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Neolithic cave burials
ISBN: 1526118882 1526118874 9781526118875 9781526118882 9781526144645 1526144646 1526118866 9781526118868 Year: 2019 Publisher: Manchester

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This is the first book-length treatment of Neolithic burial in Britain to focus primarily on cave evidence. It interprets human remains from forty-eight caves and compares them to what we know of Neolithic collective burial elsewhere in Britain and Europe. It reviews the archaeology of these cave burials and treats them as important evidence for the study of mortuary practice. Drawing on evidence from archaeology, anthropology, osteology and cave science, the book demonstrates that cave burial was one of the earliest elements of the British Neolithic. It also shows that Early Neolithic cave-burial practice was highly varied, with many similarities to other burial rites. However, by the Middle Neolithic, a funerary practice which was specific to caves had developed.

Wealthy and Healthy? Methodological Approaches to Non-Élite Burials. Panel 1.2.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783969290910 9783969290927 3969290929 Year: 2022 Publisher: Heidelberg Propylaeum

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Die Analyse antiker Gesellschaften jenseits politischer Systeme, Hauptakteure und Eliten ist in hohem Maße auf archäologische Hinterlassenschaften angewiesen. Zahlreich erhalten sind Gräber und Grabdenkmäler, die als Primärzeugnisse eine aussagekräftige antike Quellengattung darstellen. Allerdings können Nekropolen und Bestattungen weder als Spiegel sozialer Verhältnisse gewertet werden, noch ist eine dichotomische Darstellung der Gesellschaft als Gegensatz zwischen reichen Eliten und einer Masse von mehr oder weniger Armen angemessen. Stattdessen ist eine Kombination verschiedener Kriterien für eine weiterführende Gräberanalyse notwendig. Insbesondere menschliche Skelette sind erstklassige bio-historische Quellen, denn Wohlstand und Gesundheit stehen auch in der Antike in unmittelbarem Zusammenhang und menschliche Überreste verraten anhand der Untersuchung von Ernährung und Gesundheit viel über den Status der Verstorbenen.Die Beiträge in diesem Band thematisieren das Verhältnis zwischen materieller Kultur, Gesundheit und gesellschaftlichem Status, wobei in der Funeralarchäologie verschiedene methodische Ansätze aus den archäologisch-historischen Wissenschaften sowie den Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften zur Anwendung kommen. Die Gräber nicht zur Elite zählender Bevölkerungsgruppen werden zum einen mit Blick auf das soziale Gefüge und den Lebensstil der Verstorbenen erforscht, zum anderen hinsichtlich der Vorstellungen und Ideologien der Hinterbliebenen, die im Bestattungsvorgang und durch die Praktiken am Grab zum Ausdruck kommen. Der Band vereinigt eine Reihe von Fallstudien, die als Kontextanalysen deutlich über den Grabbereich hinausweisen.

La vallée engloutie (volume 1 : synthèse) : Géographie historique du Moyen-Euphrate (du IVe s. av. J.-C. au VIIe s. apr. J.-C.)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2351595408 2351593766 Year: 2015 Publisher: Beyrouth : Presses de l’Ifpo,

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La construction sur l’Euphrate des barrages turcs et syriens a entraîné la disparition d’un tiers des sites hellénistiques, romains et byzantins de la vallée ; elle a modifié le rôle que le Moyen-Euphrate jouait depuis des millénaires comme axe principal de circulation et d’échanges entre la Méditerranée et la Mésopotamie. Cet essai de géographie historique se propose de poursuivre la synthèse que René Dussaud avait consacrée aux rives de l’Euphrate dans la Topographie historique de la Syrie antique et médiévale, publiée en 1927. En croisant différentes sources textuelles et documentaires, des écrits des géographes antiques aux images satellitaires, cette étude, accompagnée de nombreuses illustrations, met en valeur les dynamiques géographiques et historiques qui ont marqué l’occupation de la vallée depuis la fin du IVe s. av. J.-C. jusqu’au VIIe s. When Syrian and Turkish dams were built in the Middle Euphrates valley, a third of Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine sites disappeared. The role of the river changed whereas it was the millennial axis of transportation between the Mediterranean and Mesopotamia. This historical geographic essay follows René Dussaud’s synthesis about Euphrates rivers in Historical topography of Antique and Medieval Syria (1927). It is based on various texts, antique geographers’ accounts and satellites pictures. This generously illustrated study highlights geographical and historical dynamics of valley occupation from late IVth century BC to VIIth AD. إنّ تنفيذ مشروع بناء السد السوري-التركي في وادي الفرات سيؤدي إلى اندثار ثلث المواقع المؤرخة على العصر الهلينستي والروماني والبيزنطي، كما أنه سيؤدي إلى تغيير الدور الذي لعبه الفرات الأوسط منذ آلاف السنين كمحور رئيسي للتنقل والتبادل التجاري بين البحر المتوسط وبلاد الرافدين. هذا الاختبار من الجغرافية التاريخية يقدم استمرارية للتحليل الذي كرّس من قبل رينيه دوسو René Dussaud لضفاف نهر الفرات ضمن مؤلفه التضاريس التاريخية لسورية خلال العصور القديمة والقرون الوسطى والمنشور عام 1927م. بالاعتماد على…

