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This is a study of the German artist John Heartfield's political photomontages, published in the left-wing weekly Arbeiter Illustrierte Zeitung (AIZ) during the 1930s. It features the critical artistic practices with which Heartfield directly confronted the turbulent, ideologically charged currents of interwar Europe, exposing the cultural politics of the crucial historical moment that witnessed the consolidation of National Socialism. In this period of radicalization and mass mobilization, the medium of photomontage--the cut-and-paste assemblage of photograph and text--offered a way to deconstruct the visual world and galvanize beholders on a mass scale.
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Performance --- Performance. --- Performing arts --- Politik --- Politik. --- Politisches Theater. --- Theater and society. --- Theater --- Theater. --- Gnd. --- Political aspects.
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Every year more and more Europeans, including Germans, are embracing Islam. It is estimated that there are now up to one hundred thousand German converts{u2014}a number similar to that in France and the United Kingdom. What stands out about recent conversions is that they take place at a time when Islam is increasingly seen as contrary to European values. Being German, Becoming Muslim explores how Germans come to Islam within this antagonistic climate, how they manage to balance their love for Islam with their society{u2019}s fear of it, how they relate to immigrant Muslims, and how they shape debates about race, religion, and belonging in today{u2019}s Europe.
Muslim converts --- Islam --- Conversion --- #SBIB:316.331H421 --- #SBIB:316.331H384 --- #SBIB:39A10 --- #SBIB:39A72 --- Mohammedanism --- Muhammadanism --- Muslimism --- Mussulmanism --- Religions --- Muslims --- Islamic converts --- Converts --- Islam. --- Morfologie van de godsdiensten: Islam --- Geografische spreiding van de godsdiensten: Europa --- Antropologie: religie, riten, magie, hekserij --- Etnografie: Europa --- (lcsh)Muslim converts--Germany --- (lcsh)Islam--Germany --- (lcsh)Conversion--Islam --- (gtt)Islam --- (gtt)Bekering --- (gnd)Islam --- (gnd)Muslim --- (gnd)Religiöses Leben --- (gnd)Religionsausübung --- (gnd)Religiosität --- (gnd)Konversion --- (gnd)Fundamentalismus --- (gnd)Ethnizität --- (gnd)Islamophobie --- (gtt)Duitsland --- (gnd)Deutschland --- Arab culture. --- Berlin Wall. --- DMK. --- Deutschsprachiger Muslimkreis. --- East German converts. --- East Germans. --- European Islam. --- European ideals. --- European society. --- European values. --- GDR. --- German Democratic Republic. --- German Enlightenment. --- German Muslims. --- German converts. --- German identity. --- German society. --- German values. --- Germanizing Islam. --- Germany. --- Islamophobia. --- MJD. --- Muslim Youth of Germany. --- Muslim convert. --- Muslim youths. --- Muslimische Jugend Deutschland. --- Salafi Islam. --- Salafis. --- Salafism. --- Turkish culture. --- contemporary Islam. --- conversionism. --- convert. --- ethnic traditions. --- immigrant Muslims. --- literalism. --- mainstream society. --- moral panic. --- national tradition. --- national traditions. --- postunification Germany. --- purified Islam. --- race. --- racialized religions. --- racializing Muslims. --- religion. --- religious conversion. --- second-class citizens. --- united Germany. --- Germanizing Islam --- racializing Muslims --- immigrant Muslims --- East German conversions to Islam after the collapse of the Berlin Wall --- Salafism --- the future of European Islam
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»Die Regierungen der Welt müssen keine Steuern erhöhen, um ihre Ökonomien zu verändern und eine Klimakatastrophe zu verhindern.« Der Green New Deal fordert eine radikale Umkehr der derzeitigen Weltwirtschaft einschließlich der Verpflichtung zu Fairness und sozialer Gerechtigkeit. Er hat das Potenzial, eine der größten globalen Kampagnen unserer Zeit zu werden - und er begann in Ann Pettifors Wohnung. Schon im Jahr 2008 wurde dort der erste GND von Pettifor und einer Gruppe von Ökonom*innen entwickelt, der aber angesichts der Turbulenzen des Finanzcrashs zunächst einmal unterging. Ann Pettifor untersucht nicht nur die Ideen und Grundzüge des Green New Deal, sondern auch wie sie finanziert werden können. Engagiert plädiert sie dafür, die Funktionsweise des Geldes innerhalb des globalen Systems neu zu justieren. Sie fordert, dass wir uns vom Imperativ des Wachstums und von schwarzen Nullen verabschieden, dass wir einen entscheidenden Bruch mit dem neoliberalen Konsens, die expansive Geldpolitik mit der Austeritätspolitik zu verbinden, vollziehen. Nur so ist unser Planet noch zu retten.
