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Fine particles: aerosol generation, measurement, sampling, and analysis
Authors: ---
ISBN: 012452950X 0323142214 1299399711 Year: 1976 Publisher: New York Academic Press

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Valorisation de fines de béton cellulaire issu de la déconstruction
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2025 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Dans le cadre du présent travail, deux problématiques majeures sont abordées : la gestion des déchets de déconstruction et la production polluante de ciment. De nombreux bâtiments arrivant en fin de vie génèrent une quantité importante de déchets, notamment de béton cellulaire, qui finissent souvent en décharge. Parallèlement, la fabrication de ciment, essentielle pour les nouveaux bétons et mortiers, contribue fortement aux émissions de CO$_2$. Il est donc crucial de trouver des solutions durables pour minimiser ces impacts environnementaux. Le béton cellulaire, reconnu pour ses propriétés isolantes et légères, peut être recyclé après déconstruction. Ce processus implique de collecter, concasser et transformer les débris en fines particules, réintroduites ensuite dans la fabrication de nouveaux mortiers en substitution partielle du ciment. Cette méthode présente plusieurs avantages : réduction des déchets en décharge, diminution de la demande en ciment neuf et des émissions de CO$_2$ associées. En intégrant des matériaux recyclés, l'empreinte carbone de la construction est réduite et les ressources naturelles sont préservées. Cette approche s'inscrit dans une démarche de développement durable et d'économie circulaire, essentielle pour l'avenir du secteur de la construction. 

La première partie de ce travail est consacrée à une introduction et un état de l'art. Ces derniers ont pour objectif d'établir des bases à travers des recherches bibliographiques. Les sujets abordés dans l'état de l'art sont la gestion des déchets de construction ; l'utilité des fines dans le béton avec un accent particulier sur les fillers calcaires ; le recyclage des déchets de construction, notamment le béton cellulaire dont le recyclage n'est pas encore développé ; le processus de carbonatation accélérée qui améliore les propriétés des fines ; la composition des mortiers ainsi que leurs différentes applications. 

La deuxième partie traite des matériaux utilisés, de la méthodologie adoptée, ainsi que de la description des essais effectués au Laboratoire des Matériaux de Construction de l'Université de Liège. L'étude des fines de béton cellulaire est réalisée par la substitution du ciment dans des recettes de mortiers. Les essais sont menés avec des fines de béton cellulaire carbonaté et non carbonaté, ainsi qu'avec du filler calcaire utilisé comme référence. Un taux de substitution nul sert également de base pour comparer les résultats obtenus. 

La troisième partie se concentre sur la présentation et l'analyse des résultats obtenus. Ces derniers sont encourageants, notamment en termes de résistance, où les fines de béton cellulaire dépassent le filler calcaire pour des taux de substitution identiques. 

La quatrième partie propose une analyse du cycle de vie en mettant en lumière les divers impacts environnementaux. La carbonatation des fines de béton cellulaire offre un avantage significatif en termes de capture de CO2.

La fin du travail sera dédiée aux conclusions sur les résultats obtenus et sur les perspectives envisageables. As part of this work, two major issues are addressed: the management of deconstruction waste and the polluting production of cement. Many buildings reaching the end of their life generate a significant amount of waste, particularly cellular concrete, which often ends up in landfills. At the same time, the production of cement, essential for new concrete and mortars, significantly contributes to CO2 emissions. It is therefore crucial to find sustainable solutions to minimize these environmental impacts. Cellular concrete, known for its insulating and lightweight properties, can be recycled after deconstruction. This process involves collecting, crushing, and transforming the debris into fine particles, which are then reintroduced into the manufacture of new mortars as a partial substitute for cement. This method has several advantages: reducing waste sent to landfills, decreasing the demand for new cement and the associated CO$_2$ emissions. By incorporating recycled materials, the carbon footprint of construction is reduced, and natural resources are preserved. This approach is part of a sustainable development and circular economy strategy, essential for the future of the construction sector.

The first part of this work is devoted to an introduction and a state of the art. These aim to establish a foundation through bibliographic research. The topics covered in the state of the art include the management of construction waste; the usefulness of fines in concrete with a particular focus on limestone fillers; the recycling of construction waste, particularly cellular concrete, whose recycling is not yet developed; the accelerated carbonation process that improves the properties of fines; the composition of mortars and their various applications.

The second part deals with the materials used, the methodology adopted, and the description of the tests carried out at the Construction Materials Laboratory of the University of Liège. The study of cellular concrete fines is carried out by substituting cement in mortar recipes. The tests are conducted with carbonated and non-carbonated cellular concrete fines, as well as with limestone filler used as a reference. A zero substitution rate also serves as a basis for comparing the results obtained.

The third part focuses on the presentation and analysis of the results obtained. These results are encouraging, particularly in terms of strength, where cellular concrete fines outperform limestone filler for identical substitution rates.

The fourth part proposes a life cycle analysis highlighting the various environmental impacts. The carbonation of cellular concrete fines offers a significant advantage in terms of CO2 capture.

The end of the study will be dedicated to conclusions on the results obtained and the possible perspectives.

