sector integration --- energy system integration --- sector coupling --- polcy-mix analysis --- sustainability transition --- Ingénierie, informatique & technologie > Energie --- Droit, criminologie & sciences politiques > Droit européen & international --- Droit, criminologie & sciences politiques > Sciences politiques, administration publique & relations internationales
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Environmental Citizenship is a key factor for sustainability, green transition, and cycle economy, as well as a low-carbon society. Environmental Citizenship has been an influential concept in many different arenas, including education. Education for Environmental Citizenship (EEC) has a lot to contribute to this direction. The European Network for Environmental Citizenship (ENEC), which is active in 39 countries, established the biennial International Conference iREEC of “International Researchers on the Education for Environmental Citizenship”. The 2nd iREEC 2022 includes original research papers, theoretical papers, and reports from around the world dealing with Education for Environmental Citizenship in all levels and settings.
Research & information: general --- Environmental economics --- European Green Deal --- environmental citizenship --- citizen competences --- capabilities --- human capabilities approach --- education for environmental citizenship engagement --- Education for Environmental Citizenship (EEC) --- climate education --- action competences --- digital storytelling --- place-based educationcycling culture --- green urbanism --- spatial sustainability transition --- cultural ecosystem of traffic
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Environmental Citizenship is a key factor for sustainability, green transition, and cycle economy, as well as a low-carbon society. Environmental Citizenship has been an influential concept in many different arenas, including education. Education for Environmental Citizenship (EEC) has a lot to contribute to this direction. The European Network for Environmental Citizenship (ENEC), which is active in 39 countries, established the biennial International Conference iREEC of “International Researchers on the Education for Environmental Citizenship”. The 2nd iREEC 2022 includes original research papers, theoretical papers, and reports from around the world dealing with Education for Environmental Citizenship in all levels and settings.
Research & information: general --- Environmental economics --- European Green Deal --- environmental citizenship --- citizen competences --- capabilities --- human capabilities approach --- education for environmental citizenship engagement --- Education for Environmental Citizenship (EEC) --- climate education --- action competences --- digital storytelling --- place-based educationcycling culture --- green urbanism --- spatial sustainability transition --- cultural ecosystem of traffic
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Delivering a Climate Neutral Europe ummarises the achievements of 25 years of EU Climate Policy, with the emphasis on what has been achieved under the Green Deal. It also highlights climate issues on the table of policy makers in the next European policy cycle 2024-2029. Curated by Jos Delbeke, one of the foremost experts in this field, the chapters are all written by responsible officials of the EU Commission services, who were deeply involved in the negotiations related to the legislation they prepared. They explain how ambitious targets were prepared for 2030 and 2050 in view of implementing the commitments taken in 2015 under the Paris Agreement and present the overall architecture of the policy to counter the idea that an avalanche of legislative action is being developed without much structure. In particular, this book examines the carbon pricing tool that Europe implemented under the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), the differentiated targets Member States have to deliver and climate-relevant EU legislation in the fields of energy, transport, industry, finance and agriculture and forestry. The authors also discuss the upcoming headwinds in the form of a growing scepticism in public opinion, and the impact of the wars in the close neighbourhood of the European continent. Written as a follow-up to previous publications EU Climate Policy Explained and Towards a Climate-Neutral Europe, this new volume will be a vital resource for students, scholars and policy makers alike who are researching and working in the areas of climate change, environmental governance and EU policy more broadly.
reduction of gas emissions. --- greenhouse gas. --- climate change. --- EU environmental policy. --- renewable energy. --- pollution control measures. --- EU Emissions Trading Scheme. --- carbon neutrality. --- EU energy policy. --- Paris Agreement --- Green Deal --- EU Climate Policy --- carbon pricing tool --- EU Emissions Trading System --- European Commission --- climate scepticism
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