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This practical guide presents a concise approach to exploring endocrine pathophysiology through the physical exam, emphasizing common clinical signs in endocrinology that can be elicited through inspection, palpation, percussion or auscultation. The established and proposed mechanisms underlying these physical signs are highlighted, allowing students, residents and trainees to better appreciate endocrine pathophysiology at the bedside. The text is organized sensibly to facilitate quick and efficient review by medical trainees. Major diseases in endocrinology are grouped by organ systems - pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and so on. Specific physical examination findings in each primary endocrine disease are reviewed and grouped under the categories of clinical features and pathophysiology, followed by related clinical and pathophysiology pearls. A brief description of the clinical finding is followed by a summary of the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying the stated clinical finding. Relevant normal physiology and pathophysiology are reviewed where applicable, to facilitate learning. There are numerous texts on the pathophysiologic basis of diagnostic and laboratory findings in endocrinology. There is, however, no dedicated text to address questions that might be asked by trainees. Endocrine Pathophysiology satisfies this need in the literature. .
Endocrinology . --- Endocrinology. --- Internal medicine --- Hormones --- Endocrine glands --- Pathophysiology. --- Diseases --- Diagnosis. --- Ductless glands --- Gland of internal secretion --- Glands, Ductless --- Glands --- Chromaffin cells --- Fisiologia patològica --- Malalties de les glàndules endocrines --- Endocrinologia clínica --- Endocrinopaties --- Malalties endocrines --- Trastorns hormonals --- Diabetis --- Endocrinologia pediàtrica --- Ginecologia endocrina --- Hiperparatiroïdisme --- Hipoglucèmia --- Malalties de l'ovari --- Malalties de les glàndules suprarenals --- Malalties del testicle --- Pubertat precoç --- Fisiopatologia --- Patofisiologia --- Patologia molecular
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Endocrine glands --- Diseases. --- Clinical endocrinology --- Endocrine diseases --- Hormonal disorders --- Malalties de les glàndules endocrines --- Endocrinologia clínica --- Endocrinopaties --- Malalties endocrines --- Trastorns hormonals --- Diabetis --- Endocrinologia pediàtrica --- Ginecologia endocrina --- Hiperparatiroïdisme --- Hipoglucèmia --- Malalties de l'ovari --- Malalties de les glàndules suprarenals --- Malalties del testicle --- Pubertat precoç
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Neuroanatomy. --- Endocrine glands. --- Ductless glands --- Gland of internal secretion --- Glands, Ductless --- Glands --- Chromaffin cells --- Hormones --- Nerves --- Nervous system --- Anatomy --- Neurobiology --- Neuroanatomia --- Glàndules endocrines --- Glàndula endocrina --- Glàndules de secreció interna --- Sistema endocrí --- Endocrinologia --- Glàndula pineal --- Glàndules suprarenals --- Illots de Langerhans --- Hipòfisi --- Hipotàlem --- Paratiroides --- Timus (Glàndula) --- Tiroide --- Cirurgia endocrina --- Anatomia del sistema nerviós --- Anatomia --- Neurobiologia --- Neurociències
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A user-friendly, pocket-sized reference for all physicians faced with endocrine care and challenges in hospitalized patients, this handbook covers the most common issues leading to an inpatient endocrine consult, providing differential diagnoses, a reasonable and practical approach to investigating and managing the condition, and advice for follow-up. Conditions discussed include thyrotoxicosis and thyroid storm, calcium disorders, osteoporosis, Cushing's syndrome, pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma, primary hyperaldosteronism, hypoglycemia in diabetic and non-diabetic patients, and endocrine issues during pregnancy, among others. Suggestions for further reading are included, providing more context for well-established clinical approaches. Written by experts with years of experience providing endocrinology consultations in a hospital setting, Handbook of Inpatient Endocrinology is a valuable, high-yield resource for endocrine residents and fellows, but it will be equally useful for any busy hospitalist or primary care physician when endocrinology consults are not available.
