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Getting the Best of Regional Innovation System - cases and good practices (GEBRIS)
Year: 2010 Publisher: Copenhagen : Nordic Council of Ministers,

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The GEBRIS project's aim was to enhance the competitiveness of the region-specific business fields by improving the regional innovation systems. Using the rough climate, long distances, sparse population and fragmented business structures of the Nordic regions as opportunities, regional actors have developed into leading experts in fields such as sub arctic testing, arctic infrastructure, wellness and experience industry and safety in cold conditions.

Un anno di Leggere: Forte! in Toscana : L'esperienza di una ricerca-azione
Year: 2021 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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Reading aloud represents one of the most effective practices for cognitive democracy that schools can adopt to guarantee academic success for all children and youth. With the multi-year project “Reading: So Cool!”, the Region of Tuscany wanted to introduce reading aloud in early childhood education services and schools in a systematic and structured way. The aim was to promote reading aloud as a regular and daily practice for the entire education system in Tuscany to reduce, over time, school dropout and learning inequalities. Starting from experience in the field, this book recounts, documents and explains the intentions, actions and results of the first year of activity in this project. It shares the theoretical foundations, practices, evidence collected and results achieved without forgetting the difficulties and a critical assessment. The dissemination of this experience is important and allows the promotion and replication – including outside the Tuscan region – the aims and tools of what has become, over time, a real educational policy that is able to encourage the achievement of core skills not only at school, but for life.

Crime and criminal justice statistics on violence against women (VAW) : good practices on administrative data collection on VAW
ISBN: 9789294934482 9789294934475 Year: 2016 Publisher: Vilnius European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)

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Un anno di Leggere: Forte! in Toscana : L'esperienza di una ricerca-azione
Year: 2021 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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Reading aloud represents one of the most effective practices for cognitive democracy that schools can adopt to guarantee academic success for all children and youth. With the multi-year project “Reading: So Cool!”, the Region of Tuscany wanted to introduce reading aloud in early childhood education services and schools in a systematic and structured way. The aim was to promote reading aloud as a regular and daily practice for the entire education system in Tuscany to reduce, over time, school dropout and learning inequalities. Starting from experience in the field, this book recounts, documents and explains the intentions, actions and results of the first year of activity in this project. It shares the theoretical foundations, practices, evidence collected and results achieved without forgetting the difficulties and a critical assessment. The dissemination of this experience is important and allows the promotion and replication – including outside the Tuscan region – the aims and tools of what has become, over time, a real educational policy that is able to encourage the achievement of core skills not only at school, but for life.

Vaart in verspreiding : een werkboek voor het verspreiden van good practices.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1904235573 Year: 2006 Publisher: Chichester Kingsham Press

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Er is veel aandacht voor het ontwikkelen en delen van kennis over hoe goede voorbeelden en nieuwe ideeën sneller breed verspreid kunnen worden. In de sector zorg en welzijn is het in het belang van cliënten dat organisaties en beroepskrachten meer gebruik maken van elkaars kennis en ervaringen. Dan zijn zij in staat om gezamenlijk de algemene kwaliteit van zorg- en dienstverlening op een hoger plan te brengen. 'Vaart in verspreiding' biedt u een combinatie van modellen en theorieën en methodieken waarmee de verspreiding van nieuwe ideeën en werkwijzen zowel binnen als tussen instellingen bevorderd kan worden. Het boek besteedt niet alleen aandacht aan het zenden, maar bespreekt ook specifiek de rol die de ontvanger speelt in het verspreidingsproces.

Integriteitstrainingen als deel van het integriteitsbeleid binnen lokale besturen
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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In deze masterproef zal ik ingaan op de centrale probleemstelling "Wat is de plaats en de betekenis van integriteitstrainingen binnen het integriteitsbeleid van lokale besturen in Vlaanderen?" Hiervoor doe ik beroep op literatuuronderzoek en kwalitatief onderzoek door middel van diepte-interviews. Het belang van deze probleemstelling is het feit dat er vandaag meer aandacht is voor integriteit als gevolg van een aantal integriteitsinbreuken die uitgebreid in de media kwamen zoals het onterecht toekennen van extra premies waarvan enkele politiemensen van de politiezone HAZODI beschuldigd werden of het oneigenlijk gebruik van overheidsmiddelen zoals enkele jaren geleden in Antwerpen gebeurde bij de Visa-affaire (2003),… Concreet wordt er naar een antwoord op de volgende drie subvragen gezocht: ten eerste, "Wat zijn integriteitstrainingen?" Ten tweede: "Welke kennis en vaardigheden probeert men over te dragen aan de ambtenaren?" Ten derde, "Wat is de meerwaarde van integriteitstrainingen?" Het doel is om op het einde een antwoord te kunnen geven op de centrale probleemstelling.

The rationale for sexuality education
Year: 2009 Publisher: Paris Unesco

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Female genital mutilation : good practices on collecting administrative data on female genital mutilation
ISBN: 9789294934505 9789294934499 Year: 2016 Publisher: Vilnius European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)

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Un anno di Leggere: Forte! in Toscana : L'esperienza di una ricerca-azione
Year: 2021 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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Reading aloud represents one of the most effective practices for cognitive democracy that schools can adopt to guarantee academic success for all children and youth. With the multi-year project “Reading: So Cool!”, the Region of Tuscany wanted to introduce reading aloud in early childhood education services and schools in a systematic and structured way. The aim was to promote reading aloud as a regular and daily practice for the entire education system in Tuscany to reduce, over time, school dropout and learning inequalities. Starting from experience in the field, this book recounts, documents and explains the intentions, actions and results of the first year of activity in this project. It shares the theoretical foundations, practices, evidence collected and results achieved without forgetting the difficulties and a critical assessment. The dissemination of this experience is important and allows the promotion and replication – including outside the Tuscan region – the aims and tools of what has become, over time, a real educational policy that is able to encourage the achievement of core skills not only at school, but for life.

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