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Journal of religion in Africa = : Religion en Afrique.
ISSN: 00224200 15700666 Year: 1967 Volume: 29/4 Publisher: Leiden, Netherlands : E.J. Brill,

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Journal of religion in Africa publishes studies of the forms and history of religion on the African continent, with particular emphasis on sub-Saharan Africa and the relationships between christianity and Islam in the region.


Philosophy, African --- Philosophy, African. --- Religion. --- Africa --- Afrique --- Africa. --- Afrique. --- Religion --- 266 <05> --- 291 <05> --- 299.6 --- Missies. Evangelisatie. Zending--Tijdschriften --- Godsdienstwetenschap: vergelijkend--Tijdschriften --- Godsdiensten van Bantoes, Niloten, Soedannegers, Pygmeeën, Kaffers, Hottentotten, Bosjesmannen, Galla's, Bassuto's, Zoeloes --- Periodicals --- Arts and Humanities --- History --- Religious studies --- Arts and Humanities. --- History. --- 299.6 Godsdiensten van Afrikaanse zwarte volkeren --- 299.6 Godsdiensten van Bantoes, Niloten, Soedannegers, Pygmeeën, Kaffers, Hottentotten, Bosjesmannen, Galla's, Bassuto's, Zoeloes --- Godsdiensten van Afrikaanse zwarte volkeren --- Afrika --- Philosophy --- Philosophie africaine --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- Religion, Primitive --- African philosophy --- Pseudoreligion --- Atheism --- God --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Afrikaner --- Eastern Hemisphere --- Afryka --- Afryka. --- African Christianities --- West African Charismatic Christians --- the South African Ibandla lamaNazaretha --- Church of the Nazaretha --- gender --- Congo --- religious texts --- African church history --- Ogbu Kalu --- anthropology of Christianity --- African Independent Churches --- inculturation --- Pentecostalism --- African Christianity --- West African migrants --- diaspora --- immanence --- charismatic Christianity --- Anthropology of Religion --- Religious Studies --- African Studies --- Sociology of Religion --- History of Religion --- the Scottish Catholic mission stations --- Nigeria --- Christian prophecies --- South Africa --- Shari'a --- Salafism --- music --- the African Church --- Muslims --- Tanzania --- ; African Christianity --- Gordon Joseph Gray --- Bauchi (Nigeria) --- missionaries --- correspondence --- religious conversion --- political revolt --- rumors and prophecies --- Islamic criminal law --- Sharia --- Tijaniyya Sufi shaykh Ibrahim Salih --- Islamisation --- Islamic law --- Muslim-Christian relations --- Ibrahim Salih --- Northern Nigeria --- Islamic reform --- Islamic education --- book reviews --- born-again Christianity --- mission work --- the Upper Guinea Coast --- Apolo Kivebulaya --- medical pluralism --- generational antagonisms --- cursing --- ritual --- blessing --- African Pentecostalism --- Keswick spirituality --- Uganda --- adventure stories --- missionary heroism --- biography --- African independent churches (AIC) --- development --- modernity --- empirical research --- analysis --- American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) --- Umbundu Christians --- Angola --- pageant --- mission --- protestant --- Three Crosses (Angola) --- Sufism --- gender issues --- Senegal --- the Fifohazana --- healing --- the colonial mission legacy --- African Christian missionization --- migration --- Ghana --- London --- Islamic revival --- West Africa --- anticolonial prophecy --- Christian identity in Congo --- Pentecostal Church --- Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (1900-1975) --- muqaddam --- Taalibe Baay (disciples of Niasse) --- Taalibe Baay movement --- feminism --- women --- islam --- evangelism --- Madagascar --- Lutherans --- colonial legacy --- African diasporas --- Fifohazana movement (Madagascar) --- American Lutherans --- Malagasy Lutherans --- Pentecostal Christianity (Ghana) --- Church of Pentecost (CoP) --- Pentecostal transformation --- witchcraft --- witch-hunting --- the People's Republic of Bénin --- Hijab --- modern Islam in Tunisia --- Ndau spirit possession practices in Zimbabwe --- Muslim women --- personal reform in Mali --- AIDS and religious practice in Africa --- rural Uganda --- Brazil --- Candomblé --- Vodun --- North Africa --- Ndau --- spirit possession --- ethnomusicology --- semiotics --- religious subjectivity --- gender relations --- moral agency --- African christianities --- prophetic selves --- spirit others --- Central Mozambique --- the charismatic dividual --- the sacred self --- apostolic prayers --- well-being --- Botswana --- Islam --- ethno-religious boundaries --- the Kenya Coast --- abolitionism --- imperialism --- Britain --- the Atlantic --- demonic conspiracy --- satanic abuse --- selfhood and otherness --- Christian conversion --- Gahuku-Gama (New Guinea) --- prophets --- Apostolics --- faith healing --- charismatics --- Apostolic churches --- Catholic Charismatics (New England) --- Eloyi --- Connolius --- hymns --- Mauss’s theory --- Apostolic Christians (Botswana) --- personhood in African Christianities --- confession --- deliverance --- Pentecostals in Ghana --- Kinshasa's Born-Again Christians --- Western civilization --- colonial Northern Nigeria --- sex --- salvation --- social sciences --- the ASC in Leiden --- Daswani (Ghana ) --- Pype (Congo) --- dividuality --- individuality --- Christian personhood --- born-again Christians --- newborn Christians --- the library of the ASC in Leiden, the Netherlands --- spiritist mediumship --- African-Americans --- black ancestral presence --- Afro-Cuban religions --- possession trance --- female power --- the Punu of Congo-Brazzaville --- the predynastic dancing Egyptian figurine --- Islamic authority --- Swahili