Endocrinology . --- Critical care medicine. --- Endocrinology. --- Intensive / Critical Care Medicine. --- Intensive care --- Intensive medicine --- Medicine --- Emergency medicine --- Intensive care units --- Internal medicine --- Hormones --- Endocrinology --- Malalties de les glàndules endocrines --- Pacients --- Endocrinologia --- Medicina interna --- Endocrinologia molecular --- Endocrinologia veterinària --- Ginecologia endocrina --- Glàndules endocrines --- Neuroendocrinologia --- Rejoveniment --- Organoteràpia --- Persones --- Relacions infermera-pacient --- Relacions metge-pacient --- Malalts --- Seguretat dels pacients --- Endocrinologia clínica --- Endocrinopaties --- Malalties endocrines --- Trastorns hormonals --- Diabetis --- Endocrinologia pediàtrica --- Hiperparatiroïdisme --- Hipoglucèmia --- Malalties de l'ovari --- Malalties de les glàndules suprarenals --- Malalties del testicle --- Pubertat precoç
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This book provides a complete guide to the evaluation, care, and follow-up of living kidney donors. Living donor kidney transplantation is established as the best treatment option for kidney failure. However, despite the tremendous benefits of living donation to recipients and society, the outcomes and optimal care of donors themselves have received relatively less attention. Fortunately, things are changing – including recent landmark developments in living donor risk assessment, policy and guidance. This volume offers authoritative, evidence-based guidance on the full range of clinical scenarios encountered in the evaluation and care of living kidney donors. The approach to key elements of risk assessment, ethical considerations and informed consent is accompanied by recommendations for patient-centered care before, during, and after donation. Advocacy initiatives and policies to remove disincentives to donation and advance a defensible system of practice are also discussed. General and transplant nephrologists, as well as related allied health professionals, can look to this book as a comprehensive resource addressing contemporary clinical topics in the practice of living kidney donation.
Nephrology. --- Surgical transplantation. --- Transplant Surgery. --- Medical transplantation --- Organ transplantation --- Organ transplants --- Organs (Anatomy) --- Surgical transplantation --- Tissue transplantation --- Tissues --- Transplant surgery --- Transplantation surgery --- Transplants, Organ --- Surgery --- Preservation of organs, tissues, etc. --- Procurement of organs, tissues, etc. --- Internal medicine --- Kidneys --- Transplantation --- Ronyó --- Nefrologia --- Donació d'òrgans --- Donants d'òrgans --- Donadors d'òrgans --- Donadors de teixits --- Donants de teixits --- Persones --- Donants de sang --- Donació de teixits --- Donació de sang --- Trasplantament d'òrgans --- Medicina interna --- Nefrologia pediàtrica --- Malalties del ronyó --- Ronyons --- Abdomen --- Aparell urinari --- Diüresi --- Glàndules suprarenals
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Endocrine glands --- Emergency medicine. --- Diseases --- Treatment. --- Diagnosis. --- Medicine, Emergency --- Medicine --- Critical care medicine --- Disaster medicine --- Medical emergencies --- Ductless glands --- Gland of internal secretion --- Glands, Ductless --- Glands --- Chromaffin cells --- Hormones --- Malalties de les glàndules endocrines --- Medicina d'urgència --- Cirurgia d'urgència --- Medicina --- Infermeria d'urgència --- Medicina d'urgència en entorns naturals --- Reanimació --- Traumatologia --- Urgències quirúrgiques --- Medicina de catàstrofes --- Medicina intensiva --- Serveis d'urgències mèdiques --- Unitats de cures intensives --- Urgències mèdiques --- Endocrinologia clínica --- Endocrinopaties --- Malalties endocrines --- Trastorns hormonals --- Diabetis --- Endocrinologia pediàtrica --- Ginecologia endocrina --- Hiperparatiroïdisme --- Hipoglucèmia --- Malalties de l'ovari --- Malalties de les glàndules suprarenals --- Malalties del testicle --- Pubertat precoç
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This comprehensive reference book is meant to support clinicians in the diagnosis and treatment of polyendocrine diseases and endocrine neoplastic syndromes. Although a large majority of endocrine diseases present as sporadic cases, an increasing proportion can be identified as part of a polyendocrine or systemic syndrome. These include autoimmune endocrine diseases, which may be part of autoimmune polyendocrine disorders (APS) or rare complex disorders such as POEMS (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M-protein and skin changes) or IPEX (immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked) syndromes. On the other hand, endocrine tumors may develop in a variety of clinical conditions, including multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndromes, syndromic diseases such as McCune Albright or Carney’s complex, or peculiar familial associations such as pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma syndromes. The book discusses the significant advances that have been made in the clinical and genetic characterization of such entities, with major implications in terms of diagnosis and clinical management - with special attention to emerging syndromes, familial screening , multidisciplinarity and multimodal treatment. This volume is intended for clinicians, residents, specialists and physicians involved in the diagnosis and treatment of affected patients, including specialists in endocrinology, internal medicine, oncology , genetics and imaging. .
