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Kitāb mūḍiḥ awhām al-jamʻ wa-al-tafrīq
Year: 1959 Publisher: Ḥaydarābād : Maṭbaʻat majlis dāʼirat al-maʻārif al-ʻUthmānīyah,

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Gelehrter --- Hadith

Bisanzio e il Rinascimento : umanisti greci a Venezia e la diffusione del greco in Occidente (1400-1535)
Year: 1967 Publisher: Roma : Edizioni dell'Ateneo,

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Was als wissenschaftlich gelten darf : Praktiken der Grenzziehung in Gelehrtenmilieus der Vormoderne
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783593500782 3593500787 Year: 2014 Publisher: Frankfurt am Main ; : Campus,

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Frühneuzeitliche Universitätskulturen : kulturhistorische Perspektiven auf die Hochschulen in Europa

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"Universitätsgeschichte wird nach wie vor vielfach als Wissenschafts- bzw. Institutionengeschichte betrieben. Entsprechend wenige fundierte wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen liegen bisher zum Alltagsleben im frühneuzeitlichen Studenten- und Gelehrtenmilieu vor. Ausgehend von diesem Forschungsdesiderat thematisieren die Beiträge des Bandes zentrale Aspekte des Lebens an den vormodernen Universitäten in europäischer Perspektive. Im Blickfeld der Betrachtungen stehen Phänomene wie Musik und Tanz in der studentischen Kultur, das Leben in den Colleges der Universität Krakau im 16. Jahrhundert oder die Männlichkeitskonzepte von Studenten an der frühneuzeitlichen Universitat Cambridge. Einen anderen Blick auf die professorale Lebensrealität werfen Beitrage zur gelehrten Kleiderordnung als Medium sozialer Distinktion, zu Professorengrabmälern in Oxford, Leiden und Tübingen als symbolische Markierungen des gelehrten Milieus sowie zu Orten und Praktiken der Gelehrtenkultur am Beispiel der Gastfreundschaft."--Publisher's website.

Networks of learning : perspectives on scholars in Byzantine East and Latin West, c. 1000-1200
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3643904576 9783643904577 Year: 2014 Publisher: Zurich: LIT,

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Cultures of learning and practices of education in theMiddle Ages are drawing renewed attention, and recentapproaches are questioning the traditional boundaries ofinstitutional and intellectual history. The volume assemblescontributions on both Byzantine and Latin learned culture,and aims to locate medieval scholars in their religious andpolitical contexts instead of studying them in a frameworkof ‘schools’. Eleven contributions on eastern and westernscholars offer complementary perspectives on scholars andtheir work, discussing the symbolic and discursiveconstruction of religious and intellectual authority,practices of networking and adaptations of knowledgeformations.

Universitäre Gelehrtenkultur vom 13.-16. Jahrhundert : ein interdisziplinäres Quellen- undMethodenhandbuch
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783515113090 9783515113137 3515113096 3515113134 Year: 2017 Publisher: Stuttgart: Franz Steiner,

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The dao of Muhammad : a cultural history of muslims in late imperial China.
ISBN: 0674017749 1684174120 Year: 2005 Publisher: Cambridge (Mass.) Harvard university Asia center

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S11/1220 --- S13A/0500 --- S25/0500 --- China: Social sciences--Mohammedans (if treated as a special ethnic group) --- China: Religion--Islam (religious aspects only) --- Xinjiang--History (Uigurs come here) --- Islam --- Muslims --- History. --- Intellectual life --- China --- History --- Mohammedans --- Moors (People) --- Moslems --- Muhammadans --- Musalmans --- Mussalmans --- Mussulmans --- Mussulmen --- Religious adherents --- Konfuzianismus --- Gelehrter --- Kultur --- Islam. --- Mohammedanism --- Muhammadanism --- Muslimism --- Mussulmanism --- Religions --- Islamic learning and scholarship --- Gelehrsamkeit --- Geschichte --- Intellectual life. --- China. --- Cina --- Kinë --- Cathay --- Chinese National Government --- Chung-kuo kuo min cheng fu --- Republic of China (1912-1949) --- Kuo min cheng fu (China : 1912-1949) --- Chung-hua min kuo (1912-1949) --- Kina (China) --- National Government (1912-1949) --- China (Republic : 1912-1949) --- People's Republic of China --- Chinese People's Republic --- Chung-hua jen min kung ho kuo --- Central People's Government of Communist China --- Chung yang jen min cheng fu --- Chung-hua chung yang jen min kung ho kuo --- Central Government of the People's Republic of China --- Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo --- Zhong hua ren min gong he guo --- Kitaĭskai︠a︡ Narodnai︠a︡ Respublika --- Činská lidová republika --- RRT --- Republik Rakjat Tiongkok --- KNR --- Kytaĭsʹka Narodna Respublika --- Jumhūriyat al-Ṣīn al-Shaʻbīyah --- RRC --- Kitaĭ --- Kínai Népköztársaság --- Chūka Jinmin Kyōwakoku --- Erets Sin --- Sin --- Sāthāranarat Prachāchon Čhīn --- P.R. China --- PR China --- PRC --- P.R.C. --- Chung-kuo --- Zhongguo --- Zhonghuaminguo (1912-1949) --- Zhong guo --- Chine --- République Populaire de Chine --- República Popular China --- Catay --- VR China --- VRChina --- 中國 --- 中国 --- 中华人民共和国 --- Jhongguó --- Bu̇gu̇de Nayiramdaxu Dundadu Arad Ulus --- Bu̇gu̇de Nayiramdaqu Dumdadu Arad Ulus --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh Dundad Ard Uls --- BNKhAU --- БНХАУ --- Khi︠a︡tad --- Kitad --- Dumdadu Ulus --- Dumdad Uls --- Думдад Улс --- Kitajska --- China (Republic : 1949- )