Global Technology for Local Monitoring of Air Pollution in Dhaka
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The World Health Organization attributes about 3.3 million annual premature deaths to outdoor air pollution in low- and middle-income countries. Comprehensive pollution monitoring in urban areas has been too costly for many developing countries; yet sparse information has hindered cost-effective pollution management strategies. Global information technologies offer a potential escape from this information trap, but their accuracy remains uncertain. This paper uses ground-based measures of fine particulates and nitrogen dioxide, provided by the CAMS-3 Darussalam monitoring station in Dhaka, Bangladesh, to test three global technologies: the European Space Agency's Sentinel-5P, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, and Google Traffic. The results indicate that all three global technologies can provide useful information for extension of air pollution measurement beyond the few areas that are currently monitored by ground stations. Each technology tracks ground-based fine particulates measures with high significance, and the European Space Agency's Sentinel-5P and Google Traffic perform similarly for ground-based nitrogen dioxide measures. Google Traffic can provide accurate tracking at higher spatial and temporal resolution than the satellite sources, but only for emissions from motor vehicles in major metro areas. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer and the European Space Agency's Sentinel-5P capture the effects of emissions from other sources at all locations.

Selected Papers from PRES 2018 : The 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The depletion of natural energy resources provides evidential adverse impacts on world economy functionality. The strong requirement of a sustainable energy supply has escalated intensive research and the discovery of cleaner energy sources, as well as efficient energy management practices. In the context of a circular economy, this research not only targets the optimisation of resources utilisation at different stages but also emphasises the eco-design of products to extend production life spans. Based on this concept, this book discusses the roles of process integration approaches, renewable energy sources utilisation and design modifications in addressing the process energy and exergy efficiency improvement. The primary focus is to enhance the economic and environmental performance through process analysis, modelling and optimisation. The articles mainly show the contribution of each aspect: (a) design and numerical study for innovative energy-efficient technologies, (b) process integration—heat and power, (c) process energy efficiency or emission analysis, and (d) optimisation of renewable energy resources’ supply chain. The articles are based on the latest contribution of this journal’s Special Issues in the 21st conference entitled “Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES)”. This book is complemented with an editorial review to highlight the broader state-of-the-art development.


Research & information: general --- particulate matter --- fine particles --- combustion particles --- nucleation --- particle growth --- data envelopment analysis --- energy efficiency --- food loss and waste --- life-cycle assessment --- welding residual stress --- welding deflection --- T-joint fillet weld --- preheat temperature --- interpass time --- finite element analysis --- water desalination --- water supply --- water shortage --- energy demand --- environmental impacts --- specific energy consumption --- cryogenic energy storage --- air liquefaction --- exergy analysis --- economic analysis --- exergoeconomic analysis --- heat exchanger network --- structural controllability --- structural observability --- operability --- network science --- sensor and actuator placement --- simplified methods --- design procedure --- convection section --- radiant section --- flow distribution --- heat flux distribution --- boiler --- solar collector network --- minimum number of solar collectors --- maximum operating time --- flexible operation --- district heating --- heat accumulation --- pipe --- numerical model --- Modelica language --- Julia language --- performance --- off-grid polygeneration --- micro-hydropower plant --- fuzzy optimization --- mixed-integer linear programming --- dual-turbine --- multi-objective --- heat exchanger network (HEN) --- synthesis --- optimization --- direct heat integration --- indirect heat integration --- piping --- pumping --- impinging jet --- dimple --- Nusselt number --- heat transfer --- heat exchanger --- flow boiling --- surface-enhanced tube --- heat transfer coefficient --- flow pattern --- total site heat integration --- heat recovery loop (HRL) --- heat storage --- Monte Carlo (MC) simulation --- data farming --- gasification --- biomass --- total solid particle --- trigeneration system --- process integration --- pinch analysis --- co-generation --- storage system --- trigeneration system cascade analysis --- energy conservation --- latent heat thermal energy storage --- phase change materials --- passive cooling --- bio-adsorbents --- chitosan microbeads --- nanoparticles --- anaerobic digestion --- biowaste --- life cycle assessment --- smart city --- waste collection --- P-Graph framework --- process network synthesis --- multi-periodic model --- sustainability --- co-firing --- wheat straw --- softwood --- bog peat --- pellets --- thermal decomposition --- combustion --- DC electric field --- computational fluid dynamics --- temperature contour --- cooling system --- mathematical optimization --- machine learning --- flexible control technology --- biomass co-firing --- biomass quality --- network optimization --- goal programming --- mixed integer nonlinear programming --- renewable energy sources --- energy-saving technologies

Selected Papers from PRES 2018 : The 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The depletion of natural energy resources provides evidential adverse impacts on world economy functionality. The strong requirement of a sustainable energy supply has escalated intensive research and the discovery of cleaner energy sources, as well as efficient energy management practices. In the context of a circular economy, this research not only targets the optimisation of resources utilisation at different stages but also emphasises the eco-design of products to extend production life spans. Based on this concept, this book discusses the roles of process integration approaches, renewable energy sources utilisation and design modifications in addressing the process energy and exergy efficiency improvement. The primary focus is to enhance the economic and environmental performance through process analysis, modelling and optimisation. The articles mainly show the contribution of each aspect: (a) design and numerical study for innovative energy-efficient technologies, (b) process integration—heat and power, (c) process energy efficiency or emission analysis, and (d) optimisation of renewable energy resources’ supply chain. The articles are based on the latest contribution of this journal’s Special Issues in the 21st conference entitled “Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES)”. This book is complemented with an editorial review to highlight the broader state-of-the-art development.