Endocrinology . --- Oncology . --- Endocrinology. --- Oncology. --- Tumors --- Internal medicine --- Hormones --- Endocrine glands --- Diseases --- Diagnosis. --- Malalties de les glàndules endocrines --- Diagnòstic --- Diagnosi --- Diagnòstic físic --- Examen mèdic (Diagnòstic) --- Exploració médica (Diagnòstic) --- Exploració clínica (Diagnòstic) --- Medicina clínica --- Cateterisme --- Cribratge --- Diagnòstic d'infermeria --- Diagnòstic diferencial --- Diagnòstic dual --- Diagnòstic molecular --- Diagnòstic prenatal --- Diagnòstic quirúrgic --- Diagnòstic per la imatge --- Electrodiagnòstic --- Entrevista clínica --- Examen físic --- Isòtops radioactius en diagnòstic mèdic --- Monitoratge de pacients --- Proves funcionals (Medicina) --- Patologia --- Pronòstic mèdic --- Símptomes --- Endocrinologia clínica --- Endocrinopaties --- Malalties endocrines --- Trastorns hormonals --- Diabetis --- Endocrinologia pediàtrica --- Ginecologia endocrina --- Hiperparatiroïdisme --- Hipoglucèmia --- Malalties de l'ovari --- Malalties de les glàndules suprarenals --- Malalties del testicle --- Pubertat precoç
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Endocrine System Diseases --- Endocrinology --- Pediatrics --- Endocrine glands --- Pediatric endocrinology --- Glandes endocrines --- Endocrinologie pédiatrique --- Diseases --- Periodicals --- Maladies --- Périodiques --- Endocrine System Diseases. --- Adolescent. --- Child. --- Infant. --- Pediatric endocrinology. --- Diseases. --- paediatric endocrinology --- Adolescent --- Child --- Infant --- Infants --- Clinical endocrinology --- Endocrine diseases --- Hormonal disorders --- Ductless glands --- Gland of internal secretion --- Glands, Ductless --- Glands --- Chromaffin cells --- Hormones --- Children --- Minors --- Adolescents --- Adolescents, Female --- Adolescents, Male --- Teenagers --- Teens --- Adolescence --- Youth --- Adolescent, Female --- Adolescent, Male --- Female Adolescent --- Female Adolescents --- Male Adolescent --- Male Adolescents --- Teen --- Teenager --- Youths --- Diseases of Endocrine System --- Endocrine Diseases --- Disease, Endocrine --- Disease, Endocrine System --- Diseases, Endocrine --- Diseases, Endocrine System --- Endocrine Disease --- Endocrine System Disease --- System Disease, Endocrine --- System Diseases, Endocrine --- Internet resources. --- Electronic journals. --- Geriatrics --- Pathological endocrinology --- gerontologie --- Endocrinologia pediàtrica. --- Malalties de les glàndules endocrines. --- Endocrinologia clínica --- Endocrinopaties --- Malalties endocrines --- Trastorns hormonals --- Diabetis --- Endocrinologia pediàtrica --- Ginecologia endocrina --- Hiperparatiroïdisme --- Hipoglucèmia --- Malalties de l'ovari --- Malalties de les glàndules suprarenals --- Malalties del testicle --- Pubertat precoç --- Malalties de les glàndules endocrines --- Diabetis en els infants
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Clinical Neuroendocrinology, a volume in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology Series gives an overview of the current knowledge in the field of clinical neuroendocrinology. It focuses on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. It integrates a large number of medical disciplines, including clinical endocrinology, pediatrics, neurosurgery, neuroradiology, clinical genetics, and radiotherapy. Psychological consequences of various disorders and therapies, as well as therapeutic controversies, are discussed. It is the first textbook in th
