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La mise en place du design d'innovation sociale dans une institution publique
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Bruxelles: Ecole Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc,

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Face aux nombreux enjeux économiques et environnementaux, nos besoins de citoyens ne cessent d'évoluer. Nos modes de productions actuels dépassent les limites des ressources de Ia planète. Un changement de cap vers des innovations moins néfastes voire régénératrices est nécessaire. Depuis quelques années, toutes sortes d'initiatives entrepreneuriales (organisations, start-ups...) émergent dans l'espoir de mettre en place des solutions plus durables et plus accessibles. Pour ce faire, les structures publiques (administrations publiques, pouvoirs publics) — en charge des règlementations ainsi que des aides fournies à ces initiatives — sont dans le besoin de s'assurer de Ia pertinence de leurs services par rapport à l'essence même de leur raison d'être : être au service du citoyen.

Making in the making : Performing new forms and spatialities of production
Year: 2021 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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During the last two decades, we have witnessed the spreading of shared spaces of work and production in different urban contexts, attracting attention from both policymakers and scholars in economic geography and urban studies. In particular, Fablabs are considered open workshops for grassroots innovation, which is enabled by the availability of shared digital fabrication machines and by the possibility to share knowledge with peers and work together on a project, either in person or online. People attending Fablabs are usually called Makers and, according to the discourse surrounding them, they are deemed the harbingers of a democratisation of production and part of a broader transformation of urban economies and work in the era of digital capitalism. The book is the result of a PhD research on Makers and Fablabs in Turin, mainly based on an ethnographic observation conducted at Fablab Torino. It offers an original theoretical framework inspired by the recent strand of post-structuralist economic geography, together with a reliance on ontological tenets coming from Actor-Network Theory and Science and Technology Studies. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the study is therefore of interest for scholars in different social sciences who study the reconfiguration of work and production in cities and digitally mediated economic transformations. The analysis unpacks the enactment of Making as a new form of work and production through three different conceptual foci – knowledge, materiality, and work. Notably, the inquiry looks at how Fablab Torino and the urban ‘Maker scene’ in Turin are performatively enacted through the entanglement between economic theories on the phenomenon with specific socio-technical arrangements aiming at making those economic theories true. The geographical relevance of the phenomenon is identified not in some static spatial configuration but, on the one hand, in the heterogeneous and emergent spatialities that emerge from individual practices of Making and, on the other, in the sociomaterial practices of organising that bring into being economic organisations such as Fablabs.

Making in the making : Performing new forms and spatialities of production
Year: 2021 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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During the last two decades, we have witnessed the spreading of shared spaces of work and production in different urban contexts, attracting attention from both policymakers and scholars in economic geography and urban studies. In particular, Fablabs are considered open workshops for grassroots innovation, which is enabled by the availability of shared digital fabrication machines and by the possibility to share knowledge with peers and work together on a project, either in person or online. People attending Fablabs are usually called Makers and, according to the discourse surrounding them, they are deemed the harbingers of a democratisation of production and part of a broader transformation of urban economies and work in the era of digital capitalism. The book is the result of a PhD research on Makers and Fablabs in Turin, mainly based on an ethnographic observation conducted at Fablab Torino. It offers an original theoretical framework inspired by the recent strand of post-structuralist economic geography, together with a reliance on ontological tenets coming from Actor-Network Theory and Science and Technology Studies. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the study is therefore of interest for scholars in different social sciences who study the reconfiguration of work and production in cities and digitally mediated economic transformations. The analysis unpacks the enactment of Making as a new form of work and production through three different conceptual foci – knowledge, materiality, and work. Notably, the inquiry looks at how Fablab Torino and the urban ‘Maker scene’ in Turin are performatively enacted through the entanglement between economic theories on the phenomenon with specific socio-technical arrangements aiming at making those economic theories true. The geographical relevance of the phenomenon is identified not in some static spatial configuration but, on the one hand, in the heterogeneous and emergent spatialities that emerge from individual practices of Making and, on the other, in the sociomaterial practices of organising that bring into being economic organisations such as Fablabs.

