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Female control : sexual selection by cryptic female choice
ISBN: 0691010854 0691010846 0691207208 Year: 1996 Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Baltimore, Md. : Princeton Univ. Press, Project MUSE,

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A growing body of evidence has begun to reveal flaws in the traditional assumption of female passivity and lack of discrimination after copulation has begun. William Eberhard has compiled an impressive array of research on the ability of females to shape the outcome of mating. He describes studies of many different cryptic mechanisms by which a female can accept a male for copulation but nevertheless reject him as a father. Evidence from various fields indicates that such selectivity by females may be the norm rather than the exception. Because most post-copulatory competition between males for paternity is played out within the bodies of females, female behavior, morphology, and physiology probably often influence male success in these contests. Eberhard draws examples from a diversity of organisms, ranging from ctenophores to scorpions, nematodes to frogs, and crickets to humans. Cryptic female choice establishes a new bridge between sexual selection theory and reproductive physiology, in particular the physiological effects of male seminal products on female reproductive processes, such as sperm transport, oviposition, and remating. Eberhard interweaves his review of previous studies with speculation on the consequences of this theoretical development, and indicates promising new directions for future research.

Das Ungeborene im Widerspruch : der symbolische Schutz des menschlichen Lebens in vivo und sein Fortwirken in einer allopoietischen Strafgesetzgebung und Strafrechtswissenschaft
ISBN: 3428145151 342854515X 3428845153 9783428145157 9783428545155 9783428845156 Year: 2015 Publisher: Berlin : Duncker et Humblot,

What kinship is - and is not.
ISBN: 9780226925127 9780226925134 0226925129 9780226214290 022621429X Year: 2013 Publisher: Chicago The University of Chicago Press

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"In this pithy two-part essay, Marshall Sahlins reinvigorates the debates on what constitutes kinship, building on some of the best scholarship in the field to produce an original outlook on the deepest bond humans can have. Covering thinkers from Aristotle and Lévy- Bruhl to Émile Durkheim and David Schneider, and communities from the Maori and the English to the Korowai of New Guinea, he draws on a breadth of theory and a range of ethnographic examples to form an acute definition of kinship, what he calls the "mutuality of being." Kinfolk are persons who are parts of one another to the extent that what happens to one is felt by the other. Meaningfully and emotionally, relatives live each other's lives and die each other's deaths. In the second part of his essay, Sahlins shows that mutuality of being is a symbolic notion of belonging, not a biological connection by "blood." Quite apart from relations of birth, people may become kin in ways ranging from sharing the same name or the same food to helping each other survive the perils of the high seas. In a groundbreaking argument, he demonstrates that even where kinship is reckoned from births, it is because the wider kindred or the clan ancestors are already involved in procreation, so that the notion of birth is meaningfully dependent on kinship rather than kinship on birth. By formulating this reversal, Sahlins identifies what kinship truly is: not nature, but culture."--Publisher's website.

Politiken der Generativität : Reproduktive Gesundheit, Bevölkerung und Geschlecht. Das Beispiel der Weltgesundheitsorganisation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839450225 3837650227 Year: 2020 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Bevölkerungspolitik hat sich seit der UN-Bevölkerungs-Konferenz in Kairo 1994 grundlegend verändert. Geburtensteuernde Zwangsmaßnahmen wurden offiziell abgeschafft und selbstbestimmte Fortpflanzung auf die Grundlage von Menschenrechten gestellt. Allerdings sind auch die hier zugrunde liegenden Konzepte nicht frei von normativen Prämissen in Bezug auf Geschlecht, Sexualität, Ethnie und Gesundheit. Franziska Schutzbach stellt in ihrer Untersuchung - in deren Zentrum die Adaption der UN-Agenda im europäischen Kontext steht - heraus, dass die gegenwärtige Essenzialisierung der Generativität im Rahmen einer heteronormativen Zweigeschlechtlichkeit zentral für die Reproduktion der herrschenden Gesellschafts- und Geschlechterverhältnisse ist. »Schutzbachs sorgfältige, kritische Analyse der WHO-Programmatik basiert auf einem umfangreichen theoretischen Gerüst.« Hannah Zagel, Soziopolis, 25.06.2020

Human reproduction at a glance
ISBN: 0632054611 9780632054619 Year: 2001 Publisher: Osney Mead, Oxford ; Malden, MA : Blackwell Science,

The sexism of social and political theory: women and reproduction from Plato to Nietzsche
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0802054595 0802063756 9780802054593 9780802063755 Year: 1979 Publisher: Toronto, Ont. University of Toronto Press

