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Ragioni senza forza, forze senza ragione : una risposta a Oriana Fallaci
ISBN: 8830713740 9788830713741 Year: 2004 Publisher: Bologna: Editrice missionaria italiana,

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Forza Italia : strutture, leadership e radicamento territoriale
ISBN: 8815083456 Year: 2001 Publisher: Bologna Mulino

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Il linguaggio e la retorica della nuova politica italiana : Silvio Berlusconi e Forza Italia.
ISBN: 8881633639 Year: 2004 Publisher: Genova Erga

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Dreaming with Open Eyes : Opera, Aesthetics, and Perception in Arcadian Rome
ISBN: 0520970403 9780520970403 Year: 2019 Publisher: Berkeley, CA : University of California Press,

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Dreaming with Open Eyes examines visual symbolism in late seventeenth-century Italian opera, contextualizing the genre amid the broad ocularcentric debates emerging at the crossroads of the early modern period and the Enlightenment. Ayana O. Smith reevaluates significant aspects of the Arcadian reform aesthetic and establishes a historically informed method of opera criticism for modern scholars and interpreters. Unfolding in a narrative fashion, the text explores facets of the philosophical and literary background and concludes with close readings of text and music, using visual symbolism to create readings of gender and character in two operas: Alessandro Scarlatti's La Statira (Rome, 1690), and Carlo Francesco Pollarolo's La forza della virtù (Venice, 1693). Smith's interdisciplinary approach enhances our modern perception of this rich and underexplored repertory, and will appeal to students and scholars not only of opera, but also of literature, philosophy, and visual and intellectual cultures.

Les leçons d'une guerre
ISBN: 241500541X 9782415005412 Year: 2023 Publisher: Paris Odile Jacob

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L’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie, le 24 février 2022, a déclenché la guerre la plus importante en Europe depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Par l’ampleur des moyens employés et du soutien apporté à l’Ukraine par les forces occidentales, elle constitue un moment pivot pour l’histoire de l’Europe et peut-être du monde.Quelles leçons pouvons-nous en tirer aujourd’hui ? Comment cette guerre transforme-t-elle l’art militaire mais aussi nos sociétés ? En quoi l’ordre de sécurité européen et mondial s’en trouvera-t-il bouleversé ? Que nous enseigne-t-elle sur la dissuasion ? L’Ukraine est-elle un laboratoire pour Taïwan ?Toutes ces questions et bien d’autres sont abordées ici par François Heisbourg, qui joint à son expertise internationale une connaissance inégalée du terrain et des différents acteurs, qu’il a personnellement rencontrés et dont il nous dresse un portrait souvent inattendu.