weddings --- history writing --- political work --- Muslim associations --- the resurgence of Islam in Zambia --- divination baskets --- African Diaspora --- Black North American religion --- historiography --- Santería --- Espiritismo --- water spirits --- receptivity --- mother goddess --- predynastic Egypt --- Sudanese religion --- prehistoric religion --- neolithic --- ancient Egypt --- prehistoric Nilotic rituals --- Swahili --- sex instruction --- weddings --- Swahili Islam --- musical mediation --- Yoruba Christian diaspora --- religious transnationalism --- Zimbabwean Catholics in Britain --- the Murid Order --- the 'Doctrine of Work' --- Asaphs of Seraph --- mediation --- Yoruba --- reverse evangelization --- secularism --- integration --- Zimbabwean migrants --- Aḥmad Bamba --- conversion to Islam in Southern Côte d'Ivoire --- double identity --- Salafi radicalism --- Salafi counter-radicalism --- Boko Haram --- Pentecostal appropriation of public space --- tribalism --- the Hutu-Tutsi question --- Catholic rhetoric --- colonial Rwanda --- Côte d’Ivoire --- conversion --- nativism --- autochthony --- nationalism --- Wahhabism --- radicalism --- counter-radicalism --- religion and violence --- Islamic state --- modern education --- Islamic learning --- public spaces --- Rwanda --- genocide --- Hutu --- Tutsi --- Hamitic Hypothesis --- ethnic violence --- Colonial Rwanda --- conversion narratives --- Born-Again masculinity in Zambia --- Christianity --- the religion of pouring --- non-linear conversion --- Gambia --- Casamance Borderland --- Albert Schweitzer and Africa --- AIDS (HIV) --- Zambia --- men --- masculinities --- reference group theory --- multiethnic communities --- masculinity --- Muslim-Mandinka model --- Jola --- Mandinka --- Gabon --- Paris Missionary Society --- medical missionary --- colonialism --- sexuality --- reproduction --- relationships --- faith --- religious heterotopia --- neoliberal globalization --- Charismatic Churches --- Southwestern Nigeria --- singleness --- marriage --- Jesus --- female personhood --- urban Madagascar --- Northwestern Namibia --- Mozambique --- charismatic life --- Afro-Brazilian Pentecostal Re-Formation --- social mobility --- Identity --- Charismatic identity --- globalization --- emotion training --- monogamy --- femininity --- Pentecostal Charismatic Churches --- personhood --- stigmatization --- illegitimacy --- Namibia --- sin child --- extramarital affairs --- Afro-Brazilian Pentecostalism --- heterotopia --- Zaire --- Ford Philpot's Avengelical crusades in the Democratic Republic of Congo --- use of rings --- Bata drummers --- caravan guards --- muslim insurgents --- Ahmed Deedat --- internationalisation --- transformations of Islamic polemic --- churches --- development projects --- violence --- Eastern Uganda --- Ford Philpot --- crusade --- Democratic Republic of Congo --- Mobutu Sese Seko --- Jean-Perce Makanzu --- John Wesley Shungu --- Cuba --- orisha --- smithing --- christianism --- polemics --- proselytism --- NGOs --- Development Projects --- Satan --- political economy of neo-pentecostalism in Kenya --- the Protestant Church in Congo --- Mobutu --- Eritrean Pentecostalism --- Pentecostalism in Nigeria --- Stambeli --- trance --- alterity --- Tunisia --- Medina Gounass --- village Sufism in Senegal --- Faith Tabernacle Congregation --- Neo-Pentecostalism --- political legitimacy --- social exclusion --- spiritual uncertainty --- Kibera --- Nairobi --- Bokeleale --- asylum seekers --- refugees --- Ethiopia --- Eritrea --- Faith Tabernacle --- law --- public religion --- queer activism --- judicial politics in South Africa --- anti-mission churches --- colonial politics --- the African Orthodox Church in Kenya --- corporeality --- transgression in Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity --- oracles --- transnational religious and social dynamics in Africa --- the New African Diaspora --- British missionaries --- same-sex relationships --- same-sex marriage --- social movements --- same-sex rights --- lesbian and gay --- Orthodox Church in Kenya --- African Orthodox Church --- Archbishop Daniel William Alexander --- Kikuyu Karing’a Education Association --- Arthur Gathuna --- Reuben Mukasa Spartas --- obstetric fistula --- Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity --- Kenya --- occult --- politics of religious schooling --- Christian and Muslim engagements with education in Africa --- children --- Chagga Trust --- a New American Orphanage on Mount Kilimanjaro --- gendering Muslim self-assertiveness --- Muslim schooling and female elite formation in Uganda --- conversion to Islam --- religion and the formation of an urban educational market --- transnational reform processes and social inequalities in Christian and Muslim schooling --- Dar es Salaam --- Islamic schools in Ghana --- religious schooling --- Christian and Muslim revival --- Christian-Muslim relations --- American evangelical missionaries --- Muslim education --- minority politics --- makaranta --- education --- urban anthropology --- transnational reforms --- educational market --- history of education in Tanzania --- social inequality --- Christian-Muslim encounters --- identity --- Zanzibar --- Islamic liberation theology in South Africa --- modernization --- decolonization in Northern Nigeria --- the moral economy of Mbororo pilgrimage --- Osogbo --- faith in schools --- religion --- American Evangelicals in East Africa --- ethnic patriotism and the East African revival --- Journal of Religion in Africa --- predictability --- masheitani --- majinni --- Islamic liberation theology --- Farid Esack --- apartheid --- Islamism --- political Islam --- liberation theology --- shari’a --- sharia --- pastoralism --- pilgrimage --- moral economy --- ethnic relations --- repression --- human rights --- the diaspora --- Christian Revivalism and political imagination in Madagascar --- Hinduism --- Hindu religious instruction in Indian schools in South Africa during the 1950s --- salvation in urban Kenya --- myth --- religion and AIDS in Africa --- the politics of dress in Somali culture --- Ga ritual --- transnationalism --- political imagination --- exorcism --- Christian revival movements --- South African Hindu Maha Sabha --- Hindu identity --- Hindu diaspora --- salvation narratives --- Christian salvation --- linguistic analysis --- the East African Revival in Southern Uganda --- Ugandan Born-Again Christians and the moral politics of gender equality --- ontological transformation --- tradition --- girls' puberty rituals --- sacrifice and syncretism in South Sudan --- the black Jews of Africa --- history --- religion and identity --- Jews of Nigeria --- African pilgrimage --- ritual travel in South Africa's Christianity of Zion --- Catholic Pentecostalism --- Catholic Charismatic movements in Cameroon --- the Church and AIDS in Africa --- witchraft --- ghosts of Kanungu fertility --- the Great Lakes of East Africa --- African traditions in the study of religion in Africa --- indigenous spirituality --- world religions --- Evangelical Christians in the Muslim Sahel --- tolerance --- democracy --- Sufis in Senegal --- Balokole revival --- Ankole --- equality --- Kgatla puberty ritual --- mothei ritual --- Tswapong puberty ritual (mothei) --- ontological change --- invention of tradition --- Tswana --- seriti --- South Sudan --- People-to-People Peacemaking --- syncretism --- Babu wa Loliondo --- religious authority --- Sufi women in Ethiopia and Eritrea --- Basutoland --- 'Muslims and new media in West Africa' --- 'Cultural conversions' --- Christian missionaries --- Yoruba myth --- human consciousness --- the Catholic Church --- witch-hunts --- Pagans --- Western Uganda --- herbalism --- pluralistic medicine --- Northeast Africa --- Adolph Mabille (1836-1894) --- French missions --- transmission of religion --- Jonathan Edwards --- intertextuality --- Christian texts in nineteenth-century missionary correspondence from Yorubaland --- Baraji --- Southern Mali, West Africa --- the creative layering of belief in Southern Bénin --- the Devil --- Kenya's Born-Again election --- voleurs de sexe --- Pentecostal melodrama --- dynamics of religious expansion in a globalizing world --- Church Missionary Society --- discursive space --- Yorùbá mission --- ancestral relations --- Bambara --- Mali --- tourism --- spiritual tourism --- personal responsibility --- elections --- early modern demonology --- the Atlantic world --- the White Fathers --- colonial rule --- the Bahemba --- Sola, Northern Katanga --- preaching self-worth and succes --- single young women --- Nigerian Pentecostal Church --- the invention of God in indigenous societies --- the African Christian Diaspora --- world Christianity --- Islamic criminal law in Northern Nigeria --- politics --- judicial practice --- communication and conversion in Northern Cameroon --- the Dii people and Norwegian missionaries --- the inculturation of human rights in Ghana --- educating Muslim women --- Nana Asmu'u --- Hindu Gods in West Africa --- Shiva --- Krishna --- West Central Africa --- Katanga --- Catholicism --- Báhêmbá --- self-management --- religious practice --- doctrine of Zoe --- religious Mahbar in Ethiopia --- Pentecostal representations --- the Tayyibat --- halal consumption in South Africa --- Kenyan politics --- marginalization --- minority status --- slavery --- post-Apartheid --- the Evangelical Movement in Ethiopia --- Mulid festivals in contemporary Egypt --- the Tablighi Jama'at --- Afrika-Studiecentrum Leiden --- T.B. Joshua --- Emmanuel tv --- socioeconomic mobility --- breakthrough --- Cameroon --- halal --- Islamic dietary law --- cross-contamination --- taqwa --- religion and masculinities in Africa --- political masculinity --- citizenship --- patriarchal masculinity in recent Swahili-language Muslim sermons --- Muslim masculinity in Mali --- new forms of religion --- the production of social order in Kaduna City, Nigeria --- Christian Association Centres in Gambia --- the Baha'i faith --- new religious movements --- Liberia --- Aladura Church --- the South African Nazaretha Church --- the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God --- pneumatic Christianity in postcolonial societies --- Sierra Leone --- the United Brethren in Christ --- prophecy --- ideologies of time and space --- Afrika-Studiecentrum in Leiden --- masculinity politics --- sermons --- gender and Islam --- Islamic activism --- preaching --- preachers --- The Gambia --- Tabligh --- reform Islam --- Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) --- nonproselytizing Faith-Based Organisations (FBOS) --- the limits of Pentecostal political power in Nigeria --- Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity and the(im-)moralization of urban femininities in contemporary Kinshasa --- Salafism in Côte d'Ivoire --- radicalization of Ivoirian Islam --- spiritual insecurity --- religious importation --- Benin --- social change --- post-abolition Zanzibar --- Judaism --- Sub-Saharan Africa --- the politics of contradictory discourses --- Islamic reform in twentieth-century Africa --- ASCL --- political theology --- Pentecostalism (Nigeria) --- Christian femininities --- technology --- Kinshasa (Congo) --- terrorism --- Ivory Coast --- Voodoo --- Christian and Islamic Preaching in West Africa --- Salafi aesthetics --- the Sunnance in Niamey, Nigeria --- Zongos --- Asante, Ghana --- pedagogies of preaching --- Pentecostal Bible School --- oral transmission of the sacred --- Christ Embassy and NASFAT in Abuja --- Niamey --- Niger --- Sunnance --- wazu --- aesthetics --- charisma --- mimesis --- Pentecostal preaching --- history of religions --- ritual theory --- Abrahamic Traditions --- Fiasidi --- Southeastern Ghana --- 'Water Babies' (Zaza Rano) --- 'Real Human Beings' (Vrai Humains) --- rituals of blessing for the newly born in Diégo Suarez, Madagascar --- religious diversity --- 'ulama --- Mecca --- Medina --- Jawab al-Ifriqi --- Christian origins in Muslim Northern Nigeria --- divination --- ethnographic research --- interdenominational relations --- religious mobility --- Neo-Pentecostal Christianity --- Anlo-Ewe --- trokosi --- African religions --- ancestors --- birth rituals --- African Traditional Religion --- manifestation of spirit --- mysticism and metaphysics in West African religions --- the Second Coming --- successful life --- Guinea --- Evangelicalism --- Guinea-Bissau --- Edmond Perregaux --- the Akan --- African Hindus in Ghana --- religious space and identity --- spirit children --- modern Muslims --- Sudan --- South African Ngoma tradition --- Islamic education in Africa --- initiation --- living tradition --- oral tradition --- African metaphysics --- African mysticism --- Amadou Hampaté Bâ --- African indigenous religions --- evangelical Christianity --- Basel Mission --- identity formation --- Akan-Ashanti --- Gold Coast (Ghana) --- pluralism --- African Hindus --- hijab --- economic change --- legislation --- religious scandals --- religious regulation --- fundamentalism --- Vatican Missionary Exhibition (1925) --- exhibitions --- Vatican --- Spiritans --- missions --- Rwandan Genocide --- White Fathers --- autobiography --- ontological alterity --- occult economies --- gift exchange --- Evangelical Christianity --- Acholi --- relationality --- materiality --- entanglement --- translation --- African Association for the Study of Religions (ASSR) --- theological reductionism --- Covid-19 --- African Christian practice --- enduring covenant --- African Spirituality --- traditional religions --- African Ontology --- Cultural Appreciation Movement --- Vodún --- Vodu --- Togo --- Togolese politics --- Mawu Lisa --- Vodún Rituals --- African sexuality --- homosexuality --- homophobia --- spiritual warfare --- gay rights --- gay-conversion therapies --- Mountain of Fire and Miracles (MFM) --- LGBT+ rights --- LGBT+ --- Prayer-Warriors --- militarisation --- social justice --- ethnographic theology --- xenophobia --- traditional leaders --- festivals --- Fetu Afahye festival --- pandemic --- Coastal Kenya --- Religious Coexistence --- Interfaith --- Indigenous African Religious Traditions --- referral --- African healing shrines --- Christian prayerhouses --- East Africa --- material culture --- miraculous medal --- youth --- spirituality --- values education --- concordat --- empire --- Holy See --- Portugal --- Credo Mutwa --- sangoma --- Zulu mythology --- Zulu religion --- African communitarianism --- collectivism --- communitarian liberalism --- liberal communitarianism --- presidential speeches --- Believers --- Greater Accra --- religious extremism --- interfaith relations --- Christians --- sususma --- kla --- spiritual world and spiritual cause --- rituals of affliction --- affliction --- black cat (alͻnte diŋ) --- Pentecostal Faith Movement --- African traditional religious practices --- Ulo Ubu --- prayer camps --- mental health --- Shona religion --- christian women --- Zimbabwe --- hate speech --- Nyaminyami (Water Spirit) --- BaTonga people --- religious pluralism --- extremist christian movements --- extremism --- prestidigitation --- sorcery --- trickery --- majini --- wachawi --- faith movements --- Pentecost --- charismatic movements --- African traditional religion --- social control --- beliefs --- gender studies --- cultural studies --- mental illnesses --- ecology --- climate change --- attitudes --- ethical practical bridge --- mutuality model --- interreligious dialogue --- christianity --- patriarchal --- media --- second Republic of Zimbabwe --- christian response --- traditional beliefs --- diffusion --- Kariba Gorge --- civic pluralism --- Mombassa --- methodology --- methodologies --- axioms --- definitions --- propositions --- theory of religion --- jihadism --- Central Africa Republic --- morality --- belief --- Kongo --- Nzambi --- earth spirits --- bisimbi --- chthonic beings --- Mabel Shaw (1889-1973) --- community of saints --- ancestor veneration --- polygamy --- fulfilment theology --- culture brokers --- demonisation --- Banamè Church --- Morocco --- Spanish Guinea --- catholicism --- transnational networks --- culture --- Wollo --- peaceful co-existence --- togetherness --- Born-again Christianity --- United Kingdom (UK) --- neo-prophetic Christianity --- Tchamba cults --- Ifá --- Odù Ifá --- Ifá corpus --- Yorùbá religion --- Òrìṣà logics --- cultural reconstruction --- cultural revival --- Igbo-Ukwu --- ọzọ title taking --- corona --- foreign relations --- Israel --- Akan --- Kwame --- Twereduampon --- decolonisation --- Twereduampon Kwame --- Akan religion --- Adventism in Africa --- early missionaries --- indigenous contributions --- global Christianity --- Seventh-day Adventist Church in Africa --- Seventh-day Adventism --- religiousness --- early career professionals --- religious coping --- Ghana’s public universities --- subjective well-being --- life satisfaction --- accommodation theory --- Yorùbá --- conceptual categories --- Jaime Pedro Gonçalves (1936-2016) --- religion and politics --- history of Mozambique --- official narratives --- emancipation --- Pokot --- Karimojong --- Asis --- Tororot --- Afrika.

