Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Theyr dedes in effecte my lyfe wolde haue

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The refutation of the byshop of Winchesters derke declaratio[n] of his false articles, once before confuted by George Ioye : Be not deceiued by this bysshops false bokes. Heare novve the tother parte, and iudge truely of the trueth. For the veritie vvyll haue the victorye.
Joye, George
Year: 1546
Publisher: [Printed at London : By J. Herford],

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The hunting of the fox and the wolfe : because they make hauocke of the sheepe of Christ Iesus.

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The rescuynge of the romishe fox other vvyse called the examination of the hunter deuised by steuen gardiner : The seconde course of the hunter at the romishe fox & hys aduocate, & sworne patrone steuen gardiner doctor & defender of the popis canonlaw and hys ungodly ceremonies. Rede in the last lefe the xij articles of Bisshop Steuens neuu popish credo.
Turner, William
Gardiner, Stephen
Year: 1545
Publisher: [Imprynted haue at winchester [i.e. Bonn] : anno Domini 1545. 4. nonas Martij. By me Hanse hit prik [i.e. Laurenz von der Meulen,

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George Ioye confuteth, Vvinchesters false articles
Joye, George
Year: 1543
Publisher: [Printed at Wesill in Cliefe lande [i.e. Antwerp : By the Widow of C. Ruremond],

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Queene Elizabeths teares: or, Her resolute bearing the Christian crosse : inflicted on her by the persecuting hands of Steuen Gardner Bishop of Winchester, in the bloodie time of Queene Marie. Written by Christopher Leuer.
Lever, Christopher
Year: 1607
Publisher: Printed at London : By V[alentine] S[immes] for Mathew Lownes dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Bishops head,

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An answer of the Most Reuerend Father in God Thomas Archebyshop of Canterburye, primate of all Englande and metropolitane vnto a crafty and sophisticall cauillation deuised by Stephen Gardiner doctour of law, late byshop of Winchester, agaynst the trewe and godly doctrine of the moste holy sacrament of the body and bloud of our sauiour Iesu Christe. : Wherein is also, as occasion serueth, answered such places of the booke of D. Rich. Smyth, as may seeme any thing woorthy the aunsweryng. Item ye shall fynde here also the true copye of the booke written, and in open courte delyuered, by D. Stephen Gardiner, not one woorde added or diminished, but faythfully in all poyntes agreeying with the oryginall. Reade with iudgement, and conferre with diligence, laiying aside all affection on eyther partie, and you shall easily pereaue (good reader) how slender and weake the allegations and persuasions of the Papistes are, wherwith they go aboute to defende their erronious and false doctrine, and to impugne the truthe.
Cranmer, Thomas
Year: 1551
Publisher: Imprinted at London : by Reynold Wolfe, with the Kyng his moste gracious priuilege. And licenced according to the meaninge of the late proclamation,

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An ansvver to the deuillish detection of Stephane Gardiner, Bishoppe of Wynchester : published to the intent that such as be desirous of the truth should not be seduced by hys errours, nor the blind [et] obstinate excused by ignorance Compiled by. A.G.
Gilby, Anthony
Year: 1547
Publisher: [London? : Printed by S. Mierdman for John Day],

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An answer vnto my lord of wynthesters [sic] booke intytlyd a detection of the deuyls sophistrye : wherwith he robith the vnlernyd people of the trew byleef in the moost blessyd sacrament of the aulter made by Johann Hoper.
Hooper, John
Year: 1547
Publisher: Prynted in Zurych : By Augustyne Fries,

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The gratulation of the mooste famous clerke M. Martin Bucer : a man of no lesse learninge and lyterature, then godlye studie and example of lyuing, vnto the churche of Englande for the restitucion of Christes religion. And hys answere vnto the two raylinge epistles of Steue[n], Bisshoppe of Winchester, concerninge the vnmaried state of preestes and cloysterars, wherein is euidently declared, that it is against the lawes of God, and of his churche to require of all suche as be and must be admitted to preesthood, to refrain from holye matrimonie. Translated out of Latin in to Englishe.
Bucer, Martin
Hoby, Thomas
Year: 1549
Publisher: [Imprynted ad [sic] London : By me Richard Iugge dwelling at the nourth dore of Poules,

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