BPB2303 --- sécurité internationale --- guerre --- dissuasion --- Russie --- Ukraine --- cogadh --- háború --- karas --- rat --- karš --- luftë --- válka --- Krieg --- wojna --- војна --- war --- sota --- krig --- рат --- πόλεμος --- vojna --- война --- război --- guerra --- sõda --- oorlog --- gwerra --- ozbrojený konflikt --- relvastatud konflikt --- fegyveres konfliktus --- väpnad konflikt --- aseellinen selkkaus --- conflitto --- oružani sukob --- válečný konflikt --- conflitto armato --- invasione armata --- bewaffneter Konflikt --- konflikt i armatosur --- εμπόλεμη κατάσταση --- armed conflict --- conflit armé --- ginkluotas konfliktas --- σύρραξη --- apertura delle ostilità --- gewapend conflict --- væbnet konflikt --- bewaffnete Auseinandersetzung --- conflict armat --- relvakonflikt --- dichiarazione di guerra --- conflito armado --- conflicto armado --- ozbrojený útočný čin --- ένοπλη σύγκρουση --- вооружен судир --- Ukraina --- Ukrajna --- l-Ukraina --- Украйна --- die Ukraine --- Ucrânia --- An Úcráin --- Украина --- Ucraina --- Ουκρανία --- Украјина --- Ukrajina --- Ucrania --- Oekraïne --- Republiek Oekraïne --- República da Ucrânia --- Република Украина --- Δημοκρατία της Ουκρανίας --- Rusland --- Ryssland --- Rusko --- An Rúis --- Русија --- ir-Russja --- Rusija --- Venäjä --- Ρωσία --- Rusia --- Oroszország --- die Russische Föderation --- Venemaa --- Русия --- Krievija --- Rússia --- Rosja --- Russia --- Russische Föderation --- Venäjän federaatio --- Federata Ruse --- Ruská federace --- Fédération de Russie --- Federacja Rosyjska --- Ruská federácia --- Krievijas Federācija --- Venemaa Föderatsioon --- Russische Federatie --- Russian Federation --- il-Federazzjoni Russa --- Ruska federacija --- Den Russiske Føderation --- Federația Rusă --- Federação Russa --- Federazione russa --- RSFSR --- Ryska federationen --- Orosz Föderáció --- Руска Федерација --- Rußland --- Руска федерация --- Rusijos Federacija --- Federación de Rusia --- Russland --- pelote --- afschrikking --- odstraszanie --- Abschreckung --- dissuasão --- разубеждение --- αποτροπή --- preventīvs pasākums --- atgrasa --- hirmutusvahend --- deterrent --- zastrašujúci prostriedok --- iombhagairt --- elrettentés --- dissuasione --- disuasión --- politică de intimidare --- afskrækkelse --- pengues --- odvračanje --- zastrašování --- odvraćanje --- avskräckning --- одвраћање --- одвраќање --- afschrikkingsmacht --- atgrasos pajėgos --- pirmojo smūgio galia --- forza di dissuasione --- сила за одвраќање --- δυνάμεις αποτροπής --- сила за заплашување --- útočná síla --- força de dissuasão --- forza d'urto --- zastrašujúca sila --- стратешко одвраќање --- elrettentő erő --- fuerza de disuasión --- forță de descurajare --- deterrent force --- aftësi për goditje të parë --- force de frappe --- avskräckande kärnvapenstyrka --- first-strike capacity --- peloteaseet --- forcë penguese --- afskrækkelsesstyrke --- стратегија за одбрана --- force de dissuasion --- Abschreckungsmacht --- snage za odvraćanje --- ensi-iskukyky --- политика на заплашување --- útočná sila --- hoiatusjõud --- pirmā trieciena iespēja --- kernwapens --- slagstyrke --- deterrente strategico --- план за превенција --- prevencija --- preventīva darbība --- arma disuasoria nuclear --- preventīvais plāns --- anfallsstyrka --- hoiatusrelv --- Abschreckungspotenzial --- kärnvapenstyrka --- odstrašovací síla --- força de ataque --- politika zastrašování --- δυνάμεις κρούσης --- διεθνής ασφάλεια --- internationale Sicherheit --- international sikkerhed --- tarptautinis saugumas --- kansainvälinen turvallisuus --- international security --- меѓународна безбедност --- medzinárodná bezpečnosť --- siguri ndërkombëtare --- rahvusvaheline julgeolek --- internationell säkerhet --- segurança internacional --- международна сигурност --- starptautiskā drošība --- seguridad internacional --- sicurezza internazionale --- mednarodna varnost --- slándáil idirnáisiúnta --- bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe --- međunarodna sigurnost --- mezinárodní bezpečnost --- међународна безбедност --- internationale veiligheid --- nemzetközi biztonság --- securitate internațională --- sigurtà internazzjonali --- equilibrio internacional --- internationell jämvikt --- međunarodna ravnoteža --- světová rovnováha --- διεθνής ισορροπία --- ekuilibër ndërkombëtar --- medzinárodná rovnováha --- tarptautinė pusiausvyra --- меѓународна рамнотежа --- internationaal evenwicht --- equilíbrio internacional --- drošības intereses --- starptautiskais līdzsvars --- internationales Gleichgewicht --- nemzetközi egyensúly --- international balance --- Διάσκεψη του Ελσίνκι --- equilibrio internazionale --- rahvusvaheline tasakaal --- echilibru internațional --- équilibre international --- mezinárodní rovnováha --- Ukraine conflict, 2014 --- -Ukraine war, 2022 --- -European Union countries

Mers et océans
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782707192295 2707192295 Year: 2016 Volume: 163 Publisher: Paris : Éditions La Découverte,