Geldpolitik --- Geldproduktion --- Globalisierung --- GND --- Jeremy Rifkin --- Kapital --- Klimawandel --- Kredit --- nachhaltige Wirtschaft --- Naomi Klein --- Schwarze Null --- soziale Gerechtigkeit --- Spekulationsblase --- Steady State Economy --- Wachstum
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La Belgique est sous la botte allemande. Enlisée dans une guerre qui n'est pas la sienne, elle est réduite au silence tandis qu'une autre voix s'impose, celle de Radio Bruxelles. Par l'intermédiaire de ce micro volé à l'INR, l'occupant s'exprime pendant quatre ans, informant le pays tout en le formant, le mésinformant et le déformant. Les textes des speakers de Radio Bruxelles sont les témoins par excellence de cette communication qui fait dorénavant partie intégrante de l'art de la guerre. Ils dévoilent d'abord les particularités d'un discours radiophonique et le potentiel de cette propagande nouvelle, ils révèlent ensuite les cibles et les stratégies du discours propagandiste en général, de celui-ci en particulier, ils reflètent enfin une situation particulière, celle d'une Belgique en guerre, celle d'une Belgique occupée par des troupes étrangères. Ces discours sont autant les (prétendus) échos du lointain champ de bataille que les (prétendues) résonances de l'occupation quotidienne. Nouveau visage pour l'occupant, nouvelle voix pour les Belges. Ils sont surtout, en définitive, les traces d'une propagande qui ne sut convaincre guère plus que les convaincus.
World War, 1939-1945 --- Broadcasting --- Radio in propaganda --- Propaganda, German --- 2ème guerre mondiale --- Radiodiffusion --- Radio dans la propagande --- Propagande allemande --- Propaganda --- History --- Propagande --- Histoire --- Radio Bruxelles --- Nazi propaganda --- Propaganda. --- Radio broadcasting and the war. --- History. --- 2ème guerre mondiale --- Radio --- Belgium --- German occupation, 1940-1945 --- Propaganda [German ] --- Radio broadcasting and the war --- (gnd)Besetzung. --- (gnd)Hörfunk. --- (gnd)Propaganda. --- (gnd)Weltkrieg (1939-1945) --- (gnd)Belgien. --- Propaganda and radio --- Propaganda in radio --- Radio and propaganda --- Radio broadcasting --- #SBIB:309H1324 --- #SBIB:309H1314 --- #SBIB:949.3H1 --- Films met een amusementsfunctie en/of esthetische functie: film en literatuur --- Filmwezen: politieke, juridische, ethische, ideologische aspecten --- Geschiedenis van België: godsdienst en cultuur --- Radio in propaganda - Belgium --- World War, 1939-1945 - Propaganda - Belgium --- Belgique --- Radio Bruxelles (1940-1944) --- Guerre mondiale (1939-1945) --- Radio et propagande --- 1900-1945 --- Advertising. Public relations --- History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- anno 1940-1949 --- Brussels
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With this book, Mark Metzler continues his investigation into the economic history of twentieth-century Japan that he began in Lever of Empire. In Capital as Will and Imagination, he focuses on the successful stabilization of Japanese capitalism after the Second World War. How did a defeated and heavily damaged nation manage reconstruction so rapidly? What economic beliefs resulted in the "miracle" years of high-speed economic growth? Metzler argues that the inflationary creation of credit was key to Japan's postwar success-and its eventual demise due to its instability over the long term.To prove his case, Metzler explores heterodox ideas about economic life , in particular Joseph Schumpeter's realization that inflation is intrinsic to capitalist development. Schumpeter's ideas, widely ignored within standard American neoclassical economic theory, were shaped by his experience of Austria's reconstruction after 1918. They were highly influential in Japan, and Metzler traces their impact in the period from the Allied Occupation, starting in 1945, through the Income Doubling Plan of 1960. Japan after defeat, Metzler argues, illustrates the critical importance of inflationary credit creation for increased production.