La vallée engloutie (Volume 2 : catalogue des sites) : Géographie historique du Moyen-Euphrate (du IVe s. av. J.-C. au VIIe s. apr. J.-C.)
ISBN: 2351595394 2351593774 Year: 2014 Publisher: Beyrouth : Presses de l’Ifpo,

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La construction sur l’Euphrate des barrages turcs et syriens a entraîné la disparition d’un tiers des sites hellénistiques, romains et byzantins de la vallée ; elle a modifié le rôle que le Moyen-Euphrate jouait depuis des millénaires comme axe principal de circulation et d’échanges entre la Méditerranée et la Mésopotamie. Cet essai de géographie historique se propose de poursuivre la synthèse que René Dussaud avait consacrée aux rives de l’Euphrate dans la Topographie historique de la Syrie antique et médiévale, publiée en 1927. En croisant différentes sources textuelles et documentaires, des écrits des géographes antiques aux images satellitaires, cette étude, accompagnée de nombreuses illustrations, met en valeur les dynamiques géographiques et historiques qui ont marqué l’occupation de la vallée depuis la fin du IVe s. av. J.-C. jusqu’au VIIe s. (volume 1). Complément indispensable de l’étude d’ensemble, le catalogue (volume 2) présente 212 notices, accompagnées d’une très riche documentation graphique et photographique sur les sites archéologiques de la vallée : centres urbains, villages, forteresses, églises, monastères, nécropoles du Moyen-Euphrate durant les périodes hellénistique, romaine et byzantine. Il permet de parcourir les deux rives du fleuve, de Zeugma à Doura-Europos : ainsi se trouve rassemblée la somme des données archéologiques représentatives des profondes mutations intervenues entre la colonisation séleucide et le siècle de Justinien. إنّ تنفيذ مشروع بناء السد السوري-التركي في وادي الفرات سيؤدي إلى اندثار ثلث المواقع المؤرخة على العصر الهلينستي والروماني والبيزنطي، كما أنه سيؤدي إلى تغيير الدور الذي لعبه الفرات الأوسط منذ آلاف السنين كمحور رئيسي للتنقل والتبادل التجاري بين البحر المتوسط وبلاد الرافدين. هذا الاختبار من الجغرافية التاريخية يقدم استمرارية للتحليل الذي كرّس من قبل رينيه دوسو René Dussaud لضفاف نهر الفرات ضمن مؤلفه التضاريس التاريخية لسورية خلال العصور القديمة والقرون الوسطى والمنشور عام 1927م. بالاعتماد على تقاطع معلومات…

Death in the Iron Age of eastern England : an interdisciplinary analysis of human remains from 800 BC - AD 60
ISBN: 9781407360232 140736023X Year: 2022 Publisher: Oxford BAR publishing

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Death in the Iron Age of Eastern England explores the treatment of the non-cremated dead from 800BC - c.AD60 in what is now eastern England. The research presented identifies large-scale patterns in post-mortem treatment, furthering existing debates around excarnation practices, inhumation traditions and the ‘invisible dead’. The region has seen comparatively little in-depth study in recent years, while the quantity of excavated material has increased exponentially due to the rise of development-led archaeology. This book gathers and presents the known data to shed light on an under-researched part of Iron Age Britain through the study of complete inhumations, partial skeletal remains and disarticulated human bones. The data is interpreted via integrated methodological approaches that combine contextual archaeology, osteology and bone taphonomy to better understand post-mortem processes, regional variation and the role of the dead in Iron Age societies.

