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Opera --- Giovanetti, Julien --- Giovaninetti, Reynald --- Girard, Caroline --- Girard, Mary --- Girard, Raoul --- Giraud --- Giraudeau, Jean --- Giraudet, Alfred Auguste --- Girod, Louis --- Gitowsky, Michael --- Givaudan, Jean --- Gluck --- Gobbi, Tito --- Goda, Georges --- Godart, Jules --- Godefroid, Jules Joseph --- Godin, Jeanne --- Goeffoel --- Goerres --- Goetze --- Goffin, Alfred --- Goffin, Paul --- Gogny --- Gombault, Virginie --- Gondois, Hippolyte --- Gonzaga, Otoniël --- Giovannetti, Julien
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Cabanel, Paul --- Cabuna [?] --- Cadiou, Michel --- Caisso, Victor --- Calmeyn, Olga --- Callemien, Denise --- Calvé, Emma --- Cambon, Charles --- Camp, Madeleine --- Campagnola, Léon --- Canevary, Emile --- Carbelly, Romain --- Caron, Rose --- Schumann, Robert --- Carpigny --- Carré, Marguerite --- Zucché --- Cartry, Hélène --- Girod, Louis --- Xanrof-Carrère, Marguerite --- Caruso, Enrico --- Casavecchi, Agostino --- Cattin, Lucien --- Celis, Elyane --- Cellier, Jacqueline --- Cerny, Josette --- Chadal --- Shalyapin, Fyodor Ivanovich --- Charmat, Claude --- Chauny, Louise [?] --- Charney, Pauline --- Charpentier, Marguerite --- Chauvet, Guy --- Chevallier, Lysette --- Claessens, Marguerite --- Clairfeuille, Lina --- Thiéry, Marie --- Clairbert, Clara --- Cinelly --- Clément, Willy --- Clément, Thérèse --- Close --- Close, Ivy Lilian --- Cocyte, Mathilde --- Codou, Edouard --- Colbrant, Lydia --- Colseaux, Gustave --- Colman --- Colonne, Emile --- Comès, Mathilde --- Conesa, Maria --- Coppelia, Annette --- Coquelin, Benoît-Constant --- Coquelin, Ernest Alexandre Honoré --- Coquelin, Jean --- Corin, Adolphe --- Corelli, Franco --- de Taranto, Vito --- Corney, Germaine --- Cornez, Freddy --- Corpait, Marius --- Foreau, Jeanne --- Cortès, Ana Maria --- Cortez, Georgette --- Cortot, Andrée --- Corvelin [ou Corvel[e]yn?] --- Coryn, Adolphe --- Cose, Georges --- Cosson --- Cotreuil, Edouard --- Cumia, Line --- Coumont, E. --- Cox, Georges --- Crabbé, Armand --- d'Agrenepp, Nina --- Dalman, Georges --- Dalmée, Emilie --- Dalmorès, Charles --- Dalti, Mitzi --- Dangès, Henri --- Daninos, L. --- Danse, José --- Danyse --- Darbel --- Darcoux --- Darty, Paulette --- Arkor, André d' --- Darmel, Arthur --- Darrieux, Danielle --- Darré, Jeanne-Marie --- Dassary, André --- Assy, Pierre d' --- David, Léon --- Dauville, Louise --- d'Avanzi, Reine --- Cavalieri, Lina
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Faes --- Figianelly, José --- Farrar, Geraldine --- Farrère, Madeleine --- Fassin --- Feltesse-Oscombre --- Fer, Victoria --- Feraldy, Germaine --- Fischer, Pierre --- Flachat --- Fleta, Pierre --- Florence, Monique --- Rousseau, Odette --- Fontagnère, Guy --- Fonteix, L. --- Vilette, L. --- Isnardon, Lucy --- Foreau, Jeanne --- Carbelly, Romain --- Corpait, Marius --- Fontaine, Charles --- Foucher, Elisabeth --- Forgeur, Ernest --- Forti, Victor --- Fouché, Guy --- Fournier, Hélène --- François, Andrée --- Darmel, Arthur --- Francell, Fernand --- Frank, Armand --- Frandy, Emile --- Francelle, Jeanne --- Franquet --- Franzillo-Kauffmann, Hedwig --- Fredax --- Frediani --- Friché, Claire --- Fugère, Lucien --- Gabyel --- Gaidan, A. --- Gaillard, François --- Gallins, Emile --- Ganne, Marie-Thérèse --- Dooren, Van --- Garden, Mary --- Geenens, Nelly --- Gémier, F. --- Génicot, Gustave --- Génin, Georges --- Geyre, Joseph Alexandre --- Ghasne, Alexis --- Gianini, Mariette --- Giband, Felix --- Giandi, Reine --- Gierden, Josée --- Gillet, Alice --- Beauval --- Gilson, Germaine --- Girod, Louis --- Goda, Georges --- Goossens, Marguerite --- Gorr, Rita --- Got, Claude --- Gorreta, Giulia --- Gottrand, E. --- Gouget-Lallement --- Le Grand, Gilberte --- Granier, V. --- Granval-Lebot, Juliette --- Grimard, Hector --- Grommen, Joseph --- Gruselle, Christiane --- Guerlina --- Guitry, Lucien --- Guys, Alexandre --- Gruss, Paula --- Gustavson, Eva --- Guidé, Guillaume --- Indy, Vincent d' --- Hector, Claude --- Haas, Julien --- Hallut --- Hamackers, Bernardine --- Hambourg, Mark --- Hanquette, J. --- Hardy --- Héglon, Meyriane --- Heilbronner, Rose --- Heldy, Fanny --- Handerson, Henry --- Hendrickx, Marie Louise --- Herry, Pierre --- Henner, Lucien --- Henrotte, François --- Henquet, Mariette --- Hiernaux, Raymond --- Hilda, Irène --- Hirigoyen, Rudy --- Horienel, Marie Louise --- Hotine, Marina --- Huberty, Lucien --- Hislop, Joseph --- Imbart de La Tour, Jean Baptiste Georges --- Marié de l'Isle, Jeanne --- Ista, Clémence --- Izar, Louis --- Helgar, Eric --- Jau, Roberte --- Ferrières, Anne-Marie --- Jörn, Karl --- Illy, Max --- Fraison, Fernand --- Francillo-Kauffmann, Hedwig
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