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BPB1612 --- Géopolitique --- Marine militaire --- Océan --- Terrorisme --- τρομοκρατία --- terroriżmu --- sceimhlitheoireacht --- terorisms --- terrorismo --- terrorism --- terrorizmus --- terorizam --- terorismus --- terorizem --- тероризам --- Terrorismus --- terorism --- terorizmus --- terrorizëm --- тероризъм --- terorizmas --- terroryzm --- terrorismi --- terrorisme --- καταστολή της τρομοκρατίας --- terrorismo nero --- Bekämpfung des Terrorismus --- terrorista szervezet --- lucha contra el terrorismo --- терористичка група --- répression du terrorisme --- eliminim i terrorizmit --- lucha antiterrorista --- terorizmo išnaikinimas --- bekæmpelse af terrorisme --- grupo terrorista --- terrorszervezet --- potlačování terorismu --- elimination of terrorism --- brigate rosse --- bekämpande av terrorism --- combate contra o terrorismo --- antiterorizam --- kamp mot terrorism --- lupta împotriva terorismului --- terroristacsoport --- terrorismo di Stato --- πάταξη της τρομοκρατίας --- bestrijding van het terrorisme --- repressão do terrorismo --- борба против тероризам --- boj proti terorismu --- terrorizmus elleni küzdelem --- lotta al terrorismo --- terrorismo rosso --- zničenie terorizmu --- strage di Stato --- represión del terrorismo --- borba protiv terorizma --- repressione del terrorismo --- euroterrorismo --- terrorismin torjunta --- lutte contre le terrorisme --- антитероризам --- terorisma apkarošana --- terrorismivastane võitlus --- banda armada --- океан --- oceán --- oċean --- oceano --- valtameri --- oceaan --- vandenynas --- ωκεανός --- océano --- Ozean --- ookean --- óceán --- aigéan --- oqean --- ocean --- okeāns --- водена површина --- acque oceaniche --- verdenshav --- ратна морнарица --- merevägi --- marina militare --- военно-морски сили --- haditengerészet --- vojenské námorníctvo --- marină militară --- marinha de guerra --- marynarka wojenna --- flote --- Πολεμικό Ναυτικό --- karinis jūrų laivynas --- marine --- воена морнарица --- flotta --- marina de guerra --- søværn --- vojenské námořnictvo --- forza navali --- vojna mornarica --- flotë detare --- laivasto --- navy --- cabhlach --- Kriegsmarine --- ratna mornarica --- Marineeinheit --- Royal Navy --- kráľovské vojenské námorníctvo --- Karaliskā flote --- marina militar --- mornarica --- marineflyvevåben --- vojenské loďstvo --- морнарица --- Karališkosios jūrų pajėgos --- Armada --- força marítima --- Marina Regală --- zeestrijdkrachten --- armada --- força aeronaval --- marinha --- kuninglik merevägi --- Jūras spēki --- kuninkaallinen laivasto --- flotila --- fuzileiros --- Flota Mbretërore --- karinės jūrų pajėgos --- поморска сила --- frota de guerra --- Geopolitiek --- Terrorisme maritime --- Geopolitics.

The geometry of type: the anatomy of 100 essential typefaces
ISBN: 9780500241424 Year: 2012 Publisher: Londen Thames & Hudson

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This book explores 100 traditional and modern typefaces in loving detail, with a full spread devoted to each entry. Characters from each typeface are enlarged and annotated to reveal key features, anatomical details, and the finer, often-overlooked elements of type design, which shows how these attributes affect mood and readability. Sidebar information lists the designer and foundry, the year of release and the different weights and styles available, while feature boxes explain the origins and best uses for each typeface, such as whether it is suitable for running text or as a display font for headlines. To help the reader spot each typeface in the wider world, the full character set is shown, and the best letters for identification are highlighted. This beautiful and highly practical work of reference for font spotters, designers and users is a close-up celebration of typefaces and great type design.