particulate matter --- fine particles --- combustion particles --- nucleation --- particle growth --- data envelopment analysis --- energy efficiency --- food loss and waste --- life-cycle assessment --- welding residual stress --- welding deflection --- T-joint fillet weld --- preheat temperature --- interpass time --- finite element analysis --- water desalination --- water supply --- water shortage --- energy demand --- environmental impacts --- specific energy consumption --- cryogenic energy storage --- air liquefaction --- exergy analysis --- economic analysis --- exergoeconomic analysis --- heat exchanger network --- structural controllability --- structural observability --- operability --- network science --- sensor and actuator placement --- simplified methods --- design procedure --- convection section --- radiant section --- flow distribution --- heat flux distribution --- boiler --- solar collector network --- minimum number of solar collectors --- maximum operating time --- flexible operation --- district heating --- heat accumulation --- pipe --- numerical model --- Modelica language --- Julia language --- performance --- off-grid polygeneration --- micro-hydropower plant --- fuzzy optimization --- mixed-integer linear programming --- dual-turbine --- multi-objective --- heat exchanger network (HEN) --- synthesis --- optimization --- direct heat integration --- indirect heat integration --- piping --- pumping --- impinging jet --- dimple --- Nusselt number --- heat transfer --- heat exchanger --- flow boiling --- surface-enhanced tube --- heat transfer coefficient --- flow pattern --- total site heat integration --- heat recovery loop (HRL) --- heat storage --- Monte Carlo (MC) simulation --- data farming --- gasification --- biomass --- total solid particle --- trigeneration system --- process integration --- pinch analysis --- co-generation --- storage system --- trigeneration system cascade analysis --- energy conservation --- latent heat thermal energy storage --- phase change materials --- passive cooling --- bio-adsorbents --- chitosan microbeads --- nanoparticles --- anaerobic digestion --- biowaste --- life cycle assessment --- smart city --- waste collection --- P-Graph framework --- process network synthesis --- multi-periodic model --- sustainability --- co-firing --- wheat straw --- softwood --- bog peat --- pellets --- thermal decomposition --- combustion --- DC electric field --- computational fluid dynamics --- temperature contour --- cooling system --- mathematical optimization --- machine learning --- flexible control technology --- biomass co-firing --- biomass quality --- network optimization --- goal programming --- mixed integer nonlinear programming --- renewable energy sources --- energy-saving technologies

Selected Papers from PRES 2018 : The 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The depletion of natural energy resources provides evidential adverse impacts on world economy functionality. The strong requirement of a sustainable energy supply has escalated intensive research and the discovery of cleaner energy sources, as well as efficient energy management practices. In the context of a circular economy, this research not only targets the optimisation of resources utilisation at different stages but also emphasises the eco-design of products to extend production life spans. Based on this concept, this book discusses the roles of process integration approaches, renewable energy sources utilisation and design modifications in addressing the process energy and exergy efficiency improvement. The primary focus is to enhance the economic and environmental performance through process analysis, modelling and optimisation. The articles mainly show the contribution of each aspect: (a) design and numerical study for innovative energy-efficient technologies, (b) process integration—heat and power, (c) process energy efficiency or emission analysis, and (d) optimisation of renewable energy resources’ supply chain. The articles are based on the latest contribution of this journal’s Special Issues in the 21st conference entitled “Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES)”. This book is complemented with an editorial review to highlight the broader state-of-the-art development.


Research & information: general --- particulate matter --- fine particles --- combustion particles --- nucleation --- particle growth --- data envelopment analysis --- energy efficiency --- food loss and waste --- life-cycle assessment --- welding residual stress --- welding deflection --- T-joint fillet weld --- preheat temperature --- interpass time --- finite element analysis --- water desalination --- water supply --- water shortage --- energy demand --- environmental impacts --- specific energy consumption --- cryogenic energy storage --- air liquefaction --- exergy analysis --- economic analysis --- exergoeconomic analysis --- heat exchanger network --- structural controllability --- structural observability --- operability --- network science --- sensor and actuator placement --- simplified methods --- design procedure --- convection section --- radiant section --- flow distribution --- heat flux distribution --- boiler --- solar collector network --- minimum number of solar collectors --- maximum operating time --- flexible operation --- district heating --- heat accumulation --- pipe --- numerical model --- Modelica language --- Julia language --- performance --- off-grid polygeneration --- micro-hydropower plant --- fuzzy optimization --- mixed-integer linear programming --- dual-turbine --- multi-objective --- heat exchanger network (HEN) --- synthesis --- optimization --- direct heat integration --- indirect heat integration --- piping --- pumping --- impinging jet --- dimple --- Nusselt number --- heat transfer --- heat exchanger --- flow boiling --- surface-enhanced tube --- heat transfer coefficient --- flow pattern --- total site heat integration --- heat recovery loop (HRL) --- heat storage --- Monte Carlo (MC) simulation --- data farming --- gasification --- biomass --- total solid particle --- trigeneration system --- process integration --- pinch analysis --- co-generation --- storage system --- trigeneration system cascade analysis --- energy conservation --- latent heat thermal energy storage --- phase change materials --- passive cooling --- bio-adsorbents --- chitosan microbeads --- nanoparticles --- anaerobic digestion --- biowaste --- life cycle assessment --- smart city --- waste collection --- P-Graph framework --- process network synthesis --- multi-periodic model --- sustainability --- co-firing --- wheat straw --- softwood --- bog peat --- pellets --- thermal decomposition --- combustion --- DC electric field --- computational fluid dynamics --- temperature contour --- cooling system --- mathematical optimization --- machine learning --- flexible control technology --- biomass co-firing --- biomass quality --- network optimization --- goal programming --- mixed integer nonlinear programming --- renewable energy sources --- energy-saving technologies

Contaminated soil '98 : proceedings of the Sixth International FZK/TNO conference of contaminated soil, 17-21 May 1998, Edinburgh, UK. Tome 2
ISBN: 0727726757 Year: 1998

