Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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The exactions and impositions of parish fees discovered : shewing that the common fees demanded for performing any office of the Church as christening, marrying, burying the dead, &c. are contrary to law : with a touch upon diverse clerical and parochial errors that are crept into the church ; and the opinion of Mr. Strange ... and the opinion of Mr. Strange on a case here stated

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Tratado pratico compendiario das pensões ecclesiasticas conforme o direito canonico antigo, novo, e novissimo : estilos da curia romana, opiniões mais depuradas, e regalias particulares do nosso reino

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Die messstipendien nach dem Codex iuris canonici

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Twelve qveries humbly presented to the serious consideration of the high court of Parliament. : About the two soule-oppressing yokes of a forced maintenance and ministry, that have more oppressed the consciences of the knowing and godly people of this nation, then all the tyranny either of the king or bishops beside.
Year: 1653
Publisher: London : Printed for Samuel Howes in Popes-Head Alley,

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A true table of all such fees as are due, or can be claimed in any Bishops-Courts, in all cases; : as they were given in to the commissioners of his Majesty King Charles the First, Nov. 1630. By the commissaries, registers, proctors, &c, under their own hands in the Star-Chamber. Necessary to be known by all persons liable to be concerned in the said Bishops-Courts.
Hickeringill, Edmund
Year: 1681
Publisher: London : Printed for H.J. and are to be sold by R. Janeway in Queens-head alley in Pater-Noster-Row,

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Considerations touching the likeliest means to remove hirelings out of the church : wherein is also discourc'd of tithes, church-fees, church-revenues, and whether any maintenance of ministers can be settl'd by law
Milton, John
Year: 1659
Publisher: London : Printed by T.N. for L. Chapman ...,

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The exactions and impositions of parish fees discovered : shewing the common fees demanded for christenings, marrying, churching of women, and the burying the dead, to be contrary to law, whereby persons may (if they please) save a great deal of the expence they are generally at, for want of understanding the law in those cases : with a touch upon divers clerical and parochial errors, that are crept into the church : and the opinion of Mr. Strange, Sollicitor-General to His Majesty on a case here stated

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The exactions and impositions of parish fees discovered : shewing the common fees demanded for performing any office of the Church, as christening, marrying, burying the dead, &c., to be contrary to law : with a touch upon divers clerical and parochial errors, that are crept into the church : and the opinion of Mr. Strange, Sollicitor General to His Majesty on a case here stated

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The exactions and impositions of parish fees discovered : shewing that the common fees demanded for performing any office of the church (as christening, marrying, burying the dead, &c. are contrary to law ... : with a touch upon diverse clerical and parochial errors that are crept into the church : and the opinion of Sir John Strange ... on a case here stated

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Report by the Lord Provost's Committee : on remit by the Town Council of Edinburgh, regarding the probable future value of the revenues of the city clergy : with an appendix of relative documents : approved in council, 4th January 1837.

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