Des savants belges en Afrique centrale (1900-1960): Je dirai leurs noms...
ISBN: 9782296078963 2296078966 Year: 2008 Publisher: Paris l'Harmattan

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Profession scientifique --- Wetenschappelijk beroep --- Midden-afrika --- Scientists --- Scholars --- Belgians --- Congo (Democratic Republic) --- Belgium --- Intellectual life --- Colonies --- Biography. --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- CG / Congo --- 08 --- 325 --- C6 --- Afrika [werelddeel] --- wetenschapsbeoefening --- Belgique --- Afrique centrale --- Centrālā Āfrika --- Zentralafrika --- Közép-Afrika --- střední Afrika --- África central --- Afrika ċentrali --- središnja Afrika --- Afrika Qendrore --- Централна Африка --- África Central --- Kesk-Aafrika --- Afryka Środkowa --- stredná Afrika --- Africa Centrală --- Средна Африка --- Κεντρική Αφρική --- Africa centrale --- srednja Afrika --- Centralafrika --- Midden-Afrika --- Keski-Afrikka --- Central Africa --- Centrinė Afrika --- ekvatorijalna Afrika --- Afryka Równikowa --- Equatoriaal-Afrika --- Africa equatoriale --- Ækvatorialafrika --- Afrique équatoriale --- rovníková Afrika --- Equatorial Africa --- Pusiaujo Afrika --- Afrika Ekuatoriale --- Ekvatoriaal-Aafrika --- África Equatorial --- Ekvatorialafrika --- Ισημερινή Αφρική --- África ecuatorial --- Päiväntasaajan Afrikka --- Ekvatoriālā Āfrika --- Äquatorialafrika --- Africa Ecuatorială --- egyenlítői Afrika --- Екваторијална Африка --- Centraal-Afrika --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- professjoni xjentifika --- teknis-tieteellinen ammatti --- profissão científica --- profesion shkencor --- zinātnieka profesija --- personel naukowo-techniczny --- tudományos hivatás --- teaduseriala --- mokslinė profesija --- professioni scientifiche --- vědecký pracovník --- profesii științifice --- vedecké povolanie --- profesión científica --- научна професија --- научник --- scientific profession --- wissenschaftlich-technischer Beruf --- επιστήμονες --- wetenschappelijk beroep --- професия на учен --- videnskabeligt erhverv --- znanstvenik --- vetenskapligt yrke --- shkencëtar --- tieteellinen henkilöstö --- mokslininkas --- studioso --- ειδήμων --- επιστημονικό προσωπικό --- tudományos pálya --- tudományos személyzet --- teadlane --- mokslininko profesija --- scientist --- tudós --- geleerde --- personel shkencor --- personal científico --- personale scientifico --- vědec --- zinātnieks --- mokslo personalas --- savant --- scientific staff --- vědecký tým --- Wissenschaftler --- wetenschappelijk onderzoeker --- videnskabeligt personale --- επιστήμονας --- zinātnes darbinieks --- pessoal científico --- wetenschapper --- personnel scientifique --- znanstveni novak --- zinātniskais personāls --- scientifique --- Gelehrter --- sabio --- cientista --- teadustöötajad --- wetenschappelijk personeel --- vetenskapsman --- scienziato --- sakkunnig --- научен кадар --- tieteenharjoittaja --- vedeckí pracovníci --- tiedemies --- wissenschaftliches Personal --- científico --- истражувач --- научен работник --- Biografieën en memoires --- Koloniale politiek --- Wissenschaftlicher Beruf --- An Afraic Láir --- gairm na heolaíochta

Einstein & Elisabeth : de ongewone vriendschap tussen een ongewone geleerde en een ongewone koningin van België
ISBN: 9789492159298 9789492159304 9492159295 9492159309 Year: 2016 Publisher: Amsterdam: Horizon,

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Geschiedenis van de vriendschap tussen Albert Einstein (1879-1955) en koningin Elisabeth van België (1876-1965), die vooral tot uiting kwam in hun briefwisseling.