Graphic arts --- typography --- lettertypes --- typefaces [type forms] --- typografie --- Typografie --- grafische vormgeving --- grafisch design --- grafisch ontwerp --- Adobe Jenson --- Cala --- Bembo Book --- FF Clifford --- FF Scala --- Lexicon --- Minion --- Garamond Premier --- MVB Verdigris --- Adobe Caslon --- Baskerville original --- Mrs Eaves --- Plantin --- Arnhem --- Times New Roman --- Le Monde Journal --- Bauer Bodoni --- ITC Bodoni --- H&FJ Didot --- Filosofia --- Farnham --- New Century Schoolbook --- Miller --- Eames Century Modern --- Ingeborg --- Melior --- Neue Swift --- Skolar --- Fedra Serif --- FF Meta Serif --- Doko --- Luxury Diamond --- Albertus --- Modesto --- Trajan --- Bureau Grot --- Knockout --- FF Bau --- Univers --- Neue Helvetica --- Akkurat --- National --- Antique Olive --- Bell Centennial --- News Gothic --- Benton Sans --- Whitney --- Futura ND --- Avenir --- Gotham --- ITC Avant Garde --- Gothic --- Calibre/Metric --- FF DIN --- Interstate --- Verlag --- Klavika --- MVB Solano Gothic --- Forza --- Gill Sans --- FF Yoga Sans --- Frutiger --- Myriad --- Verdana --- Syntax --- Cronos --- TheSans --- Auto --- Optima --- Beorcana --- FF Meta --- Amplitude --- Fedra Sans --- FF Dax --- FF Balance --- Giza --- Clarendon --- Farao --- Heron Serif --- Archer --- Neutraface Slab --- Rockwell --- PMN Caecilia --- FF Unit Slab --- Adelle --- Freight Micro --- Kinescope --- Studio Slant --- Radio --- Bickham Script --- Tangier --- Suomi Hand Script --- Nitti --- Ed Interlock --- Bree --- Rumba --- Trade Gothic Condensed Bold No. 20 --- Heroic Condensed --- Cabazon --- SangBleu --- Marian --- 766.021 --- 655.244 <03> --- Typografische lettersoorten--in de drukkunst--Naslagwerken. Referentiewerken

Les partis politiques : 4e Forum international sur la Constitution et les institutions politiques, 21, 22 et 23 juin 2018
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782711031887 2711031888 Year: 2019 Publisher: Paris : LexisNexis,

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Le ForInCIP, Forum International sur la Constitution et les Institutions Politiques, propose une réflexion sur les institutions politiques, de leurs règles de fonctionnement à leur mise en oeuvre politique, en adoptant une méthode de travail comparative, thématique et complémentaire. La méthodologie comparative se traduit par la dimension internationale du Forum, qui rassemble des spécilaistes de nombreux pays, issus de systèmes et de cultures différents et diversifiés. Il se déroule annuellement autour d'un thème spécifique et d'actualité, relatif aux institutions. La complémentarité s'explique par l'intérêt d'associer une analyse scientifique des institutions, par des universitaires et un regard expérimenté des acteurs institutionnels, par les membres des institutions politiques. Le 4e Forum a eu lieu du 21 au 23 juin 2018, sur Les partis politiques. Le fonctionnement de la démocratie contemporaine repose sur le principe de la représentation. Pour cela, les partis politiques sont cruciaux : ils sont à la croisée des chemins de la démocratie. En effet, ils constituent l'intermédiaire entre le peuple, qui les choisit et les soutient, et les institutions, qui s'appuient sur eux pour obtenir le élus avec lesquels elles fonctionnent. Ils structurent ainsi la démocratie : ils façonnent l'offre électorale et ils organisent l'accès à l'élection. Afin de mieux comprendre leur fonctionnement, le présent ouvrage propose d'examiner leur identification, leur rôle et leur financement dans les quinze systèmes qui composent le ForInCIP.


