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Women and Fairness : Navigating an Unfair World
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 383099365X 3830943652 Year: 2021 Publisher: Münster Waxmann

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This collection brings together scholars from various disciplines to ask fundamental questions concerning how women handle the manifold impediments placed before them as they simply attempt to live full human lives. The collection explores narratives of women - real and fictional - who fight against these barriers, who succumb to them, who remain unaware of them, or choose to ignore them. It explores the ways we read women in cultural production, and how women are read in society. We assert the obstacles constructed into the very fabric of societies against fifty percent of the population are unfair, be they hindrances for women to attain their goals, encumbrances that limit women's speech and societal participation - communal and artistic - or hindrances that prohibit specific behaviors and images of women.

Penser la Palestine en réseaux
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9791097093105 9782351597712 9791097093532 Year: 2022 Publisher: Marseille, Beyrouth : Diacritiques Éditions,

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Penser la question palestinienne à partir de réseaux, penser le concept de réseaux à travers la question palestinienne : cet ouvrage entend répondre à deux préoccupations majeures. Il interroge un concept de plus en plus usité dans les sciences sociales ces dernières années ; il questionne aussi des dynamiques palestiniennes qui ne sont pas forcément manifestes. Les différents chapitres de cet ouvrage montrent ainsi comment des Palestiniens ont défié des contraintes territoriales par le net, fonctionnent en réseau dans l'ombre de l'institution proto-étatique de l’Autorité nationale palestinienne, reproduisent ou luttent contre les hiérarchies de statuts à Ramallah, créent de la citoyenneté dans les contraintes de la diaspora au prisme du statut de réfugié, étendent la Palestine, à travers l’art, du local au global, mais aussi comment des « internationaux » tissent de nouvelles sociabilités et modes d’agir dans les Territoires palestiniens occupés ou perpétuent les usages et les significations d’une lutte palestinienne qui est aussi un symbole transcontinental. Ce sont autant d’usages des réseaux qui font émerger, plus que des discours, des pratiques du quotidien dans certains cas, des modes d’agir militants dans d’autres, créatifs et flexibles, prenant place dans des mondes palestiniens quadrillés par des réseaux de contraintes particulièrement « inflexibles ».

Frères Musulmans : enquête sur la dernière idéologie totalitaire
ISBN: 2246802210 9782246802211 Year: 2014 Publisher: Paris: Grasset,

The terrorist's dilemma : managing violent covert organizations
ISBN: 9780691157214 0691157219 9780691166308 0691166307 1400848644 1299725597 Year: 2013 Publisher: Princeton, N.J. Princeton University Press

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How do terrorist groups control their members? Do the tools groups use to monitor their operatives and enforce discipline create security vulnerabilities that governments can exploit? This title examines the great variation in how terrorist groups are structured.


TERRORISM --- TERRORISTS --- Polemology --- Organization theory --- Terrorists. --- Terrorism. --- Acts of terrorism --- Attacks, Terrorist --- Global terrorism --- International terrorism --- Political terrorism --- Terror attacks --- Terrorist acts --- Terrorist attacks --- World terrorism --- Direct action --- Insurgency --- Political crimes and offenses --- Subversive activities --- Political violence --- Terror --- Criminals --- Violent crimes --- Organized crime --- Organizational behavior. --- History. --- Behavior in organizations --- Management --- Organization --- Psychology, Industrial --- Social psychology --- Crime syndicates --- Organised crime --- Crime --- Fatah. --- Hamas. --- Islamist groups. --- Islamist terrorism. --- Middle East. --- Northern Ireland. --- Palestinian terrorist groups. --- Provisional IRA. --- Russian terrorist groups. --- Tsarist secret police. --- Ulster Defense Association. --- Ulster Volunteer Force. --- agency problems. --- agency theory. --- al-Qa'ida in Iraq. --- al-Qa'ida. --- bureaucracy. --- control. --- counterterror policies. --- counterterrorism policies. --- discrimination. --- group-specific vulnerabilities. --- hierarchy. --- internal dynamics. --- internal politics. --- managerial challenges. --- managerial problems. --- negotiated settlement. --- operational management. --- organizational analysis. --- organizational challenges. --- organizational dynamics. --- organizational resources. --- political goals. --- preference divergence. --- secrecy. --- secular nationalist groups. --- security reducing. --- security risks. --- security-control tradeoff. --- strategic interactions. --- terrorism. --- terrorist activity. --- terrorist group structure. --- terrorist groups. --- terrorist leaders. --- terrorist operatives. --- terrorist organizations. --- terrorists. --- uncertainty. --- violence.