Fortpflanzung und Geschlecht : Zur Konstruktion und Kategorisierung der generativen Praxis
ISBN: 3839438624 Year: 2017 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Fortpflanzung als das ›natürlichste‹ Phänomen der Welt wird häufig als Begründung für die Geschlechterdifferenz herangezogen und dient als Rechtfertigung für das hierarchisch strukturierte Geschlechterverhältnis. Auf der Grundlage der Soziologie Pierre Bourdieus fragt Daniela Heitzmann, wie sich jene vermeintliche Naturtatsache als soziales Phänomen begreifen lässt, um dessen enge Verknüpfung mit dem Frausein einerseits und das eher lose Verhältnis zum Mannsein andererseits zu analysieren. Hierzu entwickelt sie ein Konzept der generativen Praxis, das zu einem Forschungsprogramm zur Genese von Generativitätsvorstellungen führt und dabei besonders die soziale Konstruktionsarbeit der Soziologie in den Fokus rückt. »Der zentrale Anspruch und sicherlich auch die besondere Leistung von Heitzmann ist es, das große Potential der soziologischen Perspektive Bourdieus für die Geschlechtersoziologie aufzuzeigen. Eindrucksvoll ist bei dieser Publikation im Besonderen die breite Rezeption sehr unterschiedlicher empirischer Studien, die zum Zwecke der Theoriebildung systematisiert und reinterpretiert werden.« Karl Lenz, Soziologische Revue, 40/4 (2017) »Eine kritische, wichtige, verwirrende und sehr weitgreifende Beschreibung der sozialen Kategorie ›Frau‹, die von so vielen Ebenen bespielt, eingeschränkt und geformt wird.« WeiberDiwan, Sommer 2017 Besprochen in: Gen-ethischer Informationsdienst, 245 (2018)

Human reproduction.
ISSN: 14602350 02681161 Year: 1986 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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Human Reproduction features full-length, peer-reviewed papers reporting original research, concise clinical case reports, as well as opinions and debates on topical issues. Papers published cover the clinical science and medical aspects of reproductive physiology, pathology and endocrinology; including andrology, gonad function, gametogenesis, fertilization, embryo development, implantation, early pregnancy, genetics, genetic diagnosis, oncology, infectious disease, surgery, contraception, infertility treatment, psychology, ethics and social issues.


Embryology --- Reproduction --- Human reproduction --- Embryology. --- Reproduction. --- Human reproduction. --- Voortplanting (biologie) --- Fortpflanzung. --- Reproduktionsmedizin. --- Sterilität. --- Zeitschrift. --- Fortpflanzung --- Reproduktionsmedizin --- Sterilität --- Zeitschrift --- Infertilität --- Unfruchtbarkeit --- Reproduktionstechnik --- Fortpflanzungstechnologie --- Reproduktionstechnologie --- Fortpflanzungsmedizin --- Humanbiotechnologie --- Gentechnologie --- Reproduktion --- Human Reproductive Index --- Human Reproductive Indexes --- Reproductive Period --- Human Reproductive Indices --- Index, Human Reproductive --- Indexes, Human Reproductive --- Indices, Human Reproductive --- Period, Reproductive --- Periods, Reproductive --- Reproductive Index, Human --- Reproductive Indices, Human --- Reproductive Periods --- Embryologies --- Periodikum --- Zeitschriften --- Medizin --- Mensch --- Fertilitätsstörung --- Kinderlosigkeit --- Wunschmedizin --- Züchtungstechnik --- Vermehrung --- Human physiology --- Reproductive health --- Reproductive rights --- Presse --- Fortlaufendes Sammelwerk --- Sterilität --- Man --- Serials --- Reproduction humaine --- Embryologie. --- Animal embryology --- Animals --- Development, Embryological --- Development, Embryonic --- Development, Zygotic --- Embryogenesis --- Embryogeny --- Embryological development --- Embryonic development --- Zoology --- Zygote development --- Zygotes --- Zygotic development --- Zygotic embryogenesis --- Developmental biology --- Morphology (Animals) --- Embryos --- Development --- Infertilität --- Fertilitätsstörung --- Züchtungstechnik --- Health and Wellbeing.

Lost sex : the evolutionary biology of parthenogenesis
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1282361341 9786612361340 904812770X 9048127696 9789048127696 9789048127702 9400779968 Year: 2009 Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer Science,

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Sex is the queen of problems in evolutionary biology. Generations of researchers have investigated one of the last remaining evolutionary paradoxes: why sex exists at all. Given that sexual reproduction is costly from an evolutionary point of view, one could wonder why not all animals and plants reproduce asexually. Dozens of contemporary hypotheses attempt to explain the prevalence of sex and its advantages and predict the early extinction of fully asexual lineages. The major theme of this book is: what is the fate of animal and plant groups in which sex is lost? Initial chapters discuss theory behind asexual life: what major disadvantages do asexual groups have to face, what are the genetic and ecological consequences and what does this theory predict for more applied aspects of asexual life, for example in agricultural pests, diseases as well as in cultural crops such as grapes. Cases studies in many animals (focusing on both invertebrates and vertebrates) and plants reveal parallel, but also singularly novel adaptations to the absence of meiosis and syngamy. And last but not least, are asexuals really doomed to early extinction or do genuine ancient asexuals exist? This book assembles contributions from the most important research groups dealing with asexual evolution in eukaryotes. It is a milestone in research on parthenogenesis and will be useful to undergraduate as well as graduate students and to senior researchers in all fields of evolutionary biology, as the paradox of sex remains its queen of problems.

Human reproduction update.
ISSN: 14602369 13554786 Year: 1995 Publisher: Oxford : Oxford University Press,

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Human Reproduction Update publishes comprehensive and systematic review articles in human reproductive physiology and medicine. Basic, transitional and clinical topics related to reproduction are of primary interest. This includes all the relevant areas of andrology, embryology, infertility, gynaecology, pregnancy, reproductive endocrinology, reproductive epidemiology, reproductive genetics, reproductive immunology, and reproductive oncology.

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