Institutions politiques --- Partis politiques --- Actes de congrès. --- BPB9999 --- BPB2107 --- partis politiques --- politična stranka --- partie polityczne --- politiska partier --- partiti politici --- politiske partier --- politieke partijen --- poliitilised parteid --- partiti politiċi --- politikai párt --- политичке странке --- politiska partija --- πολιτικά κόμματα --- politinės partijos --- parti politike --- partide politice --- political parties --- политички партии --- politické strany --- političke stranke --- poliittiset puolueet --- politische Parteien --- политическа партия --- partidos políticos --- politinė partija --- forza politica --- erakond --- partito politico --- formación política --- organización política --- politisks grupējums --- politisk gruppering --- partido político --- formation politique --- formazione politica --- politikai alakulat --- Partei --- political party --- politinis darinys --- politische Partei --- politieke vorming --- poliittinen puolue --- formazzjoni politika --- politické zoskupenie --- organizzazione politica --- politisk parti --- asociación política --- politická strana --- politična formacija --- párt --- partia polityczna --- πολιτικός σχηματισμός --- politiskt parti --- политички формации --- politická formace --- politická formácia --- politikai szervezet --- associazione politica --- политичко организирање --- politieke partij --- poliittinen muodostelma --- politische Bildung --- политическо формирование --- πολιτικό κόμμα --- formacja polityczna --- poliitiline rühmitus --- poliitiline partei --- politisk organisation --- Politikkunde --- formațiune politică --- formação política --- páirtithe polaitiúla --- Institutions politiques. --- Partis politiques. --- Allemagne --- Belgique --- Colombie --- Espagne --- Etats-Unis --- France --- Grèce --- Israël --- Italie --- Luxembourg --- Mexique --- Pologne --- Royaume-Uni --- Suisse

Paper tigers : China's nuclear posture
ISBN: 9781138907140 Year: 2014 Publisher: London : Abingdon, Oxon : IISS, The International Institute for Strategic Studies ; Routledge,

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China's nuclear arsenal has long been an enigma. It is a small force, based almost exclusively on land-based ballistic missiles, maintained at a low level of alert and married to a no-first-use doctrine - all choices that would seem to invite attack in a crisis. Chinese leaders, when they have spoken about nuclear weapons, have articulated ideas that sound odd to the Western ear. Mao Zedong's oft-quoted remark that 'nuclear weapons are a paper tiger' seems to be bluster or madness. China's nuclear forces are now too important to remain a mystery. Yet Westerners continue to disagree about basic factual information concerning one of the world's most important nuclear-weapons states. This book documents and explains the evolution of China's nuclear forces in terms of historical, bureaucratic and ideological factors. There is a strategic logic at work, but that logic is mediated through politics, bureaucracy and ideology. The simplest explanation is that Chinese leaders, taken as a whole, have tended to place relatively little emphasis on the sort of technical details that dominated US discussions regarding deterrence. Such profound differences in thinking about nuclear weapons could lead to catastrophic misunderstanding in the event of a military crisis between Beijing and Washington.