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614.77 --- 504.53 --- 502.37 --- 631.618 --- 502.34 --- Soil. Effect of soil and its effluvia on health. Topography and health --- Earth surface. Soil environment --- Restoration, salvage, rescue measures. Sanitation --- Reclamation of industrial and mined land --- Social, administrative, legislative measures on nature conservation --- 502.34 Social, administrative, legislative measures on nature conservation --- 631.618 Reclamation of industrial and mined land --- 502.37 Restoration, salvage, rescue measures. Sanitation --- 504.53 Earth surface. Soil environment --- 614.77 Soil. Effect of soil and its effluvia on health. Topography and health --- In situ bioremediation. --- contaminated soil --- clean - up technologies --- In situ bioreclamation --- In situ biorestoration --- Bioremediation --- In situ remediation --- Monograph --- education and training --- Knowledge transfer --- Quality control. --- ANALYTICAL METHODS --- QA - QC program --- Quality assurance. --- monitoring procedures --- Quality control --- Factory management --- Industrial engineering --- Reliability (Engineering) --- Sampling (Statistics) --- Standardization --- Quality assurance --- Quality of products --- groundwater and soil contamination --- experts for environmenal contaminations --- volatile organic compounds ( VOC ) --- aromatic hydrocarbons ( BTEX ) halogenated hydrocarbons --- Hazardous substances. --- Dangerous chemicals --- Dangerous goods --- Dangerous materials --- Dangerous substances --- Hazardous chemicals --- Hazardous goods --- Hazardous materials --- Hazmats --- Chemicals --- Materials --- distribution coefficients --- Adsorption. --- Soil remediation. --- mineral oil --- Fine particles --- Cleanup of contaminated soil --- Remediation of contaminated soil --- Soil cleanup --- Soil contamination remediation --- Soil protection --- Soil pollution --- Sorption --- Separation (Technology) --- Surface chemistry --- Green technology. --- environmental investigations --- CLAYS --- CHARACTERIZATION --- in situ measurement technique --- SITE INVESTIGATION --- geoelectrical measurements --- Heavy metals. --- Geophysical methods --- Toxic metals --- Metals --- Poisons --- Earth-friendly technology --- Environmental technology --- Technology --- Risk assessment. --- Statistics. --- sampling strategies --- Hazardous waste sites. --- software tool --- Chemical landfills --- Contaminated sites --- Dumps, Toxic --- Hazardous waste disposal sites --- Hazardous waste facilities --- Superfund sites --- Toxic dumps --- Waste disposal sites --- Statistical analysis --- Statistical data --- Statistical methods --- Statistical science --- Mathematics --- Econometrics --- Analysis, Risk --- Assessment, Risk --- Risk analysis --- Risk evaluation --- Evaluation --- environmental policy instruments --- abandoned waste disposal sites --- groundwater monitoring --- national programmes --- Remediation --- miming, environmental impact --- Zone of aeration. --- In situ remediation. --- STEAM STRIPPING --- soil vapor extraction ( SVE ) --- Temperature. --- large - scale experiment basin --- aromatic hydrocarbon contamination --- Cold --- Heat --- In situ treatment of wastes --- Remediation, In situ --- Pollution --- Aeration, Zone of --- Suspended water zone --- Unsaturated zone --- Vadose zone --- Zone of suspended water --- Soil moisture --- Water table --- Epikarst --- PAH --- Phenols. --- Flocculation. --- HUMIC SUBSTANCES --- SORPTION --- SEDIMENTS --- Aggregation (Chemistry) --- Phenolic compounds --- Phenolics --- Alcohols --- Antiseptics --- Aromatic compounds --- authorities ' role --- risk manbagement --- LIABILITY --- abandoned polluted areas --- EUROPEAN UNION --- programme of research --- authorities --- concerted action --- Bioavailability --- Copper. --- Migration, Internal. --- Internal migration --- Mobility --- Population geography --- Internal migrants --- Native element minerals --- Transition metals --- Availability, Biological --- Biological availability --- Physiologic availability --- Physiological availability --- Biochemistry --- field experiment --- bentonite - cement --- BARRIERS --- ground water monitoring --- EXTRACTION --- Chlorohydrocarbons. --- Solvents. --- Fluids --- Plasticizers --- Chlorinated hydrocarbons --- Chlorine hydrocarbons --- Halocarbons --- Organochlorine compounds --- Soil permeability. --- behaviour of contaminants --- Groundwater flow --- Flow, Groundwater --- Hydrodynamics --- Subsurface drainage --- Hydraulic conductivity of soils --- Soils --- Permeability --- Soil capillarity --- Soil percolation --- Migration --- oil products --- Bioremediation. --- microbial activities --- Nitrogen. --- Group 15 elements --- Nonmetals --- Environmental biotechnology --- Biodegradation --- nodulation --- Rhizobium. --- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. --- alfalfa biotest --- Symbiosis. --- ecotoxicity --- Consortism --- Biology --- Symbiogenesis --- Benzenoid hydrocarbons --- PAHs (Chemicals) --- Polyarenes --- Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons --- Hydrocarbons --- Polycyclic aromatic compounds --- Root nodule bacteria --- Rhizobiaceae --- Radioisotopes. --- Radioactive contamination --- Radioactive isotopes --- Radioactive nuclides --- Radionuclides --- Isotopes --- Nuclear engineering --- Radioactive substances --- Radiochemistry --- MOBILIZATION --- DATA ANALYSIS --- Groundwater. --- computer model --- contaminated plume --- Ground water --- Subterranean water --- Underground water --- Water, Underground --- Water --- Hydrogeology --- MODELS --- Cost effectiveness. --- Environmental