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Marine Hydrocarbon Seeps : Microbiology and Biogeochemistry of a Global Marine Habitat
Authors: ---
ISBN: 303034827X 3030348253 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book provides an up-to-date overview of the microbiology, biogeochemistry, and ecology of marine hydrocarbon seeps, a globally occurring habitat for specialized microorganisms and invertebrates that depend on natural hydrocarbon seepage as a food and energy source. Prominent examples include the briny hydrocarbon seeps and mud volcanoes on the continental slope of the Gulf of Mexico and in the Mediterranean, the hydrothermally heated hydrocarbon seeps at Guaymas Basin (Mexico), and the oil and gas seeps off the coast of California and in the Gulf of Mexico. Featuring topical chapters by leading researchers in the area, the book describes geological settings, chemical characteristics of hydrocarbon seepage, hydrocarbon-dependent microbial populations, and ecosystem structure and trophic networks at hydrocarbon seeps. Further, it also discusses applied aspects such as bioremediation potential (oil-degrading microorganisms).

Antarctic Peninsula Region of the Southern Ocean
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783030789275 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer

A cognitive ethnography of knowledge and material culture : cognition, experiment, and the science of salmon lice
ISBN: 3030725111 3030725103 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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Mètodes experimentals --- Aqüicultura --- Paràsits --- Salmons --- Biologia marina --- Antropologia cultural --- Metodologia de la ciència --- Experiments --- Ectoparàsits --- Endoparàsits --- Epizous --- Paràsits animals --- Plagues --- Helmints --- Insectes paràsits --- Paràsits de les plantes --- Parasitisme --- Malalties parasitàries --- Producció animal --- Agricultura --- Aqüicultura marina --- Piscicultura --- Antropologia cultural i social --- Etnologia --- Antropologia --- Ciència --- Home --- Aborígens australians --- Afganesos --- Antropologia feminista --- Antropologia estructural --- Antropologia religiosa --- Antropologia urbana --- Antropometria --- Art primitiu --- Canibalisme --- Etnomusicologia --- Etnopoètica --- Grups ètnics --- Home prehistòric --- Indústries primitives --- Moviments nativistes --- Papús --- Parentiu --- Pigmeus --- Relacions racials --- Religió primitiva --- Sikhs --- Socialització --- Societat primitiva --- Territorialisme humà --- Usos i costums --- Antropologia social --- Arqueologia --- Aborígens --- Etnografia --- Relativisme cultural --- Vida oceànica --- Biologia aquàtica --- Ciències del mar --- Oceanografia --- Bentos --- Biotecnologia marina --- Ecologia marina --- Fauna marina --- Flora marina --- Fons marins --- Fotografia submarina --- Microbiologia marina --- Plàncton --- Recursos marins --- Sediments marins --- Salmó --- Salmònids --- Science --- Cognition and culture. --- Experiments. --- Culture and cognition --- Cognition --- Culture --- Ethnophilosophy --- Ethnopsychology --- Socialization --- Pobles indígenes

Perspectives on the marine animal forests of the world
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030570541 3030570533 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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Marine Animal Forests (MAFs) are spread all over the world. Composed by suspension feeding organisms (e.g. corals, gorgonians, sponges, bryozoans, bivalves, etc.), MAFs constitute a vast number of marine ecosystems such as coral reefs, cold water corals, sponge grounds, bivalve beds, etc. The surface covered by these systems is prominent (at the scale of the oceans of the planet), though poorly known. In a previous book (Marine Animal Forests, the ecology of benthic biodiversity hotspots), several aspects of the MAFs were described and discussed, building the basis for a holistic approach with the aim of putting these shallow and deep sea ecosystems under a common umbrella. The main target of the present book is to identify and address important topics which were not covered in the previous three volumes. Bryozoans or Polychaeta, for example, are treated in this volume, as well as hydrothermal vents ecosystems and submarine caves, the chemical ecology in MAFs or the nursery effect on these ecosystems. The vastity of the MAF concept opens new insights in the biology, physiology, biodiversity of the organisms structuring these highly biodiverse ecosystems and on the dangers threatening them (such as microplastics or the role of invasive species as an impact of their trophic ecology or distribution). In a fast changing world, in which the complexity of MAFs is at risk, we propose an in-depth analysis of many aspects that may be inspirational for future research lines in marine biology and ecology.