BPB1503 --- Chine --- Arme nucléaire --- Dissuasion --- pelote --- afschrikking --- odstraszanie --- Abschreckung --- dissuasão --- разубеждение --- αποτροπή --- preventīvs pasākums --- atgrasa --- hirmutusvahend --- deterrent --- zastrašujúci prostriedok --- iombhagairt --- elrettentés --- dissuasione --- disuasión --- politică de intimidare --- afskrækkelse --- pengues --- odvračanje --- zastrašování --- odvraćanje --- avskräckning --- одвраћање --- одвраќање --- afschrikkingsmacht --- atgrasos pajėgos --- pirmojo smūgio galia --- forza di dissuasione --- сила за одвраќање --- δυνάμεις αποτροπής --- сила за заплашување --- útočná síla --- força de dissuasão --- forza d'urto --- zastrašujúca sila --- стратешко одвраќање --- elrettentő erő --- fuerza de disuasión --- forță de descurajare --- deterrent force --- aftësi për goditje të parë --- force de frappe --- avskräckande kärnvapenstyrka --- first-strike capacity --- peloteaseet --- forcë penguese --- afskrækkelsesstyrke --- стратегија за одбрана --- force de dissuasion --- Abschreckungsmacht --- snage za odvraćanje --- ensi-iskukyky --- политика на заплашување --- útočná sila --- hoiatusjõud --- pirmā trieciena iespēja --- kernwapens --- slagstyrke --- deterrente strategico --- план за превенција --- prevencija --- preventīva darbība --- arma disuasoria nuclear --- preventīvais plāns --- anfallsstyrka --- hoiatusrelv --- Abschreckungspotenzial --- kärnvapenstyrka --- odstrašovací síla --- força de ataque --- politika zastrašování --- δυνάμεις κρούσης --- armë bërthamore --- Kernwaffe --- ядрено оръжие --- branduolinis ginklas --- arme nucleare --- nuklearno oružje --- arma nuclear --- нуклеарно оружје --- jadrová zbraň --- arm núicléach --- ydinase --- atomvåben --- kernwapen --- jaderná zbraň --- πυρηνικά όπλα --- nukleáris fegyver --- arma nukleari --- jedrsko orožje --- broń jądrowa --- kärnvapen --- tuumarelv --- arma nucleare --- kodolierocis --- nuclear weapon --- Nuklearwaffe --- atomová zbraň --- branduolinė bomba --- atomic bomb --- nuklearna naprava --- atomierocis --- neutronbomb --- jedrska naprava --- arme atomique --- neutronová bomba --- ydinpommi --- bombe à hydrogène --- bombe à neutrons --- atomvapen --- bomba termonucleare --- arma nucleare di teatro --- атомна бомба --- bomba atomowa --- termonukleární zbraň --- nevtronska bomba --- atómová bomba --- хидрогенска бомба --- atómová zbraň --- nukleární zbraň --- vätebomb --- hidrogénbomba --- Atombombe --- atombomba --- atomic weapon --- aatompomm --- waterstofbom --- pajisje bërthamore --- hidrogenska bomba --- υδρογονοβόμβα --- engin nucléaire --- bomba de neutrões --- nuklearna bomba --- nukleart sprænglegeme --- atoombom --- bombe atomique --- atomfegyver --- bomba H --- atomipommi --- dispositivo nucleare --- ατομική βόμβα --- bombë me neutrone --- atominė bomba --- brintbombe --- neitronu bumba --- βόμβα νετρονίου --- atomsko oružje --- potenziale atomico --- bomba neutronowa --- vetypommi --- atombombe --- atominis ginklas --- kodolbruņojums --- neutroninė bomba --- arma nucleare operativa --- bomba de hidrogénio --- arma atómica --- ūdeņraža bumba --- aparato nuclear --- aatomirelv --- bomba de neutrones --- bomba N --- engenho explosivo nuclear --- bombë atomike --- bombë me hidrogjen --- nuclear bomb --- tuumapomm --- bomba atomica --- kärnladdning --- Neutronenbombe --- armë atomike --- kernevåben --- jadrová bomba --- атомска бомба --- testata nucleare --- nukleáris bomba --- neutron bomb --- neutronbomba --- bombă atomică --- bomba a neutroni --- neutronbombe --- atomska bomba --- ατομικά όπλα --- branduolinis įtaisas --- bomba nuclear --- atom bomb --- neutronipommi --- vesinikupomm --- atombomb --- neitronbumba --- bombë bërthamore --- atomová bomba --- broń nuklearna --- arma atomica --- Atomwaffe --- βόμβα υδρογόνου --- vandenilinė bomba --- armán núicléach --- atoomwapen --- πυρηνικός μηχανισμός --- атомско оружје --- neutrónová bomba --- vodikova bomba --- atombumba --- vodíková puma --- neutronenbom --- hydrogen bomb --- bomba de hidrógeno --- bomba atómica --- ydinlataus --- atomiase --- bomba a idrogeno --- arme atomice --- neutronpomm --- Wasserstoffbombe --- arsenale atomico --- kodolsistēma --- bomba all'idrogeno --- vodíková bomba --- bomba wodorowa --- hydrogenbombe --- nuclear device --- Kitajska --- Kína --- Hiina --- China --- Čína --- An tSín --- Кина --- Kiina --- Kina --- Ķīna --- Cina --- Китай --- Chiny --- Κίνα --- Kinija --- iċ-Ċina --- Repubblica popolare cinese --- República Popular da China --- Čínská lidová republika --- Ķīnas Tautas Republika --- Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία της Κίνας --- Kínai Népköztársaság --- République populaire de Chine --- ČLR --- Народна република Китай --- Народна Република Кина --- Hiina Rahvavabariik --- Folkerepublikken Kina --- ir-Repubblika Popolari taċ-Ċina --- Republika Popullore e Kinës --- Volksrepubliek China --- НР Кина --- die Volksrepublik China --- Ljudska republika Kitajska --- Čínska ľudová republika --- Kinijos Liaudies Respublika --- Folkrepubliken Kina --- Chińska Republika Ludowa --- Republica Populară Chineză --- Narodna Republika Kina --- Kiinan kansantasavalta --- People’s Republic of China --- República Popular China --- Polemology --- Nuclear weapons --- Armes nucléaires --- Military policy. --- Politique militaire