management --- MAPPING --- Environmental stewardship --- Stewardship, Environmental --- Environmental sciences --- Management --- Benefit cost analysis --- Capital output ratios --- Cost benefit analysis --- Costs, Industrial --- Engineering economy --- Value analysis (Cost control) --- PREVENTION --- ANALYTICAL METHOD --- Microorganisms. --- Germs --- Micro-organisms --- Microbes --- Microscopic organisms --- Organisms --- Microbiology --- Biodegradation. --- Bioreactors. --- Groundwater treatment --- Biochemical reactors --- Reactors, Biochemical --- Biochemical engineering --- Chemical reactors --- Biocorrosion --- Biodecay --- Biodecomposition --- Biodeterioration --- Biological corrosion --- Biological decay --- Biological decomposition --- Biological degradation --- Decay, Biological --- Decomposition (Biology) --- Degradation, Biological --- Decomposition (Chemistry) --- Equipment and supplies --- CHARACTERISATION --- Naphthalene. --- Optoacoustic spectroscopy. --- Phenanthrene. --- Anthracene --- PAS (Spectroscopy) --- Photoacoustic spectroscopy --- Laser spectroscopy --- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons --- mineral oil hydrocarbons --- Thin layer chromatography. --- CONTAMINATED SOILS --- Chromatography, Thin layer --- Planar chromatography --- Thin film chromatography --- TLC (Chromatography) --- Chromatographic analysis --- on - site treatment --- Biological treatment --- removal rates --- Hydrocarbons. --- bio - piles --- Organic compounds --- Spatial variability --- MONITORING --- Soils. --- Earth (Soils) --- Mold, Vegetable --- Mould, Vegetable --- Soil --- Vegetable mold --- Agricultural resources --- Plant growing media --- Regolith --- Land capability for agriculture --- hudrocarbons --- SOIL PROPERTIES --- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAH ) --- SAMPLING TECHNIQUES --- PUMPING --- Groundwater remediation --- Chromium. --- WASTE WATER TREATMENT --- clean up technologies --- LEACHATES --- Chromium group --- Heat resistant alloys --- target values --- background levels --- quality of the soil --- Computer simulation. --- Partitioning --- slurry wall --- Computer modeling --- Computer models --- Modeling, Computer --- Models, Computer --- Simulation, Computer --- Electromechanical analogies --- Mathematical models --- Simulation methods --- Model-integrated computing --- intervention values for remediation --- military sites --- fincancial aspects --- Soil protection. --- Cost. --- register --- Legislation. --- Legislative process --- Law --- Costs (Economics) --- Expenses --- Economics --- Contingent fees --- Protection, Soil --- Protection of soils --- Soils, Protection of --- Environmental protection --- governmental --- Risk management. --- Insurance --- Nitrates. --- MICROCOSMS --- In situ bioremediation --- Nitrate salts --- Nitric acid --- Oxysalts --- Soil animals. --- Earthworms. --- Lumbricina --- Lumbricus terrestris --- Haplotaxida --- Worms --- Soil fauna --- Animals --- Soil biology --- Compost animals --- uv oxidation --- AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS --- Pesticides. --- chemical treatments --- Economic poisons --- Agricultural chemicals --- Pests --- Control --- test values --- Soil pollution. --- Soil vapor extraction --- Halocarbons. --- Halogenated hydrocarbons --- Organohalogen compounds --- Soil enhanced volatilization --- Soil vacuum extraction --- Soil venting --- Soil volatilization --- SVE (Soil remediation) --- Extraction (Chemistry) --- Soil remediation --- Contamination of soil --- Soil contamination --- Soil salinization --- Environmental aspects --- ENCAPSULATION --- Lead. --- health risk --- reuse of sites --- Ecological effects --- remedial action scenario --- Group 14 elements --- fluidized - bed reactor --- mixed population --- NATURAL ATTENUATION --- MARINE --- DIESEL --- in - situ --- biosurfactant --- REGULATIONS --- Responsibility --- contaminated soil administration --- human health risk --- reuse ( of sites ) --- ecological --- EFFECTS --- Bacteria --- Biotic communities. --- Metals. --- Zinc. --- Metallic elements --- Chemical elements --- Ores --- Metallurgy --- Biocenoses --- Biocoenoses --- Biogeoecology --- Biological communities --- Biomes --- Biotic community ecology --- Communities, Biotic --- Community ecology, Biotic --- Ecological communities --- Ecosystems --- Natural communities --- Ecology --- Population biology --- Prokaryotes --- PCDD - Fs --- POLICIES --- INVENTORY --- national laws --- SLUDGES --- organic contaminants --- target valule --- quality of soil --- governmental directives --- Cadmium. --- functional layers --- reactive solutes --- Transport modeling --- unsaturated soil --- priority lists --- Classification. --- ranking system --- Knowledge, Classification of --- Information organization --- contamianted sites --- liabilty --- Management. --- International cooperation. --- RISKS --- sustainable soil use --- Cooperation, International --- Global governance --- Institutions, International --- Interdependence of nations --- International institutions --- World order --- Cooperation --- International relations --- International organization --- Administration --- Industrial relations --- Organization --- Groundwater sampling --- Microbiological degradation --- DEGRADATION --- vacuum extraction --- soil vapour extraction --- groundwater clean - up --- Petroleum Hydrocarbons --- BTEX --- Aquifers. --- Aquafers --- Water-bearing formations --- Aquitards --- TOXICITY TESTS --- ecotoxicological --- Biological assay. --- Assay, Biological --- Bioassay --- Methodology --- GUIDELINES --- hazard ranking --- exposure model --- HUMAN