Aquatic ecology . --- Biodiversity. --- Ecosystems. --- Community ecology, Biotic. --- Animal systematics. --- Animal taxonomy. --- Conservation biology. --- Ecology . --- Freshwater & Marine Ecology. --- Community & Population Ecology. --- Animal Systematics/Taxonomy/Biogeography. --- Conservation Biology/Ecology. --- Balance of nature --- Biology --- Bionomics --- Ecological processes --- Ecological science --- Ecological sciences --- Environment --- Environmental biology --- Oecology --- Environmental sciences --- Population biology --- Ecology --- Nature conservation --- Animal classification --- Animal systematics --- Animal taxonomy --- Classification --- Systematic zoology --- Systematics (Zoology) --- Taxonomy, Animal --- Zoological classification --- Zoological systematics --- Zoological taxonomy --- Zoology --- Biocenoses --- Biocoenoses --- Biogeoecology --- Biological communities --- Biomes --- Biotic community ecology --- Communities, Biotic --- Community ecology, Biotic --- Ecological communities --- Ecosystems --- Natural communities --- Biological diversification --- Biological diversity --- Biotic diversity --- Diversification, Biological --- Diversity, Biological --- Biocomplexity --- Ecological heterogeneity --- Numbers of species --- Aquatic biology --- Animals --- Aquatic ecology. --- Esculls coral·lins --- Ecologia marina --- Biologia marina --- Vida oceànica --- Biologia aquàtica --- Ciències del mar --- Oceanografia --- Aqüicultura marina --- Bentos --- Biotecnologia marina --- Fauna marina --- Flora marina --- Fons marins --- Fotografia submarina --- Microbiologia marina --- Plàncton --- Recursos marins --- Sediments marins --- Ecologia oceànica --- Ecologia dels oceans --- Ecosistemes marins --- Oceanografia biològica --- Ecologia aquàtica --- Ecologia d'estuaris --- Ecologia pelàgica --- Productivitat marina --- Atols --- Bancs de corall --- Escullats i illes del corall --- Esculls de coralls --- Esculls de madrèpores --- Formacions coral·lines --- Illes coral·lines --- Illes de corall --- Illes madrepòriques --- Illots coral·lins --- Esculls --- Illes --- Coralls --- Ecologia dels esculls coral·lins --- Madreporaris

The mathematics of marine modelling : water, solute and particle dynamics in estuaries and shallow seas
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3031095596 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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Oceanography --- Approximation theory. --- Mathematical analysis. --- Oceanografia --- Models matemàtics --- Teoria de l'aproximació --- Anàlisi matemàtica --- Mathematical models. --- Models (Matemàtica) --- Models experimentals --- Models teòrics --- Mètodes de simulació --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- Mètode de Montecarlo --- Modelització multiescala --- Models economètrics --- Models lineals (Estadística) --- Models multinivell (Estadística) --- Models no lineals (Estadística) --- Programació (Ordinadors) --- Simulació per ordinador --- Teoria de màquines --- Models biològics --- Hidrologia marina --- Oceanografia física --- Oceanografia hidrològica --- Ciències del mar --- Aigua de mar --- Biologia marina --- Circulació oceànica --- Corrents marins --- Costes --- Exploracions submarines --- Fons marins --- Interacció oceà-atmosfera --- Mareògrafs --- Meteorologia marítima --- Nivell del mar --- Oceanografia aplicada --- Oceanografia química --- Paleoceanografia --- Recursos marins --- Geologia submarina --- Mar --- Oceans --- 517.1 Mathematical analysis --- Mathematical analysis --- Theory of approximation --- Functional analysis --- Functions --- Polynomials --- Chebyshev systems --- Matemàtica --- Àlgebra lineal --- Anàlisi combinatòria --- Anàlisi de Fourier --- Anàlisi estocàstica --- Anàlisi matemàtica no-estàndard --- Anàlisi numèrica --- Funcions --- Matemàtica per a enginyers --- Sèries infinites --- Teoria del potencial (Matemàtica) --- Teories no lineals --- Rutes aleatòries (Matemàtica) --- Àlgebra --- Càlcul --- Anàlisi funcional --- Polinomis --- Aproximació diofàntica --- Aproximació estocàstica --- Aproximants de Padé --- Interpolació (Matemàtica) --- Pertorbació (Matemàtica) --- Sistemes de Txebixov

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