Capital --- Capitalism --- Credit --- Saving and investment --- Accumulation, Capital --- Capital accumulation --- Capital formation --- Investment and saving --- Saving and thrift --- Supply-side economics --- Wealth --- Investments --- Borrowing --- Finance --- Money --- Loans --- Market economy --- Economics --- Profit --- Capital assets --- Fixed assets --- Infrastructure (Economics) --- History --- Schumpeter, Joseph A., --- Schumpeter, J. A. --- Schumpeter, Joseph Alois, --- Shumpeter, I. --- Shumpeter, Ĭ. --- Shumpeter, Iosif Aloiz, --- Shumpeter, Ĭozef, --- Shunpētā, --- Japan --- Economic conditions --- E-books --- (gnd)Schumpeter, Joseph Alois, 1883-1950. --- (gnd)Wirtschaft. --- (gnd)Kapital. --- (gnd)Japan. --- J4560.80 --- J4300.90 --- J4414 --- J4301 --- Japan: Economy and industry -- finance -- history -- Gendai (1926- ), Shōwa period, 20th century --- Japan: Economy and industry -- history -- postwar Shōwa (1945- ), Heisei period (1989- ), contemporary --- Japan: Economy and industry -- industrial organization and relations -- mergers and acquisitions, industrial finance --- Japan: Economy and industry -- policy, legislation, guidelines, codes of behavior
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Tobias Nicklas' Kommentar zum Zweiten Thessalonicherbrief ergänzt die auf das Jahr 1909 zurückgehende Kommentierung durch Ernst von Dobschütz durch eine aktuelle Bearbeitung. Nicklas versteht den Text als pseudepigraphische Schrift einer unbekannten Figur des frühen Christentums, die mit dem Denken des Paulus vertraut war, dieses aber in entscheidenden Punkten einer neuen Situation anpasste. Der Brief antwortet auf eine Krise: Eine sich prophetisch verstehende Gruppe verkündet, dass »der Tag des Herrn schon daß sei (2Thess 2,2) und beruft sich dabei auf Paulus selbst. Um in dieser Situation das Erbe des Paulus zu retten, wird im Namen des Paulus geantwortet. Dabei entsteht ein Text, der nicht nur aufgrund seiner Aussagen zur Endzeit bedeutsam ist, sondern auch mit seiner Kyrio-Logie, d.h. der Rede vom »Herrn« und seinen Ideen vom Wesen der Gemeinde in einer sich dehnenden Zeit theologisch spannend ist. Gleichzeitig bedürfen Aussagen des Texts zum Ethos des Arbeitens oder zur Rolle des Apostels durchaus der historischen Einordnung und hermeneutischen Distanz. Als besondere Herausforderung erweist sich die Idee, das gegenwärtige Leid der Gemeinde sei »sicheres Indiz« der im endzeitlichen Gericht zu erwartenden Gerechtigkeit Gottes. Vor diesem Hintergrund versteht Nicklas den Grundimpuls der Schrift nicht in der Information über die Zukunft, sondern in ihrer »Neubestimmung der Gegenwart«, was auch für die heutige Kirche noch von großem Nutzen sein kann.
(Produktform)Hardback --- (DDC-Sachgruppen der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie)230 --- GND-ID 4076990-2: Exegese --- 2. THESSALONICHERB: 2. Thessalonicherbrief --- NT KOMM: Neues Testament/Kommentar --- 227.1*7 --- 227.1*7 Brieven van Paulus aan de Thessalonicenzen --- Brieven van Paulus aan de Thessalonicenzen
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Traditional models of constitutional secularism have struggled to accommodate the modern revival of religious politics. The concept has been criticised as empty or illegitimate, while political and legal struggles have contested its meaning. This title gathers leading experts to examine the scope and substance of constitutional secularism today.
Religion and state. --- Religion and law. --- Constitutional law --- Secularism --- Rechtsverständnis --- Religion --- Säkularismus --- Liberalismus. --- Religion. --- Staat. --- Säkularismus. --- Öffentlicher Raum. --- Law. --- Religious aspects. --- Political aspects. --- gnd. --- Außenraum --- Freifläche --- Säkularität --- Säkularisierung --- Postsäkularismus --- Land --- Staatswesen --- Staaten --- Politisches System --- Fiskus --- Pseudoreligion --- Politischer Liberalismus --- Neoliberalismus --- Antiliberalismus --- Religion, Primitive --- Atheism --- God --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Ethics --- Utilitarianism --- Postsecularism --- Secularization (Theology) --- Religion and law --- Law --- Law and religion --- State and religion --- State, The --- Religious aspects --- Öffentliche Siedlung --- Freifläche --- Säkularität --- Säkularisierung --- Postsäkularismus
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"Over the past year, the "Green New Deal" has moved from relative obscurity to front and centre of policy discussions and public debates about how to respond to the climate crisis. It has been credited with radically changing the nature of the conversation on climate change and with re-energizing the environmental movement at a critical time. The main element that all Green New Deal proposals share is that they are government-led but while they share a Keynesian interventionist economic model, they differ in other respects. This Handbook analyses the fundamentals underlying all of the Green New Deals as well as exploring the differences in emphasis and national or regional variations. It is divided into three key parts: the first part looks at the underlying economics of the Green New Deal focusing not just on the how the proposals will be costed but more significantly at how the Green New Deal offers an opportunity for a fundamental transformation of the economy. The second part will explores issues of justice which are central to many Green New Deal proposals including issues around jobs, indigenous rights, feminism. In the third part, authors will detail case studies of Green New Deal proposals at the national or regional level. This book will be an invaluable research and reference volume for students, scholars and policy-makers interested in all aspects of the Green New Deal, including economics, politics, sociology, environmental justice, geography, and environmental studies more broadly"--
Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Green New Deal --- Energy policy --- Clean energy --- Environmentalism --- Environmental movement --- Social movements --- Anti-environmentalism --- Greenwashing --- Sustainable living --- Green energy --- Power resources --- Global Green New Deal --- New Deal, Green --- Economic policy --- Environmental policy --- Environmental aspects --- Government policy --- Environmentalism. --- Environmental aspects. --- Government policy. --- Green New Deal, GND, economic policies, economic mobilization, social mobilization, US government, climate policy --- GREEN NEW DEAL --- ENERGY POLICY--ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS --- CLEAN ENERGY --- ENVIRONMENTALISM--POLITICAL ASPECTS
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