Asia's naval expansion : an arms race in the making?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780415696388 Year: 2012 Publisher: Abingdon ; New York : Routledge, for the International Institute for Strategic Studies,

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BPB1301 --- Asie --- Marine militaire --- Sécurité internationale --- διεθνής ασφάλεια --- internationale Sicherheit --- international sikkerhed --- tarptautinis saugumas --- kansainvälinen turvallisuus --- international security --- меѓународна безбедност --- medzinárodná bezpečnosť --- siguri ndërkombëtare --- rahvusvaheline julgeolek --- internationell säkerhet --- segurança internacional --- международна сигурност --- starptautiskā drošība --- seguridad internacional --- sicurezza internazionale --- mednarodna varnost --- slándáil idirnáisiúnta --- bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe --- međunarodna sigurnost --- mezinárodní bezpečnost --- међународна безбедност --- internationale veiligheid --- nemzetközi biztonság --- securitate internațională --- sigurtà internazzjonali --- equilibrio internacional --- internationell jämvikt --- međunarodna ravnoteža --- světová rovnováha --- διεθνής ισορροπία --- ekuilibër ndërkombëtar --- medzinárodná rovnováha --- tarptautinė pusiausvyra --- меѓународна рамнотежа --- internationaal evenwicht --- equilíbrio internacional --- drošības intereses --- starptautiskais līdzsvars --- internationales Gleichgewicht --- nemzetközi egyensúly --- international balance --- Διάσκεψη του Ελσίνκι --- equilibrio internazionale --- rahvusvaheline tasakaal --- echilibru internațional --- équilibre international --- mezinárodní rovnováha --- ратна морнарица --- merevägi --- marina militare --- военно-морски сили --- haditengerészet --- vojenské námorníctvo --- marină militară --- marinha de guerra --- marynarka wojenna --- flote --- Πολεμικό Ναυτικό --- karinis jūrų laivynas --- marine --- воена морнарица --- flotta --- marina de guerra --- søværn --- vojenské námořnictvo --- forza navali --- vojna mornarica --- flotë detare --- laivasto --- navy --- cabhlach --- Kriegsmarine --- ratna mornarica --- Marineeinheit --- Royal Navy --- kráľovské vojenské námorníctvo --- Karaliskā flote --- marina militar --- mornarica --- marineflyvevåben --- vojenské loďstvo --- морнарица --- Karališkosios jūrų pajėgos --- Armada --- força marítima --- Marina Regală --- zeestrijdkrachten --- armada --- força aeronaval --- marinha --- kuninglik merevägi --- Jūras spēki --- kuninkaallinen laivasto --- flotila --- fuzileiros --- Flota Mbretërore --- karinės jūrų pajėgos --- поморска сила --- frota de guerra --- Aasia --- Ázia --- Ασία --- Азия --- Azja --- Asien --- Asja --- Asia --- Ásia --- An Áise --- Азија --- Āzija --- Azië --- Azija --- Ázsia --- Azia --- азиски држави --- paesi dell'Asia --- asiatische Länder --- paesi asiatici --- ázsiai országok --- Aasian maat --- ázijské krajiny --- Asian countries --- țări asiatice --- país da Ásia --- ασιατικές χώρες --- landen van Azië --- vendet e Azisë --- Länder Asiens --- asiatiska länder --- pays asiatiques --- země Asie --- asiatiske lande --- asijské země --- Aziatisch land --- asijské státy --- pays d'Asie --- χώρες Ασίας --- státy Asie --- Aasia riigid --- Asiens länder --- país de Asia --- Azijos šalys --- país asiático --- Polemology --- Far East --- Sea-power --- Security, International --- Navies --- Puissance maritime --- Marines de guerre --- Pacific Area --- Pacifique, Région du --- Strategic aspects. --- Aspect stratégique

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