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Despite the relevance of Eustathios to both Classical and Byzantine studies, no monograph and no collective volume in English has yet been devoted to his figure. This book attempts to fill in this gap by addressing the various facets of his output - above all his commentaries on Homer, Dionysius the Periegete, Pindar, and the Iambic Canon on the Pentecost; but also his historiographical work, his speeches and his theological production receive due attention. The book also tackles several aspects of Eustathios‘ style (proverbs, allusions, etc.), and the meaning of his work in the context of his historical moment. Addressed at specialists but also at graduate students with an interest in the reception of Classical antiquity and in Byzantine civilisation, the volume gathers papers by leading scholars from various countries, and it opens up new paths of research in several areas of philology and history, above all by interweaving and juxtaposing Eustathios‘ dimension as an Homerist and an immensely learned classical scholar with his capacities as an orator, a highly praised teacher, a rhetorically refined writer of Greek prose, an historian of his own turbulent times, and an archbishop who had to fulfil his everyday duties.
Eustathius, --- Eustathe, --- Eustathios, --- Eustazio, --- Tessalonica, Eustazio di, --- Thessalonike, Eustathios von, --- Eustathius Thessalonicensis --- Eustathius Corinthus --- Eustathius --- Eustathios of Thessalonike --- Eustathios von Thessalonike --- Criticism and interpretation. --- E-books --- Byzantine history. --- Byzantine philology. --- Byzantinische Geschichte. --- Byzantinische Philologie. --- Eustathios of Thessalonike. --- Eustathios von Thessalonike. --- Homerforschung. --- Homeric scholarship. --- LITERARY CRITICISM / Ancient & Classical.
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The volumes published in the series Beiträge zur Altertumskunde comprise monographs, collective volumes, editions, translations and commentaries on various topics from the fields of Greek and Latin Philology, Ancient History, Archeology, Ancient Philosophy as well as Classical Reception Studies. The series thus offers indispensable research tools for a wide range of disciplines related to Ancient Studies.
Eustathius, --- Authors, Byzantine. --- Byzantine authors --- Eustathe, --- Eustathios, --- Eustazio, --- Tessalonica, Eustazio di, --- Thessalonike, Eustathios von, --- Eustathius Thessalonicensis --- Eustathius Corinthus --- Eustathius --- Eustathios of Thessalonike --- Eustathios von Thessalonike --- Eustathius ep. Thessalonicensis --- Eustathius, - Archbishop of Thessalonica, - d. ca. 1194 - Correspondence --- Eustathius, - Archbishop of Thessalonica, - d. ca. 1194
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Eustathios von Thessalonike (ca. 1115 ? ca. 1195) nimmt eine herausragende Stellung in seiner Zeit ein, als Gelehrter ebenso wie als Redner am Kaiserhof wie auch durch seine Karriere in der kirchlichen Hierarchie. Sein Aufstieg im Patriarchat führte vom Kanzleischreiber zunächst bis zum Amt des Magisters der Rhetoren; in diesem Amt lehrte er von ca. 1166 an Grammatik, Rhetorik und Philosophie und hielt Reden am kaiserlichen Hof in Konstantinopel, wo er die Freundschaft mächtiger und gebildeter Adliger gewann. Seine philologischen Kommentare sind bis zum heutigen Tag eine Fundgrube, vor allem die zu Homers 'Ilias' und 'Odyssee'. 00Welt des Byzanz im 12. Jahrhundert wird in diesem Buch von verschiedenen Seiten erschlossen: Einleitungen führen in die Gattung der Preisrede in Byzanz ein, geben eine Übersicht über Leben und Werk des Eustathios und analysieren den Aufbau der einzelnen Reden, deren Stil und Auswahl erläutert werden.
Speeches, addresses, etc., Greek --- Discours grecs --- Eustathius, --- Rede. --- Enkomion. --- Manuel --- Geschichte 1170-1180. --- Byzantinisches Reich. --- 877.3 --- 877.3 Byzantijnse literatuur --- Byzantijnse literatuur --- Eustathe, --- Eustathios, --- Eustazio, --- Tessalonica, Eustazio di, --- Thessalonike, Eustathios von, --- Eustathius Thessalonicensis --- Eustathius Corinthus --- Eustathius --- Eustathios of Thessalonike --- Eustathios von Thessalonike
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Byzantine literature --- Speeches, addresses, etc --- Greek literature, Byzantine --- Greek literature, Medieval and late --- Addresses --- Collected papers (Anthologies) --- Discourses --- Orations --- Papers, Collected (Anthologies) --- Greek literature --- Festschriften --- Lectures and lecturing --- Rhetoric, Medieval. --- Eustathius, --- Eustathe, --- Eustathios, --- Eustazio, --- Tessalonica, Eustazio di, --- Thessalonike, Eustathios von, --- Eustathius Thessalonicensis --- Eustathius Corinthus --- Eustathius --- Eustathios of Thessalonike --- Eustathios von Thessalonike
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A critical edition of the minor works of Eustathios Thessalonicensis, Archbishop of Salonica (a city in the Byzantine Empire), 12th century theologian and renowned Greek scholar. Original Greek texts without translations. Kritische Edition von 18 z. T. unedierten Reden des Erzbischofs von Thessalonike, Theologe und bedeutender Gelehrter des 12. Jahrhunderts. Quellentexte in griechischer Sprache, nicht übersetzt. Eustathios von Thessalonike (12. Jh.) ist in den Reihen der Klassischen Philologen vor allem durch seine umfangreichen Kommentare zur Ilias und Odyssee bekannt. Daneben hat er Enkomien sowie zahlreiche Reden religiösen und allgemeinen Inhalts verfaßt, von denen bisher eine neuzeitliche kritische Edition fehlt.