HEALTH --- Databases. --- protection public safety --- Data banks --- Data bases --- Databanks --- Database systems --- Computer files --- Electronic information resources --- abandoned waste disposal site --- PLUMES --- Groundwater modelling --- decontamination techniques --- Leaching. --- Chemical engineering --- In situ processing (Mining) --- Ore-dressing --- Solution mining --- physico - chemical washing process --- oil -products --- sludge - slurry --- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS --- microbiological soil degradation --- carbon balances --- bio - reactor test --- volatile organochlorines --- in - situ sparging --- air migration --- Wellhead protection. --- soil rmediation --- Aquifer protection --- Drinking water protection --- Groundwater protection --- Source water protection --- Wellfield protection --- Water quality management --- LIFE CYCLE --- environmentla management --- ASSESSMENTS --- remedial action techniques --- soil evolution - extraction methods --- TNT (Chemical) --- toxicity potential --- Methyltrinitrobenzene --- Trinitrotoluene --- Trinitrotoluol --- Trotyl --- Explosives --- Organonitrogen compounds --- Toluene --- sampling methods --- reliability sampling --- soil and groundwater contamination --- Mass transfer. --- Bioavailabililty --- physical states --- Mass transport (Physics) --- Thermodynamics --- Transport theory --- Biosensors. --- Speciation (Chemistry) --- Biochemical speciation --- Chemical speciation --- Chemistry, Analytic --- Biodetectors --- Biological detectors --- Biological sensors --- Biomedical detectors --- Biomedical sensors --- Detectors --- Medical instruments and apparatus --- Physiological apparatus --- soil clean - up criteria --- exposure pathway --- EXPOSURE --- Plants. --- Flora --- Plant kingdom --- Plantae --- Vascular plants --- Vegetable kingdom --- Vegetation --- Wildlife --- Botany --- Example. --- l - hydroxypyrene --- Model --- Pattern --- Authority --- Concepts --- Ethics --- Exempla --- Ideals (Psychology) --- Imitation --- Influence (Psychology) --- Microbial activity --- isotope methods --- behavior of contaminants --- PAH ( polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ) --- MIGRATION --- sampling programmes --- RECYCLING --- MANGEMENT --- REGENERATION --- on - site treatments --- pilot test --- case study --- Soil Washing --- MINING --- Reuse --- national law --- remediation concept --- BIODEGRADABILITY --- mineral soil --- Soil erosion --- isotope hydrology --- petrol hydrocarbons --- in situ groundwater remediation --- behaviour contaminants --- PAH ( polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon ) --- leaching behavior --- Environmental risks --- gasworks --- organic contamination --- purification of exhaust air --- programme fo research --- risk management and health --- in sity microcosms --- field injection experiment --- laboratory batch experiments --- Soil gas --- in situ measurement techniques --- clean - up cost --- industrial areas --- mass transport calculation --- soil clean - up --- contaminated site --- sampling theories --- SAMPLES --- WASTE DISPOSAL --- dump site monitoring --- clay liner --- HETEROGENEITY --- homogeneization --- chemico - physical processes --- fundamentals and evaluation criteria --- biological processes --- scientific principles --- RISK ASSESSMENT --- dermal adsorption --- large - scale experimental basin --- TRACER --- in - situ groundwater remediation --- thrichloroethylene --- PCB --- ecotoxicological tests --- remediation efficiency --- BIODEGRADATION --- toxic metabolites --- in - situ measurement techniques --- HYDROCARBONS --- FIELD TESTS --- fiber - optic sensor technology --- WASTE WATER --- CHLORINATED HYDROCARBONS --- LEACHING --- HEAVY METALS --- ion exchange resins --- chemical speciation --- SCREENING --- SOILS --- CHROMIUM --- ARSENIC --- soil - plant transfer --- pesticide transport --- Chlorinated --- IMMOBILIZATION --- in - situ bioremediation --- COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS --- DESORPTION --- THERMAL TREATMENT --- thermal desorption --- in - situ remediation --- VOLATILIZATION --- TEMPERATURE --- trichloroethylene --- BIOREMEDIATION --- simulation model --- dredged material --- DISPOSAL SITES --- CLASSIFICATION --- DATA BASES --- SOIL REMEDIATION --- QUALITY CONTROL --- QUALITY ASSURANCE --- MANAGEMENT --- atmospheric deposition --- leaching behaviour --- BUFFERING CAPACITY --- INCINERATION --- stabilized waste --- industrial sites --- soil protection policy --- RISK ANALYSIS --- soil protection technology --- impermeable industrial flooring --- pesticides ( HCH ) --- Political science. --- Planning. --- redevelopment --- land register --- Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) --- Executive ability --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Politics --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Buildings. --- contaminated land --- Sulfates. --- Sulphates --- Sulfuric acid --- Edifices --- Halls --- Structures --- Architecture --- HCH --- DECONTAMINATION --- COMPLEXING AGENTS --- Field experiments --- Agriculture. --- Farming --- Husbandry --- Industrial arts --- Life sciences --- Food supply --- Land use, Rural --- Agriculture --- Crops --- Field crops --- Field plot technique --- Field tests --- Field trials in agriculture --- Experimentation --- Research --- On-farm --- SULPHATE --- Slurry --- URBAN AREAS --- DOC --- DHS from composts --- Metabolites. --- hetero - PAH --- Secondary metabolites --- Biomolecules --- Biological products --- Chemical ecology --- Mercury. --- Hydrargyrum --- Quicksilver --- Liquid metals --- Sulfides. --- MINE