Elisabeth [Queen of the Belgians] --- Einstein, Albert --- Famille royale --- Profession scientifique --- Koninklijke familie --- Wetenschappelijk beroep --- Elisabeth, --- Einstein, Albert, --- Elisabeth [Koningin der Belgen] --- BPB1601 --- Chef d'État --- Biographie --- elulookirjeldus --- bijografija --- Biografie --- biography --- elämäkerta --- biografia --- biografija --- biografía --- βιογραφία --- biografie --- životopis --- življenjepis --- биография --- биографија --- életrajz --- biogrāfija --- biografi --- autobiografi --- önéletrajz --- autobiography --- gyvenimo aprašymas --- autobiografija --- autobiografía --- semblanza --- biografický slovník --- autobiografie --- autobiogrāfija --- автобиографија --- omaelämäkerta --- självbiografi --- biográfia --- biograafia --- autobiografia --- önéletírás --- selvbiografi --- αυτοβιογραφία --- Autobiografie --- memoárová literatura --- autobiographie --- autobiograafia --- jefe de Estado --- head of State --- hlava štátu --- valsts vadītājs --- riigipea --- valtionpäämies --- vodja države --- hlava státu --- głowa państwa --- statschef --- državni poglavar --- αρχηγός κράτους --- Capo di Stato --- staatshoofd --- шеф државе --- kreu i Shtetit --- valstybės vadovas --- kap ta' Stat --- Staatschef --- államfő --- șef de stat --- chefe de Estado --- държавен глава --- шеф на држава --- tasavallan presidentti --- drottning --- prezident republiky --- emír --- predsjednik republike --- šejk --- kníže --- államelnök --- király --- spolkový prezident --- president i republikës --- kuningas --- Presidente da República --- König --- koning --- mbret --- karalius --- šef države --- köztársasági elnök --- king --- vabariigi president --- presidente de la República --- Pontefice --- prezident --- Staatsoberhaupt --- panovník --- koningin --- rege --- Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας --- поглавар --- ρυθμιστής του πολιτεύματος --- kráľ --- Staatspräsident --- federální prezident --- претседател на република --- císař --- president of the republic --- претседател на држава --- монарх --- kung --- republikas prezidents --- président de la République --- konge --- karalis --- re --- president van de republiek --- rey --- vládce --- ανώτατος άρχων --- roi --- capitano reggente --- præsident --- predsjednik države --- rei --- βασιλιάς --- valsts prezidents --- претседател --- Bundespräsident --- respublikos prezidentas --- presidente della Repubblica --- velkovévoda --- král --- dronning --- president --- professjoni xjentifika --- teknis-tieteellinen ammatti --- profissão científica --- profesion shkencor --- zinātnieka profesija --- personel naukowo-techniczny --- tudományos hivatás --- teaduseriala --- mokslinė profesija --- professioni scientifiche --- vědecký pracovník --- profesii științifice --- vedecké povolanie --- profesión científica --- научна професија --- научник --- scientific profession --- wissenschaftlich-technischer Beruf --- επιστήμονες --- wetenschappelijk beroep --- професия на учен --- videnskabeligt erhverv --- znanstvenik --- vetenskapligt yrke --- shkencëtar --- tieteellinen henkilöstö --- mokslininkas --- studioso --- ειδήμων --- επιστημονικό προσωπικό --- tudományos pálya --- tudományos személyzet --- teadlane --- mokslininko profesija --- scientist --- tudós --- geleerde --- personel shkencor --- personal científico --- personale scientifico --- vědec --- zinātnieks --- mokslo personalas --- savant --- scientific staff --- vědecký tým --- Wissenschaftler --- wetenschappelijk onderzoeker --- videnskabeligt personale --- επιστήμονας --- zinātnes darbinieks --- pessoal científico --- wetenschapper --- personnel scientifique --- znanstveni novak --- zinātniskais personāls --- scientifique --- Gelehrter --- sabio --- cientista --- teadustöötajad --- wetenschappelijk personeel --- vetenskapsman --- scienziato --- sakkunnig --- научен кадар --- tieteenharjoittaja --- vedeckí pracovníci --- tiedemies --- wissenschaftliches Personal --- científico --- истражувач --- научен работник --- Wissenschaftlicher Beruf --- beathaisnéis --- ceann stáit --- gairm na heolaíochta --- Chef d'État

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