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Implementation of an organizational excellence model
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Distribution Process Optimisation (DPO) is an organizational performance model that was created in order to provide the Anheuser-Busch InBev (ABI) Company with the means to reach excellence. This program was launched in 2012, as a solution to consolidate all best practices from ABI geographic zones and define a unique standard way of working within the firm’s 2nd tier network, formed by its distribution operations. &#13;This dissertation aims at analysing the implementation of DPO within the Belgian 2nd tier operations, identifying the different challenges encountered during the process, and provide some guidelines for future implementation progress.&#13;The first chapter sets out a theoretical background of the existing business environment strategies that are commonly applied by many companies in order to reach organizational excellence, and which correspond to the approach followed by the ABI management system integrated into the DPO program. &#13;A second chapter is dedicated to the introduction of ABI Belgium 2nd tier activities, presenting the overall company and its 2nd tier network, organizational structure and process flow in order for the reader to better visualise the firm’s distribution operations. &#13;The third chapter details the organizational performance requirements of the DPO program. It explains the context of the project launching, presents the DPO organizational excellence model and its implementation methodology, and introduces the DPO evolution process including different steps from its implementation towards organizational excellence. &#13;Finally, the fourth chapter analyses the roadmap followed by Belgium on its journey towards DPO implementation. A short overview of the global implementation of DPO is first presented. Then the chapter introduces the Belgium DPO roadmap, and identifies the main challenges that were encountered during the process.&#13;Conclusions of this thesis will set out the Belgium key success factors that came out from this analysis of the DPO program and the potential improvements that the company could integrate into its implementation process in order to ease its following steps. The challenges identified in this paper are specific to Belgium.

Création d'un poste de réception centralisée des flux entrants du Centre hospitalier régional de Huy - Analyse théorique et proposition d'organisation
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This present thesis is written in order to obtain the Master Degree in Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics of HEC Management School of the University of Liège. It consists of a yearly project involving a detailed analysis of a management issue identified in a company, statements of recommendations and possibly an implementation of these last ones. In our case, the institution studied is the public hospital of Huy, namely Centre Hospitalier Régional de Huy.&#13;Generally speaking, an hospital needs various material flows to run all its caring and other activities. These flows should be efficiently managed and any good must always be delivered at the right place, at the right time and at the right cost in order to provide outstanding quality health care to each patient. The hospital of Huy would like to improve one process of its flow logistics which is currently problematic: the reception of incoming material flows. &#13;This management issue is analysed by developing four chapters. Firstly, we review the particularities of the health domain, the public sector and especially the hospital, its origins, its characteristics and its logistic aspect. Secondly, we describe all the different material flows needed and the traditional process of goods reception in order to understand and explain precisely the situation and the current management issue of the hospital of Huy. Thirdly, three other hospitals of the Walloon Region are benchmarked in order to know their current practices with regards to this step of the supply chain. Finally, after this broad analysis, we formulate one main recommendation to try to solve the problem: setting up a workplace to centralize reception of incoming material flows. All the implying aspects such as the new activities to manage, the processes to respect, the human resources to employ and to train, the infrastructures to adapt and the technological resources to develop are deeply explained as well.&#13;This thesis is a contribution for logistics improvement of the hospital of Huy: it provides its managers with an in-depth transversal organizational analysis and practical recommendations that should be implemented in the future to improve the management of incoming material flows.

Optimisation des processus d'intégration du logiciel ERP ODOO en standard à destination des TPE et PME
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Le problème qui se pose à l’entreprise Scopiton tient au fait que chaque ERP dispose de fonctions standards qui répondent aux principaux processus de gestion des entreprises. Toutefois, chaque entreprise possède un fonctionnement qui lui est propre. Une implémentation ERP ne peut dès lors s’opérer qu’au cas par cas. Certains fonctionnements peuvent s’avérer indisponibles pour une intégration en standard. Comme explicité ci-dessus, l’entreprise se retrouve alors confrontée à un dilemme : réaliser des développements de l’ERP ou revoir ses processus de gestion. Scopiton implémente Odoo sans développement et se limite à la redéfinition des processus. Cependant, il n’est pas toujours possible de redéfinir ces processus qui ne sont pas nécessairement pris en compte dans la version standard.&#13;L’objectif de mon mémoire projet consiste dès lors à cerner les limites d'intégration du logiciel ERP Odoo en standard pour les TPE et PME. Dans la mesure où il n'existe pas une et une seule technique optimale d'implémentation des logiciels ERP, ma recherche va se centrer autour de quatre thématiques :&#13; les pratiques d'intégration ERP les plus efficientes ;&#13; les limites de l'intégration standardisée ;&#13; une définition du ou des types d'entreprises dans lesquelles il est possible d'implémenter Odoo en standard ;&#13; une liste des modules essentiels à implémenter en fonction du type d'entreprise.

Analysis and implementation of a continuous flow at skechers EDC
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Models and algorithms for scheduling new orders
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This thesis aims at analysing two algorithms used to reschedule orders. Due to the arrival of new orders, schedulers must reorginize their operations planning. The algorithms studied enables to determine schedules optimizing an operating cost under constraints controlling the amount of disruptions.