Making in the making : Performing new forms and spatialities of production
Year: 2021 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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During the last two decades, we have witnessed the spreading of shared spaces of work and production in different urban contexts, attracting attention from both policymakers and scholars in economic geography and urban studies. In particular, Fablabs are considered open workshops for grassroots innovation, which is enabled by the availability of shared digital fabrication machines and by the possibility to share knowledge with peers and work together on a project, either in person or online. People attending Fablabs are usually called Makers and, according to the discourse surrounding them, they are deemed the harbingers of a democratisation of production and part of a broader transformation of urban economies and work in the era of digital capitalism. The book is the result of a PhD research on Makers and Fablabs in Turin, mainly based on an ethnographic observation conducted at Fablab Torino. It offers an original theoretical framework inspired by the recent strand of post-structuralist economic geography, together with a reliance on ontological tenets coming from Actor-Network Theory and Science and Technology Studies. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the study is therefore of interest for scholars in different social sciences who study the reconfiguration of work and production in cities and digitally mediated economic transformations. The analysis unpacks the enactment of Making as a new form of work and production through three different conceptual foci – knowledge, materiality, and work. Notably, the inquiry looks at how Fablab Torino and the urban ‘Maker scene’ in Turin are performatively enacted through the entanglement between economic theories on the phenomenon with specific socio-technical arrangements aiming at making those economic theories true. The geographical relevance of the phenomenon is identified not in some static spatial configuration but, on the one hand, in the heterogeneous and emergent spatialities that emerge from individual practices of Making and, on the other, in the sociomaterial practices of organising that bring into being economic organisations such as Fablabs.

Mise en place d'un processus favorisant l'intégration de la fabrication additive plastique à la FN Herstal
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Through the today arrival of a lot of new disruptive technologies in the Defense sector, enterprises need to adapt their strategy, organization and information system in order to efficiently cope with the new challenges. Correlated with the 4.0 industry transition, the coming changes won’t miss to reach every dimension of those companies. One of the novelties that will extremely impact the business processes of companies is the additive manufacturing (AM) or 3D-printing. The exponential progresses that the 3D technologies have encountered since the last fifteen years induce new considerations about it in terms of production supports and concrete means of production. Of course, the metal additive manufacturing is the first one truly considered as mean of production in comparison with the plastic one. Still, both technological improvements let us rethink the way we manage digitalization, relocation, interconnectivity, client’s relations and, even, climate topics.&#13;Considering all of this, the FN Herstal, the major actor of the light weapons’ market, has decided to start the transition by progressively implementing global changes into their businesses. The additive manufacturing has been introduced long time ago by the company into their activities. Today, two metal 3D-printing machines are helping managers to improve the “time to market” of products and more specifically the development cycles of new products.&#13;As for other disruptive changes, internal resistances exist against AM and the continuously stricter client’s requirements let the only option to reinforce the potential virtuous circle of AM by transferring all the company’s energy into the topic in order to reach the related objectives.&#13;The aim of this thesis refers to the creation of a new business process able to sustain the integration of a plastic 3D-printing machine in a relatively resisting environment against changes. This is translated by the management of seven dimensions of progress on which a polyphonic and transversal methodology has been performed. An “As is/to be” analysis explains how to define and anticipate the impacts of the plastic AM on the company. Then, tests and results have been conducted in order to challenge the expectations and adapt the other dimensions of progress in the best way. Finally, the long run vision of the technology is characterized thanks to the conclusions that show why and how the plastic (and metal) 3D-printing will be a good facilitator for the 4.0 industry transition and the maintain of the leader position of the FN Herstal on their markets.

Kinder und Dinge
ISBN: 9783839425534 3839425530 9783837625530 3837625532 3839425530 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bielefeld