TAILINGS --- Drainage. --- Land drainage --- Agricultural engineering --- Hydraulic engineering --- Reclamation of land --- Sanitary engineering --- Sewerage --- Sulphides --- Chalcogenides --- Sulfur compounds --- DIOXIN --- Gas chromatography. --- Mass spectrometry. --- Mass spectra --- Mass spectrograph --- Mass spectroscopy --- Mass spectrum analysis --- Mass (Physics) --- Nuclear spectroscopy --- Spectrum analysis --- Gas-liquid chromatography --- GLC (Chromatographic analysis) --- Vapor-phase chromatography --- quality standards --- Volatile organic compounds. --- Clean - up --- VOCs (Chemicals) --- Volatile organic chemicals --- Prosecution. --- Criminal procedure --- Informations --- Private prosecutors --- warfare - related --- suspected areas --- historical investigation --- Field experiments. --- HEALTH AND SAFETY --- OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY --- credit approval process --- Investigations. --- environment desk corporate banking --- solvency risks --- site management --- collateral risks --- filed test --- Trichloroethylene. --- case history --- Acetylene trichloride --- Ethinyl trichloride --- TCE (Trichloroethylene) --- Trethylene --- Tri (Chemical) --- Trichlorethylene --- Trichloroethene --- Triclene --- Trilene --- Trimar --- Anesthetics --- Chlorohydrocarbons --- Ethylene --- soil sand groundwater contamination --- practice --- risk research --- CONTAMINATION --- Cyanides. --- LAWS --- phosphorous --- Excavation. --- CHEMICAL TREATMENT --- Civil engineering --- Earthwork --- Tunneling --- petrol hydrocarbon --- physico - chemical processing --- ORGANIC MATTER --- intervention values for soil clean - up --- soil and groundwater --- environmental investigation --- contractor responsibility --- WASTE PROCESSING --- toxixcity --- Genetic toxicology. --- Genotoxicity --- Genotoxicology --- Toxicology --- Biochemical genetics --- Medical genetics --- Carcinogenesis --- Chemical mutagenesis --- Genetic aspects --- laser light scattering --- hydro - colloids --- fluorescence detection --- HUMIC ACIDS --- flow - field - flow - fractionation --- Redox conditions --- extensive concepts --- natural biodegradation --- EXAMINATION --- case histroy --- Acid mine drainage. --- leachates monitoring --- MINE WASTES --- Mine acid drainage --- Mine drainage --- in - situ treatment --- distribution coefficient --- basque country --- contaminated site remediation --- Fills (Earthwork) --- contaminated site investigation --- priorization --- derelict land --- Earth fills --- Fill (Earthwork) --- Land fills --- Landfills --- Soil mechanics --- VOC 's --- Benzene. --- Benzol --- Gas Emissions --- organic chlorinated compounds --- Thermal desorption. --- Desorption, Thermal --- Thermodesorption --- carbon balance --- microbiological soil remediation --- REACTORS --- intelligent soil --- remediation concpet --- chlorianted hydrocarbons --- biormediation --- halogentated hydrocarbons --- phytotoxicity --- Crops. --- Agricultural crops --- Crop plants --- Farm crops --- Industrial crops --- Farm produce --- Plants, Cultivated --- Agronomy --- Crop science --- Plant products --- electrosys --- sequential extraction procedure --- biomonitoring --- landfill leachate --- TOXICITY --- Arsenic. --- human - health risks --- environmental policy instrumets --- trigger values --- Health risks --- Psychological aspects. --- ranking systems --- LANDFILL GAS --- TECHNOLOGIES --- Nickel. --- EXPERT SYSTEMS --- Diesel fuels. --- Diesel motor --- Diesel oil --- Motor fuels --- Fuel --- refinery site --- mass transfer calculations --- partioning --- napthalene --- polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAH ) --- ISOLATION --- bioavailibity --- Xenobiotics. --- biosensor --- Foreign chemical compounds --- Foreign compounds --- Xenobiotic compounds --- Sustainability --- treatment policy --- contaminated soi administration --- Responsability --- Sustainability science --- Human ecology --- Social ecology --- INDUSTRIAL AREA --- Site restoration --- Standardization. --- Grading --- Mass production --- Specifications --- Testing --- clean - up technpologies --- off - site treatment --- Protection. --- Accelerated erosion --- Erosion --- Industrial sites. --- Factory sites --- Factories --- Industrial location --- Plant engineering --- Real property --- Location --- transport in soil --- behaviour of contaminant --- naphtalene --- AVAILABILITY --- VOC --- FIXATION --- Incineration. --- HAZARDOUS WASTE --- Burning of waste --- Combustion of waste --- Waste burning --- Waste combustion --- Refuse and refuse disposal --- Compost. --- Indore process --- Organic fertilizers --- Organic wastes --- Soil amendments --- Humus --- Vermicomposting --- abandined polluted area --- Soil air. --- Soil atmosphere --- Soil gases --- Soil chemistry --- Soil physics --- Soil aeration --- Air content --- Phytoremediation --- Vegetation-based remediation --- Vegetative bioremediation --- Toluene. --- Methylbenzene --- Phenylmethane --- Toluol --- co - oxidation --- MTBE --- MICROBIAL DEGRADATION --- CONTAMINANTS --- ORGANIC --- heavy metls --- pollutant transport --- due diligence --- vadose zone monitoring --- geoelectrics --- Fertilizers. --- Artificial fertilizers --- Chemical fertilizers --- Fertilisers --- Fertilization of soils --- Fertilizers and manures --- Plants --- Soil fertility --- Fertilizers --- Fertilization --- Nutrition --- Biological tests --- STABILIZATION --- firing range --- catcher - sand --- Flotation. --- clean - up technolgoies --- Froth flotation --- Ozone. --- UV - oxidation --- Pilot plants. --- Experimental plants --- Pilot production --- Plants, Pilot --- Chemical tests and reagents --- Oxygen --- life cycle impact assessment --- LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT --- human - toxicological --- slurry bioreactor --- anaerobic --- TREATMENT --- Explosives. --- Explosive chemicals --- Chemistry, Technical --- Blasting --- Geology --- conditional simulation --- Geological statistics --- Geostatistics --- Statistical methods. --- microbiological parameters --- warfare - related contaminated sites --- Diffusion. --- immobile zones --- MASS TRANSPORT --- Gases --- Liquids --- Physics --- Solution (Chemistry) --- Solutions, Solid --- Matter --- Packed towers --- Semiconductor doping --- Diffusion --- Properties --- solidification - stabilization --- coclodextrin complexation --- oil contaminated soil --- contact biotest --- soil toxicity --- USTs --- DISSOLVED ORGANIC CARBON --- hexachlorocyclohexane ( HCH ) --- DUMPING SITE --- Waste disposal sites. --- Waste disposal in the ground --- aquifer A --- Wastewaters --- containated land --- Risk communication --- Communication of risk information --- Communication of technical information --- eivironmental policy instruments --- cement - betonite --- Dechlorination. --- PRCBs --- Reduction (Chemistry) --- Pollution prevention. --- decision support system --- Prevention of pollution --- Prevention and control --- PCB ( polychlorinated biphenyls ) --- cleran - up operation --- waste minimisation --- in - situ ( bio ) - remediation --- extraction ( SVE ) --- soil vapor --- groundwater modeling --- Environmental toxicology. --- Ecotoxicology --- Pollutants --- Environmental health --- Ethanol. --- non - isothermal transfer --- Carbon tetrachloride. --- Tetrachloromethane --- Carbon compounds --- Tetrachlorides --- Absolute ethanol --- Alkyl alcohol --- Anhydrol --- Anhydrous alcohol --- Ethyl alcohol --- Ethyl hydrate --- Hydroxyethane --- standardisation --- genetically engineered microorganisms ( GEMs ) --- mixed wastes --- limiting values and standard values --- Solidification. --- compressive strenght --- CEMENTS --- Dredging spoil. --- Porosity. --- Adsorption --- Osmosis --- Dredge spoil --- Dredged material --- Material, Dredged --- Spoil, Dredging --- Dredging --- Waste products --- Spoil banks --- Crystallization --- Melting points --- guide levels --- biotoxicity chlorinated hydrocarbons --- Oxidation. --- Electrolysis. --- Chemistry, Physical and theoretical --- Electrochemistry --- Ions --- Autoxidation --- Chemical oxidation --- washing stage --- Organic compounds. --- microbiological --- homogenization --- Drums --- Compounds, Organic --- Organic chemicals --- decision suppoort system --- WATER BALANCE --- covering system --- treatment methods --- Environmental engineering. --- Environmental control --- Environmental effects --- Environmental stresses --- Engineering --- Sustainable engineering --- deep compaction --- phytoxicity --- clean-up cost --- clean-up technologies --- EFFICIENCY --- clean -up --- sampling programme --- extractability --- limiting values and standard costs --- Real property. --- Values. --- Housing. --- contaminated sited --- Affordable housing --- Homes --- Houses --- Housing --- Housing needs --- Residences --- Slum clearance --- Urban housing --- City planning --- Dwellings --- Human settlements --- Axiology --- Worth --- Aesthetics --- Knowledge, Theory of --- Metaphysics --- Psychology --- Cadastral surveys --- Catastral surveys --- Freehold --- Limitations (Law) --- Property, Real --- Real estate --- Real estate law --- Realty --- Property --- Rent --- Social aspects --- Law and legislation --- POLICY --- reactive barriers --- construction design --- soil clean - up critetia --- soil and goundwater contamination --- remediation plan --- remedial measures --- national binding values --- remedial investigation --- prevention policies --- sodium humate --- SODIUM CHLORIDES --- knowledge transfre --- Public --- ion - exchange resin --- electrodecontamination --- Copper ions. --- electroextraction --- ion - exchange membrane --- Metal ions --- Manures. --- Ammonia. --- FERTILIZATION --- Anhydrous ammonia --- Alkalies --- Nitrogen compounds --- Dung --- Dungs --- Manure --- Animal waste --- Crop residues --- soils decontamination --- MODELLING --- Vacuum. --- High vacuum technique --- Electric discharges through gases --- authorities role --- Sewage. --- Domestic effluent --- Domestic sewage --- Domestic wastewater --- Effluent (Sewage) --- Industrial effluent --- Industrial wastewater --- Sewage effluent --- Waste water --- Waste waters --- Wastewater --- Ion exchange resins. --- Gums and resins --- Moisture of soils --- Soil water --- Groundwater --- Soil infiltration rate --- Soils, Irrigated --- Atmospheric deposition. --- Air pollutant deposition --- Atmospheric fallout --- Atmospheric pollutant deposition --- Deposition of air pollutants --- Deposition of atmospheric pollutants --- Fallout, Atmospheric --- Sedimentation and deposition --- Air --- Accountability --- Moral responsibility --- Obligation --- Supererogation --- modelling of ground water flow --- piling --- intervention value --- target value --- utilization concept --- public awareness --- remedial action concept --- sampling program --- priority list --- giudelines --- landfill site --- PROGRAM --- SUPPORTS --- qualty control --- Mathematical models. --- decontaminated techniques --- Porous materials. --- Porous media --- Porosity --- Models, Mathematical --- Field study. --- soil - to - plant transfer --- HCH hexachlorcyclohexane --- in - situ methods --- remedial actions techniques --- Analytical chemistry

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