Prediction of airline delays
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Considering the ever-increasing air traffic, prediction of aircraft delays has become a more and more valuable tool to try to limit the negative impacts of flights running behind schedule. Better prediction of delays would lead to decreased costs, lower environment impact and better welfare for workers and travelers.&#13;Based on U.S. flight records for the year 2015, this paper aims at determining the variables that have the most impact on aircrafts delays, and also intends to analyze the various models used. Using data mining techniques such as decision trees, random forests, neural networks, regressions and support vector machines, various configurations of input and output variables are studied. The results are compared and interpreted, and the performance of the models are analyzed through indicators such as receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, misclassification rates, average squared errors, and lifts.&#13;Results show that the most influential variable is the time of departure, as delay propagation throughout the day increases the risk that a late-afternoon flight be delayed. Weather conditions such as rainfalls or extreme temperature play an important role too, and finally, delays depend a lot on the air carrier selected, with delays rates varying threefold amongst the top 10 carriers.

Etude de cas : Analyses des stocks physiques et des processus de gestion de stock pour les Ateliers Jean Del'Cour en vue d'apporter des pistes d'amélioration.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Etude de cas: Analyses des données comptables de l'entreprise Ateliers Jean Del'Cour ainsi que des procédures de gestion de stock. L'objectif est de déterminer si la valeur du stock est trop élevée par rapport au résultat du département Electricité-Connectique et le cas échéant, de donner des pistes d'amélioration pour les procédures en place.

L'audit logistique - Application à une société du secteur agricole. Cas de la société Buttiens Fruits.
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Since the extension of the Schengen area and especially the entry of Poland, the competition has become fiercer in the agriculture sector. Belgian small companies and farmers have to increase their efficiency to deal with this growing competition. As bigger enterprises, they may need to have a better control on their logistics aspects, in order to increase their production performances, which are evaluated through indicators. In order to help big companies, several logistics assessments have been developed by logistics specialists. However, these have not been studied for small enterprises, and even less for farmers and agricultural companies. The present study tries to use and adapt one of those assessments with a double purpose: check the possibility and the consistency of this sort of assessment within this kind of company, and also see if it can help in the identification of improvement methods. This paper is based on the case study of Buttiens Fruits s.a., operating in apples and pears cultivation and commercialization.

Implémentation d'un outil informatique d'ordonnancement et de suivi de commandes dans un atelier d'usinage à la pièce.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Dans toute entreprise, et dans toute organisation d'une manière générale, un travail exécuté dans un bon ordre est la clé du succès. Qui fait quoi ? A quel moment ? Pendant combien de temps ? A quel endroit ? Autant de questions, triviales en apparence, qui se transforment bien souvent en de véritables casse-têtes lorsqu’il s’agit d’y répondre.&#13;Dans un contexte économique mondialisé, une entreprise belge doit finement maîtriser ses coûts pour rester concurrentielle, à commencer par les coûts de main d'œuvre. Pourtant, il n'est pas toujours évident de le faire dans certains contextes. Un atelier d'usinage produisant des pièces unitaires ou de très petites séries est certainement l'un de ces environnements complexes à maîtriser. Depuis maintenant 27 ans, c'est le défi de Plastics and Mechanical Technologies SA (PMT) qui, dans son atelier de Herstal, se heurte à cette problématique sans parvenir à y apporter une réponse satisfaisante.&#13;L'actuel dirigeant de PMT, et l'auteur de ces lignes, a décidé de s'attaquer à ce sujet dans le cadre de ce travail de fin d'étude dans l'espoir, sinon de solutionner entièrement le problème, au moins de le couvrir et mieux le cerner.&#13;Dans la première partie (chapitre 4), l'entreprise est au centre de l'attention : son histoire, les grands changements, son positionnement commercial, ses forces et faiblesses, ... En effet, les contraintes provenant de l'extérieur se répercuteront en autant de demandes et d'attentes vis-à-vis de l'atelier.&#13;Ensuite, le processus de production de l'entreprise est présenté (chapitre 5), tel qu'il est aujourd'hui, de manière à proposer une image précise de l'équipement, des hommes, des procédures en place et de ce que dit la littérature au sujet de l'organisation de ce type d'atelier.&#13;La partie suivante (chapitre 6) se consacre à la recherche, vaste, de problématiques similaires qui ont déjà été traitées dans la littérature et qui pourraient fournir des points de départ à de nouvelles solutions. Seront également abordées les solutions déjà testées par PMT.&#13;La dernière partie (chapitre 7) détaille l'approche retenue pour tenter de faire progresser PMT dans la voie de la planification de ses opérations d'atelier. A côté de cela, la production dotée de ce nouvel outil est envisagée du point de vue du gestionnaire pour comprendre ce que cela lui apportera.&#13;Enfin, la conclusion de ce rapport (chapitre 8) fait le point sur ce travail, sur les avancées permises et, surtout, donne quelques idées de pistes qui permettront d'aller plus loin et d'inscrire ce travail comme la première étape d'une recherche à plus long terme.

Halal pharmaceuticals and logistics certifications : an opportunity for Belgian industries
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The purpose of this thesis is to highlight in details the stakes, advantages and constraints related to the obtention of the halal label by Belgian companies of the pharmaceuticals sector. The study focuses on manufacturers who target Muslim consumers based all around the world whereas customer’s majority is located in South East Asia and in the Middle East.

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