Eustathius, --- Byzantine Empire --- History --- Eustathe, --- Eustathios, --- Eustazio, --- Tessalonica, Eustazio di, --- Thessalonike, Eustathios von, --- Byzantium (Empire) --- Vizantii︠a︡ --- Bajo Imperio --- Bizancjum --- Byzantinē Autokratoria --- Vyzantinon Kratos --- Vyzantinē Autokratoria --- Impero bizantino --- Bizantia --- Eustathius Thessalonicensis --- Eustathius Corinthus --- Eustathius --- Eustathios of Thessalonike --- Eustathios von Thessalonike --- Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies --- Theology and Religious Studies --- HISTORY / Ancient / General. --- Byzantine Studies. --- Historical Periods --- Old Testament and Ancient Near East --- History of Reception. --- Patristics --- Acts of Synods, Catenae and other Sources. --- Annals --- Auxiliary sciences of history
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Ein wertvolles historisches Zeugnis und literarisches Werk von Rang stellt diese Schrift des Eustathios von Thessalonike (ca. 1115–1195) dar, in der der Erzbischof und berühmte Gelehrte drastisch und detailreich mit seinen Mönchen ins Gericht geht; in seinen Augen bleiben sie weit hinter dem Ideal zurück, das sie bei ihrer Mönchsweihe gelobten, besonders durch Geschäftemacherei und Bildungsfeindlichkeit. Mit Prolegomena, Edition und Indices erschließt der Band der byzantinistischen Fachwelt das 1832 auf unzureichender handschriftlicher Grundlage edierte Werk neu, auch den Quellenwert für die Liturgiegeschichte. Doch sollte ein Werk von diesem Rang und Reiz nicht den Spezialisten vorbehalten sein; der Band stellt deshalb dem griechischen Text eine deutsche Übersetzung gegenüber. Als Ergänzung zu dieser Edition erscheint in der Reihe "Supplementa Byzantina" eine kommentierende Monographie. Beide Bände sind auch zu einem gemeinsamen Setpreis erhältlich. In a detailed account, the archbishop and renowned scholar Eustathius of Thessalonica (probably 1115–1195) takes his monks severely to task, for in his eyes they fall far short of the ideals they professed in their monastic vows, particularly by engaging in business and being hostile to education and learning. With its Prolegomena, editorial work, and indexes, this new edition is a valuable source for Byzantinists. The volume also provides a German translation of the Greek text. In addition to this text, a commentary is published within the series "Supplementa Byzantina." Both volumes are available as a set .
Monastic and religious life --- Church renewal --- Orthodox Eastern Church --- Eustathius, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Eustathius Corinthus --- Eustathius --- Eustathios of Thessalonike --- Eustathios von Thessalonike --- Christianity --- Church --- Church reform --- Reform of the church --- Renewal of the church --- Religious awakening --- Renewal --- Reform --- Eustathe, --- Eustathios, --- Eustazio, --- Tessalonica, Eustazio di, --- Thessalonike, Eustathios von, --- Eustathius Thessalonicensis --- Monastic and religious life - Early works to 1800 --- Church renewal - Orthodox Eastern Church - Early works to 1800 --- Monachisme grec --- Byzantine empire/religion. --- Eustathius of Thessalonica. --- Manuscrits byzantins --- Édition critique.
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Dans ce volume, archéologues, archéomètres et historiens contribuent par différentes approches à un domaine de recherche émergent : les pratiques alimentaires en Méditerranée orientale médiévale. Il présent les résultats du programme ANR POMEDOR "Populations, poteries et alimentation en Méditerranée orientale médiévale", qui abordait l'évolution de ces pratiques lors de périodes de transition, telles que les croisades ou les conquêtes turques, principalement au travers d'études archéologiques et archéométriques de céramiques. Cet ouvrage couvre un champ plus large, incluant l'archéozoologie, l'archéobotanique, l'anthropologie biologique, l'étude des structures archéologiques, des textes et de l'iconographie. Enfin, il dévoile les recettes conçues pour un dîner "byzantin" clôturant le programme PODEMOR, organisé à l'Institut Paul Bocuse.
Food habits --- Social history --- History. --- Gastronomy --- Archaeology, Medieval --- Pottery, Roman --- Civilization, Medieval --- History --- Alimentation --- Coutumes alimentaires --- Civilisation --- Byzance. --- Archaeology --- archéologie --- archéométrie --- histoire --- alimentation --- pratiques alimentaires --- gastronomie --- période médiévale --- croisades --- Empire ottoman --- céramique --- archaeology --- archaeometry --- history --- food --- foodways --- gastronomy --- Eastern Mediterranean --- medieval period --- Byzantine period --- Crusader period --- Ottoman period --- pottery --- Eustathios of Thessaloniki
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