The archaeology of death in post-medieval Europe
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3110470624 3110439735 3110439727 Year: 2015 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Historical burial grounds are an enormous archaeological resource and have the potential to inform studies not only of demography or the history of disease and mortality, but also histories of the body, of religious and other beliefs about death, of changing social relationships, values and aspirations. In the last decades, the intensive urban development and a widespread legal requirement to undertake archaeological excavation of historical sites has led to a massive increase in the number of post-medieval graveyards and burial places that have been subjected to archaeological investigation. The archaeology of the more recent periods, which are comparatively well documented, is no less interesting and important an area of study than prehistoric periods. This volume offers a range of case studies and reflections on aspects of death and burial in post-medieval Europe. Looking at burial goods, the spatial aspects of cemetery organisation and the way that the living interact with the dead, contributors who have worked on sites from Central, North and West Europe present some of their evidence and ideas. The coherence of the volume is maintained by a substantial integrative introduction by the editor, Professor Sarah Tarlow. "This book is a 'first' and a necessary one. It is an exciting and far-ranging collection of studies on post-medieval burial practice across Europe that will most certainly be used extensively" Professor Howard Williams

The Roman object revolution : objectscapes and intra-cultural connectivity in Northwest Europe
ISBN: 9789463728201 9463728201 9789048543878 9048543878 Year: 2018 Publisher: Amsterdam Amsterdam University Press

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Archaeologists working in northwest Europe have long remarked on the sheer quantity and standardisation of objects unearthed from the Roman period, especially compared with earlier eras. What was the historical significance of this boom in standardised objects? With a wide and ever-changing spectrum of innovative objects and styles to choose from, to what extent did the choices made by people in the past really matter? To answer these questions, this book sheds new light on the make-up of late Iron Age and early Roman 'objectscapes', through an examination of the circulation and selections of thousands of standardised pots, brooches, and other objects, with emphasis on funerary repertoires, c. 100 bc-ad 100. Breaking with the national frameworks that inform artefact research in much 'provincial' Roman archaeology, the book tests the idea that marked increases in the movement of people and objects fostered pan-regional culture(s) and transformed societies. Using a rich database of cemeteries and settlements spanning a swathe of northwest Europe, including southern Britannia, Gallia Belgica, and Germania Inferior, the study extensively applies multivariate statistics (such as Correspondence Analysis) to examine the roles of objects in an ever-changing and richly complex cultural milieu.

The Routledge handbook of archaeothanatology
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781138492424 1138492426 1351030612 1351030620 9781351030625 9781351030595 1351030590 9781351030601 1351030604 9781351030618 9781032114361 1032114363 Year: 2021 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY Routledge

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"The Routledge Handbook of Archaeothanatology spans the gap between archaeology and biological anthropology, the field and laboratory, and between francophone and anglophone funerary archaeological approaches to the remains of the dead and the understanding of societies, past and present. Interest in archaeothanatology has grown considerably in recent years in English-language scholarship. This timely publication moves away from anecdotal case studies to offer syntheses of archaeothanatological approaches with an eye to higher-level inferences about funerary behaviour and its meaning in the past. Written by francophone scholars who have contributed to the development of the field and anglophone scholars inspired by the approach, this volume offers detailed insight into the background and development of archaeothanatology, its theory, methods, applications, and its most recent advances, with a lexicon of related vocabulary. This volume is a key source for archaeo-anthropologists and bioarchaeologists. It will benefit researchers, lecturers, practitioners and students in biological anthropology, archaeology, taphonomy and forensic science. Given the interdisciplinary nature of these disciplines, and the emphasis placed on analysis in situ, this book will also be of interest to specialists in entomology, (micro)biology and soil science"--

Approche archéologique des réouvertures de sépultures mérovingiennes dans le nord de la France (VIe-VIIIe siècle)
ISBN: 9781407358888 140735888X Year: 2021 Volume: 3065 Publisher: London : BAR (British Archaeological Reports),

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La réouverture des sépultures mérovingiennes est une pratique bien connue des archéologues et des historiens. Elle est observée sur de nombreuses nécropoles de la moitié nord de la France entre les VIe et VIIIe siècles et a souvent été associée à des actes de pillage commis par des individus cupides et barbares. Sur la base de données issues de sites fouillés récemment, l'étude propose de reconsidérer ces sépultures aux ossements déplacés et au mobilier funéraire en partie emporté. L'analyse archéothanatologique de tombes provenant de plus de 40 sites permet de discuter de l'impact de la pratique sur l'architecture funéraire, le squelette et les objets, ainsi que les modes opératoires et la chronologie des intrusions. Cette nouvelle lecture ouvre la discussion sur les motivations qui sous-tendent ces actes. Loin de l'image de pillards sévissant de sites en sites, leurs auteurs ne pourraient pas être si éloignés des défunts bouleversés. "The reopening of graves during the Early Middle Ages has long been recognised by archaeologists and historians across Western Europe. Based on data from more than 40 cemeteries and applying archaeothanatological analysis, this study explores the archaeological evidence for the reopening, at the levels both of the burial structure and of its contents (container, artefacts, skeletal parts)."--Publisher web site.

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