Iraq: weekly round-up of events
Authors: ---
Year: 1979 Publisher: Washington, D.C. Near Eastern and African Law Division, Law Library, Library of Congress

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Government liability --- Abu Dhabi --- Aden --- Afghanistan --- Algeria --- Algiers --- Amman --- Ankara --- Baghdad --- Bahrain --- Brussels --- Cairo --- Camp David --- Cyprus --- Doha --- East Berlin --- Egypt --- France --- Iran --- Iraq --- Israel --- Istanbul --- Italy --- Japan --- Jerusalem --- Jordan --- Kabul --- Kurdistan --- Kuwait --- Lebanon --- Libya --- London --- Mecca --- Mediterranean Sea --- Moscow --- Muscat --- Netherlands --- New York --- Oman --- Pakistan --- Palestine --- Paris --- People's Republic of Yemen --- Port Said --- Qatar --- Red Sea --- Riyadh --- Saudi Arabia --- Sinai Peninsula --- Soviet Union --- Sudan --- Syria --- Tehran --- Tel Aviv --- Tripoli --- Turkey --- United Kingdom --- United States --- Vienna --- Yemen Arab Republic --- Yugoslavia --- Middle East --- Arafat, Yasser --- Begin, Menachem --- Dayan, Moshe --- Given, Edward --- Hoss, Selim --- Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi --- Ruhollah Moosavi Khomeini --- Sadat, Anwar --- aid; aircraft; amnesty; Arabs; army; assassination; Ba'athism; banking; boycott; Camp David Accords; commercial; communism; coup d'etat; defence; demonstration; dollar; education; electricity; energy; energy crisis; execution; export; Fatah; gas; guns; human rights; import; independence; IRA; Jewish; Kurdish; mandate; Middle East settlement; military occupation; Navy; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); nuclear power; occupied territories; OPEC; Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO); Palestinian; peace process; peace treaty; Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP); protest; RAF; resistance; revolt; revolution; sanctions; SAVAK; Security Council; settlement; socialism; state visit; strikes; The Six; torture; trade; training; treaty; trial; uprising; withdrawal; Zionism

La guerre sans visage.De Waddi Haddad à Oussama Ben Laden: les réseaux de la peur (1970-2002)
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 2840987759 Year: 2002 Publisher: Neuilly-sur-Seine Editions Michel Lafon

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la violence --- terreur --- le terrorisme international --- Palestine --- Waddi Haddad --- Ezzedine El-Kassam --- OLP --- Armée rouge japonaise --- la révolution mondiale --- Entebbe --- Mogadiscio --- le groupe logistique européen du Cose-FPLP --- la Force 17 --- Yasser Arafat --- Munich --- Abou Mohamed --- la haine du juif --- Abou Ibrahim --- Bagdad --- Adnan Awad --- Habib Maamar --- Hans Joachim Klein --- Abou Nidal --- attentats --- Israël --- l'ASALA --- le mouvement arménien --- Fatah-CR --- euroterrorisme --- mai 1968 --- la Fraction Armée Rouge --- l'Allemagne --- le groupe Baader-Meinhof --- les Cellules révolutionnaires --- l'automne allemand de 1977 --- guerre sociale totale --- Italie --- terrorisme noir --- l'affaire Moro --- France --- les analphabètes armés --- le Gari --- Napap --- Bi --- Action directe --- Frédéric Oriach --- Belgique --- les Cellules communistes combattantes --- les Fractions armées révolutionnaires libanaises --- extrême gauche --- terrorisme arabe --- nazisme et islam --- Monsieur Genoud --- la Nouvelle Droite française --- la Libye --- le groupe Hoffmann --- Iran --- la révolution islamique --- l'islam combattant --- chiisme --- takiya --- la tradition du martyre --- terrorisme islamique iranien --- Beyrouth --- la politique française au Liban --- le réseau Saleh --- l'affaire Gordji --- Paris --- l'OPA d'Oussama Ben Laden --- la nouvelle Internationale --- les Frères Musulmans --- Abdoullah Azzam --- les radicaux égyptiens --- Al-Qaïda --- le Soudan --- Somalie --- le World Trade Center --- le Djihad en Algérie --- Djihad et Chadid --- GIA --- Roubaix --- Bruxelles --- 11 septembre 2001 --- les talibans --- Kaboul --- le terrorisme islamique dans le conflit israélo-palestinien --- les réseaux dormants d'Al-Qaïda --- les finances d'Al-Qaïda --- le réseau Massoud --- Shoe Bomber --- terrorisme d'extrême gauche en Europe --- l'extension du terrorisme palestinien --- Djihad global --- Septembre noir --- extrême droite

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