Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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By the King A proclamation to forbid the subiects of the realme of England to haue any trade or commerce within any the dominions of the King of Spaine or the Archduchesse

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The case of several merchants, trading to Spain, before the Act of Prohibition

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A bill intituled, an Act for Prohibiting Commerce With Spain

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Reasons humbly offered by the merchants of London : on behalf of themselves, and the rest of His Majesty's subjects trading to the Canary Islands, and in behalf of John Crosse, Esq, His Majesty's consul, and British factory there, against the Canary Island being included in the bill now depending in Parliament for prohibiting commerce with Spain.

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Manifiesto de Manuel Sánchez Silva a la provincia de Cádiz : é historia del tratado de comercio entre la Inglaterra y España.

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Tractatus navigationis et commeri corum : inter Serenissimam ac Potentissimam Principem Annam, Dei Gratiâ, Magnae Britanniµ, Franciµ, & Hiberniµ, Reginam Fidei Defensorem, &c. & Serenissimum ac Potentissimum Principem Philippum V. Dei Gratiâ, Hispaniarum Regem Catholicum, conclusus Trajecti ad Rhenum die 28 Novembris-9 Decembris Anno 1713 = Treaty of navigation and commerce between the Most Serene and Most Potent Princess Anne, by the grace of God, Queen of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. and the Most Serene and Most Potent Prince Philip the Vth, the Catholick King of Spain, concluded at Utrecht the 28-9 day of November-December 1713.

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To the Right Honourable the knights, cittizens, and burgesses assembled in Parliament, the humble petition of the marchants trading to the dominions of the King of Spain

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The Marchants humble petition and remonstrance to His late Highness : with an accompt of the losses of their shipping and estates since the war with Spain, and how as well themselves as strangers have strengthned and inriched both the enemy and the Hollanders by the secret trade for the dominions of Spain ...

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By the King A proclamation to preuent the furnishing of the King of Spaine and his subiects with prouisions for shipping, or munition for the warres and with victuals

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The advantages and disadvantages which will attend the prohibition of the merchandizes of Spain : impartially examined, and humbly offered to the consideration of the Parliament

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