Cultic Studies Review. An Internet Journal of Research, News & Opinion. Volume 9, Nr. 1, 2010
ISSN: 15390152 Year: 2010 Publisher: Bonita Springs, Florida International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA)

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American Family Foundation (AFF) --- Citizens Freedom Foundation (CFF) --- Cult Awareness Network (CAN) --- Kay Barney --- internet --- psychological research --- Arthur Conan Doyle --- James Randi --- Stanford Research Institute (SRI) --- hoax --- Institute for Creation Research (ICR) --- Noah‘s Ark --- social psychology --- Soka Gakkai International (SGI) --- German Faith Movement --- new religious movements (NRM) --- cult victims --- Violence Against Women Act (VAWA 1994) --- Violence Against Women Office (VAWO) --- legal assistance --- violence --- abuse --- Amish --- Aum Shinrikyo (オウム真理教) --- Fumihiro Joyu (上祐史浩) --- Aleph --- terrorism --- Shoko Asahara (麻原彰晃) --- Aylmer Church of God --- Attleboro Cult (The Body) --- Falun Gong --- The Family --- Winnfred Wright --- Friends of Andrew Cohen Everywhere (FACE) --- curanderismo --- Hebrew Israelites --- International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) --- Hare Krishna movement --- Kashi Ashram --- Life Space Movement (Japan) --- Ndawula cult --- Operations and Reconnaissance Agents (OARA) --- Opus Dei --- polygamy --- Raël --- raelians --- UFO Religions --- UFOs --- ufology --- al Fuqra (Jamaat ul-Fugra) --- The Shouters (China) --- Church of Scientology --- Lafayette Ronald Hubbard --- L. Ron Hubbard --- Jesus’ Ark (Japan) --- Sengoku Jesus (Japan) --- South China Church --- Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) --- Patty Hearst --- Stockholm Syndrome --- The Twelve Tribes --- Osama bin Laden --- teenage spirituality --- Asatru --- neopaganism --- neo-paganism --- Odinism --- Aesir --- Reconstructionalists --- Vinland --- Leif Eriksson (975-1020) --- Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson --- Iceland --- Runic Era calendar --- Ásatrú Alliance (AA) --- Ring of Troth --- Kindred --- autonomy --- Nine Noble Virtues --- Odin Brotherhood --- white supremacy --- Christian Identity Movement --- Aryan Nations --- Bruder Schweigen --- Wotansvolk --- 14 Words --- Skertru --- Lars Agnarsson --- Skergard --- Lars Anthony Cone --- polytheism --- polytheistic religions --- cults --- conversion --- psychological harm --- manipulation --- Shoko Egawa (江川 紹子) --- sarin --- Jacques Robidoux --- Branch Davidians --- Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT) --- Eastern Lightning (東方閃電, Dōngfāng Shǎndiàn) --- Humana (Tvind) --- Planet Aid --- Junichiro Higashi --- Kaeda Cram School --- Kaeda Juku (加江田塾) --- Herbert F. Rosedale --- Church of God Congregation --- Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God (MRTCG) --- mass murder --- United Nuwaubian Nation --- Tent of the Living God --- Unification Church --- Sun Myung Moon --- United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors --- deprogramming --- exit counseling --- countercult movement --- mind control --- brainwashing --- North Korea --- violent cults --- cult definitions --- Juche cult --- Jucheism --- Kim Jong-Il --- apocalypse --- Sunshine Policy --- South Korea --- situational power --- Unification Church (UC) --- apocalypticism --- apocalyptic movements --- Japan --- Ho No Hana Sanpogyo (法の華三法行) --- Nichiren Kenshokai (Japan) --- Cascade Center for Family Growth (Utah) --- Charles Manson --- Church of God (Aylmer) --- child spanking --- Waco --- David Koresh --- Divine Light Mission (Elan Vital) --- Lenora Fulani --- East Side Institute for Short Term Psychotherapy --- Four Winds --- anti-cult legislation --- House of Prayer --- Irish Travelers --- Jehovah’s witnesses --- Kabbalah --- Rabbi Philip Berg --- Kyirebentua Faith Church --- MOVE movement --- Neo-Phare (New Lighthouse) --- New Life Tabernacle --- Latter-day Saints --- mormonism --- Queen Shahmia --- rebirthing therapy --- Roch Thériault --- Narconon --- Transcendental Meditation (TM) --- Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) --- testimonials --- testimony --- moonies --- mass weddings --- Blessed Children --- cult members --- cults and children --- paranoia --- projection --- marital relations --- therapy --- charisma --- spiritual harm --- New Age movements --- Holy Order of MANS --- Eastern Orthodox Christian sects --- Spiritual Sales --- Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA) --- legislation --- Standards for determining human rights violations resulting from religious activities --- Ariel Ben Sherman --- Black Hebrews --- Roland Robidoux --- Colonia Dignidad (Chile) --- Paul Schäfer --- Christian Science --- faith healing --- Faith Tabernacle Congregation --- Fidencismo --- Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints --- God’s Creation Outreach Ministry Church --- Heartland Christian Academy --- House of Prayer (Atlanta) --- International Churches of Christ (ICC) --- Jemaah Islamiah --- Jesus Morning Star Church (JMS) --- American Psychology Association (APA) --- Mountain Park Baptist Academy (Missouri) --- Osho Rajneesh --- Lucille Poulin --- Reformed Mennonite Church --- Satya Sai Baba --- Salva Me --- Salva Me Pater Omnis Oculus Meus (Philippines) --- Santamaria religion --- Waldorf schools --- Word of Faith Fellowship (North Carolina) --- Church of Bible Understanding --- Jehovah‘s Witnesses --- New Life Ministries --- Our Savior‘s Church --- Panawave Laboratory --- Salva Me Pater Omnis Oculos Meus --- World Ministries --- narcissism --- Siddha Yoga --- SYDA --- sexual abuse --- Swami Muktananda --- psychopathology --- cult leaders --- psychoanalysis --- thought reform --- Swami Chidvilasananda (Gurumayi) --- pathological behaviors --- victim blaming --- Heinz Kohut --- self psychology --- Selfobject --- Erich Fromm --- somatization --- annihilation of the self --- Cult Watching Groups --- Info-Cult --- Order of the Solar Temple (OTS) --- Joseph Di Mambro --- Médecins du Ciel --- anticult movement (ACM) --- cult wars --- Jim Roberts Group (JRG) --- The Roberts Group Parents Network (TRGPN) --- cognitive therapy --- Boston Movement --- Pana-Wave Laboratory (パナウェーブ研究所) --- Yuko Chino (千乃裕子) --- Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh --- Osho --- Reiji Kiraku Nijo-kai --- Awaiting Christ --- child abuse --- Church of God in Upland --- Franz Edmund Creffield --- Cult Education --- Emankaya --- Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints --- General Assembly and Church of the First Born --- God‘s Creation Outreach Ministry --- Kabbalah Centre --- Lord‘s Resistance Army (LRA) --- LaRouche --- Magnificat Meal Movement (MMM) --- Mujahedeen Khalk --- One Love Family --- Pathways Church --- Puchon Sect --- Rael --- Raelian Religion --- Claude Vorilhon --- Reiki --- Repressed Memories Sikh --- Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) --- memory-recovered --- memory-false --- traumatists --- gurukula --- Ananda (Perugia) --- Apostles and Prophets Church of Jesus --- Marc Dutroux --- Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) --- God's Creation Outreach Ministry --- Allen Harrod --- Juan Pablo Delgado --- Mungiki (Kenya) --- Satanic Cults --- Yongsaenggyo --- spiritual abuse --- authoritarianism --- Zen --- American Zen Center --- Zen Buddhism --- David Berg --- Children of God (The Family) --- alcoholism --- pedophilia --- Joseph Kony --- f Lyndon LaRouche --- Mental Manipulation --- Monster of Florence --- Cho Hui-song --- Mental Illnesses --- drugs --- Religious Irrationality --- sexism --- patriarchalism --- alienation --- stalking --- Australia --- United Kingdom (UK) --- Charity Law --- John Henry Newman --- Miguel de Unamuno --- addictive relationships --- pathological attachment --- behavioural addiction --- cultic addiction --- social addiction --- Attention and Research on Socio-Addictions (AIS) --- Unification Church of Japan --- films --- television --- Heaven’s Gate --- UFO religions --- UFO cults --- bounded choice --- suicide cults --- Bonnie Lu Nettles (Ti) --- Marshall Herff Applewhite Jr. (Do) --- charismatic authority --- Transformation Theory --- totalist groups --- indoctrination --- Jim Jones --- Peoples Temple --- Social Identity Theory --- leadership --- Synanon --- Children of God (COG) --- Kundalini Yoga --- 3HO --- Yogi Bhajan --- Alusi Okija --- Beasts of Satan --- Brother Julius Schacknow --- rehabilitation centers --- Children of Thunder --- Église du Centre-ville (Montreal) --- Exclusive Brethren --- Faith Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith --- General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn --- Gentle Wind Project --- Gilbert Deya --- Great Deliverance Spiritual Baptist Church --- Greater Grace World Outreach --- Knutby Church --- Helge Fassmo --- Jesus Christians --- Kaufman Treatment Center --- Kaufman House --- Kingston Clan (The Order) --- Manganin Sibuea --- Ministerial Christian Academy --- Mountain Park Baptist Boarding Academy --- Palm Lane Academy --- Movement for Spiritual Integration into Absolute (MISA) --- peyote --- Native American Church --- NXIVM --- Palo Mayombe --- Poeticized Union for Developing Social Happiness --- Remnant Fellowship Church --- satanism --- Spiritual Healing --- Sri Chinmoy --- Sri Haribharranidhara Swamigal --- Taxation --- Unitarian Church --- Twelve Tribes --- World Message Last Warning Church --- parenthood --- divorce --- Emotional Manipulation --- Persuasion Techniques --- depression --- conditioning techniques --- Social Psychological Conditioning --- Depluralization --- Self-deindividuation --- Other-deindividuation --- Dehumanization --- Demonization --- anorexia --- dietary restrictions --- Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ --- Breatharianism --- Great White Brotherhood --- Food and Religion --- Anne Hamilton-Byrne --- exorcism --- Caritas of Birmingham --- Children of God (Family International) --- Destiny church --- Faith Based Initiative --- Helge Fossmo --- Knutby Church (Sweden) --- National Alliance --- Gene Scott --- Gilbert Deya Ministries --- Gospel Outreach Church --- O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal --- People's Temple --- Servants of the Holy Family --- Social Therapy --- steiner schools --- Suicide Bombers --- vampirism --- education --- second-generation members --- Social-Psychological Conditioning --- self-deindividuation --- other-deindividuation --- dehumanization --- demonization --- biopsychosocial dysfunction --- Vandari --- Cult Awareness Groups --- anti-cult movement (ACM) --- counseling --- Living Love Fellowship --- Keroyan --- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints --- mormons --- Paul Schaefer --- Warren Jeffs --- Grigory Gravoboy --- European Federation of Research and Information Centers on Sectarianism (FECRIS) --- Manson Family --- Mujahedin Khalq (MEK) --- New Gnostic Church --- Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) --- Order of St. Charbel --- panawave --- Pana Wave --- Saviour Sect --- Seishin Chuo Kyokai (Central Church of Holy God) --- ritual abuse --- Ssali Kilimba Mwaka (Uganda) --- Marcus Wesson --- children --- Psychological Manipulation --- conditioning --- cult mind control --- Child Protective Service (CPS) --- child protection --- Personal Experience of Childhood Abuse and Neglect (PECAN) survey --- physical abuse --- mental illnesses --- alcohol --- mass suicides --- Honohana Sanpogyo (法の華三法行) --- Sky Kingdom (Malaysia) --- Bethel World Outreach Center --- Vaikuntha --- Vijayadev Yogendra --- Universal Church of God's Kingdom --- salafism --- suicide bombers --- osho --- Love Holy Trinity Blessed Mission --- Living Spirit Foundation --- Centre d'information et d'avis sur les organisations sectaires nuisibles (CIAOSN) --- Belgian Cult Commission --- Belgium --- Grigory Grabovoi --- All Stars Project --- Apostolic United Brethren --- Academy at Ivy Ridge (WWASP) --- ego development --- psychological development --- pseudo-personality --- pseudo-identity --- childhood trauma --- Flirty Fishing (FFing) --- hate --- hate groups --- Nazi Low Riders (NLR) --- skinheads --- skinhead groups --- San Fernando Valley Peckerwoods (SVP) --- Hate Model --- law enforcement --- Peer Pride (California) --- charismatic leadership --- Kenneth Lay --- Jeffrey Skilling --- cultic phenomenon --- Enron --- love bombing --- recruitment --- CEOs --- Apostolic Faith Church Body of Jesus Christ of the Newborn Assembly --- Aryan Brotherhood --- Bay County Boot Camp --- Benny Hinn --- Boston Church of Christ --- LaRouche Youth Movement --- Central Church of the Holy God (Japan) --- The Brethren (Garbage Eaters) --- Chapel Hill Harvester Church --- Dahn Hak --- Independence Party --- Falun Dafa --- International Communion of Charismatic Churches --- International Association of Charismatic Churches (ICCC) --- John Daniel Kingston --- Kingdom of Eden --- Legion of Christ --- mormon church --- Movement of Spiritual Integration into the Absolute --- Pentecostalism --- Gregorian Bivolaru --- raelianism --- Santa Muerte (Saint Death) --- Satanism --- Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) --- Tom Cruise --- Singh Khalsa --- voodoo --- White Revolution --- cultism --- London bombings (2005) --- cultism and terrorism --- cults and terrorism --- Al Qaeda --- terrorist groups --- security organizations --- Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) --- Cult Information and Family Support, Inc. (CIFS) --- research methodology --- Jack Roche --- International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) --- Cult-watch groups --- Group Psychological Abuse Scale --- Iraqi Rulers (Baath party) --- Heaven‘s Gate --- terror --- terminology --- state terrorism --- anarchical terrorism --- guerilla --- Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) --- Irish Republican Army (IRA) --- fanaticism --- modern terrorism --- Naradnaja Wolja (Russia) --- Young Bosnians --- Narodna Odbrana (Defense of the People) --- Crna Ruka (Black Hand) --- Sinn Fein --- Northern Ireland --- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) --- religious terrorism --- Hisbollah (Party of God) --- Hamas (Devotion) --- fundamentalism --- morality --- justice --- ethics --- International Law --- Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) --- chemical weapons --- biological weapons --- nuclear weapons --- jihad --- jihadism --- cultic studies --- psychodynamic model --- thought reform model --- deliberative model --- resocialization process --- suicide bombings --- psychotherapy --- communication --- prevention --- educational programs --- prediction --- preparation --- recovery --- Boot Camps --- Jim Bakker --- Gentle Wind Project Gospel Outreach Christian Fellowship --- Gospel Outreach Christian Fellowship --- Kaotians --- Kenja group --- Landmark --- Legionaries of Christ --- Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) --- neurotheology --- Potter’s House --- Satmar Hasidim --- Seas of David --- Moorish Science Temple of America --- Smiths Friends (Norway) --- Westboro Baptist Church --- Wicca --- wiccan --- Witch School --- Yoga College of India --- neurobiology --- neglect --- psychobiology --- affect regulation --- self-regulation --- stress response --- adrenaline --- Hypothalmic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis (HPA) --- cortisol --- amygdala --- brain --- hippocampus --- implicit memory --- explicit memory --- prefrontal cortex (PFC) --- information processing --- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) --- Brain Impairments --- dissociation --- norepinephrine (NE) --- attachment --- trauma --- autonomic nervous system (ANS) --- memories --- proselytizing --- evangelism --- Group Psychological Abuse Scale (GPA) --- antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) --- dependent personality disorder (DPD) --- ideologies --- behavioral disorders --- behavioural disorders --- anxiety --- Agape Christian Fellowship --- Arcadian Fields Ministries --- Ironwood Kindred --- Ayurveda --- Baptist Foundation of Arizona --- Bikram Choudhury Yoga (Yoga College of India) --- black magic --- Christ of the Hills Monastery (Texas) --- Church of Cognizance (Arizona) --- Church of the Lamb of God --- Communities in Harmony (Utah) --- mormon group --- Creation Science Evangelism Ministry (Florida) --- Cresciendo en Gracia (Miami) --- Dalai Lama --- Dominion Christian Center (DCC) --- Educo --- Enlightenment Society (Texas) --- fraud --- Global Empire Covenant Divine Government --- Greenville Hills Academy --- Growing in Grace (Miami) --- New Life Church (Colorado) --- Ted Haggard --- Higher Balance Institute --- House of Yahweh (Kenya) --- Jeffrey Lundgren --- Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints --- Community of Christ --- Jews for Jesus --- JMS --- Setsuri (Korea) --- Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC) --- Life Church Worldwide --- Lyndon LaRouche --- LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) --- Nation of Islam --- Executive Success Program (ESP) --- past life regression --- Phoenix First Assembly Church --- David Bawden (Pope Michael) --- psychics --- pyramid scheme --- Renaissance Asset Fund --- Sathya Sai Baba --- Salvation Healing Ministry Church (Nairobi) --- Scientology (Belgium) --- Setsuri (JMS) --- Jung Myung Suk --- Solar Temple --- Swami Ram Dev --- Teak Street neo-Nazis --- Trinity Foundation --- Word of Life (Christian Evangelical group) --- Yahweh Ben Yahweh --- psychological abuse --- cult involvement --- psychology --- non-cultic groups --- cult-recruitment --- research --- Joseph Smith --- Centrepoint Community (New Zealand) --- Joseph Smith Jr. --- prophets --- Len Oakes --- Lawrence Foster --- destructive cults --- critical rhetoric --- ideographs --- emotions --- fear --- pride --- Amway --- IPIC Investments --- The Local Church --- Association of American Publishers (AAP) --- UFO religion --- Soldiers of Heaven --- Criminon --- John Travolta --- World Outreach Church (Detroit) --- John Harrell --- Second Chance Program (SCP) --- James D. Chancellor --- The Family International (TFI) --- prostitution --- religious prostitution --- Law of Love --- Merry Berg --- Perry Bulwer --- Latter Day Saint movement --- psychological disorders --- manic-depression --- hallucinations --- delusions --- Hikari no Wa (光の輪) --- The Circle of Rainbow Light (Hikari no Wa) --- Creciendo en Gracia (Florida) --- John David Kingston --- First Baptist Church Palm Beach --- Heaven’s Army (Iraq) --- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) --- Yahweh Ben Yahweh (Miami) --- Council of ex-Muslims --- Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda --- Li Hongzhi (李洪志) --- People‘s Republic of China (PRC) --- Chinese Communist Party (CCP) --- qigong --- Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI) --- Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) --- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) --- pseudoscience --- International Religious Freedom Report (IRF) --- persecutions --- qigong (氣功) --- Australian law --- The Greens (Australia) --- North Star Expeditions --- Community of Jesus --- Community of All Nations (Arkansas) --- Army of Mary (Arkansas) --- Good Shepherd Monastery of Charity and Refuge --- Crenshaw Christian Center --- Earth Liberation Front --- Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Chirst of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) --- Mel Gibson‘s Holy Family Catholic Church --- neo-nazism --- Soldiers of Heaven (Iraq) --- Rudolph Steiner --- steiner system --- Swami Maharaj --- Swaminayaran sect --- Grenville Christian College --- Kigenkai (Japan) --- Ramtha School of Enlightenment --- Indonesia --- Anonymous --- Tony Alamo Christian Ministries --- True Russian Orthodox Church --- Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (Brazil) --- Salafism --- Wahhabism --- Youth With a Mission (YWAM) --- Robidoux --- Graeme John Slattery --- Lee Boyd Malvo --- Chinese government --- China --- child abduction --- Acholi Spiritualism (Uganda) --- child soldiers --- psychological manipulation --- cannibalism --- Columbia Training School --- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi --- cult personality --- doubling --- concentration camps --- Auschwitz --- false self --- adaptation --- disorders --- dissociative disorders --- integration --- Lucian of Samosata --- Alexander of Abonuteichos --- Glycon cult --- narcissistic disorder --- malignant narcissism --- human rights --- Liaison Committee on Human Rights and Mass Media Conduct (JIMPOREN) --- anti-Aum --- One Mind Ministries --- 1 Mind Ministries --- Ahmadiyya Muslim Community --- The Bible Speaks --- Church of the Universe --- Church of Downtown Montreal --- Krishna Avanti School --- Jung Myung-seok --- Joel’s Army --- Kingdom Center --- Regnum Christi --- William Kamm --- The Lord Our Righteousness Church --- Peneil Pentecostal Church --- Pleasant Glade Assembly of God --- Recovered memory therapy --- gangs --- Tablighi Jamaat (Propagators of the Faith) --- The Way International --- manipulative techniques --- psychologically manipulative groups --- Psychological Manipulation Technique Prevention Program --- mental health --- thought control --- group-think --- high-intensity faith groups --- stress --- post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) --- Buddhist psychology --- taxonomy --- traumatic stress disorders --- mindfulness --- disorders of extreme stress not otherwise specified (DESNOS) --- Person-Centered Therapy (PCT) --- Pre-Therapy Contact Work (PTCW) --- forewarning --- cultic groups --- persuasive strategies --- attitudes --- alternative medicines --- Unani --- traditional medicines --- Barsana Dham Hindu temple (Texas) --- Jagadgru Kripalu Parishat (JKP) --- Daniel Cormier --- Dominion Christian Center of Canada --- Stefan Molyneux --- Freedomain Radio (FDR) --- Kazakhstan --- Grail Movement --- The House of Prayer (Ireland) --- House of Yahweh (Texas) --- Jonestown --- Kenneth Copeland Ministry --- Local Churches of Watchman Nee --- The Lord of Righteousness Church (New Mexico) --- madrasas (Muslim religious schools) --- Mandaeans (Iraq) --- John Rogers’ Movement for Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) --- Order of Christ Sophia --- Center of Light --- Prosperity Preachers --- Society of St. Pius X --- David Chenery-Wickens --- Summum sect --- New York Theosophical Society --- Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky --- Total Biology --- Todd Bentley --- Fresh Fire Ministries --- Stanley Milgram --- Family Federation for World Peace and Unification --- cult disaffiliation --- Method of exit --- surveys --- Global Severity Index (GSI) --- psychological distress --- Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) --- Post-Cult Trauma Syndrome (PCTS) --- Validity of Cognitions Scale (VOC) --- Subjective Units of Distress Scale (SUDS) --- Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) --- Impact of Event Scale (IES) --- treatments --- terrorist organizations --- Mojahedin e Khalq e Iran (MEK) --- phobia --- isolation --- Abbotsford Church of God in Christ --- alien abduction --- Amway (India) --- Emile Leshtanski --- Boko Harem --- Christian Assemblies International (CAI) --- Dahn Yoga --- clergy abuse --- The Family (Australia) --- Interministerial Mission for Monitoring and Combating Cultic Deviancy (MIVILUDES) --- Ultra Orthodox Jews (Haredi) --- Islamic fundamentalism --- Jacques Robideaux --- Mission de l’Espirt-Saint (Québec) --- Lord Our Righteousness Church --- Marian apparitions --- Medjugore (Herzegovina) --- Mujahedin Khalk (MK) --- Muslim brotherhoods --- North Dominion Christian Centre --- Outreach Judaism --- Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) --- paganism --- Chick Corea --- Sant Rama Nand --- Sogyal Rinpoche ( Rigpa) --- Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary --- taliban --- Satia Piningit Weteng Buwono --- witchcraft --- harmful cults --- healthy cults --- Red Mosque (Lal Masjid) --- Islam --- Pakistan --- Abdul Aziz --- Abdul Rashid Ghazi --- mass suicide --- Assemblies of Yahweh (Pennsylvania) --- Global Community Communications Alliance (GCCA) --- Global Revolution Church --- Hutterite communities --- Messianic Israelites --- Messianic Christians --- Israel in Solidarity --- People Knowhow --- The Process Church of the Final Judgment --- Radiant Life Church --- James Ray --- Oliver Shanti --- Cults and Creativity --- creativity --- neuroscience --- cognitive psychology --- Cult Recovery Model --- rehumanization --- regression --- Folie à deux --- psychosis --- hypnosis --- malignant regression --- suppression --- second-generation adults (SGA) --- Control-Mastery --- survivor guilt --- separation guilt --- Pseudo-Creativity --- The Love of God Community (England) --- pre-cult --- Gestalt Psychotherapy (Gestalt) --- Carl Jung --- strong creative self (SCS) --- symbolic interactionist (SI) theory --- Communication Theories --- conceptual models

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