Nervous system --- Endocrine glands --- Neuroendocrinology. --- Diseases. --- Endocrinology --- Neurology --- Neurohormones --- Clinical endocrinology --- Endocrine diseases --- Hormonal disorders --- Medical neurology --- Nerves --- Neurologic disorders --- Neurological disorders --- Neuropathology --- Diseases --- Neuroendocrinologia --- Malalties del sistema nerviós --- Malalties de les glàndules endocrines --- Endocrinologia --- Neurociències --- Psicoendocrinologia --- Endocrinologia clínica --- Endocrinopaties --- Malalties endocrines --- Trastorns hormonals --- Diabetis --- Endocrinologia pediàtrica --- Ginecologia endocrina --- Hiperparatiroïdisme --- Hipoglucèmia --- Malalties de l'ovari --- Malalties de les glàndules suprarenals --- Malalties del testicle --- Pubertat precoç --- Malalties dels nervis --- Neuropatia --- Neuropatologia --- Trastorns del sistema nerviós --- Malalties --- Convulsions --- Infermeria neurològica --- Malalties del sistema nerviós autònom --- Malalties del sistema nerviós central --- Malalties neurodegeneratives --- Malalties neuromusculars --- Manifestacions neurològiques de les malalties --- Neurologia veterinària --- Neuropaties perifèriques --- Trastorns de la comunicació --- Trastorns de la percepció --- Trastorns motors --- Malformacions del sistema nerviós --- Malalties del sistema nerviós.
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This book discusses normal brain physiology and renal physiology, as well as the interactions between the two. The physiology of the brain can easily be affected by any changes to the physiology of other systems, which in turn may compromise cerebral blood flow and oxygenation. Together the brain and the renal system help our body systems to function automatically. The book addresses the basic aspects of neurophysiology and renal physiology in three broad sections, the first of which covers the basic principles of cerebral physiology and neural regulation of the renal system. The second part reviews the normal physiology of the renal system, including the mechanism of action, while the last section summarizes the correlation between the brain and kidney. Highly informative and clearly structured, the book provides essential insights for anyone with an interest in physiology and medicine.
Neurophysiology. --- Kidneys. --- Abdomen --- Urinary organs --- Nephrology --- Nervous system --- Neurobiology --- Physiology --- Human physiology. --- Neurosciences. --- Endocrinology . --- Nephrology. --- Human Physiology. --- Endocrinology. --- Internal medicine --- Hormones --- Neural sciences --- Neurological sciences --- Neuroscience --- Medical sciences --- Kidneys --- Human biology --- Human body --- Cervell --- Fisiologia --- Ronyó --- Ronyons --- Aparell urinari --- Diüresi --- Glàndules suprarenals --- Malalties del ronyó --- Nefrologia --- Biologia --- Absorció (Fisiologia) --- Adaptació (Fisiologia) --- Calor animal --- Cèl·lules --- Circulació sanguínia --- Climateri --- Composició corporal (Fisiologia) --- Creixement --- Digestió --- Electrofisiologia --- Embaràs --- Esquena --- Excitació (Fisiologia) --- Excreció --- Fisiologia animal --- Fisiologia cel·lular --- Fisiologia humana --- Lactació --- Mecànica animal --- Neurofisiologia --- Nutrició --- Òptica fisiològica --- Orientació (Fisiologia) --- Perfusió (Fisiologia) --- Psicofisiologia --- Reologia (Biologia) --- Salut --- Secreció --- Set --- Vida (Biologia) --- Anatomia --- Efectes fisiològics --- Cap --- Craniologia --- Encèfal --- Sistema nerviós central --- Bulb raquidi --- Cerebel --- Escorça cerebral --- Evolució del cervell --- Frenologia --- Hipòfisi --- Líquid cefalorraquidi --- Memòria --- Neurones motores --- Neuropsicologia --- Neuropsiquiatria --- Psicologia --- Sistema límbic --- Somnis --- Son --- Tàlem (Anatomia) --- Tronc de l'encèfal --- Cirurgia cerebral
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