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Wir werden hineingeboren in eine Welt der Dinge, die uns locken und verführen, unser Begehren wecken oder die wir verabscheuen. Die Dinge sind eng verwoben mit unserem Denken und Fühlen, unseren Sinnen und mit unserer Identität. Doch bislang haben die Dinge und unser Verhältnis zu ihnen wenig wissenschaftliche Aufmerksamkeit erfahren. Dieses Buch stellt das Verhältnis zwischen Kindern und Dingen in den Mittelpunkt. Das thematisierte Spektrum der Dinge aus der kindlichen Lebenswelt reicht vom Kuscheltier bis zum 3D-Drucker. Die digitalen Medien dürfen in der Analyse nicht fehlen, denn Kinder haben sie längst in ihren Alltag integriert. So werden auch Beobachtungen in FabLabs präsentiert, in denen Kinder mithilfe digitaler Medien Musikinstrumente oder Traumhäuser in Miniaturform herstellten. In der Perspektive des »material-cultural turn« widmen sich die Beiträge der Frage, was der Umgang mit den Dingen für die Identitätsentwicklung bedeutet, inwiefern er die kindliche Gefühlswelt stimuliert, ästhetische Vorlieben prägt, Erinnerungen und Zukunftswünsche evoziert. »Der Band macht verdienstvoller Weise auf einen bislang in der Kindheitsforschung vernachlässigten Aspekt im Leben von Kindern aufmerksam. Er trägt dazu bei, das vornehmlich in westlichen Gesellschaften verbreitete Kindheitsbild zu hinterfragen, demzufolge Kindheit eine Art Schutzzone darstellt, die dem ›Ernst des Lebens‹ entzogen oder vor ihm zu bewahren sei.« Manfred Liebel,, 07.08.2014 Besprochen in: Pädagogische Rundschau, 6 (2014)

Learning in a living lab : knowing what to do when you don't know what to do
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789464778007 Year: 2024 Publisher: Gent Owl Press

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Society faces a number of problems with so many interdependent factors that they seem impossible to solve. To find solutions for these wicked problems the world needs the collaboration of creative problem solvers from different disciplines, people who 'know what to do when they don't know what to do'. Higher education has created an environment where these problem solvers come together: a living lab.Lab education takes place in a real-life context, where a number of problem solvers from various backgrounds research, develop, learn and innovate in collaboration with end-users of participants. Creativity, future skills, research, interdisciplinary learning, leadership, self-management, working and learning in team, assessment ' All this and more is explored in this book, so that anyone can learn about 'learning in a living lab'.Are you ready to step into this world where there are countless options? Come with us to learn about the transformative power of Living Labs, which are places where imagination and reality meet and where new ideas come to life. Welcome to the future!

Bespoke design : exploring roles for documentation, participatory making and long-term relationships in developing self-management tools for type 1 diabetes
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789462922594 9462922594 Year: 2016 Publisher: Leuven Acco

Wie niet tech is, is gezien : de 6 technologietrends die je niet mag missen
ISBN: 9789492790200 Year: 2019 Publisher: [Hilversum] Nubiz

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Gaan robots straks al het werk overnemen? Worden computers slimmer dan mensen? Maakt de blockchain bankiers, notarissen en ons geldstelsel echt overbodig? Dit boek bespreekt zes technologieën die je niet mag missen omdat ze de wereld zullen veranderen.Iedere technologie wordt op een begrijpelijke manier uitgelegd. Aan de hand van alledaagse voorbeelden ontdek je welke toepassingen er nu al zijn en wat ons nog te wachten staat. Als je dit boek hebt gelezen, kun je meepraten over de belangrijkste technologische ontwikkelingen en beoordelen welke impact ze zullen hebben op jouw persoonlijke leven of de branche waarin je werkzaam bent.De zes technologieën die aan bod komen:1. Robotisering. Maak kennis met robots, drones en zelfrijdende auto?s.2. Big data. Lees hoe je informatie haalt uit grote hoeveelheden gegevens.3. Kunstmatige intelligentie. Ontdek waartoe zelflerende machines in staat zijn.4. Blockchain. Begrijp hoe je met techniek vertrouwen kunt digitaliseren.5. Internet of Things. Leer meer over dingen die verbonden zijn met internet.6. Virtual Reality/augmented Reality. Duik in de digitale werkelijkheid. Bron :

Open design : fabrication numérique et mouvement maker
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782490077588 2490077589 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris : Éditions B42,

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Depuis le début des années 2000 et le développement du mouvement maker, du do it yourself et de la fabrication numérique personnelle, la frontière entre experts et usagers amateurs semble s’être brouillée. En bousculant les codes traditionnels du travail et de la production, le bourgeonnement de pratiques créatives collectives au sein de communautés d’amateurs entraîne une métamorphose du capitalisme industriel tel qu’il prévalait jusqu’alors. Les activités de création et de fabrication numérique, notamment au sein des Fablabs, redessinent peu à peu les contours d’une production revendiquée comme « ouverte », libre ou décentralisée

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